

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-21

教育经历: 1993.9 - 1997.7成都理工学院,工学学士(专业方向:地质矿产勘查)
1997.9 - 1999.7成都理工学院,理学硕士(专业方向:流体地球化学)
1999.9 - 2001.6成都理工学院,工学博士(专业方向:环境地球化学)
2001.6 - 2003.4北京师范大学环境学院,博士后
2003.4 - 2005.1北京师范大学环境学院,副教授
2005.1 - 2007.6北京师范大学水科学研究院,副教授
2007.6 - 2008.7北京师范大学水科学研究院,副教授,博士生导师
2008.7 -至今 北京师范大学水科学研究院,教授,博士生导师

学术成绩: 针对各阶段国家需求和社会需求的差异并结合不同时期国内外研究的热点和发展前沿,在国家自然科学基金委员会、科技部、国土资源部、环境保护部、国防科工委、北京市等的资助和支持下,在环境生物地球化学和环境水文地球化学领域开展了一系列的研究工作,逐步形成了“地球化学基线及人为污染判别→典型污染物识别及污染源解析→典型污染物环境地球化学行为→环境污染风险评价方法与技术”为一体的研究思路。以地球化学基线调查为出发点,通过人为环境影响判别查证环境质量演变过程,对人为环境污染较重区域开展典型污染物识别和污染源解析,确定对区域环境影响较大的典型污染物,研究典型污染物在环境中的分布规律、存在形式及化学形态、迁移转化过程、生物累积及生物可利用性特征、生物毒性及环境危害,揭示典型污染物的环境水文/生物地球化学行为,建立区域环境污染风险评价指标体系和方法,进而不断完善“典型污染物环境分布调查-来源析离-迁移转化路径识别-环境风险评估”为技术路线的整体学术思想。在上述研究思路和学术思想的指引下,围绕环境生物地球化学及环境水文地球化学的主要研究领域,对一系列关键科学问题进行了深入研究,并在我国典型矿区(攀枝花矿区、德兴矿区)、典型流域(晋江流域、松花江流域)、典型地下水水源地(宁夏吴忠金积水源地、沈阳市多个地下水水源地)、典型场地(西南某极低放废物处置场、东北某石油污染场地)进行了试验示范,取得了一定的创新性研究成果,为环境污染防治和环境管理提供了重要的科技支持。
Teng YG, Wu J, Lu SJ, Wang YY, Jiao XD, Song LT. Soil and soil environmental quality monitoring in China: Aa review.Environment International, 2014, 69: 177-199.
Wu J, Teng YG*, Chen HY. Source apportionment for sediment PAHs using hybrid genetic pattern search treatment of a chemical mass balance receptor model: application to the Pearl River Delta region, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2014, 186: 6651-6662.
Zhang BT, Zheng XX, Teng YG. Distribution of phthalate acid esters in lakes of Beijing and its relationship with anthropogenic activities. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 476-477: 107-113.
Zhai YZ, Wang JS, Zhang BT, Guo YL, Teng YG, Zhou J. Physical, hydrochemical and isotopic characteristics of springs in Beijing, China, compared to historical properties. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2014, 300:315–323
Teng YG, Su J, Wang JS, Dai N, Li J, Song LT, Zuo R. Soil microbial community response to seawater intrusion into coastal aquifer of Donghai Island, South China. Environmental Earth Science, 2014, DOI 10.1007/s12665-014-3236-3
Xu ZQ, Zuo R, Teng YG, Ni SJ, Zhang CJ, Guo XR. Geochemical characteristics and evaluation of heavy metals in near-surface atmospheric dust, Panzhihua Mine Area, Sichuan Province, China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2014, 23(3): 929-940.
Ma L, Teng YG, Shanggaun ZP. Hydro-ecological impacts of secondary natural poplar (populus davidiana) and plantation pine (pinus tabulaeformis) woodlands on the Loess Plateau of China. Ecohydrology, 2014, 7: 612–621.
Zhai YZ, Guo YL, Zhou J, Guo N, Wang JS, Teng YG. The spatio-temporal variability of annual precipitation and its local impact factors during 1724?2010 in Beijing, China. Hydrological Processes, 2014, 28(4): 2192-2201.
Zhang C, Li Y, Lv SH, Fang JD, Teng YG, Zhang HB, Li DQ. Evaluation of urbanized ecological environment quality: a case study on Beijing Chaoyang District. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2013, 12(9): 1779-1784.
Xiong YN, Wang GQ, TengYG. Modeling the Impacts of Land Use Changes on Soil Erosion at the River Basin Scale. Journal of The Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University, 2013, 58(2): 377-387
Yang J, Teng YG*, Zuo R, Song LT. Comparison of bioavailable vanadium in alfalfa rhizosphere soil extracted by an improved BCR procedure and EDTA, HCl, and NaNO3 single extractions in a pot experiment with V–Cd treatments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, DOI 10.1007/s11356-013-1917-1
