2009/9-2011/4,法国里昂中央理工大学,博士后,合作导师:F. Lebeouf
· L. Fang, X.Y. Sun, and Y.W. Liu.A criterion of orthogonality onthe assumption and restrictions in subgrid-scale modelling of turbulence.Physics Letters A,380(47): 3988-3992 (2016) (SCI)
· L. Fang, Y.J. Zhang, J. Fang, and Y.Zhu.Relation of the fourth-order statistical invariants ofvelocity gradient tensor in isotropic turbulence.Physical Review E,94(2): 023114 (2016) (SCI)
· L. Fang, J.C. Marongiu, J. Leduc, A.Amicarelli, and J. Caro. A high-order SPH method by introducing inversekernels.Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, accepted (2016) (SCI)
· Z.C. Qin,L.Fang, and J. Fang.How isotropic are turbulent flows generated by using periodic conditions ina cube?PhysicsLetters A,380(13): 1310-1317 (2016) (SCI)
· Y.W. Liu,H. Yan,L. Fang, L.P. Lu, Q.S. Li, and L. Shao.Modified k-omega model using kinematic vorticity forcorner separation in compressor cascade.Science China Technological Sciences. 59(5):795-806 (2016) (SCI)
· L. Fang, F.Y. Liu, S. Chen, and J.Z.Wu.The SPH-EL method for the simulation of the interactionbetween water drops and solid wall.Journal of Modern MechanicalEngineering and Technology,2(2): 55-60 (2015)
· L. Fang, W.J.T. Bos, and G.D. Jin,Short-time evolution of Lagrangian velocity gradientcorrelations in isotropic turbulence,Physics of Fluids, 27:125102 (2015) (SCI)
· M.W. Ge,L.Fang, and D. Tian,Influence of Reynolds number on multi-objective designof a wind turbine blade in the aspect of aerodynamics.PloS one, 10(11):E** (2015) (SCI)
· L. Fang, Y. Zhu, Y.W. Liu, and L.P.Lu,Spectral non-equilibrium property in homogeneousisotropic turbulence and its implication in subgrid-scale modeling,Physics Letters A, 379(38),2331-2336 (2015) (SCI)
· W.J.T. Bos,andL. Fang,Dependency of turbulent advection on the Lagrangiancorrelation time,Physical Review E, 91, 043020 (2015) (SCI)
· Y.S. Ma,L.Fang, and Y. Wang,Advances of some recent mechanical models on emergencyevacuation,Journal of Modern Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 1(1): 25-30(2014)
· L. Fang,Correlation between large- and small-scale velocity components underFourier filters,Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 4(6):10-062008 (2014)
· L. Fang, L. Shao, and J.P. Bertoglio,Recent understanding on the subgrid-scale modeling oflarge-eddy simulation in physical space,Science China Physics, Mechanics& Astronomy, 57(12): 2188-2193 (2014) (SCI)
· L. Fang, J.Z. Wu, and Y.W. Liu,Inverse SPH method: a new method for restoringhigh-order consistency,Energy Education Science and Technology Part A,32(6): 4839-4848 (2014) (EI)
· S. Chen,L.Fang, and B. Qu,A numerical method for tracking the deformation of fluid particles,Applied Mechanics andMaterials, 556-562: 3752-3755 (2014) (EI)
· F.Y. Liu,L.Fang,A Local regrouping method in the 2D SPH simulation.Applied Mechanics andMaterials, 556-562: 3756-3759 (2014) (EI)
· L. Fang, B. Li, and L.P. Lu,Scaling law of resolved-scale isotropic turbulence andits application in large-eddy simulation,Acta Mechanica Sinica, 30(3),339-350 (2014) (SCI)
