
北京邮电大学经济管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-彭 惠 (博导)

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-23

彭 惠 (博导)
性别: 女
职务: 北京邮电大学经济管理学院互联网金融与创新金融中心主任
所属部门: 经济学
学科领域: 金融学
电子邮件: gracepenghui@126.com

1995-1998, 金融学博士. 中国人民银行研究生部
1991-1994,经济学硕士. 武汉大学
1987-1991,经济学学士. 武汉大学
2005-至今, 北京邮电大学
2003-2005, 金融学博士后, 中国工商银行博士后工作站、中国人民大学财经学院
1998-2003, 招商银行总行
1994-1995, 中国工商银行深圳分行

1.项目负责人,《基于交易者信用行为模式的C-C电子商务市场信用评级模型的改进与整合》, 国家自然科学基金委资助(项目批准号:**,执行年度:2010-2012)。
5.项目负责人,《基金申赎流量监测与预测技术》, 横向课题,2009年4月-2010年5月
9.课题主研人:《交通网与通信网的融合》, 交通部资助,2008年
主研人,《常州凯元化工有限公司改制研究》, 2006.7--2007.1
1. 彭惠、唐雯、吴洪,《融资型互联网金融的比较与启示》,《华南理工大学社会科学版》,2016年5月,第18卷第3期,P1-7.
2. 彭惠、唐雯,“互联网金融平台对银行传统职能的解构研究”( Internet Financing Platform’s Deconstruction on the Banking Function),《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》,2015年9月,27卷(5):103-109

1. 温鑫、彭惠,“沪深A股投资者信息对市场市盈率的影响及相关性研究”,《经济研究参考》Review of Economic Research,2016年20期。
2. 彭惠、刘欣雨,“基于关联规则的中国股票市场行业轮动现象研究”, 《北京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》,2016 Vol. 18 (1): 66-71
4.彭惠、杨文, 《上海证券交易所的流动性研究》, 湖南科学技术出版社, 2010年
7.彭惠、吴雪玲,“资产证券化的分层动力:基于估值差异观点的改进”, 《金融研究》2006年第11期 (CSSCI)
8.田耕、彭惠、李一军, “开放式基金申赎过程中的羊群行为”,《中国金融》2011年11期,P.79-80. (CSSCI)
10.彭惠、李勇, “不良资产证券化的收益分析与风险管理——资产证券化对发起人的影响”,《国际金融研究》2004年第6期。(CSSCI)
13.彭惠,“不良资产证券化的现实意义及实施设想”,《金融论坛》2004年第3期第33-38 (CSSCI)。
16.彭惠,“中国经济中的泡沫现象”,《当代银行家》, 2000年第3期.
18.彭惠,“析计划与市场的兼容性”,《江海学刊》,1993年第5期 (CSSCI).
19.彭惠,“拓宽融资渠道、缓解证券市场融资压力”,中国证券报, 2004年11月13日.
21.Hui Peng, Yulu Chen, “An Analysis on the State-Owned Bank’ Behavior in NPL Disposition”, China & World Economy, volume 13 No. 2, March-April, 2005. pp 78-92.
26.Bo Ning, Jiutao Wu, Hui Peng and Jianye Zhao,Using Chaotic Neural Network to Forecast Stock Index, Sixth International Symposium on Neural Networks, May 26-29, 2009, Wuhan, China. SpringerLNCS.
27.彭惠, 《信息结构、模型差异与交易构造:从金融资产交易看估值差异》, 第二届中国金融年会, 2005年,天津,中国
28.《当前金融领域违法犯纪界限与认定处理实务全书》,副主编, 人大财经委员会编审中国民主法制出版社1996年

1. 彭惠,蒋英慧,“基于 GVAR 模型的我国省际间财政支出波动的溢出效应研究”(Study on the Provincial Fiscal Expenditure Spillovers in China Based on a GVAR Model),《西安财经学院学报》,2015(5)
2.Hui Peng, Bonghan Kim, Provincial output spillovers in China: Global Vector-Autoregressive Approach, China and World Economy, Vol. 20, No.6, 55-81, 2012. (SSCI, SCI)

1.吴洪、彭惠、岳宇君, “国有垄断—私有化—公私合作:国外电信业体制变革新趋势及对我国的启示”,《经济体制改革》,2011年第7期。(CSSCI)
2.《2007年中国企业投资分析报告》,厉以宁 王武龙主编。课题组成员,承担:金融、交通与通信行业报告,中国经济出版社;2008

