
中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所研究生导师简介- 樊胜根博士简介

中国农业科学院 /2013-10-07


中文姓名:樊胜根             拼音姓名:Fan Shenggen          民族:汉族

性别:男                             出生日期:1962年11月

最高学位:博士                 授予国别(地区):美国          授予年份:1989年

职称:研究员                     研究领域:农业经济管理、公共管理与政策

现任职务:国际食物政策研究所(IFPRI)所长/ 中国农业科学院(CAAS)一级岗位杰出人才 /  国际农业与农村发展研究中心(ICARD)主任 / 博士生导师

办公电话:010-82106159  /  202-862-5677(美国)   Email: s.fan@cgiar.org





樊胜根博士于1999年新中国成立50周年之际,受国务院邀请作为“百人博士团”回国参加了国庆50周年庆典活动。由樊胜根、张林秀、张晓波撰写的论文《中国农村公共投资在农村经济增长和反贫困中的作用》荣获2003年度“中国农学会优秀论文一等奖”。2003年,樊博士获得多米尼亚共和国 农业部和联合国粮农组织颁发的奖章,以表彰他在公共投资和减贫领域做出的卓著贡献。2005年,通过国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)管理科学部专业评审组的评议表决,荣获国家杰出青年科学基金资助,该项资助期限4年(2006-2009年),资助金额112万元,研究围绕“公共政策与农村贫困”这一大的方向展开。2006年,樊胜根博士获得美国明尼苏达大学应用经济系“杰出校友奖(Outstanding Alumni Award)”,同时他还获得了美国明尼苏达大学“杰出领导人奖(Distinguished Leadership Award)”。

2009年12月15日樊胜根博士当选国际食物政策研究所(IFPRI)所长,这是中国学者第一次在国际农业研究磋商组织(CGIAR)下的研究中心担任所长一职 ,此次当选对中国未来在农业经济领域的研究与发展有着深远的意义和影响。


Ø         主要学术任职:

n         2001-2002年,担任《Review of Agricultural Economics》杂志编委会成员

n         2001年至今,担任《中国农村经济》杂志编委会成员

n         2002年至今,担任中国农业科学院一级岗位杰出人才和国际农业与农村发展研究中心(ICARD)主任 / 博士生导师

n         2002年至今,担任《Food Policy》杂志编委会成员

n         2004年至今担任印度低种姓研究院客座教授

n         2008年至今担任国际农经学会委员


Ø         主要工作经历:

n         1986-1989年在美国明尼苏达大学应用经济系担任科研助理,主要研究方向为“前中央计划经济国家的制度创新及农业生产力增长”;

n         1990-1992年在国际农业科研服务中心任研究官员,主要研究亚洲发展中国家农业研究体系的投资优先序和组织体制;

n         1992-1995年任美国阿肯色大学农业经济与农村社会系经济学家,研究建立一个国际大米贸易的模型,并分析政府政策对国际大米贸易和市场的影响;

n         1995-1998年任国际食物政策研究所研究员,主要研究发展中国家农业科研、基础设施、教育以及提高健康水平等在经济发展和减贫中的作用;

n         1998-2005年,在国际食物政策研究所担任高级研究员及公共投资计划主管职务,主要负责和带领团队开展一项公共投资方面的全球及地区性研究,同时负责管理该所中国项目;

n         2004年,受聘于中国农业科学院,负责国际农业农村发展研究中心的工作,致力于引导中心发展成为一个面向全国和国际的开放灵活型国际研究机构,并承担对外交流与合作的任务;

n         2005-2009年,晋升为国际食物政策研究所发展战略与政府治理部部长,负责管理该所规模最大的部门发展战略与政府治理部的各项工作;

n         2009年至今,当选国际食物政策研究所所长,负责管理全所工作。


Ø         主要出版物

n         著作、专著和研究报告

1           樊胜根、邢鹂、陈志钢主编,《中国西部地区公共政策与农村贫困问题研究》,中国科学出版社,2010年(待出版)

2           樊胜根主编,《公共支出、经济增长和贫困》,中国科学出版社,2009年2月

3           阿肖克·古拉蒂、樊胜根编著,《巨龙与大象——中国和印度农业农村改革的比较研究》,中国科学出版社,2009年2月

4           Shenggen Fan, Kanbur Ravi and Xiaobo Zhang. Regional Inequality in China: Trends, Explanations and Policy Responses. Routledge. 2009

5           Zhang, Xiaobo, Shenggen Fan and Arjan de Haan. Narratives of Chinese Economic Reforms: How Does China Cross the River? World Scientific Publishing, 2009

6           张磊、樊胜根主编,《新千年减贫战略:问题、经验与教训》(Poverty Reduction Strategy in the New Millennium– Emerging Issues, Experiences and Lessons),中国财政经济出版社,2007年(中英文双语)。

7           Fan, Shenggen. Public Expenditures, Growth and Poverty in Developing Countries: Issues, Methods and Findings, The Johns Hopkins University Press. 2007.

8           Gulati Ashok and Shenggen Fan. The Dragon and the Elephant: A Comparative Study of Agriculture and Rural Reforms in China and India, The Johns Hopkins University Press. 2007.

9           Ali Abdel Gadir and Shenggen Fan. 2007. Public Policy and Poverty Reduction in the Arab Region, Arab Planning Institute (Kuwait) and International Food Policy Research Institute (Washington DC).

10       樊胜根、Connie Chan-Kang著,《中国的道路发展,经济增长和减少贫困》,中国农业出版社,2006年3月

11       钟甫宁、樊胜根、温思美主编,《全球化与小农》,中国农业出版社,2005年12月

12       樊胜根、钱克明主编,《农业科研与贫困》,中国农业出版社,2005年3月

13       樊胜根、张林秀编著,《WTO和中国农村公共投资》,中国农业出版社,2003年12月

14       Tso, T.C. and K. He (Chief Editors); F. Tuan, Y. Shi, X. Cheng, S. Fan, and F. Zhong (Associate Editors).  2004.  Dare to Dream: Vision of 2050 Agricultural in China.  Beijing: China Agricultural University Press.

15       左天觉、杜康(主编);石元春、程序、段志煌、樊胜根、钟甫宁(副主编),《真知灼见:透视中国农业2050》,中国农业大学出版社,2004年

16       樊胜根,张林秀,张晓波著,《经济增长,地区差距与贫困—中国农村公共政策研究》,中国农业出版社,2002年3月

17       钱克明、朱希刚、樊胜根,《农业研究的作用、研究资源配制的效率及研究资源分配决策支持系统》,中国农业科技出版社,1997年

18       樊胜根、菲利普·帕德、钱克明,《中国农业研究体系——历史沿革及对农业生产的作用》,1994.

19       Fan, Shenggen and Philip Pardey. 1992. Agricultural Research in China: Its Impact and Institutional Development. International Service for National Agricultural Research, The Hague, The Netherlands.

20       Fan, Shenggen. 1990. Regional Productivity Growth in China's Agriculture. Boulder and London: Westview Press.

21       von Braun, Joachim; Fan, Shenggen; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth; Rosegrant, Mark W.; Pratt, Alejandro Nin. 2009. Investigación agrícola internacional para la seguridad alimentaria, la reducción de la pobreza y el medio ambiente : Qué esperar del aumento de las inversiones del CGIAR y la implementación en gran escala de sus "mejores opciones". IFPRI Policy Brief 53. Washington, D.C. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

22       Shenggen Fan; Mark W. Rosegrant, 2008. Investing in Agriculture to Overcome the World Food Crisis and Reduce Poverty and Hunger. IFPRI Policy Brief No.3, July 24, 2008, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington D.C.

