

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-25

赵吉昌 学 位 : 博士学位
职 称 : 副教授
单 位 : 经济管理学院

办公地点 : 新主楼A1027
毕业院校 : 北京航空航天大学计算机学院
性别 : 男
曾获荣誉 : 2013年获教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第七),2015年获北航优秀博士论文。
出生年月 : 1984-09-02
学历 : 博士研究生毕业
入职时间 : 2014-06-30
联系方式 : jichang@buaa.edu.cn
电子信箱 :
[1].2010.5 - 2014.5
北京航空航天大学计算机学院| 博士学位
[2].2008.5 - 2010.5
北京航空航天大学计算机学院| Master's Degree
[3].2006.5 - 2008.5
北京航空航天大学理学院| Bachelor's Degree
[4].2003.5 - 2008.5
北京航空航天大学计算机学院| Bachelor's Degree | 计算机科学与技术
[1].2017.7 -至今
经济管理学院 |信息系统系 |副教授
[2].2014.6 -2017.6
经济管理学院 |信息系统系 |讲师


赵吉昌,北航经济管理学院信息系统系,副教授,硕士生导师。2008年毕业于北航计算机学院获学士学位和应用数学学位,2014年毕业于北航计算机学院获博士学位,师从许可教授,2012至2013年于以色列Bar-Ilan大学物理系联合培养,师从Shlomo Havlin教授。主要研究兴趣为社会化媒体,复杂网络和商务智能,近年尤其关注社会系统复杂性相关问题。欢迎对社会化媒体、复杂网络、数据挖掘等相关交叉方向感兴趣的同学加入我的团队。(Homepage:www.zhaojichang.cn)
目前共发表论文30余篇,其中SCI/SSCI论文20余篇,包括Nature Communications 1篇(Nature子刊,影响因子11.3,综合领域排名仅次于Nature和Science),Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1篇(传播学排名第1)。Google Scholar中被引650余次,单篇最高引用170余次,H-index 11。情绪计算工作得到MIT Technology Review、BBC、FOX等90多个国家数百家媒体报道并进入教材与畅销书。2013年获教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第七),2015年获北航优秀博士论文。
曾受邀在北京师范大学、河海大学、首都师范大学、北航国家重点实验室、新浪微博、解放军信息工程大学等机构做学术报告。常态担任Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Nature Scientific Reports, Computers in Human Behavior, TKDE, TKDD, PLOS ONE, Journal of Computer Science and Technology等国际权威学术期刊审稿人。
1. Zhenkun Zhou, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Tales of Emotion and Stock in China: Volatility,Causality and Prediction. World Wide Web, DOI: 10.1007/s11280-017-0495-4, 2017.(Online)
2. Yingying Xu, Zhixin Liu, Jichang Zhao and Chiwei Su. Weibo sentiments and stock return:A time-frequency view. PLOS ONE 12(7): e**, 2017.
3. Leihan Zhang, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Sleeping Beauties in Meme Diffusion.Scientometrics, 112:383–402, 2017.
4. Zhemin Jia and Jichang Zhao. Governmental Microblogs in Beijing: Topic Landscape and Service Transformation. E-GOVERNMENT, 4:38-48, 2017. (In Chinese)
5. Yue Hu, Jichang Zhao and Junjie Wu. Emoticon-Based Ambivalent Expression: A Hidden Indicator for Unusual Behaviors in Weibo. PLOS ONE 11(1):e**, 2016.
6. Jichang Zhao, Daqing Li, Hillel Danhedrai, Roven Cohen and Shlomo Havlin.Spatio-temporal propagation of cascading overload failures in spatially embedded networks. Nature Communications 7:10094 doi: 10.1038/ncomms10094,2016.
7. Leihan Zhang, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. Who creates Trends in Online Social Media: The Crowd or Opinion Leaders? Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication,21(1):1-16, 2016.
8. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. A general law of human mobility. Science ChinaInformation Sciences, 58(10):1-14, 2015.
