本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-21
1996年9月-2000年7月 内蒙古大学,理工学院,学士
2000年9月-2003年7月 中国科学院国家天文台,硕士
2003年9月-2006年7月 中国科学院国家天文台,博士
2006年6月-2008年4月 日本大阪大学激光工程物理研究所, 博士后
2008年4月-2009年2月 中国科学院国家天文台,助理研究员
2009年2月-2013年2月 中国科学院国家天文台,副研究员
2011年11月-2012年2月 美国普林斯顿大学等离子物理实验室,访问
2013年2月-2014年1月 中国科学院国家天文台,研究员
2014年2月-现在 北京师范大学,教授
从事科研工作以来在Nature Physics, Physics Review,APJ等杂志共发表文章专利50余篇项,引用次数超过200次,近四年内,邀请报告国际会议6次,国内会议2次。与合作者获得2009年度中国科学院大科学装置年度成果奖,2010年和2012年中国光学重要成果奖,2010年中国十大天文科技进展和2011年的中国科学十大进展。
l 2011年入选中国科学院青年创新促进会
l 2011年国际IFSA会议大会邀请报告(近大会)(法国)
l 2012年中国国际高能量密度物理会议邀请报告(北京)
l 2013年法国国际高能量密度物理会议邀请报告(法国)
l 2013年第12届空间和实验室等离子体实验国际会议邀请报告(日本)
l 2013年第3届LaB国际会议邀请报告(法国)
l 2014年第10届高能量密度实验室天体物理邀请报告(法国)
l 2009年中国物理秋季年会邀请报告(南开大学)
l 2010年中国高能量密度物理会议邀请报告(上海交大)
7、 个人获奖:
l 2006年中国科学院院长优秀奖
l 2012年卢嘉锡青年人才奖
l 2013年入选北京市科技新星
1. J. Y. Zhong, Y. T. Li, X. G. Wang, J. Q. Wang, Q. L. Dong, S. J. Wang, X. Liu, L. Zhang, L. An, F. L. Wang, X. T. He, J. Q. Zhu, Y. Gu, G. Zhao, and J. Zhang, “Modelling loop top x-ray source and reconnection outflow with intense lasers”, Nature Physics, 2010, 6(12), 984-987 (16)
2. X. Liu, Y. T. Li, Y. Zhang, J. Y. Zhong, W. D. Zheng, Q. L. Dong, M. Chen, G. Zhao, Y. Sakawa, T. Morita, Y. Kuramitsu, T. N. Kato, L. M. Chen, X. Lu, J. L. Ma, W. M. Wang, Z. M. Sheng, H. Takabe, Y-J Rhee, Y. K. Ding, S. E. Jiang, S. Y. Liu, J. Q. Zhu and J. Zhang, “Collisionless shockwaves formed by counter-streaming laser-produced plasmas”, New Journal of Physics, 2011, 13, 093001 (4)
3. Quan-Li Dong , Shou-Jun Wang, Quan-Ming Lu, Can Huang, Da-Wei Yuan, Xun Liu, Xiao-Xuan Lin, Yu-Tong Li, Hui-Gang Wei, Jia-Yong Zhong, Jian-Rong Shi, Shao-En Jiang, Yong-Kun Ding, Bo-Bin Jiang, Kai Du, Xian-Tu He, M. Y. Yu, C. S. Liu, Shui Wang, Yong-Jian Tang, Jian-Qiang Zhu, Gang Zhao, Zheng-Ming Sheng , and Jie Zhang, “Plasmoid ejection and secondary current sheet generation from magnetic reconnection in laser-plasma interaction”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 ,215001(2012).