1. 彭惠、宋倩倩,“C2C模式下消费者的购买行为研究——从众交易还是口碑交易”,《预测》,2014年第4期。
2. 彭惠、宋倩倩,“C2C市场上消费者从众决策研究——基于面板数据模型”,重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版),2015年7月,27卷(4):90-95。
3. Akram Umair, Hui Peng, Khan Muhammad Kaleem, Hashim Muhammad, Rasheed Shahid, Impact of Store atmosphere on impulse buying behavior: moderating effect of demographic variables. International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology, 2016, 9(7): 43-60. DOI: 10.14257/ijunesst.2016.9.7.51.
4. Akram Umair, Hui Peng, Khan Muhammad Kaleem, Hashim Muhammad; Saduzai Sehrish Khan, Impulsive Buying: A Qualitative Investigation of the Phenomenon, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2017, Vol 502. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, 2016, 1383-1399. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-1837-4_112.
6.彭惠、吴洪, “诚信的条件--C2C电子商务市场中卖家诚信度对商品特性的依赖”,《管理世界》2011年第4期,P.182-183. (CSSCI)
7.Hui Peng, “Integrity Migration of Online Shops in C2C E-commerce Market: an Approach of Migration Matrix”, AISS: Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 37 ~ 45, 2013.
9.Geng Tian, Hui Peng, Chao Sun, Yijun Li, “Analysis of Reputation Speculation Behavior in China’s C2C E-Commerce Market”, Journal of Computers (JCP, ISSN 1796-203X), Vol.7, No.12, 2012, pp.2971-2978.(EI)
10.彭惠、王永瑞,C2C 电子商务市场整体卖家信用分布研究,《情报杂志》,2012年第31卷第5期122-127。(CSSCI)
13.Hui Peng, Min Ling, “Will Commodity Properties Affect
Seller’s Creditworthy: Evidence in C2C E-commerce Market in China”, The 2009 International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining and The 2009 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence(WISM’09-AICI’09), Nov 7-8, Shanghai, China.
14.Hui Peng, Zhao Yang, “Factors Affecting Online Purchase Behavior: Implications to improve the existing credit rating system”, Proceeding of 2009 International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences (MASS 2009), September 20~22, 2009, in Beijing, China.
15.Hui Peng, Chao Sun, “The Analysis on the Charging Mode of Third-Party Payment Platform in C-C E-Commerce Market”, Proceeding of 2009 International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences (MASS 2009), September 20~22, 2009, in Beijing, China.
16.Hui Peng, Xiao-bin Feng, “The Analysis on Credit Hypes in C-C E-Commerce Market in China”, Proceedings of 2009 the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IEEE ICCSIT 2009), Beijing, Aug. 8-11, 2009.
17.Hui Peng, Weiwei Cui, “The Credit Evaluation Behavior in the C-C E-commerce market: Authenticity and Initiative”, Proceedings of 2009 the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IEEE ICCSIT 2009), Beijing, Aug. 8-11, 2009.
18.Hui Peng and Pei Tan. “Credit Asymmetry between Buyers and Sellers in C-C E-commerce Market”, Proceedings ofthe 2009 International Conference on Business Intelligence and Financial Engineering (BIFE’2009), July 24-26, 2009, Beijing, China. The IEEE Computer Society Press.
19.Hui Peng and Yan Zhao, “Credit Status in China’s E-Commerce Market”, International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC 2009),25-26 April, 2009 Wuhan, Hubei, China.
20.Hui Peng, Yuan Lu, “Anatomy of Credit Card Cashing Based on Third-Party Payment”, Proceeding of 2009 International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences (MASS 2009), September 20~22, 2009 in Beijing, China.

