主要从事水利工程对河流水沙、水质和水生生物的影响机理,水沙污染物输移扩散数值模拟,水生生物栖息地适宜度模拟,及基于水环境和水生态保护的水库调度模式等方面的研究。主持并参与多项国家“973计划”课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、环保部公益项目等的研究工作,国家创新群体项目“流域水环境、水生态与综合管理”团队成员。发表期刊论文50余篇,论文SCI严格他引400余次,第一作者论文成为ESI 工程领域“高被引论文”。出版专著(合著)2部;参加国际国内会议10余次;获得专利3项,软件著作权2项。担任国际期刊International Journalof Sediment Research和Journalof Ecohydraulics的编委。
主要从事水利工程对河流水沙、水质和水生生物的影响机理,水沙污染物输移扩散数值模拟,水生生物栖息地适宜度模拟,及基于水环境和水生态保护的水库调度模式等方面的研究。主持并参与多项国家“973计划”课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、环保部公益项目等的研究工作,国家创新群体项目“流域水环境、水生态与综合管理”团队成员。发表期刊论文50余篇,论文SCI严格他引400余次,第一作者论文成为ESI 工程领域“高被引论文”。出版专著(合著)2部;参加国际国内会议10余次;获得专利3项,软件著作权2项。担任国际期刊International Journalof Sediment Research和Journalof Ecohydraulics的编委。
2017.09-至今 北京师范大学,环境学院,教授,博导
2014.07-2017.08 北京师范大学,环境学院,副教授,博导
2014.07-2014.08 美国UCLA,环境健康研究所,访问
2013.01-2014.02 德国Stuttgart大学,水资源与水利工程学院,洪堡
2011.08-2014.07 北京师范大学,环境学院,副教授
2008.08-2011.07 北京师范大学,环境学院,讲师
2005.05-2005.07 荷兰Delft大学,土木工程学院,访问
国际研究生课程“Integrated Managementof River EnvironmentandEcology”
水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室开放基金“水沙变异对长江中下游鱼类栖息地适宜度影响研究”, 2010.01-2011.12
三维地形采集控制系统, 2013-2014
国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)课题“流域生态与水利工程优化调控”,2004.01- 2008.12,学术骨干
2012年 获德国洪堡;
2016年 获教育部“青年”;
2016年 获环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室贡献奖
2017年 获国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金
国际研究生课程“Integrated Managementof River EnvironmentandEcology”,获评校级英文精品课程
Yujun Yi*, Xi Cheng, ZhifengYang, Silke Wieprecht, Shanghong Zhang, Yingjie Wu. 2017. Evaluating theecological influence of hydraulic projects: A review of aquatic habitatsuitability models.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 68: 748–762.
Yujun Yi*, Jie Sun, Shanghong Zhang, Zhifeng Yang.2016. Assessment of Chinese sturgeon habitat suitability in the Yangtze River (CHINA): Comparison of generalized additive model, data-driven fuzzy logic model, and preference curve model, Journal of Hydrology,536:447-456
Yu-Jun Yi*, Xi Cheng, Zhi-Feng Yang, Shang-Hong Zhang. 2016. Maxent modeling for predicting the potential distribution ofendangered medicinal plant (H. riparia Lour) in Yunnan, China. Ecological Engineering,92:260–269.
Yujun Yi*,Jie Sun, Shanghong Zhang.2016. A habitat suitability model for Chinese sturgeon determined using the generalized additive method.Journal of Hydrology. 534:11-18.
Yu-Jun Yi*, Jie Sun, Cai-Hong Tang, Shang-Hong Zhang.2016. Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediment in theupper reach of the Yangtze River. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.159(10):1-12.
Tang CH, Yi YJ*. 2016. Riskforecasting of pollution accidents based on an integrated Bayesian Network andwater quality model for the South to North Water Transfer Project. EcologicalEngineering. 96: 109–116.
CaihongTang, Yujun Yi*, Zhifeng Yang, Jie Sun. 2016. Risk analysis of emergent water pollution accidents based ona Bayesian Network. Journal of Environmental Management,165: 199-205
Caihong Tang, Yujun Yi*,Zhifeng Yang, Xi Cheng. 2015. Water Pollution Risk Simulation and Prediction inthe Main Canal of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project. Journal of Hydrology, 2014,519,2111–2120.
