

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-23

王华明 职称职务:教授,博士生导师,系主任
所在单位: 材料加工工程与自动化系




目前主持“国家科学基金项目”、“国家自然科学基金重点项目”、“国防基础科研重大项目”等重要项目10余项。 提出多元多相过渡金属硅化物高温耐磨耐蚀多功能涂层材料研究新领域;突破飞机钛合金结构件激光快速成形关键工艺及成套工艺装备关键技术并在飞机上得到成功应用。 近5年来发表SCI收录论文60余篇(其中期刊影响因子大于1的论文40余篇),第一发明人获批“发明专利”6项,获国防科学技术一等奖、国防科学技术二等奖、国家级教学成果二等奖等多项奖励。 课题组近期发表的部分论文目录:1. H.M. Wang(王华明), F. Cao, L.X. Cai, H.B. Tang, L.Y. Zhang, Microstructure and tribological properties of laser clad Ti2Ni3Si/NiTi intermetallic coatings, Acta Materialia, 51(2003)20:6319-6327 2. H.B. Tang, Y.L. Fang, H.M. Wang: Microstructure and dry sliding wear resistance of a Cr13Ni5Si2 ternary metal silicide alloy, Acta Materialia, 52(2004)7: 1773-1783 3. X.D. Lu, H.M. Wang, High-temperature phase stability and tribological properties of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si /NiSi metal silicide coatings, Acta Materialia, 52(2004)18: 5419-5426 4. H.M. Wang, G. Duan, Wear and Corrosion Behavior of Laser Clad Cr3Si Reinforced Composite Coatings, Intermetallics, 11(2003)8: 555-562 5. H.M. Wang, D.Y. Luan, L.X. Cai, Microstructure and sliding wear behaviors of tungsten reinforced W-Ni-Si metal silicides in-situ composites, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 34A(2003)9: 2005-2015 6. H.M. Wang, C.M. Wang, L.X. Cai, Wear and corrosion resistance of laser clad Ni2Si/NiSi nickel silicides composite coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 168(2003)2-3: 202-208 7. H.M. Wang, D.Y. Luan, L.Y. Zhang, Microstructure and wear resistance of laser melted W/W2Ni3Si metal silicides matrix in-situ composites, Scripta Materialia, 48(2003)8: 1179-1184 8. X.D. Lu, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and high-temperature sliding wear properties of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide composite coatings, Applied Surface Science, 214(2003)1-4: 190-195 9. Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and high-temperature wear resistance of a laser surface alloyed ?-TiAl with carbon, Applied Surface Science, 220(2003): 186-192 10. Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and Wear Resistance of Laser Clad TiC Reinforced FeAl Intermetallic Matrix Composite Coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 168(2003)1: 30-36 11. X.D. Lu, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and dry sliding wear properties of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide composite coatings, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 359(2003)287-293 12. Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Growth morphologies and mechanism of TiC in laser surface alloyed coating on the substrate of TiAl intermetallics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 351(2003): 304-308 13. H.M. Wang(王华明) and G. Duan: Microstructure and wear resitance of laser clad Cr3Si reinforced metal silicide composite coatings, Materials Science and Engineering A, A336 (2002) 1-2: 117-123 14. H.M. Wang and Y.F. Liu: Microstructure and wear resistance of laser clad Ti5Si3/NiTi2 composite coating on titanium alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, A338 (2002) 1-2: 126-132 15. H.M. Wang, Y.L. Yu, S.Q. Li: Microstructure and tribological properties of laser clad CaF2/Al2O3 self-lubrication wear-resistant ceramic matrix composite coatings, Scripta Materialia, 47(2002)1:57-61 16. G. Duan, H.M. Wang: High-Temperature Wear Resistance of A Laser-Clad Cr3Si/? Metal Silicide Composite Coating, Scripta Materialia, 46(2002)1: 107-111 17. G. Duan, H.M. Wang: Microstructure of Laser Melted/Rapidly Solidified ?/Cr3Si Silicide alloys, Journal of Materials Science, 37(2002)10: 1981-1985 18. Y. Chen, H.M. Wang: Rapidly solidified MC carbide morphologies of a pulsed laser surface alloyed ?-TiAl intermetallic with carbon, Scripta Materilia, 50(2004)507-510 (SCI, IF=1.633) 19. L.X. Cai, H.M. Wang, C.M. Wang, Corrosion resistance of laser clad Cr-alloyed Ni2Si/NiSi intermetallic coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 182(2004)2-3: 294-299 20. Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, High-temperature wear resistance of laser clad TiC reinforced FeAl in-situ composite coating, Surface and Coatings Technology, 179(2004): 252-256 21. Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and wear resistance of a laser clad TiC reinforced nickel aluminides matrix composite coating, Materials Science and Engineering A, 368(2004)1-2: 80-87 22. Y. Wang, H.M. Wang: Wear resistance of laser clad Ti2Ni3Si reinforced intermetallic composite coatings on titanium alloy, Applied Surface Science, 229(2004)1-4: 81-86 23. L.X. Cai, H.M. Wang: Microstructure and dry sliding wear resistance of laser clad tungsten reinforced W5Si3/W2Ni3Si intermetallic coatings, Applied Surface Science, 235(2004): 501-506 24. X.D. Lu, H.M. Wang, Z.R. Zou, Small amplitude reciprocating sliding wear behavior of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide composite coatings, Applied Surface Science, 240(2004): 432-440 25. H.M. Wang(王华明), H.B. Tang, L.X. Cai, F. Cao, L.Y. Zhang, R.L. Yu, Microstructure and wear properties of laser clad Ti2Ni3Si/Ni3Ti multiphase intermetallic coatings, Applied Physics A: 80(2005)8: 1677-1683 26. Y. Liu, H.M. Wang: Elevated temperature wear behaviors of a Co-Mo-Si ternary metal silicide alloy, Scripta Materialia, 52(2005)12: 1235-1240 27. Y.X. Yin, H.M. Wang: Microstructure and wear resistance of Cuss-toughened Cr5Si3/CrSi metal silicide alloys, Journal of Materials Research, 20(2005)5: 1122-1130 28. X.D. Lu, H.M. Wang: Dry sliding wear behavior of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide composite coatings, Thin Solid Films, 472(2005)1-2: 297-301 29. N.L. Jian, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and wear behaviors of laser-clad Cr13Ni5Si2-based metal-silicide coatings on a titanium alloy, Surface and Coatings Technology, 192(2005)2-3:305-310 30. X. D. Lu, H. M. Wang, Metallic tribological compatibility .of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 200(2005)2380-2385 31. Y. Liu, H.M. Wang: Microstructure and high-temperature wear property of Coss/Co3Mo2Si metal silicide alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 396(2005)1-2: 240-250 32. X. D. Lu, H. M. Wang, Reciprocating dry sliding wear behavior of laser clad small amplitude Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi metal silicide composite coatings, Applied Surface Science, 240(2005): 432-440 33. X. D. Lu, H. M. Wang, Corrosive sliding wear behavior of laser clad Mo2Ni3Si/NiSi intermetallic coatings, Applied Surface Science, 245(2005)1-4: 346-352 34. Y. Xue, H. M. Wang, Microstructure and wear properties of laser clad TiCo/Ti2Co intermtallic coatings on titanium alloys, Applied Surface Science, 243(2005)1: 278-286 35. Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Laser melted TiC reinforced nickel aluminide matrix composites, Journal of Alloys and compounds, 391(2005)1-2: 49-54 36. Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and wear resistance of laser-melted TiC reinforced nickel aluminide dual-phase matrix in-situ composites, Intermetallics, 14(2006)325-331 37. Y. Chen, H.M. Wang, Microstructure and wear resistance of laser-melted TiC reinforced nickel aluminide dual-phase matrix in-situ composites, Intermetallics, 14(2006)325-331 38. Y.L. Fang, H.B. Tang, H.M. Wang: A wear resistant ductile metal-toughened Cr13Ni5Si2 ternary metal silicide alloy, Intermetallics, v 14, n 7, July, 2006, p 750-75 39. Yin, Y.X. Wang, H.M. Microstructure and tribological properties of Cuss-toughened Cr-Cu-Si metal silicide alloys,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v 420, n 1-2, Aug 31, 2006, p 218-224 40. Chen, Yao,Wang, H.M.,Growth morphologies and mechanisms of non-equilibrium solidified MC carbide,Journal of Materials Research, v 21, n 2, February, 2006, p 375-379

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