9. Jichang Zhao, Xiao Liang and Ke Xu. Competition between Homophily and InformationEntropy Maximization in Social Networks. PLOS ONE 10(9):e**, 2015.
10. Rui Fan, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. Topic dynamics in Weibo: a comprehensive study.Social Network Analysis and Mining, 5(1):1-15, 2015.
11. YuanZuo, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Word network topic model: A simple but generalsolution for short and imbalanced texts. Knowledge and Information Systems,48(2):379–398, 2016.
12. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Mingming Chen, Zhiwen Fang and Ke Xu. K-core-based attack to the internet: Is it more malicious than degree-based attack? (Extended Version)World Wide Web 18 (3):749-766, 2015.
13. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Guannan Liu, Dahheng Tao, Ke Xu and Chunyang Liu. Beingrational or aggressive? A revisit to Dunbar?s number in online socialnetworks. Neurocomputing 142:343-353, 2014.
14. Rui Fan, Jichang Zhao, Yan Chen and Ke Xu. Anger is more influential than joy: Sentimentcorrelation in Weibo. PLOS ONE 9 (10):e110184, 2014.
15. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Analysis of Social Ties and Checkins inLocation-based Social Networks. Science and Technology Review 32(11): 43-48,2014. (In Chinese)
16. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao, Li Dong and Ke Xu. Unraveling the origin of exponential law in intra-urban human mobility. Scientific Reports 3, 2983, 2013.
17. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Hui Xiong and Ke Xu. Information propagation in online socialnetworks: A tie-strength perspective. Knowledge and Information Systems 32(3):589-608, 2012.
18. Jichang Zhao, Xu Feng, Li Dong, Xiao Liang and Ke Xu. Performance of local information-basedlink prediction: A sampling perspective. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45(34):345001, 2012.
19. Xu Feng, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Link prediction in complex networks: a clusteringperspective. The European Physical Journal B 85(3):1-9, 2012.
20. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu and Ke Xu. Weak ties: Subtle role of information diffusion inonline social networks. Physical Review E 82(1):016105, 2010.
1. Most InfluentialEmotions on Social Networks Revealed,https://www.technologyreview.com/s/519306/most-influential-emotions-on-social-networks-revealed/.
1. Zhenkun Zhou, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Homophily of Music Listening in Online SocialNetworks. (arXiv:1710.10642)
2. RuiFan, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. An Agent-based Model for Emotion Contagion andCompetition in Online Social Media. (arXiv:1706.02676)
3. Shan Lu, Jichang Zhao*, Huiwen Wang and Ruoen Ren. Herding Boosts
英文主页 :

