杨静 教授
Research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jing_Yang17
专业领域: extreme climate events; sub-seasonal variability observation and prediction; aerosol effect on meteorology
教育背景 2004.9-2008.1 博士生,美国国际太平洋研究中心,大气科学
2002.9-2008.6 博士,中国科学院大气物理研究所LASG,大气科学
1998.9-2002.6 学士,南京信息工程大学大气科学系,大气科学
工作简历 2016.1-2016.8美国纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校大气科学研究中心,访问科学家
2012.7-至今 北京师范大学,教授
2004.9-2008.1美国国际太平洋研究中心 (IPRC),助研
l面向全球气候变化的极地环境遥感关键技术与系统研究中“极区海 (冰)—气系统动力学过程的遥感监测和诊断技术",“863”项目,2009-2011,专题负责人
代表性论文(第一和通讯作者SCI):lYang,J.*,T. Zhu, H Lin, B Wang, Q Bao 2019:Late-July Barrier for Sub-seasonal Forecast of Summer Daily Maximum Temperature over Yangtze River Basin.Geophys. Res. Lett.,DOI: 10.1029/2018GL080963
lYang, J.*,WC. Wang, GX Chen, X Qi, SY 2018: Intraseasonal variation of the black carbon aerosol concentration and its impact on atmospheric circulation over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. JGR-atmosphere,DOI:10.1029/2018JD029013
lYang, J.*,Q. Bao, B. Wang, D. Y. Gong, H. Z. He, M. N. Gao, 2017: Characterizing two types of transient intraseasonal oscillations in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau summer rainfall.Climate Dyn., 48:1749-1768
lYang, J.*,Q. Bao, D. Y. Gong, B. Wang, H. Z. He, M. N. Gao, 2014: Distinct quasi-biweekly features of the subtropical East Asian monsoon during early and late summers.Climate Dyn., 42: 1469-1486
lYang, J.*, Q. Bao, D. Y. Ji, D. Y. Gong, Zhang, Z. Y. Mao R, S. J. Kim, 2014: Simulation and causes of Eastern Antarctica surface cooling related with ozone depletion during austral summer in FGOALS-s2.Adv. Atm. Sci., 31: 1147-1156
lYang, J.*,D.Y. Gong, W. S. Wang, M. Hu, R. Mao, 2012: Extreme drought event of 2009/2010 over southwestern China.Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 115(3-4): 173-184
lYang, J.*,Q. Bao, X. C. Wang, 2012: Intensified eastward and northward propagation of tropical intraseasonal oscillation in global warming scenario.Adv. Atm. Sci., doi:10.1007/s00376-012-1260-3.
lYang, J.*,Q. Bao, X. C. Wang, T. J. Zhou, 2012: The tropical intraseasonal oscillation in SAMIL coupled and uncoupled general circulation models.Adv. Atm. Sci., 29(3): 529-543
lYang, J.*,B. Wang, B. Wang, Q. Bao, 2010: Biweekly and 21-30 day variabilities of the subtropical East Asian monsoon over the Lower reach of Yangtze River Basin. J. Climate, 23: 1146-1159
lYang, J.*,D. Y. Gong, 2010: Intensified depression of light rainover mountains in Eastern China during boreal summer.Clim. Change, 100(3-4):807-815.
lYang, J.*,B. Wang, B. Wang, L. J. Li, 2009: The East Asia-western North Pacific boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation simulated in GAMIL 1.1.1.Adv. Atmos. Sci., 26(3): 480-492.
lYang, J.*,B. Wang, B. Wang, 2008: Anti-correlated intensity change of the quasi-biweekly and 30-50-day oscillations over the South China Sea. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L16702, doi:10.1029/2008GL034449
lX QI &Yang J*2019: Extended-range prediction of a heat wave event over the Yangtze River Valley: role of intraseasonal signals, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, DOI: 10.1080/**.2019.**
lX Qi &Yang J*et al, 2019:Effects of the tropical/extratropical intraseasonal oscillations on generating the heat wave over Yangtze River Valley: a numerical study.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.DOI: 10.1029/2018JD029868
lMN Gao,Yang, J*,et al., 2018:Footprints of Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation in the Low-frequency Variation of Extreme High Temperature in the Northern Hemisphere. J. Climate.DOI: DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0446.1
lSC He, Yang, J*,et al., 2018::Fidelity of the observational/reanalysis datasets and global climate models inrepresentation of extreme precipitation in East China. J. Climate.DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0104.1
lSY Zhou,Yang, J.*, et al., 2018:Shift of daily rainfall peaks over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region: An indictionof pollutant effects. Int. J. Climatol. DOI: 10.1002/joc.5700
lM. N. Gao,B Wang,Yang, J.*, et al., 2018: Are peak summer sultry heat wave days over Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin predictable? Journal of Climate., DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0342.1
lM. N. Gao,Yang, J.*, B Wang, et al., 2017: How are heat waves over Yantze River valley associated with atmospheric quasi-biweekly oscillation?Climate Dyn., DOI:10.1007/s00382-017-3526-z
lH. Z. He,Yang, J.*, L. G. Wu,D. Y. Gong, B. Wang, M. N. Gao, 2016: Unusual growth in intense typhoon occurrences over the Philippine Sea in September after the mid-2000s.Climate Dyn., DOI: 10.1007/s00382-016-3181-9
lM. N. Gao,Yang, J.*, D. Y. Gong, H. Z. He, S.-J. Kim, 2015: Spring Arctic Oscillation-western North Pacific connection in CMIP5 models.Int. J. Climatol., DOI: 10.1002/joc.4486.
lH. Z. He,Yang, J.*, D. Y. Gong, R. Mao, Y. Q. Wang, M. N. Gao, 2015: Decadal changes in Tropical Cyclone Activity over the western North Pacific in the late 1990s.Climate Dyn., DOI: 10.1007/s00382-015-2541-1
lM. N. Gao,Yang, J.*, D. Y. Gong, 2014: Unstable relationship between spring Arctic Oscillation and East Asian summer monsoon.Int. J. Climatol., 34: 2522-2528
lH. B. Liu,Yang, J.*,D. L. Zhang, B. Wang, 2013: Roles of Synoptic to Quasi-Biweekly Disturbances in Generating the Summer 2003 Heavy Rainfall in East China. Mon. Wea. Rev., 142(2): 886–904
lBao, Q.,Yang, J.*,G. X. Wu, Y. M. Liu, B. Wang, 2010: Roles of Anomalous Tibetan Plateau Warming on the Severe 2008 Winter Storm in Central-Southern China. Mon. Wea. Rev., 138(6): 2375–2384
获奖情况 优秀新生导师
国家留学基金委 奖学金资助
教学情况 教学:2009年-至今,讲授本科生课程“气候学与气候资源学”;
潘瑜娴 (直博) 2020级直博
亓 欣(硕博连读):2016级硕,2018级博
何浩哲(硕士 毕业):2012级 20世纪90年代末期西北太平洋热带气旋活动年代际变化研究
高妙妮(硕士 毕业):2011级 春季北极涛动与东亚夏季气候的关系研究京师安泰奖;校一等奖学金
高妙妮(博士 毕业):2014级 江淮流域热浪事件对触发机制和变率归因研究博士特等奖学金 国家留学基金委资助
社会兼职 Reviewer for Scientific report,Jouranl of Climate, Climate Dynamics, Monthly Weather Review, Weather and Forcasting, JGR-Atmospheres, International Journal of Climate, Advances in atmospheric Science,Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Frontier of Earth Science et al.
Director of IRG China office
AGU/AMS membership
Co-convener for East Asian Climate Environment Forum