Teng YG*, Feng D, Song LT, Wang JS. Total petroleum hydrocarbon distribution in soils and groundwater in Songyuan oilfield, Northeast China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013, 185: 9559-9569
Zhai YZ,Wang JS, Zhang Y, Teng YG, Zuo R. Hydrochemical and isotopic investigation of atmospheric precipitation in Beijing, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 456-457: 202-211
Chen HY, Teng YG, Yue WF, Song LT. Characterization and source apportionment of water pollution in Jinjiang River, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013, 185: 9639-9650
Chen HY, Teng YG*, Wang JS. Load estimation and source apportionment of nonpoint source nitrogen and phosphorus based on integrated application of SLURP model, ECM, and RUSLE: a case study in the Jinjiang River, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2013, 185: 2009-2021.
Chen HY, Teng YG, Wang JS, Song LT, Zuo R. Source apportionment of sediment PAHs in the Pearl River Delta region (China) using nonnegative matrix factorization analysis with effective weighted variance solution. Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 444: 401-408.
Chen HY, Teng YG, Wang JS. Source apportionment for sediment PAHs from the Daliao River (China) using an extended fit measurement mode of chemical mass balance model. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2013, 88: 148-154.
Chen HY, Teng YG, Wang JS, Song LT, Zuo R. Source apportionment of trace element pollution in surface sediments using positive matrix factorization combined support vector machines: application to the Jinjiang River, China. Biological Trace Element Research, 2013, 151: 462–470.
Zhai YZ, Wang JS, Guo H, Cao Y, Teng YG. Reconstruction and optimization of tritium time in precipitation of Beijing, China. Radiocarbon, 2013, 55(1): 67-79
Teng YG, Yang J, Song LT, Wang JS. Fractionation and Bioavailability of Vanadium in Alfalfa Rhizosphere and Bulk Soils by Greenhouse Experiment. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2013, 22 (7), 1837-1844
Ma L, Pan CZ, Teng YG, Ouyang ZP. The performance of grass filter strips in controlling high-concentration suspended sediment from overland flow under rainfall/non-rainfall conditions. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2013, 38(13): 1523-1534
Chen HY, Teng YG*, Wang JS. Source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments of the Rizhao coastal area (China) using diagnostic ratios and factor analysis with nonnegative constraints. Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 414: 293-300
Huan H, Wang JS, Teng YG, Assessment and validation of groundwater vulnerability to nitrate based on a modified DRASTIC model: A case study in Jilin City of northeast China. Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 440: 14-23.
Chen HY, Teng YG*, Wang JS, Song LT, A framework for pollution characteristic assessment and source apportionment of heavy metal contaminants in riverbed sediments: a case study. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2012, 21(5):1110-1117.
Chen HY, Teng YG*, Wang JS, Song LT. Source apportionment of water pollution in the Jinjiang River (China) using factor analysis with nonnegative constraints and support vector machines. Environmental Forensics, 2012, 13(2): 175-184.
Chen HY, Teng YG*, Wang JS. A framework of characteristics identification and source apportionment of water pollution in a river: a case study in the Jinjiang River, China. Water Science and Technology, 2012, 65(11): 2071-2078.
Zhai YZ, Wang JS, Teng YG, Zuo R. Water demand forecasting of Beijing using the time series forecasting method. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2012, 22(5): 919-932.