赵吉昌 学 位 : 博士学位
职 称 : 副教授
单 位 : 经济管理学院

办公地点 : 新主楼A1027
毕业院校 : 北京航空航天大学计算机学院
性别 : 男
曾获荣誉 : 2013年获教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第七),2015年获北航优秀博士论文。
出生年月 : 1984-09-02
学历 : 博士研究生毕业
入职时间 : 2014-06-30
联系方式 : jichang@buaa.edu.cn
电子信箱 :

栏目部分开始 研究领域

赵吉昌,北航经济管理学院信息系统系,副教授,硕士生导师。2008年毕业于北航计算机学院获学士学位和应用数学学位,2014年毕业于北航计算机学院获博士学位,师从许可教授,2012至2013年于以色列Bar-Ilan大学物理系联合培养,师从Shlomo Havlin教授。主要研究兴趣为社会化媒体,复杂网络和商务智能,近年尤其关注社会系统复杂性相关问题。欢迎对社会化媒体、复杂网络、数据挖掘等相关交叉方向感兴趣的同学加入我的团队。(Homepage:www.zhaojichang.cn)
目前共发表论文30余篇,其中SCI/SSCI论文20余篇,包括Nature Communications 1篇(Nature子刊,影响因子11.3,综合领域排名仅次于Nature和Science),Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1篇(传播学排名第1)。Google Scholar中被引650余次,单篇最高引用170余次,H-index 11。情绪计算工作得到MIT Technology Review、BBC、FOX等90多个国家数百家媒体报道并进入教材与畅销书。2013年获教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第七),2015年获北航优秀博士论文。
曾受邀在北京师范大学、河海大学、首都师范大学、北航国家重点实验室、新浪微博、解放军信息工程大学等机构做学术报告。常态担任Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Nature Scientific Reports, Computers in Human Behavior, TKDE, TKDD, PLOS ONE, Journal of Computer Science and Technology等国际权威学术期刊审稿人。
1. Zhenkun Zhou, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Tales of Emotion and Stock in China: Volatility,Causality and Prediction. World Wide Web, DOI: 10.1007/s11280-017-0495-4, 2017.(Online)
2. Yingying Xu, Zhixin Liu, Jichang Zhao and Chiwei Su. Weibo sentiments and stock return:A time-frequency view. PLOS ONE 12(7): e**, 2017.
3. Leihan Zhang, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Sleeping Beauties in Meme Diffusion.Scientometrics, 112:383–402, 2017.
4. Zhemin Jia and Jichang Zhao. Governmental Microblogs in Beijing: Topic Landscape and Service Transformation. E-GOVERNMENT, 4:38-48, 2017. (In Chinese)
5. Yue Hu, Jichang Zhao and Junjie Wu. Emoticon-Based Ambivalent Expression: A Hidden Indicator for Unusual Behaviors in Weibo. PLOS ONE 11(1):e**, 2016.
6. Jichang Zhao, Daqing Li, Hillel Danhedrai, Roven Cohen and Shlomo Havlin.Spatio-temporal propagation of cascading overload failures in spatially embedded networks. Nature Communications 7:10094 doi: 10.1038/ncomms10094,2016.
7. Leihan Zhang, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. Who creates Trends in Online Social Media: The Crowd or Opinion Leaders? Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication,21(1):1-16, 2016.
8. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. A general law of human mobility. Science ChinaInformation Sciences, 58(10):1-14, 2015.
9. Jichang Zhao, Xiao Liang and Ke Xu. Competition between Homophily and InformationEntropy Maximization in Social Networks. PLOS ONE 10(9):e**, 2015.
10. Rui Fan, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. Topic dynamics in Weibo: a comprehensive study.Social Network Analysis and Mining, 5(1):1-15, 2015.
11. YuanZuo, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Word network topic model: A simple but generalsolution for short and imbalanced texts. Knowledge and Information Systems,48(2):379–398, 2016.
12. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Mingming Chen, Zhiwen Fang and Ke Xu. K-core-based attack to the internet: Is it more malicious than degree-based attack? (Extended Version)World Wide Web 18 (3):749-766, 2015.
13. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Guannan Liu, Dahheng Tao, Ke Xu and Chunyang Liu. Beingrational or aggressive? A revisit to Dunbar?s number in online socialnetworks. Neurocomputing 142:343-353, 2014.
14. Rui Fan, Jichang Zhao, Yan Chen and Ke Xu. Anger is more influential than joy: Sentimentcorrelation in Weibo. PLOS ONE 9 (10):e110184, 2014.
15. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Analysis of Social Ties and Checkins inLocation-based Social Networks. Science and Technology Review 32(11): 43-48,2014. (In Chinese)
16. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao, Li Dong and Ke Xu. Unraveling the origin of exponential law in intra-urban human mobility. Scientific Reports 3, 2983, 2013.
17. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Hui Xiong and Ke Xu. Information propagation in online socialnetworks: A tie-strength perspective. Knowledge and Information Systems 32(3):589-608, 2012.
18. Jichang Zhao, Xu Feng, Li Dong, Xiao Liang and Ke Xu. Performance of local information-basedlink prediction: A sampling perspective. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45(34):345001, 2012.
19. Xu Feng, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Link prediction in complex networks: a clusteringperspective. The European Physical Journal B 85(3):1-9, 2012.
20. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu and Ke Xu. Weak ties: Subtle role of information diffusion inonline social networks. Physical Review E 82(1):016105, 2010.
1. Most InfluentialEmotions on Social Networks Revealed,https://www.technologyreview.com/s/519306/most-influential-emotions-on-social-networks-revealed/.
1. Zhenkun Zhou, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Homophily of Music Listening in Online SocialNetworks. (arXiv:1710.10642)
2. RuiFan, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. An Agent-based Model for Emotion Contagion andCompetition in Online Social Media. (arXiv:1706.02676)
3. Shan Lu, Jichang Zhao*, Huiwen Wang and Ruoen Ren. Herding Boosts
英文主页 :


赵吉昌 学 位 : 博士学位
职 称 : 副教授
单 位 : 经济管理学院

办公地点 : 新主楼A1027
毕业院校 : 北京航空航天大学计算机学院
性别 : 男
曾获荣誉 : 2013年获教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第七),2015年获北航优秀博士论文。
出生年月 : 1984-09-02
学历 : 博士研究生毕业
入职时间 : 2014-06-30
联系方式 : jichang@buaa.edu.cn
电子信箱 :