23       Fan, Shenggen; Chan-Kang, Connie. 2005. Road Development, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in China. Research Report 138. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute.

24       Fan, Shenggen; Zhang Linxiu; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2002. Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in Rural China: The Role of Public Investment. Research Report 125. Washington D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute.

25       Fan, Shenggen; Hazell, P. B. R.; Thorat, Sukhadeo, 1999. Linkages between Government Spending, Growth, and Poverty in Rural India. Research Report 110. Washington D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute.

26       Pardey, Philip G.; Alston, Julian M.; Christian, Jason E.; Fan, Shenggen. 1996. Hidden Harvest. Food policy reports 6, Washington D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute.


n         期刊文章

1           Xing, Li; Fan, Shenggen; Luo, Xiaopeng; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2009. “Community Poverty and Inequality in Western China: A Tale of Three Villages in Guizhou Province”. China Economic Review 20(2): 338-349.

2           张应禄、邢鹂、袁开智、樊胜根,“农业科技进步的内涵与测定”,《中国农业科技导报》,2009,11(2):44~48

3           Nin Pratt, Alejandro; Yu, Bingxin; Fan, Shenggen. 2008. Total Factor Productivity in China and India: New Measures and Approaches”. China Agricultural Economic Review, Emerald Group Publishing, vol. 1(1): 9-22.

4           Fan, Shenggen; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2008.  “Public Expenditure, Growth, and Poverty Reduction in Rural Uganda”.  African Development Review 20(3): 466-496.

5           Fan, Shenggen; Gulati, Ashok. 2008. “The Dragon and the Elephant: Learning from Agricultural and Rural Reforms in China and India”. Economic and Political Weekly 43(26): 137-144.

6           Fan, Shenggen; Gulati, Ashok; Thorat, Sukhadeo. 2008. “Investment, Subsidies, and Pro-Poor Growth in Rural India”.  Agricultural Economics, vol. 39(2), pages 163-170, 09.

7           Headey, Derek; Fan, Shenggen. 2008.  “Anatomy of a Crisis: the Causes and Consequences of Surging Food Prices”.  Agricultural Economics, vol. 39(s1), pages 375-391, November.

8           Fan, Shenggen; Chan-Kang, Connie. 2008. “Regional Road Development, Rural and Urban Poverty: Evidence from China”. Transport Policy, Volume 15, Issue 5, 305–314.

9           Fan, Shenggen; Yu, Bingxin; Jitsuchon, Somchai.  2008. “Does Allocation of Public Spending Matter in Poverty Reduction? Evidence from Thailand”. Asian Economic Journal, 22(4): 411-430.

10       邢鹂、樊胜根、罗小朋、张晓波,“中国西部地区农村内部不平等状况研究——基于贵州住户调查数据的分析”,《经济学》(季刊)[J],2008年10月,第8卷第1期(总第31期),325-346页

11       Fan, Shenggen; Brzeska, Jonna. 2008. “Striking a Balance: Mitigating Rural-urban Disparities in China and India”. The International Journal for Rural Development, 13(1): 8-11.

12       Fan, Shenggen. 2008. “Comment la croissance rapide de la Chine peut-elle profi ter aux pauvres d’Afrique grâce au développement rural et agricole”. Le journal International Du Developpement Rural 13(1).

13       Zhang, Xiaobo; Xing, Li; Fan, Shenggen; Luo, Xiaopeng. 2008. “Resource Abundance and Regional Development in China”. Economics of Transition, The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, vol. 16(1), pages 7-29, 01.

14       Fan, Shenggen. 2007. “How Can China’s Rapid Growth Benefit African Poor Through Rural and Agricultural Development?” The International Journal for Rural Development 4.

15       Fan, Shenggen; Sukhadeo Throat. 2007. “Public Investment and Poverty Reduction: Lessons from China and India”. Economic and Political Weekly. February 24.

16       张蕙杰、樊胜根、顾晓君,“生物能源发展对全球粮食及农业生产和贸易的影响”,《中国食物与营养》,  2007年09期

17       Zhang, Huijie; Fan, Shenggen; Qian, Keming. 2006. “The Role of Agribusiness Firms in Agricultural Research: the Case of China”. Farm Policy Journal 3 (1): 25-31.

18       樊胜根、邢鹂、方成、张晓波,《农业科研和城镇贫困》,农业技术经济[J],2006年5月

19       Fan, Shenggen; Chan-Kang, Connie; Qian, Keming; Krishnaiah, K.. 2005. “National and International Agricultural Research and Rural Poverty: The Case of Rice in India and China”. Agricultural Economics, International Association of Agricultural Economists, vol. 33(s3), pages 369-379, November.

20       Zhang, Xiaobo; Fan, Shenggen; Zhang, Linxiu; Huang, Jikun. 2004. “Local Governance and Public Goods Provision in Rural China”.  Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 88(12), pages 2857-2871.

21       Zhang, Xiaobo; Fan, Shenggen. 2004. “Public Investment and Regional Inequality in Rural China”.  Agricultural Economics, Blackwell, vol. 30(2), pages 89-100. 

22       Fan, Shenggen; Zhang, Linxiu; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2004. “Reforms, Investment, and Poverty in Rural China”. Economic Development and Cultural Change, University of Chicago Press, vol. 52(2), pages 395-421.

23       Fan, Shenggen; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2004. “Infrastructure and Regional Economic Development in Rural China”. China Economic Review, 12:203-214.

24       Zhang, Xiaobo; Fan, Shenggen. 2004. “How Productive Is Infrastructure? New Approach and Evidence from Rural India”. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 86 (2): 492-501.

25       Fan, Shenggen; Chan-Kang, Connie. 2004. “Returns to Investment in Less-favored Areas in Developing Countries: A Synthesis of Evidence and Implication for Africa”, Food Policy, Elsevier, vol. 29(4), pages 431-444.

26       Dorward, Andrew; Fan, Shenggen; Kydd, Jonathan; Lofgren, Hans; Morrison, Jamie; Poulton, Colin; Rao, Neetha; Smith, Laurence; Tchale, Hardwick; Thorat, Sukhadeo; Urey, Ian; Wobst, Peter. 2004. “Institutions and Policies for Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth”, Development Policy Review, Overseas Development Institute, vol. 22(6), pages 611-622.

27       樊胜根,2004年,“迈向中国农业政策研究新阶段”,《农业经济问题》,2004年第8期

28       Fan, Shenggen. 2003. “Agricultural Research and Urban Poverty in India”. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, vol.42: 63-78.

29       Diao, Xinshen; Fan, Shenggen; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2003. “China's WTO Accession: Impacts on Regional Agricultural Income--A Multi-region, General Equilibrium Analysis”. Journal of Comparative Economics, Elsevier, vol. 31(2), pages 332-351, June.

30       Hazell, Peter; Fan, Shenggen. 2003. “Agricultural Growth, Poverty Reduction and Agro-ecological Zones in India: an Ecological Fallacy?Food Policy, Elsevier, vol. 28(5-6), pages 433-436.