Zhai YZ, Wang JS, Teng YG, Zuo R. Hydrogeochemical and isotopic evidence of groundwater evolution and recharge in aquifers in Beijing Plain, China. Environmental Earth Science, 2013, 69: 2167-2177
Teng Y, Yang J, Sun Z, Wang J, Zuo R, Zheng J. Environmental Vanadium Distribution, Mobility and Bioaccumulation in Different Land-use Districts in Panzhihua Region, SW China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2011, 176: 605-620
Teng YG, Zuo R, Wang JS, Hu QH, Guo ML. Detection of Tritium Sorption on Four Soil Materials. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2011, 102: 212-216
Teng YG, Yang J, Wang JS, Song LT. Bioavailability of Vanadium Extracted by EDTA, HCl, HOAc, and NaNO3 in Topsoil in the Panzhihua Urban Park, Located in Southwest China. Biological Trace Element Research, 2011, 144: 1394-1404
Yang J, Teng YG*, Wang JS, Li J. Vanadium Uptake by Alfalfa Grown in V-Cd Contaminated Soil by Pot Experiment. Biological Trace Element Research, 2011, 142: 787-795
Zuo R, Teng YG*, Wang JS, Hu QH, Guo ML. Experimental validation of retardation of tritium migration in the Chinese loess media. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2011, 215: 497-506
Teng YG, Yang J, Zuo R, Wang JS. Impact of Urbanization and Industrialization upon Surface Water Quality: A Pilot Study of Panzhihua Mining Town. Journal of Earth Science, 2011, 22(5): 658-668
Song LT, Liu CQ, Wang ZL, Zhu XK, Teng YG, Liang LL, Tang SH, Li J. Iron isotope fractionation during biogeochemical cycle: Information from suspended particulate matter (SPM) in Aha Lake and its tributaries, Guizhou, China. Chemical Geology, 2011, 280: 170-179
Song LT, Liu CQ, Wang ZL, Zhu XK, Teng YG, Wang JS, Liang LL, Tang SH, Li J. Fe isotopic compositions of natural samples in Karst area, Southwest of China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2011, 85(3):712-722
Teng YG, Ni SJ, Wang JS, Zuo R, Yang J. A geochemical survey of trace elements in agricultural and non-agricultural topsoil in Dexing area, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2010, 104: 118-127
Lu SJ, Teng YG*, Wang JS, Sun ZJ. Enhancement of pyrene removed from contaminated soils by Bidens maximowicziana. Chemosphere, 2010, 81(5): 645-650
Wang JS, Zuo R, Teng YG*, Hu QH, Sun ZJ. Sorption of strontium and fractal scaling of the heterogeneous media in a candidate VLLW disposal site. Journal of Radioanalytical Nuclear Chemistry, 2010, 283: 319-328.
Zuo R, Teng YG*, Wang JS. Factors influencing plutonium sorption in shale media. Radiochimca Acta, 2010, 98: 27-34.
Xu Z, Ni S, Teng Y, Zhang C. Application of γ Energy Spectrum in the Study of Paleoenvironment. Geochimica et Cosmichimica Acta, 2010, 74(12): A1165-A1165
Song L, Liu C-Q, Wang Z-L, Zhu X, Teng Y, Wang J, Liang L, Tang S, Iron Isotope Fractionations Under Different Digenetic Environments in Lake Sediments. Geochimica et Cosmichimica Acta, 2010, 74(12): A977-A977
Teng YG, Ni SJ, Wang JS, Niu LG. Geochemical baseline of trace elements in the sediment in Dexing area, South China.Environmental Geology, 2009, 57(7): 1649-1660
Zuo R, Teng YG*, Wang JS. Sorption and retardation of strontium in fine-particle media from a VLLW disposal site. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2009, 279(3): 893-899
Zuo R, Teng YG*, Wang JS. Modeling Migration of Strontium in Sand and Gravel Aquifer in the Candidate VLLW Disposal Site. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2009, 281: 653-662




荣誉称号: 2008:北京师范大学抗震救灾优秀工作者


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