栏目部分开始 开授课程


赵吉昌,北航经济管理学院信息系统系,副教授,硕士生导师。2008年毕业于北航计算机学院获学士学位和应用数学学位,2014年毕业于北航计算机学院获博士学位,师从许可教授,2012至2013年于以色列Bar-Ilan大学物理系联合培养,师从Shlomo Havlin教授。主要研究兴趣为社会化媒体,复杂网络和商务智能,近年尤其关注社会系统复杂性相关问题。欢迎对社会化媒体、复杂网络、数据挖掘等相关交叉方向感兴趣的同学加入我的团队。(Homepage:www.zhaojichang.cn)
目前共发表论文30余篇,其中SCI/SSCI论文20余篇,包括Nature Communications 1篇(Nature子刊,影响因子11.3,综合领域排名仅次于Nature和Science),Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1篇(传播学排名第1)。Google Scholar中被引650余次,单篇最高引用170余次,H-index 11。情绪计算工作得到MIT Technology Review、BBC、FOX等90多个国家数百家媒体报道并进入教材与畅销书。2013年获教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第七),2015年获北航优秀博士论文。
曾受邀在北京师范大学、河海大学、首都师范大学、北航国家重点实验室、新浪微博、解放军信息工程大学等机构做学术报告。常态担任Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Nature Scientific Reports, Computers in Human Behavior, TKDE, TKDD, PLOS ONE, Journal of Computer Science and Technology等国际权威学术期刊审稿人。
1. Zhenkun Zhou, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Tales of Emotion and Stock in China: Volatility,Causality and Prediction. World Wide Web, DOI: 10.1007/s11280-017-0495-4, 2017.(Online)
2. Yingying Xu, Zhixin Liu, Jichang Zhao and Chiwei Su. Weibo sentiments and stock return:A time-frequency view. PLOS ONE 12(7): e**, 2017.
3. Leihan Zhang, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Sleeping Beauties in Meme Diffusion.Scientometrics, 112:383–402, 2017.
4. Zhemin Jia and Jichang Zhao. Governmental Microblogs in Beijing: Topic Landscape and Service Transformation. E-GOVERNMENT, 4:38-48, 2017. (In Chinese)
5. Yue Hu, Jichang Zhao and Junjie Wu. Emoticon-Based Ambivalent Expression: A Hidden Indicator for Unusual Behaviors in Weibo. PLOS ONE 11(1):e**, 2016.
6. Jichang Zhao, Daqing Li, Hillel Danhedrai, Roven Cohen and Shlomo Havlin.Spatio-temporal propagation of cascading overload failures in spatially embedded networks. Nature Communications 7:10094 doi: 10.1038/ncomms10094,2016.
7. Leihan Zhang, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. Who creates Trends in Online Social Media: The Crowd or Opinion Leaders? Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication,21(1):1-16, 2016.
8. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. A general law of human mobility. Science ChinaInformation Sciences, 58(10):1-14, 2015.
9. Jichang Zhao, Xiao Liang and Ke Xu. Competition between Homophily and InformationEntropy Maximization in Social Networks. PLOS ONE 10(9):e**, 2015.
10. Rui Fan, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. Topic dynamics in Weibo: a comprehensive study.Social Network Analysis and Mining, 5(1):1-15, 2015.
11. YuanZuo, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Word network topic model: A simple but generalsolution for short and imbalanced texts. Knowledge and Information Systems,48(2):379–398, 2016.
12. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Mingming Chen, Zhiwen Fang and Ke Xu. K-core-based attack to the internet: Is it more malicious than degree-based attack? (Extended Version)World Wide Web 18 (3):749-766, 2015.
13. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Guannan Liu, Dahheng Tao, Ke Xu and Chunyang Liu. Beingrational or aggressive? A revisit to Dunbar?s number in online socialnetworks. Neurocomputing 142:343-353, 2014.
14. Rui Fan, Jichang Zhao, Yan Chen and Ke Xu. Anger is more influential than joy: Sentimentcorrelation in Weibo. PLOS ONE 9 (10):e110184, 2014.
15. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Analysis of Social Ties and Checkins inLocation-based Social Networks. Science and Technology Review 32(11): 43-48,2014. (In Chinese)
16. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao, Li Dong and Ke Xu. Unraveling the origin of exponential law in intra-urban human mobility. Scientific Reports 3, 2983, 2013.
17. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Hui Xiong and Ke Xu. Information propagation in online socialnetworks: A tie-strength perspective. Knowledge and Information Systems 32(3):589-608, 2012.
18. Jichang Zhao, Xu Feng, Li Dong, Xiao Liang and Ke Xu. Performance of local information-basedlink prediction: A sampling perspective. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45(34):345001, 2012.
19. Xu Feng, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Link prediction in complex networks: a clusteringperspective. The European Physical Journal B 85(3):1-9, 2012.
20. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu and Ke Xu. Weak ties: Subtle role of information diffusion inonline social networks. Physical Review E 82(1):016105, 2010.
1. Most InfluentialEmotions on Social Networks Revealed,https://www.technologyreview.com/s/519306/most-influential-emotions-on-social-networks-revealed/.
1. Zhenkun Zhou, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Homophily of Music Listening in Online SocialNetworks. (arXiv:1710.10642)
2. RuiFan, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. An Agent-based Model for Emotion Contagion andCompetition in Online Social Media. (arXiv:1706.02676)
3. Shan Lu, Jichang Zhao*, Huiwen Wang and Ruoen Ren. Herding Boosts
英文主页 :