4. Liu Xun, Li Yutong, Zhong Jiayong, Dong Quanli, Wang Shoujun, Zhang Lei, Zhu Jianqiang, Zhao Gang, Zhang Jie, Characteristics of Plasma Jets in Laser-Driven Magnetic Reconnection, Plasma Science and Technology, 14,97 (2012)
5. Y Kuramitsu, Y Sakawa, T Morita, T Ide, K Nishio, H Tanji, H Aoki, S Dono, C D Gregory, J N Waugh, N Woolsey, A Dizière, A Pelka, A Ravasio, B Loupias, M Koenig, S A Pikuz, Y T Li, Y Zhang, X Liu, J Y Zhong, J Zhang, G Gregori, N Nakanii, K Kondo, Y Mori, E Miura, R Kodama, Y Kitagawa, K Mima, K A Tanaka, H Azechi, T Moritaka, Y Matsumoto, T Sano, A Mizuta, N Ohnishi, M Hoshino and H Takabe, Laboratory investigations on the origins of cosmic rays , Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 54, 124049 (2012)
6. F. Dong, F. Wang, J. Zhong, G. Zhao, Research on the opacity of Fe M-shell unresolved transition array, Acta Phys. Sin. 61, 163201 (2012)
7. J.Y. Zhong et al., Table-top solar flares produced with laser driven magnetic reconnections, Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications 2011, EPJ web conference (2012)
8. G.Y. Liang, N.R. Badnell, G. Zhao, J.Y. Zhong and F.L. Wang, R-matrix electron-impact excitation data for astrophysically abundant sulphur ions, A&A (2011) 533 A87 (4)
9. T. Morita, Y. Sakawa, Y. Kuramitsu, S. Dono, H. Aoki, H. Tanji, T. N. Kato, Y. T. Li, Y. Zhang, X. Liu, J. Y. Zhong, H. Takabe, and J. Zhang “Collisionless shock generation in high-speed counterstreaming plasma flows by a high-power laser”, Phys. Plasmas, 2010, 17(12), 122702 (10)
10. J. Y. Zhong, H. Shiraga, and H. Azechi, "One-dimensional and multichannels multi-imaging x-ray streak camera for imploded core plasma of shell-cone target", Review of scientific instruments, 2008, 79(10), 10E907-0E907-4 (3)
11. J. Y. Zhong, M. Li, H. Shiraga, and H. Azechi, "Imploded core dynamics of shell-cone targets observed with 1D+McMIXS", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2008, 112(2), 022064-022064-4 (5)
12. J. Y. Zhong, Y. T. Li, X. Lu, Y. Zhang, J. Bemhardt, F. Liu, Z.Q. Hao, Z. Zhang, Q.Z. Yu, M. Chen, X.H. Yuan, W.X. Liang, G. Zhao, J. Zhang, "Generation of single plasma channel in air", Acta Physica Sinica, 2007, 56(12), 7114-7119 (1)
13. J. Y. Zhong, G. Zhao, and J. Zhang "Energy levels, transition probabilities and electron impact excitations for La XXX ", ADNDT, 2006, 92(5), 481-606 (3)
14. J. Y. Zhong, J. L. Zeng, G. Zhao, M. A. Bari and J. Zhang, "Electron impact excitation of Ti XVIII", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2005, 57(5), 835-840 (3)
15. J. Y. Zhong, J. Zhang, J.L. Zeng, G. Zhao, M. F. Gu, "Energy levels, transition probabilities, and electron impact excitations for possible X-ray line emissions of Ni-like tantalum ions", ADNDT, 2005, 89(2), 101-138 (12)
16. J. Y. Zhong, C. Wang, J. Zhang, X. Lu, G. Zhao, J. L. Zeng, M. F. Gu, and S. J. Wang, "Driver pulse configuration of the nickel-like Ta x-ray laser at 4.48 nm", Phys. Rev. A, 2004, 70 (5), 053803-053803-6 (10)
17. J. Y. Zhong, J. Zhang, G. Zhao and X. Lu, "Calculations of the energy levels and oscillator strengths of the Ne-like Fe Ion (Fe XVII) ", Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2004, 28(3), 264-272
18. J. Y. Zhong, G. Zhao, and H. M. Qiu, "High-Resolution Spectral Analysis of the Mildly Metal-Poor Stars I. Spectral data and equivalent widths", Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2002, 26(4), 424-431
19. B. Duan, M. A. Bari, J. Y. Zhong, J. Yan, Y. M. Li, and J. Zhang, "Energy levels and radiative rates for optically allowed and forbidden transitions of Ni XXV ion", A&A, 2008, 488(3), 1155-1157 (5)