31       Fan, Shenggen, Cheng Fang, and Xiaobo Zhang. 2003. “Agricultural Research and Urban Poverty: the Case of China”. World Development 31(4): 733-741.

32       Fan, Shenggen, X. Zhang, and S. Robinson. 2003. “Structural Change and Economic Growth in China”. Review of Development Economics 7(3): 360-377.

33       张林秀、樊胜根、张晓波,“公共投资和贫困的方法论”,《南京农业大学学报》,2003年9月

34       樊胜根、张晓波、Sherman Robinson,“中国的经济结构调整和经济增长”,《中国经济学季刊》,2002年

35       Fang, Cheng; Zhang, Xiaobo; Fan, Shenggen. 2002. “Emergence of Urban Poverty and Inequality in China: Evidence from Household Surveys”. China Economic Review Vol.13 (4): 430-443, December.

36       Fan, Shenggen and Xiaobo Zhang. 2002. “Production and Productivity Growth in Chinese Agriculture:  New National and Regional Measures”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, University of Chicago Press, vol. 50(4), pages 819-38.

37       Zhang, X., S. Fan, and X. Cai, 2002. “The Path of Technological Diffusion: Which Neighbors to Learn from?” Contemporary Economic Policy, Western Economic Association International, vol. 20(4), pages 470-478, October.

38       刘承芳、张林秀、樊胜根,“影响农民农业生产投资的因素分析”,《中国农村观察》,2002年第四期

39       樊胜根、张林秀、张晓波,“中国农村公共投资和扶贫”,《华南农业大学学报》,2002年第一期

40       Fan, Shenggen and Peter Hazell, 2001. “Returns to Public Investments in the Less-favored Areas of India and China”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 83(5), pages 1217-22.

41       Fan, Shenggen and Peter Hazell.  2001. “Returns to Public Investment: Evidence from India and China”.  World Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, April 4 (Japanese). 

42       Fan, Shenggen, Linxiu Zhang, and Xiaobo Zhang, 2001. “Growth and Poverty in Rural China: The Role of Public Investment”, China World Economy, October.

43       Fan, Shenggen, Peter Hazell, and S. Thorat. 2000.  “Government Spending, Growth and Poverty in Rural India”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, American Agricultural Economics Association, vol. 82(4), pages 1038-51.

44       Zhang, Xiaobo and Shenggen Fan. 2000.  “Estimating Crop-Specific Production Technology in Chinese Agriculture: A Generalized Maximum Entropy Method”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 83 (2): 378-388.

45       Fan, Shenggen. 2000. “Research Investment and the Economic Returns to Chinese Agricultural Research”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Vol. 14, no. 92.

46       Fan, Shenggen, Peter Hazell, and T. Haque. 2000. “Targeting Public Investments by Agroecological Zone to Achieve Growth and Poverty Alleviation Goals in Rural India”, Food Policy, vol. 25(4), pages 411-428.

47       Fan, Shenggen. 2000. “Technological Change, Technical and Allocative Efficiency in Chinese Agriculture:  the Case of Rice Production in Jiangsu”.  Journal of International Development, 12, 1-12.

48       Fan, Shenggen and Peter Hazell. 2000. “Should Developing Countries Invest More in Less-favored Areas: An Empirical Analysis of Rural India”.  Economic and Political Weekly, April 2000.

49       Fan, Shenggen, Thorat, and Peter Hazell. 2000. “Impact of Public Expenditure on Poverty in Rural India”. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XXXV, No 40, September 30 - October 2.

50       Haque, T., S.R. Hashim, and Shenggen Fan. 1998. “Spatial Patterns of Agricultural Development and Their Investment Priorities in India”,  Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, Vol. VIII, No.1., pp 5-22.

51       樊胜根,“中国农业中生产和生产率增长:一个新的衡量方法和结论”,《农业技术经济》,1998年第四期中国根,张林秀,张晓波。“中国农村公共投资和扶贫”,《华西该所在

52       Fan, Shenggen and Philip Pardey. 1997. “Research, Productivity, and Output Growth in Chinese Agriculture”, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 53(1):115-137.

53       Fan, Shenggen. 1997. “Production and Productivity Growth in Chinese Agriculture: New Measurement and Evidence”, Food Policy, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 213-228, June.

54       Fan, Shenggen and Mercidita Sombilla. 1997. “Why Do Projections on China’s Food Supply and Demand Differ?” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp.169-190.

55       Fan, Shenggen, Eric Wailes, and Kenneth Young. 1997. “Impact of Policy Reforms and Technical Changes on Rice Production in Egypt”, Journal of African Economies, Vol.6 No. 3. 391-411.

56       樊胜根,“中国农业科研的经济回报”,《中国农村经济》,1997年第二期

57       Fan, Shenggen,  Eric Wailes, and Gail Cramer. 1995. “Household Demand in China: A Two-Stage LES-AIDS Model”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 77: 54-62.

58       Fan, Shenggen, Eric Wailes, and Gail Cramer. 1994. “Impact of Eliminating Government Interventions on China’s Agricultural Sector: The Case of Rice”. Agricultural Economics (the Journal of International Association of Agricultural Economists) 11(1): 71-81.

59       Fan, Shenggen, Gail Cramer, and Eric Wailes. 1994. “Food Demand in Rural China: Evidence from Rural Household Survey”, Agricultural Economics (the Journal of International Association of Agricultural Economists) 11(1): 61-69, September.

60       Fan, Shenggen and Vernon Ruttan. 1992. “Technical Change in Centrally Planned Economies”, Agricultural Economics (The Journal of International Association of Agricultural Economists) 6(4): 301-314.

61       Fan, Shenggen. 1991. “Effects of Technological Change and Institutional Reform on Production Growth in Chinese Agriculture”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 73:266-275.

62       樊胜根、刘菘生,“江苏发达地区的乡镇企业发展和城市化——苏州案例分析”,《农业现代化》,1984年第一期


n         书中章节

1           Fan, Shenggen; Mukherjee, Anit; Chan-Kang, Connie. 2009. “Rural and Urban Dynamics and Poverty: Evidence from China and India”. Chapter 5, in Gopinath, Munisamy; Kim, Hanho, eds. 2009. Globalization and the Rural-Urban Divide. Seoul: Seoul National University Press.