赵吉昌 学 位 : 博士学位
职 称 : 副教授
单 位 : 经济管理学院

办公地点 : 新主楼A1027
毕业院校 : 北京航空航天大学计算机学院
性别 : 男
曾获荣誉 : 2013年获教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第七),2015年获北航优秀博士论文。
出生年月 : 1984-09-02
学历 : 博士研究生毕业
入职时间 : 2014-06-30
联系方式 : jichang@buaa.edu.cn
电子信箱 :

栏目部分开始 科研项目


赵吉昌,北航经济管理学院信息系统系,副教授,硕士生导师。2008年毕业于北航计算机学院获学士学位和应用数学学位,2014年毕业于北航计算机学院获博士学位,师从许可教授,2012至2013年于以色列Bar-Ilan大学物理系联合培养,师从Shlomo Havlin教授。主要研究兴趣为社会化媒体,复杂网络和商务智能,近年尤其关注社会系统复杂性相关问题。欢迎对社会化媒体、复杂网络、数据挖掘等相关交叉方向感兴趣的同学加入我的团队。(Homepage:www.zhaojichang.cn)
目前共发表论文30余篇,其中SCI/SSCI论文20余篇,包括Nature Communications 1篇(Nature子刊,影响因子11.3,综合领域排名仅次于Nature和Science),Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1篇(传播学排名第1)。Google Scholar中被引650余次,单篇最高引用170余次,H-index 11。情绪计算工作得到MIT Technology Review、BBC、FOX等90多个国家数百家媒体报道并进入教材与畅销书。2013年获教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第七),2015年获北航优秀博士论文。
曾受邀在北京师范大学、河海大学、首都师范大学、北航国家重点实验室、新浪微博、解放军信息工程大学等机构做学术报告。常态担任Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Nature Scientific Reports, Computers in Human Behavior, TKDE, TKDD, PLOS ONE, Journal of Computer Science and Technology等国际权威学术期刊审稿人。
1. Zhenkun Zhou, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Tales of Emotion and Stock in China: Volatility,Causality and Prediction. World Wide Web, DOI: 10.1007/s11280-017-0495-4, 2017.(Online)
2. Yingying Xu, Zhixin Liu, Jichang Zhao and Chiwei Su. Weibo sentiments and stock return:A time-frequency view. PLOS ONE 12(7): e**, 2017.
3. Leihan Zhang, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Sleeping Beauties in Meme Diffusion.Scientometrics, 112:383–402, 2017.
4. Zhemin Jia and Jichang Zhao. Governmental Microblogs in Beijing: Topic Landscape and Service Transformation. E-GOVERNMENT, 4:38-48, 2017. (In Chinese)
5. Yue Hu, Jichang Zhao and Junjie Wu. Emoticon-Based Ambivalent Expression: A Hidden Indicator for Unusual Behaviors in Weibo. PLOS ONE 11(1):e**, 2016.
6. Jichang Zhao, Daqing Li, Hillel Danhedrai, Roven Cohen and Shlomo Havlin.Spatio-temporal propagation of cascading overload failures in spatially embedded networks. Nature Communications 7:10094 doi: 10.1038/ncomms10094,2016.
7. Leihan Zhang, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. Who creates Trends in Online Social Media: The Crowd or Opinion Leaders? Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication,21(1):1-16, 2016.
8. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. A general law of human mobility. Science ChinaInformation Sciences, 58(10):1-14, 2015.
9. Jichang Zhao, Xiao Liang and Ke Xu. Competition between Homophily and InformationEntropy Maximization in Social Networks. PLOS ONE 10(9):e**, 2015.
10. Rui Fan, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. Topic dynamics in Weibo: a comprehensive study.Social Network Analysis and Mining, 5(1):1-15, 2015.
11. YuanZuo, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Word network topic model: A simple but generalsolution for short and imbalanced texts. Knowledge and Information Systems,48(2):379–398, 2016.
12. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Mingming Chen, Zhiwen Fang and Ke Xu. K-core-based attack to the internet: Is it more malicious than degree-based attack? (Extended Version)World Wide Web 18 (3):749-766, 2015.
13. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Guannan Liu, Dahheng Tao, Ke Xu and Chunyang Liu. Beingrational or aggressive? A revisit to Dunbar?s number in online socialnetworks. Neurocomputing 142:343-353, 2014.
14. Rui Fan, Jichang Zhao, Yan Chen and Ke Xu. Anger is more influential than joy: Sentimentcorrelation in Weibo. PLOS ONE 9 (10):e110184, 2014.
15. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Analysis of Social Ties and Checkins inLocation-based Social Networks. Science and Technology Review 32(11): 43-48,2014. (In Chinese)
16. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao, Li Dong and Ke Xu. Unraveling the origin of exponential law in intra-urban human mobility. Scientific Reports 3, 2983, 2013.
17. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Hui Xiong and Ke Xu. Information propagation in online socialnetworks: A tie-strength perspective. Knowledge and Information Systems 32(3):589-608, 2012.
18. Jichang Zhao, Xu Feng, Li Dong, Xiao Liang and Ke Xu. Performance of local information-basedlink prediction: A sampling perspective. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45(34):345001, 2012.
19. Xu Feng, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Link prediction in complex networks: a clusteringperspective. The European Physical Journal B 85(3):1-9, 2012.
20. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu and Ke Xu. Weak ties: Subtle role of information diffusion inonline social networks. Physical Review E 82(1):016105, 2010.
1. Most InfluentialEmotions on Social Networks Revealed,https://www.technologyreview.com/s/519306/most-influential-emotions-on-social-networks-revealed/.
1. Zhenkun Zhou, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Homophily of Music Listening in Online SocialNetworks. (arXiv:1710.10642)
2. RuiFan, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. An Agent-based Model for Emotion Contagion andCompetition in Online Social Media. (arXiv:1706.02676)
3. Shan Lu, Jichang Zhao*, Huiwen Wang and Ruoen Ren. Herding Boosts
英文主页 :