Yi Yujun, Wang Zhaoyin, Yang Zhifeng. Impact of the Gezhouba and Three Gorges Dams on habitat suitability of carps in the Yangtze River. Journal of Hydrology. 2010, 387: 283–291.
Yujun Yi, Zhifeng Yang, Shanghong Zhang. Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediment and fishes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin.Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159(15): 2575-2585.
Yi Yujun, Wang Zhaoyin, Yang Zhifeng. Two-dimensional habitat modeling of Chinese sturgeon spawning sites. Ecological Modelling. 2010, 221(5):864-875.
Yi Yujun, Wang Zhaoyin, Yu Guoan. Sediment pollution and its effect on fish through food chain in the Yangtze River. International Journal of Sediment Research. 2008, 23(4):338-347.
Yujun Yi, Xi Cheng,Silke Wieprecht,Caihong Tang.2014. Comparison of habitat suitability models using different habitat suitability evaluation methods. Ecological Engineering (2014), 71: 335-345.
Yujun YI, Caihong Tang, Zhifeng Yang, Xi Cheng., Influence of Manwan Reservoir on fish habitat in the middle reach of the Lancang River.Ecol. Eng.,2014, 69: 106-117.
Yujun Yi, Shanghong Zhang.2012. Heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn) concentrations in seven fish species in relation to fish size and location along the Yangtze River.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.19(9):3989-3996.
Yujun YI,Shanghong ZHANG, Zhaoyin WANG. 2013. The bedform morphology of Chinese sturgeon spawning sites in the Yangtze river. International Journal of Sediment Research., 29(3):421–429.
Yujun Yi,Zhifeng Yang, Shanghong Zhang. Ecological influence of dam construction and river-lake connectivity on migration fish habitat in the Yangtze River basin, China. Procedia Environmental Sciences 2 (2010) 1942–1954.
Yujun Yi, Shanghong Zhang.The relationships between fish heavy metal concentrationsand fish size in the upper and middle reach of Yangtze River. Procedia Environmental Sciences,2012, 13:1699 – 1707.
Yi Yujun,Wang Zhaoyin, Lu Yongjun. Habitat Suitability Index Model of Four Major Chinese Carp Species in the Yangtze River. International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics Sep. 06-08, 2006(Lisbon, Portugal), River Flow 2006, 2006(1):2195-2201.
Zhang Shanghong, Yi Yujun, Liu Yan, Wang Xingkui. Hydraulic principles of the 2,268-year-old Dujiangyan Project in China. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,2013,139(5), 538–546.
ZhangShonghong,YuanRui,WuYu,YiYujun. 2016. ImplementationandefficiencyanalysisofparallelcomputationusingOpenACC:Acasestudyusingflowfieldsimulations. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. 30(1):1-10.
Zhang Shanghong, Yi Yujun, Liu Yan, VirtualReality Technique forRealtimeSimulation ofUnsteady Flow. Journal of Basic Science and Engineering,19(s):85-97, 2011
ShuAnping, Liu Qingquan, Yi Yujun, Zhang Zhidong. Characteristics of energy dissipation in hyperconcentrated flows. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2008, 23: 387-397.
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国际水利学会;国际生态模拟学会;中国环境科学学会 会员
国际期刊International Journal of Sediment Research和Journal of Ecohydraulics编委
国内外重要期刊Science of Total Environment,Journal of Hydrology,Ecohydrology,Chemosphere,Environmental Pollution,Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,Ecological Engineering,Ecological Modelling,Hydrobiologia,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Environment Science and Pollution Research,Ecological Informatics,水利水电技术刊的评阅人。
Prof./Dr. YujunYi
Dr. Yujun Yi is a professor in the School ofEnvironment, Beijing Normal University. Her research interest iseco-hydraulics, aquatic habitat simulation, hydraulic modeling, and riverrestoration.
She has led more than30 national projects including: Key Program of National Natural ScienceFoundation, The National Key Research and Development Program, The National KeyTechnology R&D Program, Nonprofit Environment Protection Specific Project etc.
She published morethan 80 peer-reviewed SCI/EI journal papers(12 top journal), 2 books and2 book chapters, 1 teaching materials, 4 patents, and 2 computer softwarecopyright. The published papers are cited more than 1000 times (Web ofScience), and one first author article has been listed as ESI top 10% HighlyCited Paper. She organized 3 international conferences.