2           Fan, Shenggen; Kanbur, Ravi; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2009. “Regional Inequality in China: an Overview”. Chapter 1, in Fan, Shenggen; Kanbur, Ravi; Zhang, Xiaobo, eds. 2009. Regional Inequality in China: Trends, Explanations and Policy Responses. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

3           Fang, Cheng; Zhang, Xiaobo; Fan, Shenggen. 2009. “Emergence of Urban Poverty and Inequality in China: Evidence from Household Survey”. Chapter 5, in Fan, Shenggen; Kanbur, Ravi; Zhang, Xiaobo, eds. 2009. Regional Inequality in China: Trends, Explanations and Policy Responses. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

4           邢鹂、樊胜根、刘凤伟,《中国西部少数民族地区贫困问题研究》,载《农业经济与科技发展研究2008》,中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所编,北京:中国农业出版社,2009年10月

5           Zhang, Xiaobo; Xing, Li; Fan, Shenggen; Luo, Xiaopeng. 2008. “Resource Abundance and Regional Development in China”. Chapter 7, in Fan, Shenggen; Kanbur, Ravi; Zhang, Xiaobo, eds. 2009. Regional Inequality in China: Trends, Explanations and Policy Responses. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

6           Diao, Xinshen; Fan, Shenggen; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2008. “China’s WTO Accession: Impacts on Regional Agricultural Income—A Multi-regional, General Equilibrium Analysis”. Chapter 9, in Fan, Shenggen; Kanbur, Ravi; Zhang, Xiaobo, eds. 2009. Regional Inequality in China: Trends, Explanations and Policy Responses. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

7           Fan, Shenggen; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2008. “Infrastructure and Regional Economic Development in Rural China”. Chapter 10, in Fan, Shenggen; Kanbur, Ravi; Zhang, Xiaobo, eds. 2009. Regional Inequality in China: Trends, Explanations and Policy Responses. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

8           Zhang, Xiaobo; Fan, Shenggen. “Public Investment and Regional Inequality in Rural China”. 2008. Chapter 11, in Fan, Shenggen; Kanbur, Ravi; Zhang, Xiaobo, eds. 2009. Regional Inequality in China: Trends, Explanations and Policy Responses. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

9           Fan, Shenggen; Zhang, Linxiu; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2009. “Reforms, Investment and Poverty in Rural China”. Chapter 12, in Fan, Shenggen; Kanbur, Ravi; Zhang, Xiaobo, eds. 2009. Regional Inequality in China: Trends, Explanations and Policy Responses. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

10       Coady, David; Fan Shenggen. 2008. “Introduction”. Chapter 1, in Fan, Shenggen, ed.  Public Expenditures, Growth and Poverty: Lessons from Developing Countries. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

11       Fan, Shenggen; Yu, Bingxin; Saurkar, Anuja. 2008. “Public Spending in Developing Countries: Trends, Determination, and Impact”. Chapter 2, in Fan, Shenggen, ed.  Public Expenditures, Growth and Poverty: Lessons from Developing Countries. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

12       Fan, Shenggen; Rao, Neetha. 2008. “Public Investment, Growth, and Rural Poverty”. Chapter3, in Fan, Shenggen, ed. Public Expenditures, Growth and Poverty: Lessons from Developing Countries. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

13       Fan, Shenggen; White, Annie. 2008. “Lessons Learned: Major Findings and Policy Implications”. Chapter7, in Fan, Shenggen, ed. Public Expenditures, Growth and Poverty: Lessons from Developing Countries. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

14       Fan, Shenggen; Gulati, Ashok; Dalafi, Sara. 2007. “Introduction”. Chapter 1 in Gulati, Ashok; Fan, Shenggen, eds. The Dragon and the Elephant: A Comparative Study of Agriculture and Rural Reforms in China and India.  Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

15       Fan, Shenggen; Gulati, Ashok; Dalafi, Sara. 2007. “Overview of Reforms and Development in China and India”. Chapter 2, in Gulati, Ashok; Fan, Shenggen, eds. The Dragon and the Elephant: A Comparative Study of Agriculture and Rural Reforms in China and India.  Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

16       Fan, Shenggen; Thorat, Sukhadeo K. 2007. “Public Investment, Growth, and Poverty Reduction: A Comparative Analysis of India and China”. Chapter 6, in Gulati, Ashok; Fan, Shenggen, eds. The Dragon and the Elephant: A Comparative Study of Agriculture and Rural Reforms in China and India.  Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

17       Fan, Shenggen; Gulati, Ashok; Dalafi, Sara. 2007. “Synthesis: Lessons and Challenges”. Chpater 22, in Gulati, Ashok; Fan, Shenggen, eds. The Dragon and the Elephant: A Comparative Study of Agriculture and Rural Reforms in China and India.  Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

18       Xing, Li; Fan, Shenggen; Luo, Xiaopeng; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2007. “Village Inequality in Western China: Implications for Development Strategy in Lagging Regions”. Chapter 16, in Zhang, Lei; Fan, Shenggen, eds. Poverty Reduction Strategy in the New Millennium: Emerging Issues, Experiences and Lessons. Beijing: China Finance and Economics Publishing House.

19       Yao, Yi; Fan, Shenggen. 2007. “Ups and Downs in Income and Fiscal Disparities in Rural China: Implications for Future Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy”. Chapter 18, in Zhang, Lei; Fan, Shenggen, eds. Poverty Reduction Strategy in the New Millennium: Emerging Issues, Experiences and Lessons. Beijing: China Finance and Economics Publishing House.

20       邢鹂、樊胜根、罗小朋、张晓波,“中国西部地区农村不平等现象:对落后地区发展战略的启示”,载《新千年减贫战略:问题、经验与教训》,603页-615页,张磊、樊胜根主编,中国财政经济出版社,2007年3月

21       姚毅、樊胜根,“中国农村国民收入和财政不平等的演变:对未来经济增长和减贫战略的启示”,载《新千年减贫战略:问题、经验与教训》,626页-641页,张磊、樊胜根主编,中国财政经济出版社,2007年3月

22       邢鹂、樊胜根、罗小朋、张晓波,“中国西部农村不平等问题的研究-基于贵州数据的分析”,载《农业经济与科技发展研究2006》,中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所编,北京:中国农业出版社,2007年

23       Ali, Ali Abdel Gadir; Fan, Shenggen. 2007. “Introduction”. Chapter 1, in Ali, Ali Abdel Gadir; Fan, Shenggen, eds. Public Policy and Poverty Reduction in the Arab Region. Kuwait: Arab Planning Institute and Washington D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute.

24       Fan, Shenggen; Al-Riffai, Perrihan; El-Said, Moataz; Yu, Bingxin; Kamaly, Ahmed. 2007. “Public Spending, Economic Growth and Poverty in Egypt: A Multi-level Analysis”. Chapter 5, in Ali, Ali Abdel Gadir; Fan, Shenggen, eds. Public Policy and Poverty Reduction in the Arab Region. Kuwait: Arab Planning Institute and Washington D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute.

25       Ali, Ali Abdel Gadir; Horowitz, Leah; Fan, Shenggen. 2007. “Public Policy and Poverty in the Arab Region: Major Findings and Lessons Learned”. Chapter 10, in Ali, Ali Abdel Gadir; Fan, Shenggen, eds. Public Policy and Poverty Reduction in the Arab Region. Kuwait: Arab Planning Institute and Washington D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute.

26       Fan, Shenggen. 2007. “Linkages between Government Spending, Growth, and Poverty in India and China”, In: Per Pinstrup-Andersen and Fuzhi Cheng (editors), "Food Policy for Developing Countries: Case Studies." 16 pp.

27       Fan, Shenggen; Chan-Kang, Connie. 2006 “Regional Inequality in China: Scope, Sources and Strategies to Reduce it”, In Max Spoor, Nico Heerink, and Futian Qu (eds.), Dragons with clay feet? : transitions, sustainable land use and rural environment in China and Vietnam. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.

28       Zhang, Xiaobo; Fan, Shenggen. 2006.  “Fiscal decentralization, nonfarm development, and spatial inequality in rural China”. In Max Spoor, Nico Heerink, and Futian Qu (eds.), Dragons with clay feet? : transitions, sustainable land use and rural environment in China and Vietnam. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.

