

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-24



2018.11-至今 北京航空航天大学助理研究员
2016.3-2018.11 北京航空航天大学仪器科学与光电工程学院博士后
2013.7-2014.9 新加坡国立大学联合培养
2009.9-2016.1 北京航空航天大学精密仪器及机械博士
2008.9-2009.9 北京航空航天大学仪器科学与技术硕士
2004.9-2008.6 内蒙古大学通信工程学士

[1] 深空探测器非线性约束自主天文导航系统的误差抑制方法, 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 主持
[2] 多约束下深空探测器自主导航系统的误差抑制方法研究,中国博士后科学基金面上资助,主持
[3] 深空探测器自主天文导航误差抑制方法,北京航空航天大学青年拔尖人才支持计划,主持
[3] 天文测角误差的实时辨识与高精度自主导航,国家973项目课题,参与

1.Ma X, Fang J, Ning X. An overview of the autonomous navigation for a gravity-assist interplanetary spacecraft[J]. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2013, 63: 56-66.
2.Ma X, Fang J, Ning X, et al. A Radio/Optical Integrated Navigation Method Based on Ephemeris Correction for an Interplanetary Probe to approach a Target Planet[J]. Journal of Navigation, 2016, 69(3): 613-638.
3.Ma X, Ning X, Fang J. Analysis of Orbital Dynamic Equation in Navigation for a Mars Gravity-Assist Mission[J]. The Journal of Navigation, 2012, 65(3): 531-548.
4.Ma X, Fang J, Ning X, et al. Autonomous celestial navigation for a deep space probe approaching a target planet based on ephemeris correction[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2015, 229(14): 2681-2699.
5.Ma X, Ning X, Chen Xiao, Liu Jin. Geometric Coplanar Constraints-Aided Autonomous Celestial Navigation for Spacecraft in Deep Space Exploration[J]. IEEE Access,2019(7): 112424-112434
6.Ma X, Zheng S, Wang K.. Active Surge Controlfor Magnetically Suspended Centrifugal Compressors Using A Variable Equilibrium Point Approach[J]. IEEE Transactionson Industrial Electronics. 2019, 66(12): 9383 - 9393
7.Wang K, Ma X*, Liu Q, et al. Multiphysics Global Design and Experiment of the Electric Machine With a Flexible Rotor Supported by Active Magnetic Bearing[J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2019, 24(2): 820–831.
8.Jiang Y, Ma X*, Fan Y. Rotor Displacement Self-Sensing Approach for Permanent Magnet Biased Magnetic Bearings Using Double-Axis PWM Demodulation[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018, 18(19): 7932–7940.
9.Sun J, Luo X, Ma X*. Realization of Maximum Torque Per Ampere Control for IPMSM Based on Inductance Segmentation[J], IEEE Access.2018.
10.Zhai L, Sun J, Ma X*, et al. Thermal-Structure Coupling Analysis and Multi-objective Optimization of Motor Rotor in MSPMSM[J], Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2018.
11.Gui M, Ning X, Ma X, et al. A Novel Celestial Aided Time-Differenced Pulsar Navigation Method Against Ephemeris Error of Jupiter for Jupiter Exploration. IEEE Sensors Journal[J]. In press.
12.Liu J, Ning X L, Ma X, et al. Structured condition number and its application in celestial navigation system with variable observability degree[J]. IET Science Measurement & Technology, 2018, 12(2): 182–192.
13.Liu J, Ning X, Ma X, et al. Direction/Distance/Velocity Measurements Deeply Integrated Navigation for Venus Capture Period[J]. The Journal of Navigation, 2018: 1-17.
14.Sun J, Zhou H, Ma X, et al. Study on PID Tuning Strategy Based on Dynamic Stiffness for Radial Active Magnetic Bearing[J]. ISA Transactions, 2018. In press.
15.Kang Z, He H, Liu J, Ma X, et al. Adaptive pulsar time delay estimation using wavelet-based RLS[J]. Optik, 2018, 171: 266–276.
16.Kang Z, Wu C, Liu J, Ma X, et al. Pulsar time delay estimation method based on two-level compressed sensing[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2018, 67(9): 099701.
17.Ning X, Ma X, Peng C, et al. Analysis of Filtering Methods for Satellite Autonomous Orbit Determination Using Celestial and Geomagnetic Measurement[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012, 2012: e267875.
18.Ma X, Chen X, Fang J, et al. Observability analysis of autonomous navigation for deep space exploration with LOS/TOA/velocity measurements[A]. 2016 IEEE Aerospace Conference[C]. 2016: 1–9.
19.房建成, 宁晓琳, 马辛, 等. 深空探测器自主天文导航技术综述[J], 飞控与探测. 2018.1(1):1-14
20.宁晓琳, 马辛,张学亮,武瑾媛. 基于ASUKF的火星探测器脉冲星自主导航方法. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2012, 38 (1): 22-27(EI 057)
21.宁晓琳, 马辛. 地球卫星自主天文导航滤波方法性能分析. 控制理论与应用. 2010, 27(4):423-430 (EI 116)
22.宁晓琳, 马辛. 基于天文和陆标观测的月球卫星自主导航方法. 宇航学报. 2010,31(7):1737-1747 (EI 176)
23.宁晓琳, 房建成, 马辛. UPF滤波参数对航天器天文导航性能的影响. 中国空间科学技术. 2010, 30(3):1-11 (EI 144)
24.吴伟仁, 马辛, 宁晓琳. 火星探测器转移轨道自主导航方法. 中国科学. 2010, 42(8): 936-948.
25.宁晓琳, 马辛. 一种借力飞行轨道上深空探测器的自主天文导航新方法. 2010, 载人登月与深空探测论文集. 191-199.
26.马辛, 宁晓琳. 基于火星及其卫星的火星探测器天文导航方法.中国宇航学会深空探测技术专业委员会第七届学术年会论文集, 2010:385-389.
27.吴伟仁, 马辛, 宁晓琳等. 一种基于小行星交会的深空探测器自主天文导航方法: 中国, CNA[P]. 2011-08-31.
28.房建成, 马辛, 刘刚等. 一种基于星历修正的捕获段深空探测器自主天文导航方法: 中国, CNB[P]. 2017-07-11.
29.房建成, 马辛, 宁晓琳. 一种基于星历修正的深空探测器天文/无线电组合导航方法: 中国, CNB[P]. 2015-04-29.
30.房建成, 马辛, 宁晓琳. 一种基于自适应尺度变化的借力飞行探测器自主天文导航方法: 中国, CNA[P]. 2013-06-12.
31.宁晓琳, 马辛, 吴伟仁. 一种借力飞行轨道上深空探测器的自主天文导航方法: 中国, CNB[P]. 2011-05-04
32.吴伟仁, 宁晓琳, 马辛等. 一种火星探测器巡航段自主天文导航方法: 中国, CNA[P]. 2011-09-07.
33.宁晓琳, 吴伟仁, 马辛. 一种基于改进MMUPF滤波的火星探测器自主天文导航方法: 中国, CNB[P]. 2011-06-01.
34.吴伟仁, 宁晓琳, 马辛等. 一种深空探测器火星捕获段自主天文导航方法: 中国, CNA[P]. 2011-08-31.

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