赵吉昌 学 位 : 博士学位
职 称 : 副教授
单 位 : 经济管理学院

办公地点 : 新主楼A1027
毕业院校 : 北京航空航天大学计算机学院
性别 : 男
曾获荣誉 : 2013年获教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第七),2015年获北航优秀博士论文。
出生年月 : 1984-09-02
学历 : 博士研究生毕业
入职时间 : 2014-06-30
联系方式 : jichang@buaa.edu.cn
电子信箱 :

栏目部分开始 论文
[1] Emoticon-Based Ambivalent Expression: A Hidden Indicator for Unusual Behaviors in Weibo
[2] Who creates Trends in Online Social Media: The Crowd or Opinion Leader
[3] Roven Cohen and Shlomo Havlin. Spatio-temporal propagation of cascading overload failures in spatially embedded networks.


赵吉昌,北航经济管理学院信息系统系,副教授,硕士生导师。2008年毕业于北航计算机学院获学士学位和应用数学学位,2014年毕业于北航计算机学院获博士学位,师从许可教授,2012至2013年于以色列Bar-Ilan大学物理系联合培养,师从Shlomo Havlin教授。主要研究兴趣为社会化媒体,复杂网络和商务智能,近年尤其关注社会系统复杂性相关问题。欢迎对社会化媒体、复杂网络、数据挖掘等相关交叉方向感兴趣的同学加入我的团队。(Homepage:www.zhaojichang.cn)
目前共发表论文30余篇,其中SCI/SSCI论文20余篇,包括Nature Communications 1篇(Nature子刊,影响因子11.3,综合领域排名仅次于Nature和Science),Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1篇(传播学排名第1)。Google Scholar中被引650余次,单篇最高引用170余次,H-index 11。情绪计算工作得到MIT Technology Review、BBC、FOX等90多个国家数百家媒体报道并进入教材与畅销书。2013年获教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第七),2015年获北航优秀博士论文。
曾受邀在北京师范大学、河海大学、首都师范大学、北航国家重点实验室、新浪微博、解放军信息工程大学等机构做学术报告。常态担任Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Nature Scientific Reports, Computers in Human Behavior, TKDE, TKDD, PLOS ONE, Journal of Computer Science and Technology等国际权威学术期刊审稿人。
1. Zhenkun Zhou, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Tales of Emotion and Stock in China: Volatility,Causality and Prediction. World Wide Web, DOI: 10.1007/s11280-017-0495-4, 2017.(Online)
2. Yingying Xu, Zhixin Liu, Jichang Zhao and Chiwei Su. Weibo sentiments and stock return:A time-frequency view. PLOS ONE 12(7): e**, 2017.
3. Leihan Zhang, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Sleeping Beauties in Meme Diffusion.Scientometrics, 112:383–402, 2017.
4. Zhemin Jia and Jichang Zhao. Governmental Microblogs in Beijing: Topic Landscape and Service Transformation. E-GOVERNMENT, 4:38-48, 2017. (In Chinese)
5. Yue Hu, Jichang Zhao and Junjie Wu. Emoticon-Based Ambivalent Expression: A Hidden Indicator for Unusual Behaviors in Weibo. PLOS ONE 11(1):e**, 2016.
6. Jichang Zhao, Daqing Li, Hillel Danhedrai, Roven Cohen and Shlomo Havlin.Spatio-temporal propagation of cascading overload failures in spatially embedded networks. Nature Communications 7:10094 doi: 10.1038/ncomms10094,2016.
7. Leihan Zhang, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. Who creates Trends in Online Social Media: The Crowd or Opinion Leaders? Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication,21(1):1-16, 2016.
8. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. A general law of human mobility. Science ChinaInformation Sciences, 58(10):1-14, 2015.
9. Jichang Zhao, Xiao Liang and Ke Xu. Competition between Homophily and InformationEntropy Maximization in Social Networks. PLOS ONE 10(9):e**, 2015.
