1. 2013-2015,南澳大学,Centre for Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation,副研究员
2. 2015-2017,纽卡斯尔大学,GlobalCentre for Environmental Remediation),research associate& research fellow
3. 2017-至今,北京航空航天大学,空间与环境学院
1. 北京航空航天卓越百人启动项目,2017-2019;50万;负责
2. 国家自然基金委青年基金,基于群体药代动力学的化学物质筛查研究;2018-2020;26万;负责;
3. 北京航空航天青年拔尖项目,2018-2021;100万;负责
1. ZM Dong andJY Hu*. Development of leadsource-specific exposure standards based on aggregate exposure assessment:Bayesian inversion from biomonitoring information to multipathway exposure, Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46 (2), 1144-1152.
2. ZM Dong; YJ Liu; LC Duan;D Bekele; R Naidu*. Uncertainties inhuman health risk assessment of environmental contaminants: A review andperspective. Environment International, 2015, 85, 120-132.
3. ZM Dong; GX YuanandJYHu*. Uncertainty analysis in 2, 3, 7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) cancer dose–response for threeoccupational cohorts. Environment International. 2016, 88, 53-59.
4. ZM Dong; KH Yan; YJ Liu; Ravi Naidu*; LC Duan; A Wijayawardena; K Semple; MM Rahman. A meta-analysis to correlate lead bioavailability andbioaccessibility and predict lead bioavailability. Environment International. 2016, 92–93,139–145.
5. ZM Dong; CX Liu; YJ Liu; KH Yan; KTSemple and R Naidu*. Using publicly availabledata, Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model and Bayesian simulation toimprove arsenic non-cancer dose-response. Environment International 92–93,239–246.
6. CX Liu, CS Zhu, ZM Dong*, K Zhang, YB Zhao;YL XU. Benchmark Dose for Cadmium Exposure and ElevatedN-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase: A Meta-analysis. Environmental Science andPollution Research, 2016, July.
7. ZMDong, MM, Bahara,b, J Jit, B Kennedy, B Priestly, J Ng, D Lamb,YJ Liu, LC Duan and R Naidu*, Issues Raised by the Reference Doses for PerfluorooctaneSulfonate and Perfluorooctanoic Acid, Environment International. 2017,accepted.
8. XQ Wu; JYHu*; A Jia; H Peng; SM Wu; ZM Dong. Determination andOccurrence of retionoic acids and their 4-oxo metabolites in Liaodong Bay,China, and its adjacent Rivers. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,2010,29 (11), 2491-2497.
9. A Jia.; JY Hu*; XQWu; H Peng; SM Wu; ZM Dong. Occurrenceand source apportionment of sulfonamides and their metabolites in Liaodong Bayand the adjacent Liao River Basin, north China.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2011, 30 (6),1252-1260.
10. FJ Ma; GX Yuan; LP Meng;ZMDong; JY Hu*.Occurrence and Source of Nitrosamines and Secondary Amines in Groundwater andits Adjacent Jialu River Basin, China. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46 (6), 3236-3243.
11. JXSun; JY Hu*; H Peng; JC Sun; ZM Dong. Molecular and physiologicalcharacterization of fluoroquinolone resistance in relation to uropathogenicityamong Escherichia coli isolates isolated from Wenyu River, China. Chemosphere.2012, 87 (1), 37-42.
12. Y Wan; K Zhang; ZM Dong; JY Hu*. Distribution is a Major FactorAffecting Bioaccumulation of Decabrominated Diphenyl Ether: Chinese Sturgeon(Acipenser sinensis) as an Example. EnvironmentalScience & Technology, 2013, 47 (5), 2279–2286.
13. QQ Zhang; A Jia; Y Wan; H Liu; K Wang; H Peng; ZM Dong;JY Hu*. Occurrences of three classes of antibiotics in a natural river basin:association with antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli. EnvironmentalScience & Technology, 2014, 48 (24), 14317-14325.
14. LC Duan; T Palanisami; YJ Liu; ZM Dong; MMallavarapu, T Kuchel; KT Semple, R Naidu*.Effects of ageing and soil properties on the oral bioavailability of benzo [a]pyrene using a swine model. Journal of HazardousMaterials, 2014,296, 175-184.
15. MM Rahman; ZM Dong; R Naidu*. Concentrations of arsenic and other elements ingroundwater of Bangladesh and West Bengal, India: Potential cancer risk. Chemosphere.2015, 139, 54-64.
16. LC Duan; R Naidu*; YJ Liu; T Palanisami; ZM Dong; M Mallavarapu; KT Semple. Effectof ageing on benzo [a] pyrene extractability in contrasting soils. EnvironmentInternational. 2015,70, 192-202.
17. MB Shakoor; Nabeel Khan Niazi; Irshad Bibi; MM Rahman; RNaidu*; ZM Dong; Muhammad S; M Arshad. Unraveling HealthRisk and Speciation of Arsenic from Groundwater in Rural Areas of Punjab,Pakistan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,2015, 12(10), 12371-12390.
18. S Bolan; R Naidu*; A Kunhikrishnan; B Seshadri; YS OK; T Palanisami; ZM Dong.Speciation and bioavailability of lead in complementary medicines. Scienceof the Total Environment, 2015, 539, 304-312.
19. KH Yan; ZM Dong; YJ Liu; R Naidu*. Quantifying statistical relationships between commonlyused in vitro models for estimating lead bioaccessibility. EnvironmentalScience and Pollution Research,2016, 23(7), 6873-6882.
20. LC Duan; RNaidu*;YJ Liu; ZM Dong; M Mallavarapu; P Herde; K Kuchel; K Semple; Comparison of oralbioavailability of benzo[a]pyrene in soils using rat and swine and theimplications for human health risk assessment. Environment International,2016, 94, 95-102.
21. O Bello; R Naidu*; MM Rahman; YJ Liu; ZM Dong. Lead concentration in the blood ofthe general population living near a lead–zinc mine site, Nigeria: Exposurepathways. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 542, 908-914.
22. YJBen, T Li, Y Wan, ZM Dong, JY Hu*. Exposureassessment of PCDD/Fs for the population living in the vicinity of municipalwaste incinerator: Additional exposure via local vegetable consumption. Environmentalpollution,2017,accepted online
23. FJQi, R Naidu*, NS Bolan, ZM Dong, YB Yan, D Lamb, TDBucheli, G Choppala, LC Duan, KT Semple, Pyrogenic carbon in Australian soils. ScienceoftheTotalEnvironment,2017,accepted online.
24. 胡建英,安伟,曹红斌,董兆敏.化学物质的风险评价[M].北京: 科学出版社,2010.
25. 胡建英,安伟,董兆敏,高群,健康风险评价系统1.0(软件著作权),注册号:2014SR153647
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-24
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