29       Fan, Shenggen. 2006. “Rural development strategy in Western China under WTO”. In Xiao-yuan Dong, Shunfeng Song, and Xiaobo Zhang (eds.), China's Agricultural Development: Challenges and pProspects.  Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing.

30       Fan, Shenggen; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2006. “Production and productivity growth in Chinese agriculture: new national and regional measures”. In Xiao-yuan Dong, Shunfeng Song, and Xiaobo Zhang (eds.), China's Agricultural Development: Challenges and Prospects. Aldershot, UK Ashgate Publishing.

31       Fan, Shenggen; Qian, Keming;  Zhang, Xiaobo. “Agricultural R&D Policy in China”. in Pardey, P.D., J.M. Alston, and R.R. Piggott, eds, Agricultural R&D in the Developing World: Two Little, Too Late? Washington D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2006.

32       Fan, Shenggen; Chan-Kang, Connie. 2005. “Is Small Beautiful? Farm Size, Productivity and Poverty in Asian Agriculture”. 25th Proceedings of the International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Published by Blackwell Publishing, USA

33       Fan, Shenggen; Chan-Kang, Connie. 2004. “Regional Inequality: Its Measures, Sources and Strategies to Reduce It”. in T.C. Tso and He Kang, Dare to Dream: Vision of 2050 Agricultural in China.  Beijing: China Agricultural University Press.

34       Fang, Cheng;  Zhang, Xiaobo;  Fan, Shenggen, 2002. “Urban Poverty and Inequality in the Era of Reforms”, in Urbanization and Social Welfare in China, edited by Aimin Chen, Gordon G. Liu, and Kevin Zhang, Ashgate Publishing Limited.

35       Fan, Shenggen. 2001. “Agricultural Research and Rural Poverty Reduction: Evidence from India and China”.  Chapter in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Agricultural Sciences and Technology, November 7-9, Beijing.

36       Hazell, Peter; Fan, Shenggen. 2000. “Balancing Regional Development Priorities to Achieve Sustainable and Equitable Agricultural Growth”. Chapter 9, in Tradeoffs or Synergies? Agricultural Intensification, Economic Development and the Environment, edited by D. R. Lee and C. B. Barrett. Wallingford, Oxon, UK: CABI Publishing.

37       Fan, Shenggen. 1998. “Agricultural Investment in China: Measurement and Policy Issues”.  In Agriculture in China: 1949-2030, ed. T.C. Tso, F. Tuan, and M. Faust.  Ideals, Inc.

38       Fan, Shenggen; Pardey, Philip. 1998. “Government Spending on Asian Agriculture: Trends and Production Consequence”, in Agricultural Public Finance Policy in Asia. Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization.

39       Pardey, P., Roseboom, Johannes; Fan, Shenggen. 1998. “Trends in Financing Asian and Australian Agricultural Research”. In Financing Agricultural Research: A Source Book. The Hague: International Service for National Agricultural Research.

40       Fan, Shenggen; Pardey, Philip. 1995. “Centralization vs. Decentralization: Reforms of the Chinese Agricultural Research and Extension System”, in Agricultural in Liberalizing Economies: Changing Roles for Governments, Proceedings of the Fourteenth Agricultural Sector Symposium, edited by Umali-Deininger, D., and C. Maguire. The World Bank, Washington, D.C.


n         讨论稿和研究简报

1           Yu, Bingxin; You, Liangzhi; Fan, Shenggen. 2010. “Toward a Typology of Food Security in Developing Countries”. IFPRI Discussion Paper 945. Washington, D.C. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

2           Yu, Bingxin; Fan, Shenggen. 2009. “Rice production responses in Cambodia”. IFPRI Discussion Paper 939. Washington, D.C. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

3           Headey, Derek D.; Malaiyandi, Sangeetha; Fan, Shenggen. 2009. “Navigating the Perfect Storm: Reflections on the Food, Energy, and Financial Crises”.  IFPRI Discussion Paper 889. Washington, D.C. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

4           Fan, Shenggen; Li, Lixing; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2009. “Rethinking China’s Underurbanization: An Evaluation of Its County-to-city Upgrading Policy”.  IFPRI Discussion Paper 875. Washington, D.C. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

5           von Braun, Joachim; Fan, Shenggen; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth; Rosegrant, Mark W.; Pratt, Alejandro Nin. 2009.  Investigación agrícola internacional para la seguridad alimentaria, la reducción de la pobreza y el medio ambiente : Qué esperar del aumento de las inversiones del CGIAR y la implementación en gran escala de sus "mejores opciones" IFPRI Policy Brief 53. Washington, D.C. International Food Policy Research Institute ( IFPRI)

6           Fan, Shenggen; Mogues, Tewodaj; Benin, Sam. 2009. “Setting priorities for public spending for agricultural and rural development in Africa”. IFPRI Policy Brief 12. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

7           von Braun, Joachim; Ahmed, Akhter; Asenso-Okyere, Kwadwo; Fan, Shenggen; Gulati, Ashok; Hoddinott, John; Pandya-Lorch, Rajul; Rosegrant, Mark W. ; Ruel, Marie; Torero, Maximo; van Rheenen, Te. 2008. “Los altos precios de los alimentos: El ‘qué', ‘quién' y ‘cómo' de las acciones de política propuestas”. Policy Brief 1A SP, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

8           von Braun, Joachim; Fan, Shenggen; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth; Rosegrant, Mark W.; Pratt, Alejandro Nin. 2008. “International Agricultural Research for Food Security, Poverty Reduction, and the Environment: What to Expect from Scaling Up CGIAR Investments and “Best Bet” Programs”. IFPRI Issue Brief No.53, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

9           Gulati, Ashok; Fan, Shenggen. 2008. “The Dragon and the Elephant: Learning from Agricultural and Rural Reforms in China and India”. Issue Brief 49, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

10       von Braun, Joachim; Ahmed, Akhter; Asenso-Okyere, Kwadwo; Fan, Shenggen; Gulati, Ashok; Hoddinott, John; Pandya-Lorch, Rajul; Rosegrant, Mark W. ; Ruel, Marie; Torero, Maximo; van Rheenen, Te. 2008. “High Food Prices: The What, Who, and How of Proposed Policy Actions”. IFPRI Policy Brief 1A, May 2008, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

11       Fan, Shenggen; Rosegrant, Mark W.. 2008. “Investing in Agriculture to Overcome the World Food Crisis and Reduce Poverty and Hunger”. IFPRI Policy Brief No.3, July 24, 2008, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

12       Diao, Xinshen; Fan, Shenggen; Headey, Derek; Johnson, Michael; Nin Pratt, Alejandro; Yu, Bingxin. 2008. “Accelerating Africa's Food Production in Response to Rising Food Prices: Impacts and Requisite Actions”. IFPRI Discussion Paper No. 825, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

13       von Braun, Joachim; Ahmed, Akhter; Asenso-Okyere, Kwadwo; Fan, Shenggen; Gulati, Ashok; Hoddinott, John; Pandya-Lorch, Rajul; Rosegrant, Mark W. ; Ruel, Marie; Torero, Maximo; van Rheenen, Te. 2008. “Hausse des prix alimentaires et actions stratégiques proposées: Que faire, par qui et comment”. Policy Brief 1A FR, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

