

本站小编 免费考研网/2020-04-21

郑志刚 教 授,博士生导师
工作单位: 北京师范大学物理系
联系地址: 北京师范大学物理系,北京:100875
电话号码: 86-10-58805147(办)
传真:  86-10-58805147
电子邮箱: zgzheng@bnu.edu.cn 
·个人简介: 1998年1月获博士学位。1996、98年赴香港浸会大学非线性研究中心进行博士后研究工作,1997年8月起在北京师范大学物理系任教和开展研究工作。1999年被评为副教授。2000年被评为教育部骨干教师。2001年破格晋升教授,博士生导师。现为北京师范大学教授,博士生导师,国家重点基础研究规划(973)项目成员、混沌子课题负责人,美国加州理工学院高级访问学者,第三届“全国百篇优秀博士学位论文”奖、教育部“高校青年教师奖”、高校首批优秀骨干教师获得者。目前主持国家自然科学基金、973计划、教育部骨干教师、霍英东基金、全国优秀博士论文专项、青年教师奖励资助计划等多个国家项目。现任PRL, PRE, Physica, Chaos, IJMPB, MPL, 理论物理通讯、物理学报、Chinese Physics等杂志特约审稿人,意大利理论物理国际中心(ICTP)联系成员。目前主要从事统计物理与非线性科学等方面的理论研究工作,内容涉及随机非线性系统的输运过程、统计物理基本问题、耦合非线性系统的时空动力学、混沌的控制与混沌同步、分子马达等方面,近几年在国际刊物上发表学术论著近80余篇,其中关于混沌同步的综述一篇,在Phys. Rev. Lett.上发表多篇 , 在Phys.Rev.E上发表10多篇。他还与胡岗教授合著一部关于混沌控制与同步的专著。近几年与国际同行建立了广泛的合作关系。 
·社会兼职: •"九七三" 国家重点基础研究项目非线性科学组成员,混沌组副组长

•"Communications in Theoretical Physics"特约审稿人


•Chaos, Solitons and Fractals、Chinese Physics,、物理学报、计算物理特约审稿人



·研究方向: 统计物理、非线性动力学与复杂性

胡岗 教授 郑志刚 教授 李蓉 副教授 张英 副教授 李晓文 副教授 王海燕 副教授 涂展春 副教授 

郑志刚, “从少体系统到多体系统, 动力学与统计力学”(北京师范大学, 1997). 导师: 胡岗教授. (** 此论文被评为2001年全国优秀博士学位论文).

   (Ⅰ). Invited Review Papers
(67). Bambi Hu and Zhigang Zheng, Phase synchronizations:transitions from high- to low-dimensional tori through chaos, Inter.J. Bif. & Chaos 10, 10, 2399-2414 (2000).


   (Ⅱ). Papers
(66) Xiaoping Yuan, Hongbin Chen and Zhigang Zheng, Pullingdynamics and chaos, Chinese Physics 15, 7, 1464-1470 (2006).
(65)Bin Ao and Zhigang Zheng, Partial synchronization on complexnetworks, Europhys. Lett. 74, 2, 229-235 (2006).
(64) Tingxian Zhang and Zhigang Zheng, Amplitude effect inphase synchronization of coupled oscillators, Dynamics of Continuous,Discrete and Impulsive Systems B 13, 3-4, 471-479 (2006).
(63) Bin Ao, Xiaojuan Ma, Yunyun Li, and Zhigang Zheng, Non-localCouplings And Partial Synchronization In Chaos Systems, Chin. Phys.Lett. 23, 4,786 (2006).
(62) Bin Ao and Zhigang Zheng, Transitions to Long-residentstates in coupled chaotic oscillators, Chin. Phys. Lett. 23, 1, 35(2006).

