胡岗 教 授,博士生导师
工作单位: 北京师范大学物理系
联系地址: 北京师范大学物理系,北京:100875
·个人简介: 1982年获比利时自由大学博士学位,师从诺贝尔奖获得者I.Prigogine.回国工作后,1986年任北京师范大学物理系教授至今。研究工作领域为统计物理和非线性科学。他本人及指导研究生多年从事混沌及噪声方面的研究,特别是在时空混沌及其控制、随机共振、保密通讯等方面做出了很有影响的工作。93年以来在国际刊物上发表100多篇论文,其中Phys. Rev. Lett.上共发表10多篇论文,并有2篇综述.著有2本著作。论文在SCI刊物上被他引1千多篇次。他作为第一完成人获教育部科技进步一等奖和二等奖各一项;国家自然科学奖三等奖一项;培养了一批有成就的博士生与硕士生,其中一篇博士论文评为2001年全国百篇优秀博士论文之一,两名博士生分别评为2001年教育部高校青年教师奖和2002年教育部跨世纪人才。胡岗教授与国内外十多个从事非线性科学和统计物理研究的学术中心有着密切交流与合作。 现为“New Frotiers of Physics in China”副主编,"Communications in Theoretical Physics"、"Chinese Physics Letters"、"中国物理,Chinese Physics"和"物理学进展"等杂志编委,国家自然科学基金委"理论物理专款"专家委员会成员,国家有突出贡献专家(1997年1月授予)。
·社会兼职: •"Communicationsin Theoretical Physics"编委
•"中国物理,Chinese Physics"编委
•"Chinese Physics Letters"编委
•New Frontiers of Physics in China副主编
·研究方向: 统计物理、非线性科学.
·发表论文: 请点击
胡岗 教授 郑志刚 教授 李蓉 副教授 张英 副教授 李晓文 副教授 王海燕 副教授 涂展春 副教授
The list of Publications in internationaljournals
(Ⅰ). Invited Review Papers
(125).G.Hu, F.G.Xie, et al, Controlling Spatiotemporal Chaos,Hand Book of Chaos Control, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Germany,1998(Invited Review Paper).
(124).G.Hu, Z.L.Qu, and K..F.He, Feedback control of chaosin spatiotemporal systems, Review paper, J.Bif.and Chaos 5, 901-936(1995).
(Ⅱ). Papers
(123)X. Zhang and G. Hu ,Spiral tip meandering induced by excitabilitymodulation,Eur. Phys. J. B 51, 389–393 (2006)
(122)Xiaoming Zhang, Maolin Fu, Jinghua Xiao, and Gang Hu Self-organizationof chaos synchronization and pattern formation in coupled chaoticoscillators PHYSICAL REVIEW E 74, 015202(R) 2006.
(121)Hong Zhang, Zhoujian Cao, Ning-Jie Wu, He-Ping Ying, and GangHu, Suppress winfree turbulence by local forcing excitable systems,Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 188301 (2005).
(120)Xiaowen Li, Heqiao Zhang, Yu Xue, and Gang Hu, Enhancingchaoticity of spatiotemporal chaos, Phys. Rev. E 71, 016216 (2005).
(119)Haihong Li, Dahai He, Zhoujian Cao, Ying Zhang, Toyonori Munakata, and Gang Hu, Relaxation to equilibrium in few-particle adiabatic piston systems, Phys. Rev. E 71, 061103 (2005).
(118)Haihong Li, Zhoujian Cao, and Gang Hu, Analytical solutionof space probability distributions of particles in a one-dimensionalring, Phys. Rev. E 67, 041102 (2004).
(117)Huaping Lu and Gang Hu, Propagation of desynchronous disturbancesin synchronized chaotic one-way coupled map lattices, Phys. Rev. E69, 036212 (2004).
(116)H. Zhang, Z. Cao, C. Gao. Hawking radiation from spherically symmetrical gravitational collapse to an extremal RN black hole for a charged scalar field. Communication in Theoretical Physics, 2004, 41(3): 385
(115)Z. Cao, H. Li, T. Munakata, D. He, G. Hu. Exact statisticsof Three-hard-disk system in two-dimensional space. Physica A, 2004,334: 187
(114)H. Li, Z. Cao, D. He, G. Hu, Analytical probability solutionand phase transition of a two-dimensional few-body adiabatic pistonsystem, Europhysics Letters, 2004, 67: 3.