Academic Education
September 2003 –July 2008 (Ph.D. degree)
Tsinghua University(THU), Beijing, P. R. China
September 1999 –July 2003 (Bachelor degree)
SichuanUniversity (SCU), Chengdu, P. R. China
Work Experience
2017/08-present Beijing Normal University, Beijing,China Professor
2011/08 to 2017/07 Beijing Normal University, Beijing,China Associate Professor
2014/07-08 University of California at Los Angeles,USA Visiting Scholar
2013/01-2014/03 Stuttgart University, Germany Humboldt Scholar
2008/08 to 2011/07 BeijingNormal University, Beijing, ChinaLecture
2005/05-07 Delft University, Netherlands Visiting Scholar
Professional Societies
Memberof editorial board: Journalof Ecohydraulics, International Journal of Sediment Research;
Reviewer for: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Scienceof Total Environment, Journal of Hydrology, Ecohydrology, Chemosphere,Environmental Pollution, Ecological Engineering, Ecological Modelling,International Journal of Sediment Research, Hydrobiologia, Ecotoxicology andEnvironmental Safety, Environment Science and Pollution Research, EcologicalInformatics etc.
IOCExecutive Board member ofIAHR China Chapter; Ecosystem Restoration committee of Beijing;
SelectionCommittee of theInternational Climate Protection Fellowship Programme, Alexander von HumboldtFoundation, Germany
Reviewerexpert of National NaturalScience Foundation of China;
Member of International Association for Hydro-EnvironmentEngineering and Research (IAHR); International Society for Ecological Modeling(ISEM);
Seniormember of Society ofEnvironmental Science;
The China Navigation Science and TechnologyAward, China. “Key techniques of navigationsafety warning for inland navigation based on hydrodynamic model”, 2019.
The Nature Science Prize of Higher Education ofChina (Second Class), Ministry of Education, China “The Enrichment and Transmission Mechenism and Accumulation Risk ofTypical Environmental Pollution in River Eco-system”, 2017.
The Distinguished Young Scholars,“Environmental and Ecological Effects of Daming Rivers”, 2017;
The Yangtze Young Scholars, “Hydraulics andRiver Dynamics”, 2016.
Humboldt Scholarship, Germany, 2012;
Conference Organization Chair/Committee:
The Inaugural International Symposium on WaterModelling, iSymWater2019, July 8-11, 2019, Beijing, China
International Symposium on Water System Operations,ISWSO2018. Committee Member and Chair of session “Reservoir SedimentRegulation and ecological operation”. 17th October, Beijing, China
35th IAHR WORLD CONGRESS, The Wise Find Pleasure inWater.Sep.8-13, Chengdu,China,2013
Blueprint for Sustainable, Ecologically-based,Watershed Management in China: A Workshop on Lessons Learned Globally, August1-4, 2011, Beijing, China
Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics: RCEM2011,September 6-8, 2011, Beijing, China
Keynote/Invited Speech
“Aquaticspecies habitat simulation method and modelling”.International Workshop of Water Disaster Mitigation and Water EnvironmentRegulation. April 24-27,2019, Chengdu, China
“Aquatichabitat simulation”. Expert Consultation regarding Challenges ofGroundwater Pollution and Management Strategies in China and Academic Committeeof Key Laboratory of Water and Sediment Science Ministry of Education,2017.12.11, Beijing, China
“Aquatichabitat suitability model”. Construction, Soil and Water Forum of the YangtzeRiver Scholars Series Forum. 2018.11.16-18. Beijing
“Ecologicalhydrological process and simulation of shallow macrophysic lakes”.2017.10.19-21,Xi An, China Water Conservancy 2017 Academic AnnualConference
“Ecologicalhydrological process and ecological regulation of shallow macrophysic lakes”, The 10thnGeography and Lakes Young Scholars Forum, 2018.01.12. Nanjing, China
Selected Publications
Long Chen, SaiLiang, Maodian Liu, Yujun Yi, ZhifuMi, Yanxu Zhang, Yumeng Li, Jianchuan Qi, Jing Meng, Xi Tang, Haoran Zhang,Yindong Tong, Wei Zhang, Xuejun Wang, Jiong Shu, and Zhifeng Yang. 2019.Trans-provincial health impacts of atmospheric mercury emissions in China, Nature Communications.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-09080-6
YujunYi*, Yang Zhou, Jie Song, ShanghongZhang, YanpengCai, Wei Yang, ZhifengYang. 2018.The effects of cascade damconstruction and operation on riparian vegetation. Advances in Water Resources,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2018.09.015.