20. Y. Zhang, Y. T. Li, Z. Y. Zheng, F. Liu, J. Y. Zhong, X. Y. Lin, F. Liu, X. Lu, and J. Zhang, "Evolution of shock waves formed by laser-induced breakdown in air", Chinese Physics, 2008, 16(12), 3728-3731 (12)
21. Y. Q. Liang and J. Y. Zhong, "Electron impact collision strengths in Sn XXIII", Atom. Data and Nucl. Data Tables, 2008, 94(6), 807-902
22. Y. Q. Liang, H. Liu, and J. Y. Zhong, "Simulation of the EUV Spectrum of Ca XVI", PASJ, 2008, 60(1), 103-109
23. G. Y. Liang, G. Zhao, J. Y. Zhong, Y. T. Li, Y. Q. Liu, Q. L. Dong, X. H. Yuan, Z. Jin, and J. Zhang, "Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Silicon Ions in Dense Plasmas", APJSS, 2008, 177 (1), 326-334 (2)
24. M. A. Bari, J. Y. Zhong, B. Duan, Q. L. Dong, J. Yan, M. Chen, J. Zhao, G. Y. Liang, J. R. Shi, G. Zhao and J. Zhang, "Possibility of population inversion of Fe XVII ions in dense plasma conditions", JPB: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 2007, 40(18), 3785-3793
25. Z. H. Wang, Z. Q. Hao, Z. Zhang, X. Lu, Z. Jin, J. Y. Zhong, Y. Q. Liu, Z. Y. Wei, J. Zhang, and G. Zhao, "Effects of temporal chirp on laser filamentation in air", Acta Physica Sinica, 2007, 56(3), 1434-1438 (3)
26. Z. Q. Hao, J. Zhang, J. Yu, Z, Zhang, J. Y. Zhong, C. Z. Zang, Z, Jin, Z. H. Wang, and Z. Y. Wei, "Fluorescence measurement and acoustic diagnostics of plasma channels in air", Acta Physica Sinica, 2006, 55(1), 299-303 (5)
27. Z. Q. Hao, J. Zhang, Z, Zhang, X. H. Yuan, Z. Y. Zheng, X. Lu, Z. Jin, Z. H. Wang, J. Y. Zhong, Y. Q. Liu, " Characteristics of multiple filaments generated by femtosecond laser pulses in air: Prefocused versus free propagation", Physics Review E, 2006, 74(6), 066402 (17)
28. M. A. Bari, J. Y. Zhong, M. Chen, J. Zhao, and J. Zhang, "Calculation of plasma characteristics of the sun", Chinese Physics, 2006, 15(11), 2578-2582 (1)
29. Y. Q. Liang, and J. Y. Zhong, "The simulation of X-ray and EUV spectra of Be-like O ions", Acta Astromica Sinica, 2005, 46(2), 151-157
30. J. L. Zeng, J. Y. Zhong, G. Zhao, and J. M. Yuan, "Electron impact collision strengths and oscillator strengths for Ni-like Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Ta, and W ions", ADNDT, 2005, 90(2), 259-317 (9)
31. F. Yan, J. Zhang, X. Lu, and J. Y. Zhong, "Design of the Ni-like Sn x-ray laser at 12 nm", Journal of Optical Society of America B, 2005, 22(4), 786 -791 (2)
32. Q. L. Dong, F. Yan, J. Zhang, J. Y. Zhong, J. Zhao, Z. M. Sheng, H. M. Li, and Y. J. Li,"Grazing incidence pumping x-ray laser scheme with application of paraboloid mirrors", Chinese Physics Letter, 2005, 22(3), 603-606 (5)
33. X. Y. Peng, J. Zhang, Z. Jin, T. J. Liang, J. Y. Zhong, H. C.Wu, Y. Q. Lu, Z. H. Wang, Z. L. Chen, Z. M. Sheng, Y. T. Li, and Z. Y. Wei, "Angular distribution of hot electrons emitted from ethanol droplets irradiated by ultra short laser pulses", Acta Physica Sinica, 2004, 53(8), 2625-2632 (17)
34. F. Yan, J. Zhang, X. Lu, and J. Y. Zhong, "Similarity of plasmas conditions of some Ne-like X-ray lasers and their Partner Ni-like X-ray lasers", Appl. Phys. B, 2004, 79(2), 229-233
35. X. Y. Peng, J. Zhang, Z. Jin, T. J. Liang, Z. M. Sheng, Y. T. Li, Q. Z. Yu, Z. Y. Zheng, Z. H. Wang, Z. L. Chen, J. Y. Zhong, X. W. Tang, J. Yang, and C. J. Sun, "Energetic electrons from ethanol droplets irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses", Phys. Rev. E, 2004, 69(2), 026414-026414-5
