涂展春 副教授
·个人简介: 学历
1994.9-1998.7: 北京航空航天大学力学系,学士
1998.9-2001.3: 北京航空航天大学力学系,硕士(导师:杨嘉陵教授)
2001.3-2004.6: 中国科学院理论物理所,博士(导师:欧阳钟灿院士)
2003.7.10-8.20: 东京工业大学物理电子系,访问
2004.7-2005.11: 日本物质材料研究机构,博士后
2005.11-2006.7: 台湾淡江大学物理系,博士后
2006.9-2007.8: 德国斯图加特大学物理系理论物理所II,洪堡学者
(1) 2005 年中国科学院优秀博士论文
(2) 2006 年全国百篇优秀博士论文
·研究方向: 理论生物物理,纳米科学
(1) 生物膜的弹性理论;磷脂筏(lipid raft)的形状理论
(2) 非平衡统计: Fluctuation theorem, Jarzyski equality
(3) 纳米材料的力学性质;纳米机械. 密度泛函计算
Biophysics, softmatter and statistical mechanics
(11). Z. C. Tu and Z. C. Zhou, A possible generalized formof Jarzynski equality, Commun. Theor. Phys. 46, 886890 (2006).
(10). Z. C. Tu, L. Q. Ge, J. B. Li and Z. C. OuYang, Elasticityof polymer vesicles by osmotic pressure: An intermediate theorybetween fluid membranes and solid shells, Phys. Rev. E 72, 021806(2005).
(9). Z. C. Tu and Z. C. OuYang, A geometric theory on theelasticity of biomembranes, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37, 1140711429(2004).
(8). Z. C. Tu and Z. C. OuYang, Lipid membranes with freeedges, Phys. Rev. E 68, 061915 (2003).
(7). Z. C. Tu and X. Hu, Elasticity and piezoelectricityof zinc oxide crystals, single layers, and possible singlewallednanotubes, Phys. Rev. B 74, 035434 (2006).
(6). Z. C. Tu, Q. X. Li and X. Hu, Theoretical determinationof the necessary conditions for the formation of ZnO nanorings andnanohelices, Phys. Rev. B 73, 115402 (2006).
(5). Z. C. Tu and X. Hu, Molecular motor constructed froma doublewalled carbon nanotube driven by axially varying voltage,Phys. Rev. B 72, 033404 (2005).
(4). Z. C. Tu and Z. C. OuYang, A molecular motor constructedfrom a doublewalled carbon nanotube driven by temperature variation,J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16, 12871292 (2004).
(3). Z. C. Tu and Z. C. OuYang, Specific heats of diluteneon inside a long singlewalled carbon nanotube, J. Phys.: Condens.Matter 15, 67596771 (2003).
(2). Z. C. Tu and Z. C. OuYang, Dimensional crossover ofdilute neon inside long singlewalled carbon nanotubes viewed fromspecific heats, Phys. Rev. B 68, 153403 (2003).
(1). Z. C. Tu and Z. C. OuYang, Singlewalled and multiwalledcarbon nanotubes viewed as elastic tubes with the effective Young'smoduli dependent on layer number, Phys. Rev. B 65, 233407 (2002).
Non-peer-reviewed publications
7. Z. C. Tu, R. An, Z. C. OuYang, Elasticities and stabilities:lipid membranes vs cell membranes (Chapter 9, Softcondensed matter:new researches, pp.277289, Nova Science Publishers, 2006).
6. Z. C. Tu and Z. C. OuYang, On Applying the Shell Theoryto Single Layer Graphitic Structures, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci.3, 375377 (2006).
5. Z. C. Tu and Z. C. OuYang, Structures, Symmetries, Mechanicsand Motors of carbon nanotubes (Chapter 3, Trends in Nanotubes Research,pp.7792, Nova Science Publishers, 2006).
4. Z. C. Tu, Elastic Theory of Membranes, AAPPS Bulletin16, 3033 (2006).
3. Z. C. Tu, L. Q. Ge and Z. C. OuYang, From Fluid Membranesto Polymer Membranes, Special issue of International Symposium onthe Manipulation of Advanced Smart Materials 2005, Thin Solid Films509, 5863 (2006).
2. Z. C. Tu and Z. C. OuYang, Variational Problems in ElasticTheory of Biomembranes, SmecticA Liquid Crystals, and Carbon RelatedStructures, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conferenceon Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, Varna, Bulgaria (2005),237248.
1. 涂展春,欧阳钟灿,生物膜泡形状的弹性理论,《生物膜》第32 章(杨福愉主 编,科学出版社,2005).