Caihong Tang, Yujun Yi*, Zhifeng Yang, Shanghong Zhang, and Haifei Liu. 2018. Effects ofecological flow release patterns on water quality and ecological restoration ofBaiyangdian Lake. Journal of Cleaner Production, 174: 577-590.
Yu-jun Yi*, Yang Zhou, Yan-peng Cai, Wei Yang, Zhi-wei Li, Xu Zhao. 2018. The influence of climate change onan endangered riparian plant species: The root of riparian Homonoia. EcologicalIndicators, 92:40-50.
Yujun Yi*, Xi Cheng, Zhifeng Yang, Silke Wieprecht, ShanghongZhang, Yingjie Wu. 2017. Evaluating the ecological influence of hydraulicprojects: A review of aquatic habitat suitability models.Renewable andSustainable Energy Reviews, 68: 748–762.
Caihong Tang, Yujun Yi*,Zhifeng Yang, Xi Cheng. 2014. Water Pollution Risk Simulation and Prediction inthe Main Canal of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project. Journal ofHydrology, 519, 2111–2120.(Web ofScience cited 37 times)
YiYujun, Wang Zhaoyin, Yang Zhifeng. Impact of the Gezhouba and Three Gorges Dams on habitatsuitability of carps in the Yangtze River. Journal ofHydrology. 2010, 387: 283–291.( Web of Science cited 69 times)
YujunYi, Zhifeng Yang, Shanghong Zhang. Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediment andfishes in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin. Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159(15): 2575-2585.(Web of Science cited446 times)
YiYujun, Wang Zhaoyin, Yang Zhifeng. Two-dimensional habitat modeling of Chinese sturgeon spawningsites. Ecological Modelling. 2010, 221(5):864-875.(Web of Science cited54 times)
YiYujun, Wang Zhaoyin, Yu Guoan. Sediment pollution and its effect on fish through food chainin the Yangtze River. International Journal ofSediment Research. 2008, 23(4):338-347. (Web of Science cited 109 times)
Yujun Yi, Xi Cheng,Silke Wieprecht,Caihong Tang. 2014. Comparison of habitat suitabilitymodels using different habitat suitability evaluation methods. EcologicalEngineering (2014), 71: 335-345. (Web of Science cited 15 times)
Yujun YI, Caihong Tang, Zhifeng Yang, Xi Cheng.Influence of Manwan Reservoir on fish habitat in the middle reach of theLancang River. Ecol. Eng., 2014, 69: 106-117. (Web of Science cited 27 times)
Yujun Yi, Shanghong Zhang.2012. Heavymetal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn) concentrations in seven fish species in relationto fish size and location along the Yangtze River. EnvironmentalScience and Pollution Research.19(9):3989-3996. (Web ofScience cited 46 times)
Yu-Jun Yi*, Jie Sun, Cai-Hong Tang, Shang-Hong Zhang.2016. Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediment in the upper reachof the Yangtze River. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 23:11002-11013.(Web of Science cited13 times)
Tang CH, Yi YJ. 2016. Risk forecasting of pollution accidents based on anintegrated Bayesian Network and water quality model for the South to NorthWater Transfer Project. Ecological Engineering. 96: 109–116.(Web of Science cited 11 times)
Caihong Tang, Yujun Yi*,Zhifeng Yang, Jie Sun. 2016. Risk analysis of emergent water pollutionaccidents based on a Bayesian Network. Journal of Environmental Management, 165:199-205 (Web of Science cited 15 times)
Shang-hong Zhang, Yu Wu, Zhu Jing, Yu-jun Yi*. 2018. Navigable flowcondition simulation based on two-dimensional hydrodynamic parallel model. Journal of Hydrodynamics.