14       Headey, Derek; Fan, Shenggen. 2008. “Anatomy of a Crisis: The Causes and Consequences of Surging Food Prices”. IFPRI Discussion Paper No. 831, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

15       von Braun, Joachim; Ahmed, Akhter; Asenso-Okyere, Kwadwo; Fan, Shenggen; Gulati, Ashok; Hoddinott, John; Pandya-Lorch, Rajul; Rosegrant, Mark W. ; Ruel, Marie; Torero, Maximo; van Rheenen, Te. 2008. “Hohe Nahrungsmittelpreise: Konzept f ür die Wege aus der Krise”. Policy Brief 1A GR, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

16       Fan, Shenggen; Johnson, Michael; Saurkar, Anuja;Makombe, Tsitsi. 2008. Investing in African Agriculture to Halve Poverty by 2015. IFPRI Discussion Paper No. 751, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

17       Fan, Shenggen. 2008. “Public Expenditures, Growth, and Poverty in Developing Countries: Lessons from Developing Countries”. Issue briefs 51, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

18       von Braun, Joachim; Ahmed, Akhter; Asenso-Okyere, Kwadwo; Fan, Shenggen; Gulati, Ashok; Hoddinott, John; Pandya-Lorch, Rajul; Rosegrant, Mark W. ; Ruel, Marie; Torero, Maximo; van Rheenen, Te. 2008. “High food prices: The what, who, and how of proposed policy actions [In Chinese]”. Policy briefs 1A CH, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

19       Diao, Xinshen; Fan, Shenggen; Kanyarukiga, Sam; Yu, Bingxin. 2008. “Agricultural Growth and Investment Options for Poverty Reduction in Rwanda”, in Poverty Alleviation, 21st Century Issues and Challenges, editor: L.B. Veritta, 2008 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.pp.63-123.

20       Fan, Shenggen; Omilola, Babatunde; Rhoe, Valerie; Salau, Sheu A.. 2008. “Towards a Pro-poor Agricultural Growth Strategy in Nigeria”. IFPRI NIGERIA STRATEGY SUPPORT PROGRAM Brief No. 1.

21       Fan, Shenggen; Brzeska, Joann; Shields, Ghada. 2008. “Reducing Poverty and Hunger in Asia: Investment Priorities for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Asia”. IFPRI Focus 15, Brief 15 of 15.

22       Fan, Shenggen; Brzeska, Joann; Shields, Ghada. 2008. “Investment Priorities for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Asia”. In 2020 Focus No. 15: Reducing Poverty and Hunger in Asia. Edited by Nurul Islam, March 2008.

23       樊胜根,“国家杰出青年项目‘公共政策与农村贫困研究’取得进展”,《农业科技要闻》,2008年第5期(2008年8月20日)

24       Zhang, Xiaobo; Xing, Li; Fan, Shenggen; Luo, Xiaopeng. 2007. “Resource Abundance and Regional Development in China”, Discussion Paper No. 713, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

25       Fan, Shenggen; Saurkar, Anuja; Shields, Ghada. 2007. “How to Mobilize Public Resources to Support Poverty Reduction”. 2020 vision briefs BB39 Special Edition, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

26       Fan, Shenggen; Gulati, Ashok; Thorat, Sukhadeo. 2007. “Investment, Subsidies, and Pro-Poor Growth in Rural India”. Discussion Paper No. 716, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

27       Fan, Shenggen; Brzeska, Joanna; Shields, Ghada. 2007. “Investment Priorities for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction”. 2020 vision briefs BB38 Special Edition, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

28       Diao, Xinshen; Fan, Shenggen; Kanyarukiga Sam; Yu, Bingxin. “Agricultural Growth and Investment Options for Poverty Reduction in Rwanda”. IFPRI Discussion Paper No. 689, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

29       樊胜根、邢鹂,“当前若干测度农业科技进步贡献的方法介绍”,中国农科院农经所研究简报第24期,2007.1

30       Yao, Yi; Fan, Shenggen. 2006. “Evolution of Income and Fiscal Disparity in Rural China”. 2006 Annual Meeting, August 12-18, 2006, Queensland, Australia 25671, International Association of Agricultural Economists.

31       Fan, Shenggen; Al-Riffai, Perrihan; El-Said, Moataz; Yu, Bingxin; Kamaly, Ahmed. 2006. “A Multi-level Analysis of Public Spending, Growth and Poverty Reduction in Egypt”. DSGD discussion papers 41, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

32       Fan, Shenggen; Nyange, David; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2006. “Uganda & Tanzania: Pro-poor Public Investment”. Issue briefs 45 UT, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

33       Xing, Li; Fan, Shenggen; Luo, Xiaopeng; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2006. “Village Inequality in Western China: Implications for Development Strategy in Lagging Regions”. DSGD discussion papers 31, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

34       Xing, Li; Fan, Shenggen; Luo, Xiaopeng; Zhang, Xiaobo.  2006. “Village Inequality in Western China”. 2006 Annual Meeting, August 12-18, 2006, Queensland, Australia 25390, International Association of Agricultural Economists.

35       Mogues, Tewodaj; Ayele, Gezagehn; Paulos, Zelekawork; Fan, Shenggen. 2006. “How Effective is Public Spending? Public Investment Composition and Rural Welfare in Ethiopia”. 2006 Annual meeting, July 23-26, Long Beach, CA 21258, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).

36       Xing, Li; Fan, Shenggen; Luo, Xiaopeng; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2006. “Village Inequality in Western China: Implications for Development Strategy in Lagging Regions”. Washington, D.C. International Food Policy Research Institute

37       Fan, Shenggen; Al-Riffai, Perrihan; El-Said, Moataz; Yu, Bingxin; Kamaly, Ahmed. 2006. “A Multi-level Analysis of Public Spending, Growth and Poverty Reduction in Egypt”. Washington, D.C. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

38       邢鹂、樊胜根、罗小朋、张晓波,“中国西部农村不平等问题的研究”,中国农科院农经所研究简报第13期,2006.8

39       Fan, Shenggen; Nyange, David; Rao, Neetha, 2005. “Public Investment and Poverty Reduction in Tanzania”. DSGD discussion papers 18, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

40       von Braun, Joachim; Gulati, Ashok; Fan, Shenggen; Ahluwalia, Montek S.; Liu, Jian, 2005. “Lessons Learned from the Dragon (China) and the Elephant (India): Essays from IFPRI's 2004-2005 Annual Report [In Chinese]”. Annual report essays 2005EssayCH, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

41       Fan, Shenggen; Chan-Kang, Connie; Mukherjee, Anit, 2005. “Rural and Urban Dynamics and Poverty: Evidence from China and India”. DSGD discussion papers 23, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

42       Zhang, Huijie; Fan, Shenggen; Qian, Keming, 2005. “The Role of Agribusiness Firms in Agricultural Research: The Case of China”. 2005 Annual meeting, July 24-27, Providence, RI 19415, American Agricultural Economics Association.

