
信息与通信工程学院研究生导师介绍 无线通信教研中心(7)

北京邮电大学 /2013-08-10




Mr. Lou was born in 1962 ,in Jiangsu province, He is mainly engaged in research in mobile multimedia information terminals and mobile information technology, industrial policy, and mobile digital media arts and technology.

He was awarded the advance of science and technology award of MEI and Shanghai city , country inventing award , the country inventing exhibition gold award , the international inventing exhibition silver award, the top-ten distinguished Sichuan Province youth teacher rewards , Sichuan Province youth science and technology rewards. He was the member of optical fiber communication expert group of  Natioanal“317”Telecom Subject of“863”Project, Director of Wireless division of Department of Telecom Production of MEI,Director of Telecom Division of Department of Electronic Information Production Management of MII. He promoted and planned the implementation of national mobile communication industry specific projects, made great effort to establishment and development of China mobile communication domestic handset industry.

Mr. Lou is Executive Secretary-General of China Mobile Communications Association, Director of the Standardization Technical Committee of Multimedia Communication and Broadcasting of China Association for Standardization.


王亚峰,男,副教授,硕士生导师,博士,主要从事3G和B3G无线通信系统理论与关键技术,移动通信系统的系统级和链路级仿真技术方面的研究。近年来作为项目负责人和主研人员承担或参与国家973计划、863计划、国家自然科学基金项目及企业合作项目十余项,参与编写出版著作2本,在国内外重要学术刊物及会议上发表学术论文二十余篇。申请PCT国际发明专利2项,国家发明专利12项。研究方向:移动通信。Email: wangyf@bupt.edu.cn


张欣,男,副教授,硕士生导师,博士。主要从事无线通信系统理论与技术研究。作为主研人员或负责人参与国家科技重大专项、国家863计划、973计划及企业合作项目十余项;参与编写出版著作五部;在国内外重要学术刊物及会议上发表论文二十余篇;申请国家发明专利八项。研究方向:移动通信。  Email: xin.zhang@ieee.org

     Xin ZHANG, male, Ph.D., associate professor.  His major research interest is focused on theories and technologies of wireless communications.  As a leader or a key member, he has participated in many research programs, some of them are supported by government such as China National 973 Program and China National 863 Program, some are company-sponsored projects.  He has published more than 20 papers in major journals in China or in high level international conferences, as well as other 5 books. He also applied for 8 patents.