Yujun Yi*, Jie Sun, Yufeng Yang, Yang Zhou, Caihong Tang, Xuan Wang, ZhifengYang. 2018. Habitat suitability evaluation of a benthic macroinvertebratecommunity in a shallow lake. Ecological Indicators, 90: 451-459.
Yufeng Yang, Xiongdong Zhou, Yujun Yi*, Mengzhen Xu, Zhifeng Yang.2018. Influence of debris flows on macroinvertebrate diversity and assemblagestructure. Ecological Indicators. 85: 781-790.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-21
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基本信息顾传辉博士主要从事污染物在水文条件影响下的迁移转化、地下水地表水相互作用、温室气体排放、流域水文生物地球化学过程、城市雨洪管理等。曾担任美国国家科学基金评审委员、美国国家科学基金可持续性研究网络评审组专家、美国地质协会应用水文地质JohnMann导师。联系方式联系地址:北京市新街口外大街19号邮政编码:100875Email:chuanhuigu@bnu.edu.cn研究方向地下水地表水相 ...北京师范大学导师信息 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-21北京师范大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-尹心安
基本信息尹心安,男,教授,博士生导师。国家“”青年拔尖人才、北京市科技新星。主要从事生态水利、水生态系统保护与修复研究。曾获教育部科技进步奖1项,已发表SCI论文30余篇,出版学术专著1部。联系方式yinxinan@bnu.edu.cn研究方向基本信息尹心安,男,教授,博士生导师。国家“”青年拔尖人才、北京市科技新星。主要从事生态水利、水生态系统保护与修复研究。曾获教育部科技进步奖1项,已发表SC ...北京师范大学导师信息 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-21北京师范大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-赵彦伟
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基本信息郭学军,1975-,男,博士,北京师范大学水环境模拟国家重点实验室“985”工程研究员,2014年度“京师英才”,2015年获国家自然科学二等奖(R4),专业方向为环境化学。2005年1月毕业于南开大学环境科学与工程学院,先后在加拿大阿尔伯特研究所环境技术部(EnvironmentalUnit,AlbertaResearchCouncil,Canada)和韩国蔚山大学市政与环境工程系(Ci ...北京师范大学导师信息 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-21北京师范大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李迎霞
基本信息李迎霞,女,岗位教授,博士生导师。1997年获清华大学工学学士主要研究领域包括海绵城市雨水径流控制的设计与监测,城市面源污染的来源归趋研究,城市水资源的分配及可持续利用以及流域水环境模拟与污染控制等。已发表学术论文70余篇,在国际以及国内在城市面源污染领域具有很强的影响力,担任AmericanJournalofEnvironmentalSciences的编辑。现在参与多个海绵城市雨水径流的 ...北京师范大学导师信息 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-21北京师范大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李晓文
基本信息李晓文,北京师范大学环境学院,博士/副教授,博士生导师,主要从事区域生态环境规划、国土生态安全评估及安全格局优化、流域生态健康与修复、湿地生态系统服务功能评估、环境评价与规划管理等方向的教学与科研工作,发表学术论著70余篇(部))先后主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,国家科技支撑及环保公益项目子课题2项,参与完成多项国家“973”、水专项等科技支撑计划项目,主持完成多个国家森林公园、国家湿地公 ...北京师范大学导师信息 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-21北京师范大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李春晖
基本信息李春晖,北京师范大学环境学院,教授,博士生导师,水沙科学教育部重点实验室副主任。长期从事水资源评价与规划、水环境模拟、水生态恢复和流域综合管理等研究工作。近年来主持和参加完成了国家重大研发计划项目、国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项、国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973)、国家自然科学基金目、教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金、全球环境基金、中国博士后科学基金项目、教育部留学回国人员科研 ...北京师范大学导师信息 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-21北京师范大学环境学院导师教师师资介绍简介-毛建素
基本信息??毛建素,副教授(岗位教授)、博士生导师。工业生态学研究方向博士。2005年HenryLuceFoundation“IndustrialEcologyinAsia”获得者。曾于耶鲁大学森林与环境学院博士后流动站从事物质循环流动基础研究。2006年入职北京师范大学环境学院,教学团队骨干。研究领域包括产业生态学、生态经济、城市生态规划、污染物源头管理等。主持和参加国家自然科学基金、国家973 ...北京师范大学导师信息 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-21