10. Rui Fan, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. Topic dynamics in Weibo: a comprehensive study.Social Network Analysis and Mining, 5(1):1-15, 2015.
11. YuanZuo, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Word network topic model: A simple but generalsolution for short and imbalanced texts. Knowledge and Information Systems,48(2):379–398, 2016.
12. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Mingming Chen, Zhiwen Fang and Ke Xu. K-core-based attack to the internet: Is it more malicious than degree-based attack? (Extended Version)World Wide Web 18 (3):749-766, 2015.
13. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Guannan Liu, Dahheng Tao, Ke Xu and Chunyang Liu. Beingrational or aggressive? A revisit to Dunbar?s number in online socialnetworks. Neurocomputing 142:343-353, 2014.
14. Rui Fan, Jichang Zhao, Yan Chen and Ke Xu. Anger is more influential than joy: Sentimentcorrelation in Weibo. PLOS ONE 9 (10):e110184, 2014.
15. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Analysis of Social Ties and Checkins inLocation-based Social Networks. Science and Technology Review 32(11): 43-48,2014. (In Chinese)
16. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao, Li Dong and Ke Xu. Unraveling the origin of exponential law in intra-urban human mobility. Scientific Reports 3, 2983, 2013.
17. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Hui Xiong and Ke Xu. Information propagation in online socialnetworks: A tie-strength perspective. Knowledge and Information Systems 32(3):589-608, 2012.
18. Jichang Zhao, Xu Feng, Li Dong, Xiao Liang and Ke Xu. Performance of local information-basedlink prediction: A sampling perspective. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45(34):345001, 2012.
19. Xu Feng, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Link prediction in complex networks: a clusteringperspective. The European Physical Journal B 85(3):1-9, 2012.
20. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu and Ke Xu. Weak ties: Subtle role of information diffusion inonline social networks. Physical Review E 82(1):016105, 2010.
1. Most InfluentialEmotions on Social Networks Revealed,https://www.technologyreview.com/s/519306/most-influential-emotions-on-social-networks-revealed/.
1. Zhenkun Zhou, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Homophily of Music Listening in Online SocialNetworks. (arXiv:1710.10642)
2. RuiFan, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. An Agent-based Model for Emotion Contagion andCompetition in Online Social Media. (arXiv:1706.02676)
3. Shan Lu, Jichang Zhao*, Huiwen Wang and Ruoen Ren. Herding Boosts
英文主页 :


赵吉昌 学 位 : 博士学位
职 称 : 副教授
单 位 : 经济管理学院

办公地点 : 新主楼A1027
毕业院校 : 北京航空航天大学计算机学院
性别 : 男
曾获荣誉 : 2013年获教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第七),2015年获北航优秀博士论文。
出生年月 : 1984-09-02
学历 : 博士研究生毕业
入职时间 : 2014-06-30
联系方式 : jichang@buaa.edu.cn
电子信箱 :