· H. Yan,Y.W. Liu,L. Fang, and L.P. Lu,Modificationof Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model for predicting S825 airfoil aerodynamicperformance,Applied Mechanics and Materials, 543-547:189-194 (2014) (EI)
· S.Y. Yao,L. Fang, J.M. Lv, J.Z. Wu, and L.P. Lu,Multiscale three-point velocity increment correlation in turbulent flows,Physics Letters A,378(11-12), 886-891 (2014) (SCI)
· Y.S. Jiang,L. Fang, X.D. Jing, X.F. Sun, and F. Leboeuf,A second-order numerical method for elliptic equationswith singular sources using local filter,Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,26(6), 1398-1408 (2013) (SCI)
· L. Fang, M.W. Ge, and J.Z. Wu,Comment on "A self-adjusting flow dependentformulation for the classical Smagorinsky model coefficient",Physics of Fluids,25(9), 099101 (2013) (SCI)
· W.J.T. Bos,R. Rubinstein, andL. Fang,Reduction of mean-square advection in turbulent passivescalar mixing,Physics of Fluids, 24(7), 075104 (2012) (SCI)
· L. Fang, Y.W. Liu, G.Q. Jing, and S.J.Huang,Review of some recent patents on the Large-EddySimulation technique in turbulence,Recent Patents on MechanicalEngineering, 5, 89-95 (2012) (EI)
· L. Fang, W.J.T. Bos, L. Shao, and J.P.Bertoglio,Time-reversibility of Navier-Stokes turbulence and itsimplication for subgrid scale models,Journal of Turbulence, 13(3),1-14 (2012) (SCI)
· Y.W. Liu,L.P. Lu,L. Fang, and F. Gao,Modification of Spalart-Allmarasmodel with consideration of turbulence energy backscatter using velocityhelicity,Physics Letters A, 375(24), 2377-2381 (2011) (SCI)
· A.Amicarelli, J.C. Marongiu, F. Leboeuf, J. Leduc, M. Neuhauser,L. Fang,and J. Caro,SPH truncation error in estimating a 3D derivative,International Journal forNumerical Methods in Engineering, 87(7), 677-700 (2011) (SCI)
· W.J.T. Bos,R. Rubinstein, andL. Fang,Depletion of advection in turbulent scalar mixing,Journal of Physics:Conference Series, 318, 052037 (2011) (EI)
· L. Fang,A new dynamic formula for determining the coefficient ofSmagorinsky model, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters,1(3), 032002 (2011)
· Y. Wei, S.Cotin, J. Allard,L. Fang, C. Pan, and S. Ma,Interactive blood-coil simulation in real-time duringaneurysm embolization,Computers & Graphics, 35(2),422-430 (2011) (SCI)
· L. Fang, L. Shao, J.P. Bertoglio, L.P.Lu, and Z.S. Zhang,The rapid-slow decomposition of the subgrid flux ininhomogeneous scalar turbulence,Journal of Turbulence, 12(8),1-23 (2011) (SCI)
· L. Fang, W.J.T. Bos, X. Zhou, L. Shao,and J.P. Bertoglio,Corrections to the scaling of the second-order structurefunction in isotropic turbulence,Acta Mechanica Sinica, 26(2), 151(2010) (SCI)
· Y. Wei, S.Cotin,L. Fang, J. Allard, C. Pan, and S. Ma,Real-time simulation of blood flow andcoil interactions during aneurysm embolization,Lecture Notes in ComputerScience, 5761, 198-205 (2009) (EI)
