

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-23

王瑶 职称职务:副教授




主讲国际学院研究生课程《Materials Testing Methods》


1. 有机/无机复合功能材料(导电高分子基热电材料、聚合物基介电储能材料)微纳结构设计、材料物理性能研究
2. 柔性电子器件:基于柔性材料的热-电、光-电、机械能-电能等能源转化的微能源系统



[1] D. He, Y. Wang*, X. Chen, Y. Deng, Core–shell structured BaTiO3@Al2O3 nanoparticles in polymer composites for dielectric loss suppression and breakdown strength enhancement, Composites: Part A, 2017, 93, 137-143
[2] Y. Wang*, S. M. Zhang and Y. Deng, Flexible low-grade energy utilization devices based on high-performance thermoelectric polyaniline/tellurium nanorod hybrid films, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 3554–3559
[3] Chen, JY; Wang, Y*; Wang, H; Zhang, SM; Deng, Y, Bi deficiency-tuned functionality in multiferroic Bi1-delta Fe0.95Mn0.05O3 films,Scientific Reports, 2016, 6,19385
[4] Wang, Y*; Zhang, SM; Deng, Y, Semiconductor to metallic behavior transition in multi-wall carbon nanotubes/polyaniline composites with improved thermoelectric properties, Materials Letters, 2016, 164, 132-135.
[5] Wang, Y*; Li, J; Deng, Y, Enhanced ferroelectricity and energy storage in poly(vinylidene fluoride)-clay nanocomposite films via nanofiller surface charge modulation, RSC Advances, 2015, 5(104), 85884-85888.
[6] Jingyi Chen, Yao Wang*, and Yuan Deng, Competition between compressive strain and Mn doping on tuning the structure and magnetic behavior of BiFeO3 thin films, Functional Materials Letters
Vol. 8, No. 6 (2015) **
[7] Jingyi Chen, Yao Wang*, and Yuan Deng, Combined effects of Bi deficiency and Mn substitution on the structural transformation and functionality of BiFeO3 films, Journal of Applied Physics 116, 174102 (2014)
[8] Yao Wang*, Jing Li, Jingyi Chen, and Yuan Deng, Ba and Ti co-doped BiFeO3 thin films via a modified chemical route with synchronous improvement in ferroelectric and magnetic behaviors. Journal of Applied Physics 113(10), 103904 (2013)
[9] Jingyi Chen, Yao Wang*, Yuan Deng, Highly ordered CoFe2O4 nanowires array prepared via a modified sol-gel templated approach and its optical and magnetic properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 552:65-69, 2013
[10] Ye Zhang, Yao Wang, Yuan Deng*, Mao Li, Jinbo, Bai. Enhanced Dielectric Properties of Ferroelectric Polymer Composites Induced by Metal-Semiconductor Zn-ZnO Core?Shell Structure ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2012, 4(1), 65-68. (IF:4.525)Publication Date (Web): January 5, 2012
[11] Ye Zhang, Yao Wang, Yuan Deng, Yanjingtian Guo, Wencheng Bi, Mao Li, Yu Luo, Jinbo Bai. Excellent Dielectric Properties in Anisotropic Polymer Composites Filled with Parallel Aligned Zinc Flakes. Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 101(19): 192904.
[12] Ye Zhang, Yao Wang, Yuan Deng, Mao Li, Jinbo, Bai. High dielectric constant and low loss in polymer composites filled by self-passivated zinc particles. Materials Letters, 2012, 72, 9-11.

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