43       von Braun, Joachim; Gulati, Ashok; Fan, Shenggen, 2005. “Agricultural and Economic Development Strategies and the Transformation of China and India”. Annual report essays 2005Essay, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

44       von Braun, Joachim; Gulati, Ashok; Fan, Shenggen; Ahluwalia, Montek S.; Liu, Jian, 2005. “Lessons Learned from the Dragon (China) and the Elephant (India): Essays from IFPRI's 2004-2005 Annual Report”. Annual report essays, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

45       Gulati, Ashok; Fan, Shenggen; Dalafi, Sara, 2005. “The Dragon and the Elephant”. MTID discussion papers 87, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

46       Gulati, Ashok; Fan, Shenggen; Dalafi, Sara, 2005. “The Dragon and the Elephant”.DSGD discussion papers 22, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

47       Dorward, Andrew; Fan, Shenggen; Kydd, Jonathan; Lofgren, Hans; Morrison, Jamie; Poulton, Colin; Rao, Neetha; Smith, Laurence; Tchale, Hardwick; Thorat, Sukhadeo; Urey, Ian; Wobst, Peter. 2004. “Institutions and Economic Policies for Pro-poor Agricultural Growth”. DSGD Discussion Paper 15, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

48       Dorward, Andrew; Fan, Shenggen; Kydd, Jonathan; Lofgren, Hans; Morrison, Jamie; Poulton, Colin; Rao, Neetha; Smith, Laurence; Tchale, Hardwick; Thorat, Sukhadeo; Urey, Ian; Wobst, Peter.  2004. Institutions and Policies for Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth, Natural Resources Perspectives, No. 94, Oversee Development Institute, London.

49       Fan, Shenggen; Chan-Kang, Connie. 2004. “Road Development, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in China”. DSDG Discussion Paper No. 12, International Food Policy Research Institute, (IFPRI).

50       Fan, Shenggen; Jitsuchon, Somchai; Methakunnavut, Nuntaporn. 2004. “The Importance of Public Investment for Reducing Rural Poverty in Middle-income Countries: The Case of Thailand”. DSGD Discussion Paper No. 7, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

51       Fan, Shenggen; Zhang, Xiaobo; Rao, Neetha. 2004. “Public Expenditure, Growth and Poverty Reduction in Rural Uganda”, DSG Discussion Paper No.4, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

52       Fan, Shenggen. 2004. “Public Investment and the Poor: Initial Evidence from East Africa and Policy Implications for West Africa, Proceeding Chapter in Food and Nutrition Security Policies for West Africa Implementation Issues and Research Agendas”. IFPRI 2020 Regional Workshop January 13-15, 2004, Bamako, Mali.

53       Fan, Shenggen; Rao, Neetha. 2003. “Public Spending in Developing Countries: Trend, Determination and Impact”. EPTD Discussion Paper No. 99, Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute.

54       Fan, Shenggen; Chan-Kang, Connie; Qian, Keming; Krishnaiah, K.. 2003. “National and International Agricultural Research and Rural Poverty: The Case of Rice Research in India and China”. EPTD Discussion Paper No. 109. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute.

55       Zhang, Xiaobo; Fan, Shenggen, 2003. “Economic Development and Public Goods Dependency”. 2003 Annual meeting, July 27-30, Montreal, Canada 21959, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).

56       Chan-Kang, Connie; Fan, Shenggen; Qian, Keming, 2003. “National and International Agricultural Research and Poverty: Findings in the case of wheat in China”. 2003 Annual meeting, July 27-30, Montreal, Canada 22185, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).

57       Zhang, Xiaobo; Fan, Shenggen, 2002. “Infrastructure, Openness, and Regional Inequality In India”. 2002 Annual meeting, July 28-31, Long Beach, CA 19902, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).

58       Fan, Shenggen. 2002. “Agricultural Research and Urban Poverty in India”. EPTD Discussion Paper No.94, International Food Policy Research Institute.

59       Zhang, Xiaobo, Fan, Shenggen, Zhang, Linxiu; Huang, Jikun. 2002. “Local Governance and Public Goods Provision”. Environment and Production Technology Division Discussion Paper No.93, International Food Policy Research Institute.

60       Diao, Xinshen; Fan, Shenggen; Zhang, Xiaobo, 2002. “How China’s WTO Accession Affects Rural Economy in the Less-Developed Regions: A Multi-Region, General Equilibrium Analysis”. TMD Discussion Paper No. 87, International Food Policy Research Institute.

61       Fang, Cheng; Fan, Shenggen, 2002. “Estimating Crop-Specific Production Growth And Sources In China”. 2002 Annual meeting, July 28-31, Long Beach, CA 19669, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).

62       Zhang, Xiaobo; Fan, Shenggen; Zhang, Linxiu; Huang, Jikun, 2001. “Local Governance And Public Goods Provision”. 2001 Annual meeting, August 5-8, Chicago, IL 20570, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).

63       Zhang, Xiaobo; Fan, Shenggen, 2001. “How Productive Is Infrastructure? New Approach and Evidence from Rural India,” Environment and Production Technology Division Discussion Paper No. 84, International Food Policy Research Institute

64       Fan, Shenggen; Fang, Cheng; Zhang, Xiaobo, 2001. “How agricultural research affects urban poverty in developing countries: the case of China.”  EPTD discussion paper No. 83, International Food Policy Research Institute.

65       Fan, Shenggen; Fang, Cheng; Zhang, Xiaobo, 2001. “How Agricultural Research Affects Urban Poverty In Developing Countries? The Case Of China”. 2001 Annual meeting, August 5-8, Chicago, IL 20636, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association).

66       Fan, Shenggen; Zhang, Linxiu; Zhang Xiaobo. 2001. “Public Spending Spurs Growth”. China Daily, August 16, 2001.

67       Fan, Shenggen; Zhang, Linxiu; Zhang, Xiaobo. 2000. “Growth and Poverty in Rural China: The Role of Public Investment”. EPTD Discussion Paper 66, International Food Policy Research Institute. Washington, D.C.

68       Zhang, Xiaobo; Fan, Shenggen.  2000. “Public Investment and Regional Inequality in Rural China”. Environment and Production Technology Division Discussion Paper 71, International Food Policy Research Institute.

69       Zhang, Xiaobo; Fan, Shenggen. 1999. “Estimating Crop-Specific Production Technologies in Chinese Agriculture: A Generalized Maximum Entropy Approach”. EPTD discussion papers 50, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

70       Fan, Shenggen; Hazell, P. B. R.. 1999. “Are Returns to Public Investment Lower in Less-Favored Rural Areas? An Empirical Analysis of India”. EPTD Discussion Paper 43, International Food Policy Research Institute.

71       Fan, Shenggen; Cohen, Marc J., 1999. “Alternativas criticas para a politica agricola da China”. 2020 vision briefs 60PO, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

72       Fan, Shenggen; Cohen, Marc J.. 1999. “Critical Choices for China's Agricultural Policy”. 2020 vision briefs 60, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

73       Fan, Shenggen; Zhang, Xiaobo; Robinson, Sherman. 1999. “Past and Future Sources of Growth for China”. EPTD discussion papers 53, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

74       Fan, Shenggen. 1999. “Past and Future Sources of Growth for China: Technological Change, Technical and Allocative Efficiency in Chinese Agriculture: the Case of Rice Production in Jiangsu”. EPTD discussion papers 39, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

75       Fan, Shenggen; Cohen, M., 1999. “Critical Choices for China’s Agricultural Policy”. 2020 Brief 60.  International Food Policy Research Institute.