1.Hui Peng, Yanli Sun, Hong Wu, The analysis of Subscription Characteristics and user mobility in different types of MMORPGs, The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, 2009, vol 16(6),121-128. (EI)
2.彭惠、吴洪, “基于风险溢价的虚拟经济体与现实经济体间的资本流动分析”,《经济问题》,2009年第3期,P.40-44. (CSSCI)
4.Hui Peng, Xiaobing Xu, “The exchange rate theory of network game currency: based on the parity between input and total output value per unit time”, International Conference on Management Science and Engineering (ICMSE), September 14, 2009, Moscow, Russia.
5.Hui Peng, Yanli Sun, “The Network Externality and Game-playing Time Characteristics in Different Types of MMORPGs”, The 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications Networking and Mobile Computing (WICOM 2009), September 24~26, 2009, in Beijing, China.
6.Geng Tian, Hui Peng, Linyu Niu, “Two-way Capital Flows Model Based on Multi-market Arbitrage: Empirical Analysis on Short-term Capital Flows in China”, Proceeding of 2009 International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences (MASS 2009), September 20~22, 2009, in Beijing, China.
7.Hui Peng, Linyu Niu, Jianqiu Zeng, “Do Technology Progress and Service Differentiation Bring Efficiency and Social Welfare in the Process of Network Service Enterprise’s Marketization: Experience from China Post”, Proceeding of 2009 International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences (MASS 2009), September 20~22, 2009, in Beijing, China.
8.Geng Tian, Hui Peng, Xiaobing Xu, “The Analysis of Network Virtual Money Demand under Double-Way Exchange Mechanism Based on Portfolio Theory”, Proceedings of 2009 the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IEEE ICCSIT 2009), Beijing, Aug. 8-11, 2009 .
9.Hui Peng and Yanli Sun, “Network Virtual Money Evolution Mode: Moneyness, Dynamics and Trend”, proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA 2009), Zhuhai, June 22 to 25, 2009.
10.Hui Peng and Xiaobing Xu, “Taxation in Virtual World: inevitability and feasibility”, International Conference on e-Business and Information System Security (EBISS 2009), 23-24 May, 2009, Wuhan, Hubei, China.
11.Hui Peng, Linyu Niu and Hong Wu, “Network virtual currency unification: demand, impetus and mode feasibility”, The First International Symposium on Information Engineering and Electronic Commerce (IEEC 2009),16-17 May, 2009, Ternopil, Ukraine.
12.Hong Wu, Hui Peng,“Exploration on Operation of Online Virtual Currency”, International Conference on E-Business and Information System Security (EBISS 2009), 23-24 May, 2009, Wuhan, Hubei, China.
13.Hui Peng and Hong Wu, “From Time Replacement to Gross Replacement: the Effect of Online Virtual Game on Real Economy”, 2009 International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (ICIME 2009), 3-5, April 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Conference Proceedings of ICIME 2009 by the IEEE Computer Society.
14.Hui Peng and Yanli Sun, “The theoretic and empirical analysis on the impact of network virtual money on real money supply”, 2009 International Conference on Future Computer and Communication (ICFCC 2009), 3 - 5, April 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
15.Hui Peng and Yanli Sun, “The Research on Network Virtual Money Supply Model”, 2009 International Conference on Future Networks (ICFN 2009),7 -9, March 2009, Bangkok, Thailand. Conference Proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society. ISBN Number (978-1-4244-3579-1).
16.Hui Peng and Linyu Niu, “The Risks of Network Virtual Assets and its Measurement”, International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing (NSWCTC 2009),25-26 April, 2009 Wuhan, Hubei, China.
17.Hui Peng, Linyu Niu, “Two-way Exchangeable Virtual Currency: Future Tendency and Inherent Risks”, 2009 International Conference on Future Networks (ICFN 2009),7 -9, March 2009, Bangkok, Thailand. Conference Proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society. ISBN Number (978-1-4244-3579-1)
18.Hui Peng, Xiaobing Xu, “The Analysis of Virtual Money Demand under One-Way Exchange Mechanism”, Proceedings of The First International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science (ETCS2009), 7-8 March, 2009, Wuhan, Hubei, China. The IEEE Computer Society Press. P719-723.
19.Hui Peng, Yanli Sun, “The Network Virtual Money Supply Based on Profit Maximization of the Online Game Operator”, Proceedings of The First International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science (ETCS2009), 7-8 March, 2009, Wuhan, Hubei, China. The IEEE Computer Society Press. P607-611.
20.Hui Peng, Lei Zhang, and Hong Wu, “Time Distribution of Game Players and Economic Gross Replacement: The Replacement of GDP by Virtual Economic Activity”. Second International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology and Security Informatics. 23-25 Jan. 2009Moscow, Russia, Conference Proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society and Academy Publisher.
21.Hui Peng, Lei Zhang, “Utility of Virtual Games and Time allocation Behavior of Game Players: a Multi-Extended Utility Framework ”, In Proceedings, the International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce IAWTIC’2008, 2008, Vienna. Austria.
22.Hui Peng, Xiaobing Xu, “The Analysis of Arbitrage Capital Flows between Online Virtual Game and Real Economy based on Risk Premium”. In Proceedings, International Conference on Innovation in Software Engineering ISE'2008, 2008, Vienna, Austria.

1. Marquis Who’s Who, 2011 世界名人录
2. “信息不对称下的羊群行为与泡沫——金融市场的微观结构理论”,获2003年特区金融学会优秀论文一等奖。
1.高级会员,International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology.
2.Certified FRM, Global Association of Risk Professionals
5.北京邮电大学经济管理学院互联网金融与创新金融中心 主任

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    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-23
  • 北京邮电大学经济管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-彭志文(硕导)
    彭志文(硕导)性别:男职务:所属部门:经济学学科领域:国际贸易学、产业经济学电子邮件:pengzhiwen@bupt.edu.cn【教育背景】2007年6月,获中国人民大学经济学博士学位2004年6月,获中国人民大学经济学硕士学位2000年6月,获吉林大学学士学位【教授课程】计量经济学、统计学【工作简历】2007年7月至今,北京邮电大学教师【研究方向】世界经济、宏观经济学【研究项目】2009年以来 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-23