· L. Fang, L. Shao, J.P. Bertoglio, G.X.Cui, C.X. Xu, and Z.S. Zhang,An improved velocity increment model based on Kolmogorovequation of filtered velocity,Physics of Fluids, 21(6),065108 (2009) (SCI)
· G.X. Cui,C.X. Xu,L. Fang, L. Shao, and Z.S. Zhang,A new subgrid eddy-viscosity modelfor large-eddy simulation of anisotropic turbulence,Journal of Fluid Mechanics,582:377-397 (2007) (SCI)
· L. Fang, G.X. Cui, C.X. Xu, and Z.S.Zhang,Multi-scale analysis of energy transfer in scalarturbulence,Chinese Physics Letters, 22:2877-2880 (2005) (SCI)
· 秦泽聪,方乐,一种改进的均匀各向同性湍流初始化方法,力学学报, 48(6):1319-1325 (2016) (EI)
Z.C. Qin,L. Fang, An improved method forinitializing homogeneous isotropic turbulent flows.Chinese Journal ofTheoretical and Applied Mechanics. 48(6):1319-1325 (2016)
· 方乐,金雪夫,王思远,王颖,基于势能网格的人群流动模型及其在渠化效应中的应用,系统仿真学报, accepted (2016)
L. Fang, X.F. Jin, S.Y. Wang,and Y. Wang, Pedestrian Flow Simulation Model based on Potential Grid andits Application to Lane Formation Phenomenon,Journal of System Simulation,accepted (2016)
· 方乐,葛铭纬,柳阳威,从单摆看空间的升降维现象,物理与工程, accepted (2016)
L. Fang, M.W. Ge, and Y.W. Liu, From pendulum to thechange of spatial dimension,Physics and Engineering, accepted (2016)
· 徐华京,张巍,张东方,方乐,BP神经网络在锅炉汽包水位自动调节系统中的应用,河北工业大学学报, 42(5): 22-26 (2013)
H.J. Xu, W. Zhang,L. Fang, and D.F. Zhang,Application of BP neural network for the automatic control system of waterlevel in boiler barrel (in Chinese),Journal of Hebei University ofTechnology, 42(5): 22-26 (2013)
· 王璐,牛薇,方乐,张浩,陈赫威,基于计算几何的新型红外式触摸屏多点触摸识别算法,中南大学学报, 44(S2): 300-303 (2013) (EI)
L. Wang, W. Niu,L. Fang, H. Zhang, and H.W. Chen, Anew multi-touch recognition algorithm for infrared touch screen based oncomputational geometry (in Chinese),Journal of Central South University ofTechnology, 44(S2): 300-303 (2013)
· 文晓庆,柳阳威,方乐,陆利蓬,提高 k-omega SST模型对翼型失速特性模拟能力的研究,北京航空航天大学学报, 39(8): 1127-1132 (2013) (EI)
X.Q. Wen, Y.W. Liu,L. Fang, and L.P. Lu, Improvingthe capability of k-ωSST turbulence model forpredicting stallcharacteristics of airfoil (inChinese),Journal of Beijing Universityof Aeronautics and Astronautics, 39(8): 1127-1132 (2013)
· 方乐,一种基于过滤和反卷积的新型高阶浸没边界法,应用数学和力学, 34(8): 807-814 (2013)
L. Fang, A novel high-order immersed boundary methodbased on filter and deconvolution operation (in Chinese),AppliedMathematics and Mechanics, 34(8): 807-814 (2013)
· 方乐,洪洁瑛,弱非均匀Voronoi图细胞面积/体积的快速近似算法,数值计算与计算机应用, 32(2): 135-142. (2011)
L. Fangand J.Y. Hong, A rapid approximate algorithmfor computing the areas / volumes of the cells in weakly inhomogeneous Voronoidiagram (in Chinese).Journal of numerical methods and computer applications.32(2): 135-142. (2011)
· 马威,方乐,邵亮,陆利蓬,可解尺度各向同性湍流的标度律,力学学报, 43(2): 267-276 (2011) (EI)
? W. Ma,L. Fang, L.Shao, and L.P. Lu. Scaling Law of Resolved-Scale Isotropic Turbulence (inChinese).Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 43(2):267-276. (2011)
· 方乐,杨云柯,王洪涛,洪洁瑛,全场离散Tophat过滤操作的快速算法,数值计算与计算机应用, 30(3):218-224 (2009)
L. Fang, Y.K. Yang, H.T. Wang, and J.Y. Hong. A rapidalgorithm for Tophat filter operator in discrete field (in Chinese).Journalof numerical methods and computer applications. 30(3):218-224 (2009)