(61) Qiwen Wang, Zhigang Zheng, and Rong Liu, Microscopic DynamicalFoundations of Statistical Physics, College Physics 24, 11 , 5 (2005).
(60) Qiwen Wang, Zhigang Zheng, and Rong Liu, Historical Debateson irreversibility in statistical physics, College Physics 24, 10,50 (2005).
(59) Bin Ao, Xiaojuan Ma, and Zhigang Zheng, Network Topologyand partial synchronization, in "Second National Forum on complexnetworks, CCAST-WL Workshop series" 170, 157 (2005);
(58) Yu Feng, Wenxin Qin, and Zhigang Zheng, Existence of LocalizedSolutions in the Parametrically Driven and Damped DNLS Equation inHigh-Dimensional Lattices, Phys. Lett. A 346, 99-110 (2005).
(57) Xiaoqin Feng and Zhigang Zheng, Coherent resonance andm:n phase synchronization in noise-driven excitable systems, Int.J. Mod. Phys. B 19, 22, 3501-3509 (2005).
(56) Wenyu Fu, Ximiao Hou, Lixia He, and Zhigang Zheng, Dynamicsand Statistics of few-body hard-ball systems Acta Physica Sinica 54,6, 2552(2005).
(55) Bambi Hu, Wenxin Qin and Zhigang Zheng, Rotation numberof the overdamped Frenkel-Kontorova model with ac driving, PhysicaD 208, 3-4, 172-190 (2005).
(54) Hongbin Chen, Qiwen Wang and Zhigang Zheng, Deterministicdirected transport of Inertial Particles in a Flashing Ratchet Potential,Phys. Rev. E 71, 031102 (2005).
(53) Zhigang Zheng, Directed transport of interacting particlesystems: recent progress, Comm. Theor. Phys. 43, 1, 107-112 (2005).
(52) Zhigang Zheng, Collective directional transport and coupledBrownian Ratchets, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 18, 17-19, 2498-2504 (2004).
(51) Jian Gao and Zhigang Zheng, Phase synchronization in doublydriven chaotic oscillators, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 18, 2945 (2004).
(50) Tingxian Zhang and Zhigang Zheng, Phase synchronizationin coupled oscillators 40, 2, 191-195 (2004).
(49) Tingxian Zhang and Zhigang Zheng, Synchronizations incoupled limit-cycle systems 53, 10, 3287-3202 (2004).
(48) Zhigang Zheng, Jian Gao and Gang Hu, Collective directionaltransport of coupled oscillators in symmetric periodic potential,Int. J. Mod. Phys. B17, 22-24,4415-4422 (2003).
(47) Jian Gao, Huaping Lv, Daihai He, Lewi Stone, and Zhigang Zheng, Unexpected correspondence between noise-induced and master-slave completesynchronization, Phys. Rev. E 68, 037202 (2003).
(46) Zhigang Zheng, Fengzhi Liu, and Jian Gao, Directed transportof coupled systems in symmetric periodic potentials, Chinese Physics12, 8, 846 (2003).
(45) Jian Gao, Zhigang Zheng and Daihai He, Transition to phasesynchronization through generalized synchronization, Chin. Phys. Lett.20, 7, 999 (2003).
(44) Xiaowen Li and Zhigang Zheng, Collective directional transportin symmetric periodic potentials by breaking the coupling symmetry,Comm. Theor. Phys 39, 549-554 (2003).
(43) Jihua Gao, Zhigang Zheng, Jiaoning Tang and Jianhua Peng,Controlling chaos with rectificative feedback injections in 2D coupledcomplex Ginzburg-Landau oscillators, Comm. Theor. Phys. 40, 315 (2003).
(42) Fengzhi Liu, Xiaowen Li and Zhigang Zheng, Brownian ratchetdriven by a rocking forcing with broken temporal symmetry, Comm. Theor.Phys. 39, 2, 173-176 (2003).
(41) Daihai He, Zhigang Zheng and Lewi Stone, Detecting generalizedsynchrony: An improved approach, Phys. Rev. E 67, 026223 (2003).
(40) Jihua Gao, Zhigang Zheng, Lianbo Jiang, and ShuangchenRuan, Synchronization of spatiotemporal chaos in coupled complex Ginzburg-Landauoscillators, Comm. Theor. Phys. 39, 429-432 (2003).
(39) Zhigang Zheng and M.Cross, Defect-induced propagationin excitable media, Int. J. Bif. & Chaos 13,10, 3125-3134 (2003).
(38) Zhigang Zheng, M. C. Cross and Gang Hu , Collective directedtransport of symmetrically coupled lattices in symmetric periodicpotentials, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 154102 (2002).
(37) Daihai He, Lewi Stone and Zhigang Zheng, Analysis of generalizedsynchronization in directionally coupled chaotic phase oscillatorsby local minimal fluctuations, Phys. Rev. E 66, 036208 (2002).
(36) Zhigang Zheng and Fuzhong Wang, Synchronized firing incoupled inhomogeneous excitable neurons, Comm. Theor. Phys. 38, 4,415-420 (2002).
(35) Zhigang Zheng, Xingang Wang and Michael C. Cross, Transitionsfrom partial to complete generalized synchronizations in bidirectionallycoupled chaotic oscillators, Phys. Rev. E 65, 056211 (2002).
(34) Zhigang Zheng and Changsong Zhou, Alternate phase synchronizationin coupled chaotic oscillators, Comm. Theor. Phys. 37, 419 (2002).
(33) Zhigang Zheng, Phase-locking dynamics in coupled circle-maplattices, Comm. Theor. Phys. 37, 557 (2002).
(32) Gang Hu, Zhigang Zheng, Li Yang and Wei Kang, ThermodynamicSecond-law in Irreversible Processes of Chaotic Few-body Systems,Phys. Rev. E. (rapid communication) 64, 045102 R (2001).
(31) Zhigang Zheng and Xiaowen Li, Biased motion in a symmetricperiodic potential by breaking temporal symmetry, Comm. Theor. Phys.36, 2, 151-156 (2001).
(30) Zhigang Zheng , Gang Hu and Bambi Hu, Phase synchronizationin coupled oscillators:dynamical manifestations,Chin. Phys. Lett.18, 7, 874-877 (2001).
(29) Zhigang Zheng, Frustration effect on synchronization andchaos in coupled oscillators, Chin. Phys. 10, 08, 703-707 (2001).
(28) Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu and Bambi Hu, Collective directionaltransport in coupled nonlinear oscillators without external bias,Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 11, 2273-2276 (2001).
(27) Zhigang Zheng, Multistable spatiotemporal dynamics inthe driven Frenkel-Kontorova lattice, Comm. Theor. Phys. 36, 37-43(2001).
(26) Zhigang Zheng and Gang Hu, Phase desynchronization asa mechanism for transitions to high-dimensional chaos, Comm. Theor.Phys. 35, 682-688 (2001).
(25) Bambi Hu, Zonghua Liu and Zhigang Zheng, Frequency lockingin coupled chaotic systems, Commun. Theor. Phys. 35, 425-430 (2001).
(24) Zhigang Zheng, Discrete breathers in lattices of coupledoscillators, Comm. Theor. Phys. 35, 137-142 (2001).