36. J. Y. Zhong, J. Zhang, J. L. Zeng, and G. Zhao, "Electron impact collision strengths of Ti XVIII" Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on X-Ray lasers, X-Ray Lasers 2004, 393(2004) (Bristol: IOP)
37. J. Y. Zhong, J. Zhang, J. L. Zeng, and G. Zhao, " Simulations of keV x-ray spectra in laser-produced plasma of Samarium" Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on X-Ray lasers, X-Ray Lasers 2004, 663(2004) (Bristol: IOP)
38. J. Y. Zhong, J. Zhang, J. L. Zeng, and G. Zhao, "Effective collision strengths for Ni-like tungsten ions" Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on X-Ray lasers, X-Ray Lasers 2004, 413(2004)(Bristol: IOP)
39. F. Yan, J. Zhang, X. Lu, and J. Y. Zhong, "Design of the Ni-like Ag x-ray laser at 13.9 nm", Phys. Plasmas, 2004, 11(7), 3380-3385 (5)
40. F. Yan, J. Zhang, X. Lu, and J. Y. Zhong, "Numerical investigation of a transient Ni-like Ag x-ray laser at 13.9 nm", Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on X-Ray lasers, X-Ray Lasers 2004, 369 (Bristol: IOP)
41. F. Yan, J. Zhang, X. Lu, and J. Y. Zhong, "Equivalence relation between some Ni-like x-ray lasers and their partner Ne-like x-ray lasers", Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on X-Ray lasers, X-Ray Lasers 2004, 123 (Bristol: IOP)
42. J. Zhao, F. Yan, J. Y. Zhong, and J. Zhang, "A nickel-like yttrium X-ray laser at 23.4 nm", Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on X-Ray lasers, X-Ray Lasers 2004, 409 (Bristol: IOP)
43. J. Zhang, Y. J. Li, Y. T. Li, X. Lu, F. Yan, J. Y. Zhong, Z. Jin, and Z. Y. Wei, "X-Ray laser research at the institute of Physics, CAS", Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on X-Ray lasers, X-Ray Lasers 2004 (Bristol: IOP)
44. X. Lu, F. Yan, Y. J. Li, H. M. Li, J. Y. Zhong, and J. Zhang, "Simulation study of a Ni-like Mo x-ray laser at 18.9 nm driven by ultra-short laser pulses", Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on X-Ray lasers, X-Ray Lasers 2004,103(Bristol:IOP)
45. J. L. Zeng, J. Y. Zhong, J. Zhang, and G. Zhao, "Gain coe_cients for possible 4d-4p x-ray lasers of Ni-like Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Ta and W ions", Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on X-Ray lasers, X-Ray Lasers 2004, 405(Bristol: IOP)
46. Z. Jin, X. Y. Peng, Z. L.Chen, T. J. Liang, Q. Z. Yu, J. Y. Zhong, Y. T. Li, Z. M. Sheng, and J. Zhang, "Soft X-ray emission from ethanol droplets irradiated by moderate femtosecond laser pulses", Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on X-Ray lasers, X-Ray Lasers 2004, 655(Bristol: IOP)
47. X. LU, J. Y. Zhong, Y. J. Li, and J. Zhang, "Optimization of a ultra-short pulse pumping Ni-like Nb X-ray lasers", Phys. Plasmas, 2003, 10(7), 2978-2982 (4)
48. Jun Zhang, Jie Zhang, Q Chen, L. M. Peng, Y. Cang, H. B. Wang, and J. Y. Zhong, “Feasibility study on temporal-resolved diffraction of high-energy electrons produced in femtosecond laser-plasmas”, Acta Physica Sinica, 2002, 51(8), 1764-1767 (7)
49. H. M. Qiu, G. Zhao, and J. Y. Zhong, "A high-resolution spectral analysis of mildly metal-poor stars II. Chemical abundances", Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2002, 279(1), 66-72
50. 瞬态磁场测量仪,张凯,仲佳勇,赵刚,专利申请号:1.1
51. 一种多通道干涉仪,仲佳勇,张凯,赵刚,专利申请号:3.X
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姓名:肖存英职称:教授电子邮箱:xiaocunying@bnu.edu.cn电话:1、学习经历:2000年9月-2004年6月:华中师范大学,物理系,学士2004年9月-2009年6月:中国科学院国家空间科学中心,博士2、工作经历:2009年7月-2011年12月:中国科学院国家空间科学中心,助理研究员2011年12月-2016年12月:中国科学院国家空间科学中心,副研究员2016年12月-201 ...北京师范大学导师信息 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-21