(113)Hong Zhang, Bambi Hu, and Gang Hu, Suppression of spiralwaves and spatiotemporal chaos by generating target waves in excitablemedia, Phys. Rev. E 68, 026134 (2003)
(112)H. Li, Z. Cao, G. Hu. Analytical solution of space probabilitydistributions of particles in a one-dimensional ring. Physical ReviewE 2003; 67: 041102
(111)Zhigang Zheng, Jian Gao and Gang Hu, Collective directionaltransport of coupled oscillators in symmetric periodic potential,Int. J. Mod. Phys. B17, 22-24,4415-4422 (2003).
(110)Z.Gao,B.Hu,and G.Hu, Pattern formation in small worldnetwork,Phys.Rev.E65,R055204(2002).
(109)D.H.He,G.Hu,et,al,Stochastic resonance of small-worldnetworks,Phys.Rev.E65,016209(2002).
(108)T.Munakata and G.Hu,Pressure of a two-body system,Phys.Rev.E65(accepted,2002).
(107)Y.zhang,G.Hu,et al,Rotating wave appearing in coupledchaotic oscillators via phase ording bifurcation,Phys.Rev.E64,037203(2001).
(106)Z.G.Zheng,G.Hu,and B.Hu,Directional Transportation inone-way coupled overdamped FK model and stochastic resonance,Phys.Rev.Lett.86,2273(2001).
(105)M.zhan,G.Hu et al,Generalized sply state in coupledchaotic oscillators induced by weak mutual resonant interactions,Phys.Rev.Lett.86,1510(2001).
(104)Y.Zhang,G.Hu and H.Cerdeira,Partial syschronizationin coupled chaotic oscillators,Phys.Rev.E63,026211(2001).
(103)G.Hu,Z.G.Zheng,et al Thermodynamic second law in irreversibleprocesses,Phys.Rev.E64, R045102(2001).
(102)Z.G.Zheng, G.Hu, Hu B, Enhancement of phase synchronizationthrough asymmetric couplings, Phys. Rev. E 62:5) 7501-7504 PartB Nov. (2000).
(101)G. Hu, Y. Zhang, Cerdeira HA, et al., From low -dimensialchaos in coupled systems to high-dimensional desynchronous spatiotemporalchaos in coupled systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85:(16) 3377-3380 Oct.16(2000).
(100)G. Hu, J.H. Xiao, et al., Analytical study of spatiotemporalchaos control by applying local injections, Phys. Rev. E 62:(3)R3043-R3046 Part A Sep. (2000).
(99)M. Zhan, Z.G. Zheng, G. Hu, et al., Nonlocal chaoticphase synchronization, Phys. Rev. E 62:(3) 3552-3557 Part A Sep.(2000).
(98)M. Zhan, G. Hu, J.Z. Yang, Synchronization of chaos incoupled systems, Phys. Rev. E 62: (2)2963-2966 Part B Aug. (2000).
(97)M. Zhan, G. Hu, Intermingled basins and on-off intermittencyin a multistate system, Phys. Rev.E62: (1) 375-383 Part A Jul. (2000).
(96)Z.G. Zheng, Hu BB, G. Hu, Collective phase slips andphase synchronizations in coupled oscillator systems, Phys. Rev.E 62: (1) 402-408 Part A Jul. (2000).
(95)Y. Zhang, G. Hu, S.G. Chen, et al., Noise-induced bifurcationsand chaos in the average motion of globally-coupled oscillators,Eur. Phys. J B 15: (1) 51-57 May (2000).
(94)J.H. Xiao, G. Hu, J.H. Gao, Turbulence control and synchronizationand controllable pattern formation, Int. J Bif. & Chaos 10:(3)655-660 Mar. (2000).
(93)Z.G.Zheng, G.Hu, and.B.B.Hu, Phase slips and phase synchronitationof coupled oscillators, Phys.Rev.Lett.81, 5318-5321 (1998).
(92)G.Hu, J.Z.Yang and J.H.Xiao, Hopf bifurcation from chaosand generalized winding numbers, Phys.Rev.Lett.81, 5314-5317 (1998).
(91)J.H.Xiao, G.Hu, J.Z.Yang and G.H.Gao, Controlling Turbulencein the Complex Ginzburg-landau equations, Phys.Rew.Lett.81, 5552-5555(1998).
(90)J.Z.Yang, G.Hu, and J.H.Xiao, Chaos control in coupledoscillators, Phys.Rev.Lett.80, 496 (1998).
(89)G.Hu and J.H.Xiao, Controlling spiral waves, Phys.Rev.Lett.80,1884 (1998).
(88)Y.Zhang and G.Hu , Quenching problem of globally coupledbistable systems, Eur, Phys.J.B3, 253 (1998).
(87)Y.Zhang, G.Hu, et al, Collective behavior of coupledoscillators, Phys.Rev.E57, 2543 (1998).