· 方乐,崔桂香,许春晓,张兆顺,标量湍流的能量传输特性,计算物理, 23(6):692-698 (2006) (EI)
L. Fang, G.X. Cui, C.X. Xu, and Z.S. Zhang. Energytransfer in scalar turbulence (in Chinese).Chinese journal of computationalphysics. 23(6):692-698 (2006)
· L. Fang, and L.P. Wang, Atheoretical approach on the scaling of the second-order cross structure functionin homogeneous shear turbulence,TSFP-9, Melbourne, 2015, poster
· L. Fang, J. Lelouvetel, J. Caro, M.Lance, and F. Leboeuf, Development of "sph-turb": an open-source codeusing the smoothed particle hydrodynamics,7th Centrale-Beihang Workshop,Beijing, 2014
· Y.S. Jiang,L. Fang, X.D. Jing, X.F. Sun, and F. Leboeuf, A hybrid numerical methodfor elliptic equations with immersed interfaces using a local filter,ACFM14,Hanoi and Halong, 2013
· J.Lelouvetel,L. Fang, J. Caro, and F. Leboeuf, Smoothed ParticleHydrodynamics simulation for cavitating flows,6th Centrale-Beihang Workshop,Lille, 2012
· L. Fang, F. Gao, L. Shao, Y.W. Liu,and L.P. Lu, From theory to engineering: numerical simulation of turbulentflows in compressors,5th Centrale-Beihang Workshop, Beijing, 2012
· W.J.T. Bos,R. Rubinstein, andL. Fang, Depletion of advection in turbulent scalarmixing,ETC13, Warsaw, 2011 (EI)
· D. LeTouzé, J. Biddiscombe, A. Colagrossi, E. Jacquin, F. Leboeuf, J.-C. Marongiu,N. Quinlan, A. Amicarelli, M. Antuono, D. Barcarolo, M. Basa, J. Caro, M.De Leffe, N. Grenier, P.-M. Guilcher, M. Kerhuel,L. Fang, L. Lobovský,S. Marrone, A. Marsh, G. Oger, E. Parkinson, and J. Soumagne, Next-generationmulti-mechanics simulation engine in a highly interactive environment, ProcediaComputer Science, v 7, p 292-293, 2011, Proceedings of the 2nd European FutureTechnologies Conference and Exhibition 2011, FET 11 (EI)
· Y. Wei,L.Fang, S. Cotin, and S. Ma, Interactive blood-coil simulation usingDiscrete Exterior Calculus,ICVFM, Caserta, 2010
· L. Fang, W.J.T. Bos, L. Shao, and J.P.Bertoglio, On time-reversibility of subgrid-scale models for large-eddysimulation,DLES 8, Eindhoven, 2010
· L. Fang, L. Shao, J.P. Bertoglio, L.P.Lu, and Z.S. Zhang, Rapid and slow decomposition in large eddy simulation ofscalar turbulence, ASMEFEDSM-ICNMM, Montreal, 2010 (EI)
· A.Amicarelli, F. Leboeuf,L. Fang, J. Caro, J.C. Marongiu, and J. Leduc,SPH truncation error in 3D simulations,SPHERIC, Manchester, 2010
· L. Fang, W.J.T. Bos, L.Shao, and J.P.Bertoglio, A dynamic multiscale subgrid model for MHD turbulence based onKolmogorov's equation,ETC12, Marburg, 2009, poster (CPCI-S)
· Y. Wei, S.Cotin,L. Fang, J. Allard, C. Pan, and S. Ma, Toward real-timesimulation of blood flow and coil interactions during aneurysmembolization,MICCAI, London, 2009 (CPCI-S)
( obtained theMICCAI Young Scientist Awards)
· Y. Wang, H.Wang, C. Pan, andL. Fang, Style preserving Chinese character synthesisbased on hierarchical representation of character,ICASSP, LasVegas, 2008 (CPCI-S)
