
北京航空航天大学法学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Paul Stephen Dempsey

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Paul Stephen Dempsey





Paul Stephen Dempsey is Tomlinson Professor of Global Governance in Air & Space Law and Director of the Institute of Air & Space Law at McGill University, in Montreal, Canada. For more than two decades, he held the chair as Professor of Transportation Law, and was Director of the Transportation Law Program at the University of Denver. He was also Director of the National Center for Intermodal Transportation. Earlier, he served as an attorney with the Civil Aeronautics Board and the Interstate Commerce Commission in Washington, D.C., and was Legal Advisor to the Chairman of the I.C.C. He is admitted to practice law in Colorado, Georgia and the District of Columbia.
Professor Dempsey was a Fulbright Scholar, was awarded the Transportation Lawyers Association Distinguished Service Award, and was designated the University of Denver's Outstanding Scholar. He was the first individual designated the University of Denver's Hughes Research Professor, and DePaul University's Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law. The Colorado transportation community named him “Educator of the Year”, and inducted him into the Colorado Aerospace Hall of Fame. For 23 years, he was faculty editor of the Transportation Law Journal. He also served on the Editorial Boards of the Denver Business Journal, and The Aviation Quarterly (Lloyds, London), and currently serves on the Editorial Board of the German Journal of Air & Space Law, and as Editor-in-Chief of the Annals of Air & Space Law. Professor Dempsey has published more than 20 books and ninety law review and academic journal articles, and scores of newspaper and news magazine editorials.
From 1986 to 1998, he was host of KWGN-TV's weekly talk show, "Your Right to Say It." Professor Dempsey has appeared on the ABC Evening News with Peter Jennings, the MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour, ABC World Business Report, NBC Today, ABC Good Morning America, CNN Crossfire, National Public Radio, CBS Radio, NBC Mutual Radio, and other news broadcasting networks in the United States and abroad. His editorials have been published in major newspapers and news magazines, including for example, Newsweek, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal.
From 1994-2009, Paul Dempsey was Vice Chairman & Director of Frontier Airlines Holdings, Inc., and Chairman of Lynx Aviation, Inc.. He was a founder and first Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Certified Claims Professional Accreditation Council, Inc., and President and Director of the Genesee Foundation, Inc. He has also served as a consultant to U.S. and foreign airlines, railroads, motor carriers, bus companies, transportation labor organizations, industry associations, government agencies, and telecommunications companies.
Dr. Dempsey has delivered expert witness testimony and studies before the Public Utility Commissions of the states of California, Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington, the Province of British Columbia, and the courts of Missouri and Nevada. He has testified before the transportation committees of the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, the Canadian Senate, and the state legislatures of Colorado, Michigan and Texas. He has lectured in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Macau, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.


Transportation law, air law, aviation law and regulation.