76       Fan, Shenggen; Hazell, P. B. R.; Thorat, Sukhadeo. 1998. “Government Spending, Growth and Poverty: An Analysis of Interlinkages in Rural India”. EPTD discussion papers 33, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

77       Fan, Shenggen.  1998.  “Public Investment in Rural China: Historical Trends and Policy Issues”.  In China in the Global Economy: Agricultural Policies in China.  Paris: OECD.

78       Fan, Shenggen; Hazell, P. B. R., 1997. “Should India Invest More in Less-favored Areas?” EPTD discussion papers 25, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

79       Fan, Shenggen; Agcaoili-Sombilla, Mercedita C., 1997. “Why Do Projections on China's Future Food Supply and Demand Differ?” EPTD discussion papers 22, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

80       Pardey, Philip G.; Alston, Julian M.; Christian, Jason E.; Fan, Shenggen, 1996. “Summary of a Productive Partnership: the Benefits from U.S. Participation in the CGIAR”. EPTD discussion papers 18, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

81       Pardey, Philip, Julian Alston, Jason Christian, and Shenggen Fan. 1996. “Hidden Harvest: U.S. Benefits from International Research Aid”. Food Policy Statement, No.23, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington D.C.

82       Fan, Shenggen; Hazell, Peter. 1996. “Should the Indian Government Invest More in Less Favored Areas?” EPTD Discussion Paper No. 25, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington D.C.

83       Pardey, Philip; Alston, Julian; Christian, Jason; Fan, Shenggen. 1996. “Hidden Harvest: U.S. Benefits from International Research Aid”. Food Policy Report, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington D.C.

84       Fan, Shenggen; Pardey, Philip G., 1995. “Role of inputs, institutions, and technical innovations in stimulating growth in Chinese agriculture”. EPTD discussion papers 13, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

85       Wailes, Eric; Fan, Shenggen; Cramer, Gail. 1994. Arkansas Rice Model: 1994 International Baseline Projections. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.

86       Fan, Shenggen; Pardey, Philip. 1993. Agricultural Research in China. ISNAR Briefing Paper Number 1, The Hague: International Service for National Agricultural Research.

87       Pardey, Philip; Lindner, Robert; Wood, Stanley; Fan, Shenggen. 1992. “The Economic Return to Indonesia Rice and Soybean Research”. Research Report, International Service for National Agricultural Research, The Hague, The Netherlands.

88       Fan, Shenggen; Ruttan, Vernon W., 1991. “Induced Technical Change in Centrally Planned Economies”. Bulletins 7469, University of Minnesota, Economic Development Center.

89       Fan, Shenggen, 1990. “Effects of Technological Change and Institutional Reform On Production Growth In Chinese Agriculture”. Staff Papers 13454, University of Minnesota, Department of Applied Economics.


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  • 中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所研究生导师简介-黄德林
    黄德林:男,1963年9月出生于新疆石河子,现为中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所副研究员。曾参与国家科委、农业部、世界银行、加拿大农业咨询公司,欧盟(EU)等多项大型研究项目。公开发表论文20多篇。研究领域为农业政策,农业产业经济,区域农业与农业现代化,数量经济,畜牧业经济等。学历:西北农林科技大 ...
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  • 中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所研究生导师简介-朱立志
    学历和职务:德国波恩大学农业经济专业博士,中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所研究员、博导、资源与环境经济研究室主任。兼任中国国外农业经济研究会副会长、中国绿色农业服务联盟副主席、农业部工程建设项目项目评估专家、农业部农业环境污染咨询委员会委员、世行亚行中国农业项目咨询专家、北京大学中国信用研究中心特 ...
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  • 中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所研究生导师简介-夏 英
    夏英农业经济与管理专业,博士,中国农业科学院农业经济研究所研究员。全国供销合作经济学会理事、中国农经学会会员。长期从事农业经济管理科学研究工作,特别对农业组织制度、农业产业化经营问题有系统深入的研究。研究领域:⒈户营经济与农村合作经济共同发展问题;⒉农业的社会化服务问题和风险管理问题;⒊农村社会经济 ...
    中国农业科学院 免费考研网 2013-10-07
  • 中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所研究生导师简介-任爱胜
    任爱胜:博士、研究员。专业:系统工程与经济管理。1994年博士毕业于东北农业大学,先后曾为吉林大学(原吉林工业大学)博士后、美国阿肯色大学沃尔顿工商管理学院和美国康奈尔大学应用经济与管理系访问教授。1999年被评为中国农业科学院跨世纪学科带头人。目前担任:中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所数字化研究 ...
    中国农业科学院 免费考研网 2013-10-07
  • 中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所研究生导师简介-吴敬学
    吴敬学,男,辽宁人,研究员,博士生导师,中国农业科学院农业经济研究所产业与企业研究中心主任。国家中长期科技发展战略咨询专家,兼任国家自然科学基金项目同行评议专家,国家“十五”攻关计划农业领域评审专家,国家“十一五”科技支撑计划农业领域评审专家,国家行业公益性科技项目评审专家,中央组织部社会主义新农村 ...
    中国农业科学院 免费考研网 2013-10-07
  • 中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所研究生导师简介-李宁辉
    李宁辉,男,1960年9月17日出生于湖南省衡南县。1980年10月毕业于湖南师范学院零陵分院数学系。1987年7月毕业于上海财经大学西方统计系,经济学硕士。2002年4月毕业于菲律宾大学经济学院,经济学博士。1980年11月至1982年3月就职于湖南省零陵地区教师进修学院,教师。1982年3月至1 ...
    中国农业科学院 免费考研网 2013-10-07
  • 中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所研究生导师简介-李先德
    李先德:男,1964年生于湖北省监利县。现任中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所研究员,所学术委员会委员,中国农业科学院研究生院博士生导师。主持和参与中国科技部、商务部、农业部、经济合作与发展组织(OECD)、欧盟(EU)等多项大型研究项目。公开发表论文60多篇,专著一部、主译著作一部、参著数部。从1 ...
    中国农业科学院 免费考研网 2013-10-07
  • 中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所研究生导师简介-王济民
    王济民,男,博士,研究员,1964年生于山西兴县。中国农科院农业经济与政策学科二级岗位杰出人才。现任农经所副所长,现为农业经济学会和农业技术经济学会会员;北京市农业经济学会理事;外经贸部中国加入WTO农业谈判专家咨询小组成员;北京市人民政府第八届专家顾问团农业经济顾问;农业部畜牧兽医局畜牧经济咨询组 ...
    中国农业科学院 免费考研网 2013-10-07
  • 中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所研究生导师简介-蒋和平
    蒋和平,男,生于1956年3月8日,湖南永州人。1995年1月毕业于浙江大学经贸学院,获农业经济学博士学位;1995.2-1997.3在华南农业大学博士后流动站从事农业经济博士后研究工作,1997年4月博士后出站时,由于科研成绩突出,在华南农业大学被破格晋升为教授。1997年5月由人事部专家司分配到 ...
    中国农业科学院 免费考研网 2013-10-07
  • 中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所研究生导师简介-梁书民
    梁书民,博士,副研究员,中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所,通讯地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街12号,农科院新办公楼222室,邮编:100081工作电子信箱:liangsm@caas.net.cn出生地:河北大名;出生年月:1966年3月;性别:男一、高等教育1.2002-2004年,加利福尼亚大学 ...
    中国农业科学院 免费考研网 2013-10-07