

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-13

姓 名:谢传晓 性 别:男
职 称:研究员
课 题 组:转基因研究中心(环境与生物安全)
1. 系统鉴定了玉米基因编辑技术体系所需的重要遗传元件,建立了定点敲除、删除、单碱基替换、大片段替换与定点转基因等基因编辑工具。
2. 基于基因编辑技术体系,研制了玉米核不育、核不育智能化分拣及其种业应用、株型、超甜与糯性、单倍体诱导及其加倍新技术、广谱抗病性、直链淀粉及其环境友好衍生物等具有重大产业应用价值的高效定向育种技术体系,为这些性状的遗传改良与应用奠定了材料、技术与品种基础。其中,细胞核不育、株型、品质、单倍体诱导与加倍新技术已熟化,正在陆续推出技术与产品成果。
3. 培育玉米新品种多个。其中,以第一完成人于玉米黄淮海主产区审定玉米品种“中单99”1个,待审玉米品种2个。
4. 以通讯作者或第一作者发表论文50余篇,其中Plant Biotechnology Journal、New Phytologist、 BMC Genomics、JIPB、Annals of Botany等杂志20余篇。
5. 以第一发明人授权与申请国家发明专利 7 项。培养研究生25名。
1. 项目名称:优化CRISPR基因替换编辑技术体系及其玉米基因功能鉴定 来源:国家自然科学基金面上项目 主持人
2. 项目名称:玉米氮和磷高效利用与耐贫瘠优异基因资源发掘与验证 来源:国家自然科学基金国际重大合作研究项目 主持人
3. 项目名称:基因克隆新技术新方法 参加人
4. 项目名称:玉米定向基因编辑技术平台构建与种质创新和新品种选育 来源:北京市科委重大项目 主持人
5. 项目名称:玉米转基因氮高效新品种培育 来源:转基因重大专项 子课题主持人
1. Li, C., Liu, C., Qi, X., Wu, Y., Fei, X., Mao, L., Cheng, B., Li, X. and Xie, C*. RNA-guided Cas9 as an in vivo desired-target mutator in maize. (2017) Plant Biotechnology Journal, DOI: 10.1111/pbi.12739
2. Zhang, C., Liu, C., Weng, J., Cheng, B., Liu, F., Li, X., and Xie, C*. (2017). Creation of targeted inversion mutations in plants using an RNA-guided endonuclease. The Crop Journal 5(1):83-88. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2016.08.001
3. Zhao, Y., Zhang, C., Liu, W., Gao, W., Liu, C., Song, G., Li, W.-X., Mao, L., Chen, B., Xu, Y., Li, X. and Xie, C*. (2016) An alternative strategy for targeted gene replacement in plants using a dual-sgRNA/Cas9 design. Scientific Reports 6, 23890. doi: 10.1038/srep23890
4. Xu, D., Yang, H., Zou, C., Li, W.-X., Xu, Y., and Xie, C*. (2016). Identification and functional characterization of the AGO1 ortholog in maize. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 58:749-758. DOI: 10.1111/jipb.12467
5. Liu, C., Zhou, Q., Dong, L., Wang, H., Liu, F., Weng, J., Li, X. and Xie, C*. (2016) Genetic architecture of the maize kernel row number revealed by combining QTL mapping using a high-density genetic map and bulked segregant RNA sequencing. BMC Genomics 17, 915. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-016-3240-y
6. Liu W, Tai H, Li S, Gao W, Zhao M, Xie C*, Li W-X* (2014) bHLH122 is important for drought and osmotic stress resistance in Arabidopsis and in the repression of ABA catabolism. New Phytologist 2014, 201(4):1192-1204.
7. Li X., Sun Z., Xu X., Li W-X, Zou C., Wang S., Xu Y., Xie C*. (2014) Kernel number as a positive target trait for prediction of hybrid performance under low-nitrogen stress as revealed by diallel analysis under contrasting nitrogen conditions. Breeding Science. 64(4): 389-398
8. Zhao, Y., Xu, Z., Mo, Q., Zou, C., Li, W., Xu, Y., Xie, C. * (2013). Combined small RNA and degradome sequencing reveals novel miRNAs and their targets in response to low nitrate availability in maize. Annals of Botany 112 (3), 633-642.
9. Xu Z, Zhong S, Li X, Li W, Rothstein SJ, Zhang S, Bi Y. and Xie C*. (2011) Genome-Wide Identification of MicroRNAs in Response to Low Nitrate Availability in Maize Leaves and Roots. PLoS ONE 6(11): e28009.
10. Xie C*, Weng, J., Liu, W., Zou, C., Hao, Z., Li, W., Li, M., Guo, X., Zhang, G., Xu, Y., Li, X., Zhang, S., 2013. Zea mays (L.) P1 locus for cob glume color identified as a post-domestication selection target with an effect on temperate maize genomes. The Crop Journal 1, 15-24.
11. Weng J. #, Xie C. #, Hao Z. #, Wang J., Liu C., Li M., Zhang D., Bai L., Zhang S., Li X. (2011) Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Candidate Genes That Affect Plant Height in Chinese Elite Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Lines. PLoS ONE 6 (12):e29229.
12. Wu Y., Liu W., Li X., Li M., Zhang D., Hao Z., Weng J., Xu Y., Bai L., Zhang S., Xie C.*. (2011) Low-nitrogen stress tolerance and nitrogen agronomic efficiency among maize inbreds: comparison of multiple indices and evaluation of genetic variation. Euphytica 180:281-290.
13. Lu M, Xie C*, Li X, Hao Z, Li M, Weng J., Zhang D., Bai L., Zhang S*. (2011) Mapping of quantitative trait loci for kernel row number in maize across seven environments. Molecular Breeding 28:143-152.
14. Lu Y., Zhang S., Shah T., Xie C., Hao Z., Li X., Farkhari M., Ribaut J.-M., Cao M., Rong T., Xu Y. (2010) Joint linkage & inkage disequilibrium mapping is a powerful approach to detecting quantitative trait loci underlying drought tolerance in maize. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107:19585-19590.
15. Xie C., Zhang S., Li M., Li X., Hao Z, Bai L, Zhang D.i, Liang Y. (2007) Inferring genome ancestry and estimating molecular relatedness among 187 Chinese maize inbred lines. J. Genet. & Genomics 34 (8): 738-748.
1. 发明专利: 一种玉米RNA聚合酶III识别的启动子及其应用,专利号(申请号):5.5,第一发明人
2. 发明专利:一种定点突变创制玉米紧凑株型种质的方法及其应用,专利号(申请号):3.X 第一发明人
3. 发明专利:一种定点突变创制糯性玉米种质的方法及其应用,专利号(申请号):5.5,第一发明人
4. 发明专利:人工创制玉米雄性不育系与高效的转育方法 专利号(申请号):3.1第一发明人
5. 发明专利:ZmAGO1a蛋白及其编码基因与应用,专利号(申请号):3.2,申请日期:2015年2月3日,第一发明人
6. 发明专利:辅助筛选早熟和/或矮杆和/或高收获指数玉米的方法,专利号:ZL 4.4,授权日期:2011年5月4日,第一发明人
7. 发明专利:玉米低氮逆境下高籽粒数目优异等位基因功能分子标记开发与应用,专利号: ZL 9.1,授权日期:2012年10月10日,第一发明人
1. 品种名称:中单99,审定编号:皖审玉**,品种类型:普通玉米品种, 第一完成人
2. 品种名称:华安513,审定编号:皖玉**,品种类型:普通玉米品种,第二完成人

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