栏目部分开始 荣誉及奖励


赵吉昌,北航经济管理学院信息系统系,副教授,硕士生导师。2008年毕业于北航计算机学院获学士学位和应用数学学位,2014年毕业于北航计算机学院获博士学位,师从许可教授,2012至2013年于以色列Bar-Ilan大学物理系联合培养,师从Shlomo Havlin教授。主要研究兴趣为社会化媒体,复杂网络和商务智能,近年尤其关注社会系统复杂性相关问题。欢迎对社会化媒体、复杂网络、数据挖掘等相关交叉方向感兴趣的同学加入我的团队。(Homepage:www.zhaojichang.cn)
目前共发表论文30余篇,其中SCI/SSCI论文20余篇,包括Nature Communications 1篇(Nature子刊,影响因子11.3,综合领域排名仅次于Nature和Science),Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 1篇(传播学排名第1)。Google Scholar中被引650余次,单篇最高引用170余次,H-index 11。情绪计算工作得到MIT Technology Review、BBC、FOX等90多个国家数百家媒体报道并进入教材与畅销书。2013年获教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第七),2015年获北航优秀博士论文。
曾受邀在北京师范大学、河海大学、首都师范大学、北航国家重点实验室、新浪微博、解放军信息工程大学等机构做学术报告。常态担任Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Nature Scientific Reports, Computers in Human Behavior, TKDE, TKDD, PLOS ONE, Journal of Computer Science and Technology等国际权威学术期刊审稿人。
1. Zhenkun Zhou, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Tales of Emotion and Stock in China: Volatility,Causality and Prediction. World Wide Web, DOI: 10.1007/s11280-017-0495-4, 2017.(Online)
2. Yingying Xu, Zhixin Liu, Jichang Zhao and Chiwei Su. Weibo sentiments and stock return:A time-frequency view. PLOS ONE 12(7): e**, 2017.
3. Leihan Zhang, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Sleeping Beauties in Meme Diffusion.Scientometrics, 112:383–402, 2017.
4. Zhemin Jia and Jichang Zhao. Governmental Microblogs in Beijing: Topic Landscape and Service Transformation. E-GOVERNMENT, 4:38-48, 2017. (In Chinese)
5. Yue Hu, Jichang Zhao and Junjie Wu. Emoticon-Based Ambivalent Expression: A Hidden Indicator for Unusual Behaviors in Weibo. PLOS ONE 11(1):e**, 2016.
6. Jichang Zhao, Daqing Li, Hillel Danhedrai, Roven Cohen and Shlomo Havlin.Spatio-temporal propagation of cascading overload failures in spatially embedded networks. Nature Communications 7:10094 doi: 10.1038/ncomms10094,2016.
7. Leihan Zhang, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. Who creates Trends in Online Social Media: The Crowd or Opinion Leaders? Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication,21(1):1-16, 2016.
8. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. A general law of human mobility. Science ChinaInformation Sciences, 58(10):1-14, 2015.
9. Jichang Zhao, Xiao Liang and Ke Xu. Competition between Homophily and InformationEntropy Maximization in Social Networks. PLOS ONE 10(9):e**, 2015.
10. Rui Fan, Jichang Zhao* and Ke Xu. Topic dynamics in Weibo: a comprehensive study.Social Network Analysis and Mining, 5(1):1-15, 2015.
11. YuanZuo, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Word network topic model: A simple but generalsolution for short and imbalanced texts. Knowledge and Information Systems,48(2):379–398, 2016.
12. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Mingming Chen, Zhiwen Fang and Ke Xu. K-core-based attack to the internet: Is it more malicious than degree-based attack? (Extended Version)World Wide Web 18 (3):749-766, 2015.
13. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Guannan Liu, Dahheng Tao, Ke Xu and Chunyang Liu. Beingrational or aggressive? A revisit to Dunbar?s number in online socialnetworks. Neurocomputing 142:343-353, 2014.
14. Rui Fan, Jichang Zhao, Yan Chen and Ke Xu. Anger is more influential than joy: Sentimentcorrelation in Weibo. PLOS ONE 9 (10):e110184, 2014.
15. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Analysis of Social Ties and Checkins inLocation-based Social Networks. Science and Technology Review 32(11): 43-48,2014. (In Chinese)
16. Xiao Liang, Jichang Zhao, Li Dong and Ke Xu. Unraveling the origin of exponential law in intra-urban human mobility. Scientific Reports 3, 2983, 2013.
17. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu, Hui Xiong and Ke Xu. Information propagation in online socialnetworks: A tie-strength perspective. Knowledge and Information Systems 32(3):589-608, 2012.
18. Jichang Zhao, Xu Feng, Li Dong, Xiao Liang and Ke Xu. Performance of local information-basedlink prediction: A sampling perspective. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45(34):345001, 2012.
19. Xu Feng, Jichang Zhao and Ke Xu. Link prediction in complex networks: a clusteringperspective. The European Physical Journal B 85(3):1-9, 2012.
20. Jichang Zhao, Junjie Wu and Ke Xu. Weak ties: Subtle role of information diffusion inonline social networks. Physical Review E 82(1):016105, 2010.
1. Most InfluentialEmotions on Social Networks Revealed,https://www.technologyreview.com/s/519306/most-influential-emotions-on-social-networks-revealed/.
1. Zhenkun Zhou, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. Homophily of Music Listening in Online SocialNetworks. (arXiv:1710.10642)
2. RuiFan, Ke Xu and Jichang Zhao*. An Agent-based Model for Emotion Contagion andCompetition in Online Social Media. (arXiv:1706.02676)
3. Shan Lu, Jichang Zhao*, Huiwen Wang and Ruoen Ren. Herding Boosts
英文主页 :


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