

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-24

职称: 副教授
邮箱: zhongxl@buaa.edu.cn


[1] 功能性薄膜材料
[2] 光与物质相互作用
[3] 表面等离子体光学
[4] 微纳米光子学

钟晓岚,博士,副教授,博士生导师。2014年毕业于中国科学院物理研究所获得光学博士学位。2013年4月-2017年5月先后在新加坡国立大学和法国斯特拉斯堡大学超分子科学与工程研究所做博士后研究。2017年6月,经北京航空航天大学“卓越百人”计划加入北航物理科学与核能工程学院。从2008年起开始从事光与物质强、弱耦合相互作用的理论和实验研究,经过了多年的积累,建立了较为完整的研究方法,获得了比较丰富的经验,创新性地建立并发展了多套基于表面等离子体光学的光与物质相互作用的全解析理论,并将理论与实验相结合,发现了基于光与物质强耦合相互作用下的非辐射能量转移,转移效率高达100%。在此研究基础上,实现了国际首例非局域相干纠缠态下的超距非辐射能量转移,突破了传统能量转移极限两个量级以上。此外,与国内外多个课题组合作,探索了多种基于光与物质相互作用的光电器件。以上这些研究工作在国际国内光与物质相互作用领域产生了一定的影响,加深了人们对于光与物质强/弱耦合作用的理解,为相关理论和实验研究提供了重要参考。在Nature Nanotech.(影响因子38.986),Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(影响因子11.994),ACS Nano(影响因子13.942),Phys. Rev. B(影响因子3.836),J. Phys. Chem. C(影响因子4.536)、ChemSusChem(影响因子7.226)、Small(影响因子8.643)等期刊发表SCI论文40余篇,被SCI总引用超过600次;参与撰写中文著作《纳米光子学研究前沿》其中的第一章节;担任Journal of the Optical Society of America B,Optics Express等多种权威光学杂志审稿人;本领域国际会议做邀请报告、口头报告和海报10余次,并应多所著名大学及科研院所邀请做学术报告。研究成果得到了相关领域国际学术界的广泛关注。承担北航“卓越百人”支持计划,“青年拔尖人才支持计划”等课题。

[1] 2011.9-2014.1
中国科学院物理研究所 | 物理学 | 博士学位 | 博士研究生毕业
[2] 2008.9-2011.7
首都师范大学 | 物理学 | Master's Degree | 硕士研究生毕业
[3] 2004.9-2008.7
首都师范大学 | 物理学 | Bachelor's Degree | 大学本科毕业

[1] 2017.6-至今
北京航空航天大学 | 物理科学与核能工程学院 | 副教授、硕士生导师
[2] 2014.1-2017.5
University of Strasbourg | 博士后研究员
[3] 2013.4-2013.10
新加坡国立大学 | 访问