(23) Zhigang Zheng and Xiaowen Li, Spatiotemporal dynamicsand collective transport in coupled nonlinear systems, China ScienceAbstracts 6, 11, 78-81 (2000).
(22) Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu, Changsong Zhou, and Bambi Hu,Phase synchronizations in coupled chaotic systems: from high-dimensionalto low-dimensional chaos, Acta Physica Sinica 49, 12, 2320-2327(2000).
(21)Zhigang Zheng, Bambi Hu and Gang Hu, Resonant steps inthe discrete sine-Gordon chain, Comm. Theor. Phys. 33, 191 (2000).
(20) Zhigang Zheng, Phase synchronization in coupled chaoticsystems, p298-301, in "The Frontiers of Physics at Millennium, Proceedingsof the Symposium, Beijing, China 8-11 October 1999, Eds. Y.L.Wu andJ.P.Hsu (World Scientific Press, April 2001, Singapore).
(19)Meng Zhan, Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu and Xihong Peng, Nonlocalchaotic phase synchronization, Phys. Rev. E 62, 3552-3557 (2000).
(18) Zhigang Zheng and Gang Hu, Generalized synchronizationversus phase synchronization, Phys. Rev. E 62, 7882-7885 (2000).
(17) Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu and Bambi Hu, Enhancement of phasesynchronization through asymmetric couplings, Phys. Rev. E 62, 7501-7504 (2000).
(16)Zhigang Zheng and Bambi Hu, Collective topological dynamicsin the Frenkel-Kontorova chains, Phys. Rev. E 62, 4294-4299 (2000).
(15) Zhigang Zheng, Bambi Hu and Gang Hu, Collective phaseslips and phase synchronizations in coupled oscillator systems, Phys.Rev. E 62, 402-408 (2000).
(14) Zhigang Zheng and Gang Hu, Polygonal approaches to thecircular billiard: the Lyapunov exponent, Comm. Theor. Phys. 32, 221-228(1999).
(13)Zhigang Zheng, Ergodic properties and thermodynamics inanharmonic oscillator systems, Comm. Theor. Phys. 32, 549-556 (1999).
(12) Zhigang Zheng and Xiaowen Li, Clustering behavior in globallycoupled rotator systems, Comm. Theor. Phys. 32, 367-374 (1999).
(11) Zhigang Zheng and Gang Hu, From dynamics to statisticalmechanics: 2-hard-disk system, Comm. Theor. Phys. 29, 43-50 (1998).
(10) Zhigang Zheng, Bambi Hu and Gang Hu, Spatiotemporal dynamicsof discrete sine-Gordon lattices with sinusoidal couplings, Phys.Rev. E 57, 1139-1144 (1998).
(9) Zhigang Zheng, Bambi Hu and Gang Hu, Resonant steps andspatiotemporal dynamics in the damped dc-driven Frenkel-Kontorovachain, Phys. Rev. B 58, 5453-5461 (1998).
(8) Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu and Bambi Hu, Phase slips and phasesynchronization of coupled oscillators, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5318-5321(1998).
(7)Zhigang Zheng, Bambi Hu and Gang Hu, Array-induced collectivetransport in the Brownian motion of coupled nonlinear oscillator systems,Phys. Rev. E 58, 7085-7090 (1998).
(6) Zhigang Zheng and Gang Hu, Brownian motion of oxide high-Tcsuperconductor and inertial effects of vortices, Comm. Theor. Phys.27, 157-162 (1997).
(5) Zhigang Zheng and Gang Hu, Hamilton-Jacobi theory of colorednoise problem and probability hole in the bistable system, Comm. Theor.Phys. 25, 439-442 (1996).
(4) Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu and Juyuan Zhang, Ergodicity inthe hard-ball systems and Boltzmann's entropy, Phys. Rev. E 53, 3246-3252(1996).

(3) Juyuan Zhang, Zhigang Zheng, and Gang Hu, ThermodynamicFunctions of Few-body Systems, Journal of Beijing Normal University(Natural Science) 31, 483-486 (1995).
(2) Zhigang Zheng and Gang Hu, Systematic perturbation solutionfor Brownian motion in a biased periodic potential field, Phys. Rev.E 52, 109-114 (1995).
(1)Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu and Juyuan Zhang, Ergodic propertyof a Henon-Heiles model with reflecting walls, Phys. Rev. E 52, 3440-3446(1995)


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