“Independence of Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities: Keeping the Foxes from the Henhouse”, 75 Journal of Air Law & Commerce 223 (2010).
“Montreal v. Brussels: The Conflict of Laws on the Issue of Delay in International Air Carriage”, 35 Air & Space Law 297 (2010).
“Accidents and Injuries in International Air Law: The Clash of the Titans”, XXXIV Annals of Air & Space Law 285-310 (2009); republished in the Korean Journal of International Law 235-70 (2009).
“Privacy Issues with the Use of Smart Cards”, TCRP Legal Research Digest 25 (April 2008).
“The Evolution of Air Transport Agreements”, XXXIII Annals of Air & Space Law 127-230 (2008).
“The Evolution of US Space Policy”, XXXIII Annals of Air & Space Law 324-43 (2008).
“The Financial Performance of the Airline Industry Post-Deregulation”, 45 HOUSTON LAW REVIEW 421-85 (2008).
“Theory and Law of Airport Revenue Diversion,” ACRP Legal Research Digest 2 (May 2008).
“Blacklisting: Banning the Unfit from the Heavens”, XXXII Annals of Air & Space Law 29-64 (2007).
"Governance of Commercialized Air Navigation Services", XXXI Annals of Air & Space Law 213-347 (2006) (with Janda, Nyampong, Saba and Wilson).
"Nationality Requirements and Cabotage Restrictions in International Aviation: Sovereignty Won and Sovereignty Lost", 20 Studies in Air & Space Law 129-51 (2006).
"Air Cargo Liability and Baggage Liability and the Tower of Babel", 36 George Washington International Law Review 239-308 (2004).
"Carrier Liability for Loss & Damage of International Air Freight: Plaintiffs’ and Defendants’ Elements of Proof", XXIX Annals of Air & Space Law 91-145 (2004).
"Compliance & Enforcement in International Law: Achieving Global Uniformity in Aviation Safety", 30 North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation 1-74 (2004) (lead article).
"Flights of Fancy and Fights of Fury: Arbitration and Adjudication of Commercial and Political Disputes in International Aviation", 32 Georgia Journal of International & Comparative Law 231-305 (2004).
"Aviation Security: The Role of Law in the War against Terrorism", 41 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 649-733 (2003).
"Privatization of the Air: Government Liability for Privatized Air Traffic Services," XXVIII Annals of Air & Space Law 95-119 (2003).
"The Cyclical Crisis in Commercial Aviation: Causes and Potential Cures," XXVIII Annals of Air & Space Law 1-17 (2003), reprinted in Transportation Lawyer 30 (July 2003).
"Transportation: A Legal History", 30 Transportation Law Journal 235-366 (2003).
"Tug of War: The Conflict between the European Union and Its Member States Over Bilateral Air Transport Agreements", Transportation Lawyer 26 (Apr. 2003), and 18 International Law Quarterly 14 (Spring 2003).
"Airline and Airport Security: Law as a Deterrent to Aerial Terrorism", XXVII Annals of Air & Space Law 167-246 (2002).
"Carving the World Into Fiefdoms: The Anticompetitive Future of Commercial Aviation", XXVII Annals of Air & Space Law 247-304 (2002).
"Free Trade But Not Free Transport: The Mexican Standoff," 30 Denver Journal of International Law & Policy 91 (2002).
"Local Airport Regulation: The Constitutional Tension between Police Power, Preemption & Takings", 11 Penn State Environmental Law Review 1-43 (2002) (lead article).
"Metropolitan Planning Organizations: Findings and Recommendations for Improving Transportation Planning", 32 Publius: The Journal of Federalism 87 (2002) (with Professors Andrew Goetz & Carl Larson).
"Predation, Competition & Antitrust Law: Turbulence in the Airline Industry", 67 Journal of Air Law & Commerce 685-840 (2002).
"Predatory Pricing & Monopolization in the Airline Industry: A Case Study of Minneapolis/St. Paul", 29 Transportation Law Journal 129-87 (2002) (lead article).
"The Road Ahead: McGill University’s Institute of Air & Space Law", XXVII Annals of Air & Space Law 305-12 (2002).
"Airport Landing Slots: Barriers to Entry and Impediments to Competition", 16 Air & Space Law 20-48 (2001).
"Competition in the Air: European Union Regulation of Commercial Aviation", 66 Journal of Air Law & Commerce 979-1153 (2001).
"Transportation Education at the University of Denver", 29 Transportation Law Journal 87-127 (2001) (with Professors Andrew Goetz & Joseph Szyliowicz).
"Symposium on Intermodal Transportation: Introduction," 27 Transportation Law Journal 295 (2000) (with Professor Joseph Szyliowicz).
"The Law of Intermodal Transportation: What It Was, What It Is, What It Should Be," 27 Transportation Law Journal 367-417 (2000).
"Trade & Transport Policy in Inclement Skies – The Conflict between Sustainable Air Transportation and Neo-Classical Economics," 65 Journal of Air Law & Commerce 639-693 (2000).
"Denver’s New Airport Finally Takes Wing," 13 FORUM 19 (Spring 1998).
"Pennies From Heaven: Breaking Through the Liability Limitations of Warsaw," XXII Annals of Air & Space Law 267-93 (1997).
"Taxi Industry Regulation, Deregulation & Reregulation: The Paradox of Market Failure," 24 Transportation Law Journal 73-120 (1996).
"Airlines in Turbulence: Strategies for Survival", 23 Transportation Law Journal 15-98 (1995).
"The Prospectus for Survival and Growth in Commercial Aviation," XIX Annals of Air & Space Law 163-219 (1994).
"The U.S. Short Line Railroad Phenomenon: The Other Side of the Tracks," UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO LAW REVIEW 425-48 (1993) (with William G. Mahoney); republished in 21 TRANSPORTATION LAW JOURNAL 383-408 (1994).
"Airline Deregulation in the United States: Competition, Concentration, and Market Darwinism," XVII ANNALS OF AIR & SPACE LAW 199-243 (1992).
"Airline Deregulation Results Fail To Meet Predictions," Arizona Republic, January 17, 1992, at A13.
"Airlines, Airports and Antitrust: A Proposed Strategy for Enhanced Competition," 85 JOURNAL OF AIR LAW & COMMERCE 455-507 (1992) (with Professor Robert Hardaway).
"European Aviation Regulation: Flying Through the Liberalization Labyrinth," 15 BOSTON COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW REVIEW 311-74 (1992).
"Interstate Trucking: The Collision of Textbook Theory and Empirical Reality," 20 TRANSPORTATION LAW JOURNAL 185-254 (1992).
"The Re-Regulation Reaction," AVIATION ECONOMIST 2 (1992).
"Canadian Transport Deregulation: Rolling Across the Great White North," 19 TRANSPORTATION LAW JOURNAL 113-92 (1991) (with Prof. William Thoms and Sonja Clapp).
"Has Deregulation Derailed American Industry?" ECONOMICS 92/93 61 (1992), and BUSINESS & SOCIETY REVIEW 53 (1991).
"Running on Empty: Trucking Deregulation and Economic Theory," 43 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW REVIEW 253-319 (1991).
"The Civil Rights of the Handicapped in Transportation: The Americans with Disabilities Act and Related Legislation," 19 TRANSPORTATION LAW JOURNAL 309-33 (1991).
"The Disintegration of the U.S. Airline Industry," 20 TRANSPORTATION LAW JOURNAL 9-46 (1991).

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