1.XiaolanZhong, Thibault Chervy, Lei Zhang, Anoop Thomas, Jino George, Cyriaque Genet,James A. Hutchison and Thomas W.Ebbesen, “Energy Transfer between SpatiallySeparated Entangled Molecules”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.; 56, 1 – 6, 2017
2.XiaolanZhong, Thibault Chervy, Shaojun Wang, Jino George, Anoop Thomas, JamesA Hutchison, Eloise Devaux, Cyriaque Genet, Thomas W Ebbesen, “Non-RadiativeEnergy Transfer Mediated by Hybrid Light-Matter States”,Angew.Chem. Int.Ed.55 (21), 6202-6206, (2016).
3.XiaolanZhong, Sergio G Rodrigo, Lei Zhang, Paolo Samorì, Cyriaque Genet, LuisMartín-Moreno, James A Hutchison, Thomas W Ebbesen, “Waveguide and PlasmonicAbsorption-Induced Transparency”, ACS nano 10 (4), 4570-4578, (2016).
4.XiaolanZhongand Zhiyuan Li, “All-analytical semiclassical theory of spaserfor plasmonic nanocavity”, Phys. Rev. B88, 085101 (2013).
5. YingchunHe, Fan Zhang, Qianqian Zhang, Guobo Dong,Xiaolan Zhong*, XungangDiao**, “High capacity and performance lithium based electrochromic device viaamorphous tantalum oxide protective layer”,Electrochimica Acta,280,163-170, 2018
6.XiaolanZhong,Minghui Hong and Zhiyuan Li, “Spaser in plasmonicnano-antenna evaluated by an analytical theory”, Appl. Phys. A 115, 5-11,(2014).
7.XiaolanZhong, Ju Liu and Zhiyuan Li, “Highly enhanced broadband infraredabsorption of germanium by multi-layer plasmonic nano-antenna”, Chinese OpticsLetters 12 (9), 092401 (2014).
8. Lei Zhang,XiaolanZhong, Egon Pavlica, Songlin Li, Alexander Klekachev, Gvido Bratina, ThomasW. Ebbesen, Emanuele Orgiu and Paolo Samorì,“A nanomesh scaffold for supramolecular nanowireoptoelectronic devices”,NatureNanotechnology, in press (2016)
9. Yu Xiao,Xiaolan Zhong, Junji Guo, Chao Zhou, Huaping Zuo, Qirong Liu, Qingjiao,Huang, Qianqian Zhang, Xungang Diao, “The role of interface between LiPON solidelectrolyte and electrode in inorganic monolithic electrochromic devices”,ElectrochimicaActa, 260, 254-263, 2018
10. Ju Liu,XiaolanZhong, and Zhiyuan Li, "Enhanced light absorption of silicon in thenear-infrared band by designed gold nanostructures," Chin. Phys. B 23(4),047306 (2014).
11. Yin Yang,XiaolanZhong, Qiang Zhang, Logan G. Blackstad, Zhengwen Fu, Zhiyuan Li, and DongQin, “The Role of Etching in the Formation of Ag Nanoplateswith Straight,Curved and Wavy Edges and Comparison of Their SERS Properties”, Small 10,1430–1437 (2014).
12. YiqunZheng,Xiaolan Zhong, Zhi-Yuan Li and Younan Xia, “Successive,Seed-Mediated Growth for the Synthesis of Single-Crystal Gold Nanospheres withUniform Diameters Controlled in the Range of 5–150 nm”,Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 31, 266–273 (2014).
13. MoitreeLaskar,Xiaolan Zhong, Zhi-Yuan Li, Sara E. Skrabalak, “Manipulating theKinetics of Seeded Growth for Edge-Selective Metal Deposition and the Formationof Concave Au Nanocrystals”, ChemSusChem, 6, 1959-1965, (2013).
14. Mingliang Ren,Xiaolan Zhong, Baoqin Chen andZhiyuan Li, “All-optical diode based on plasmonicattenuation and nonlinear frequency conversion”, Chin.Phys. Lett 30, 097301 (2013).
15. Chen Wang,Xiaolan ZhongandZhiyuanLi, “Linear and passive silicon optical isolator”, Sci. Rep., 2, 674(2012).
16. ZimingMeng,Xiaolan Zhong, Chen Wang and Zhiyuan Li, “Numerical investigationof high-contrast ultrafast all-optical switching in low-refractive-indexpolymeric photonic crystal nanobeam microcavities”,EPL, 98, 54002 (2012).
17. ZimingMeng,Xiaolan Zhong, Chen Wang and Zhiyuan Li, “Fabrication ofair-bridged Kerr nonlinear polymer photonic crystal slab structures innear-infrared region”, Chin. Opt. Lett., 10(11), 112202 (2012).
18.XiaolanZhongand Zhiyuan Li, “Giant enhancement of near-ultraviolet lightabsorption by TiO2via a three-dimensional aluminum plasmonic nanofunnel-antenna”,J. Phys. Chem. C, 116,21547?21555 (2012).
19.XiaolanZhongandZhiyuan Li, “Plasmon enhanced light amplificationin metal–insulator–metal waveguides with gain”,J.Opt.,14,055002 (9pp) (2012).
20.XiaolanZhong,Zhiyuan Li, Ziming Meng and Yunsong Zhou, “Modeanalysis for periodically modulated metal slits”, J. Mod. Opt., 59, 830–838(2012).
21.XiaolanZhong, Zhiyuan Li, Chen Wang and Yunsong Zhou, “Analytical single-modemodel for subwavelength metallic Bragg waveguides”, J. Appl. Phys.109, 093115(2011).
22.XiaolanZhong, Yunsong Zhou, Huaiyu Wang and Fuhe Wang, “The correlationbetween single-slit and inter-slit effects in a subwavelength metal double-slitdevice”, Proc. of SPIE 7848,784802 (2010).
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