· L. Fang, L. Shao, J.P. Bertoglio, G.Cui, C. Xu, and Z. Zhang, An improvement of increment model by using Kolmogorovequation of filtered velocity,DLES 7, Trieste, 2008
· L. Fang, J. Boudet, and L. Shao, Leséchanges inter-échelles en simulation des grandes échelles,CFM 18,Grenoble, 2007
· 方乐,非均衡湍流:现象、理论与建模,2016年湍流与流动稳定性专题研讨会,厦门, 2016
· 鲍赋劼,方乐,槽道湍流中应变率张量的拉格朗日时间自相关研究,全国流体力学学术会议,南京, 2016
· 方乐,W.J.T. Bos,晋国栋,各向同性湍流拉格朗日速度梯度交叉相关函数的短期增长现象,中国力学大会,上海, 2015
· 金雪夫,方乐,王颖,一种基于势能网格的新型人群流动数值模拟方法,中国力学大会,上海, 2015
· 方乐,各向同性非均衡湍流与大涡模拟,2014年湍流与流动稳定性专题研讨会,上海, 2014
· 曲波,方乐,陆利蓬,被动标量湍流对流与标量脉动梯度相关性研究,中国力学大会,西安, 2013
· 吴建钊,姚思远,吕金明,方乐,任意方向三点速度增量的二阶结构函数的研究,中国力学大会,西安, 2013
· 孙雪砚,方乐,柳阳威,亚格子建模中正交条件的研究,北航研究生学术论坛,北京, 2016
· 李豪扬,方乐,牛薇,王璐,基于斜截式变换的红外触摸屏触点识别算法,北航研究生学术论坛,北京, 2014
· 李博,方乐,陆利蓬, Scaling law of resolved-scale isotropic turbulence and itsapplication in large-eddy simulation,北航研究生学术论坛,北京, 2013
· 曲波,方乐,陆利蓬, Statistical correlation between scalar gradient and advection inturbulent passive scalar mixing,北航研究生学术论坛,北京, 2013
· Marc Pauly著,方乐译,微分方程,科学出版社,北京, 2013
· 方乐,牛薇,李豪扬,基于点斜式变换的红外触摸屏的单触点识别方法,申请号:4.X
· 方乐,牛薇,张浩,管健,基于红外触摸屏触摸点识别算法的虚拟测试系统和方法,申请号:9.4
· sph-turb: 3D SPH simulation for homogeneousisotropic turbulence (Fortran 77)
· pushbox-pyqt: A PyQT based Sokoban solver
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简介1、基本信息姓名:安炜职务:预科物理职称:讲师办公地点:410电话:**电子邮件:anwei@buaa.edu.cn个人主页:2、教育背景:2010.9至2016.1北京大学物理学院博士毕业3、工作经历:2016.3至今北京航空航天大学中法工程师学院4、主讲课程:电学实验、光学实验、习题课等5、研究领域方向:凝聚态物理第一性原理计算6、代表性研究成果(论文、论著、专利等)lWeiAn,Feng ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学中法工程师学院导师教师师资介绍简介-牛薇
简介1、基本信息姓名:牛薇职务:教师职称:讲师办公地点:二号楼411电话:**电子邮件:Wei.Niu@buaa.edu.cn个人主页:(如有)http://www-polsys.lip6.fr/~wei/2、教育背景:巴黎第六大学计算机实验室博士北京航空航天大学数学与系统科学学院本科及硕士3、工作经历:2012年起北航中法工程师学院教师4、主讲课程:数学建模、概率统计5、研究领域方向:1.符号计 ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学中法工程师学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王钊
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龙全教授职务:学院学术委员会主任联系电话:邮箱地址:longq@buaa.edu.cn通信地址:逸夫科学馆218室邮编:100191个人简介研究方向作品介绍乡村写生阿姆斯特丹的房子静坐的模特街头一角猴子 ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学新媒体与艺术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-宋泽惠 副教授
宋泽惠副教授职务:副院长联系电话:邮箱地址:songzehui@buaa.edu.cn通信地址:逸夫科学馆218室邮编:100191个人简介宋泽惠,副教授,副院长(主管本科教学及实验室建设),北航设计艺术中心主任,主要致力于视觉传达设计专业教学、科研及实践工作。共有14件作品发表在《美术观察》等中文核心期刊及重要学术刊物上;设计作品曾获得中国设计之星设计艺术大赛优秀奖、中国创意设计年鉴银奖等奖项; ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学新媒体与艺术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张雪 教授
张雪教授职务:教师联系电话:邮箱地址:zhangxue@buaa.edu.cn通信地址:逸夫科学馆202室邮编:100191个人简介张雪,担任设计艺术研究与教学工作。《广告设计课程》获学校优秀课程奖;《版式设计》课程为学校精品课程。著有《广告形象》《插画设计》;《后现代标志设计》《广告表现的形式语言》《标志设计新趋向》《后现代主义广告思潮》等多部著作出版与多篇论文发表。设计作品多次参加全国性展览并 ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24北京航空航天大学新媒体与艺术学院导师教师师资介绍简介-沈旭昆 教授
沈旭昆教授职务:院长联系电话:邮箱地址:xkshen@buaa.edu.cn通信地址:逸夫科学馆220室邮编:100191个人简介沈旭昆,男,1965年生,博士,教授,博士生导师。沈旭昆教授长期从事数字媒体、虚拟现实领域的研究和设计工作。作为项目负责人主持完成了国家863计划重点项目"虚拟融合协同工作环境技术与系统"、科技奥运项目"虚拟奥运博物馆建设"、科技部国家科技基础条件平台建设项目"中国数字 ...北京航空航天大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-24