(86)Y.Zhang, G.Hu, and L.Gammaitoni, Signal transmissionin one-way coupled bistable systems, Phys.Rev.E58, 2952 (1998).
(85)G.Hu and J.Z.Yang, and W.J.Liu, Stability and controllabilityof coupled oscillators, Phys.Rev.E58, 4440 (1998).
(84)Z.G.Zheng, B.B.Hu and G.Hu, Dynamics of discrete sine-Gordonlattice, E57, 1139 (1998).
(83)Z.G.Zheng, B.B.Hu and G.Hu, Resonant steps in dampeddriven FK model , Phys.Rev.B58, 5453 (1998).
(82)Z.G.Zheng, B.B.Hu, and G. Hu, Array -induced collectivetransport, Phys.Rev.E58, 7095-7090 (1998).
(81)J.H.Xiao, G.Hu, H.Liu and Y.Zhang, Frequency-Sensitivestochastic resonance in periodically forced and globally coupledsystems,Eur.Phys.J.B5, 133 (1998).
(80)J.Z.Yang and G.Hu, Scaling behavior of surface roughening, Phys.Rev.E55, 1525 (1997).
(79)F.G.Xie and G.Hu, On-Off intermittency in 2D map lattices,Phys.Rev.E55, 79 (1997).
(78)F.G.Xie and G.Hu, Clustering in globally coupled systems,Phys.Rev.E56, 1567 (1997).
(77)G.Hu, J.H.Xiao, et al, Chaos synchronization of 2D coupledmap lattices , Phys, Rev, E56, 2738 (1997).
(76)J.Xiong, Y.G.Sun and G.Hu, Scattering in twin-cavitynarrow-band interference filters illuminated by a monochromaticbeam, Appl, Opt. 36, 9104 (1997).
(75)J.H.Xiao, G.Hu and Z.L.Qu, Synchronization of spatiotemporalchaos and its application to multichannel spread- spectrum communication,Phys.Rev.Lett.77, 4162 (1996).
(74)G.Hu, H.Haken, and F.G.Xie, Stochastic resonance withsensitive frequency dependence in globally coupled continuous systems.Phys.Rev.Lett. 77, 1925 (1996).
(73)G.Hu, A.Kaffertshofer, and H.Haken, Diffusion of periodicallyforced Brownian particles moving in space-periodic potential. Phys.Rev.Lett.76,4874 (1996).
(72)W.M.Yang, M.Z.Ding, and G.Hu, Trajectory selection inmultistable systems:Stochastic resonance, signal bias, and the effectof signal phase, Phys.Rev.Lett.53, 3246 (1996).
(71)G.Hu, C.Z.Ning , and H.Haken, Inverse problem with adilated kernal containing different singularities.Phys.Rev.E54.2359(1996).
(70)G.Hu, F.G.Xie, Z.L.Qu, and F.Zhang, Locally excited coupledmap lattice: Phase transition from a local to global response, Phys.Rev.E54,1305 (1996).
(69)K.F.He, and G.Hu, Feedback control of chaotic motionsand unstable wave packets in a space-time-dependent system, Phys.Rev.E 53,2271 (1996).
(68)J.Z.Yang, Z.L.Qu.and G.Hu, Duffing equation with twoperiodic forcings: The phase effect, Phys.Rev.E53, 4402 (1996).
(67)Z.L.Qu, F.G.Xie, and G.Hu, Spatiotemporal on-off intermittencyby random driving, Phys.Rev.E53, R1301-1304 (1996).
(66)F.G.Xie and G.Hu, Transient on-off intermittency in acoupled map lattice system, Phys.Rev.E53, 1232-1235 (BR) (1996).
(65)F.G.Xie, and G.Hu, Spatiotemporal periodic pattern andpropagated spatiotemporal on-off intermittency in a one-way coupledmap lattice system.Phys.Rev.E53, 4439-4446 (1996).
(64)Z.G.Zheng, G.Hu, and J.Y.Zhang, Ergodicity in hard-ballsystems and Boltzmann's entropy, Phys.Rev.E53, 3246 (1996).
(63)X..Z.Zhang, and G.Hu, 1/f noise in a two-lane highwaytraffic model, Phys.Rev.E52, 4664 (1995).
(62) Z.G.Zheng, G.Hu, and J.Y.Zhang, Ergodic property ofa Henon-Heiles model with reflecting walls, Phys.Rev.E52, 3440 (1995).
(61)Z.G.Zheng, and G.Hu, Systematic perturbation solutionfor Brownian motion in a biased periodic petential field, Phys.Rev.E52,109 (1995).
(60)R.Li, G.Hu, C.Y.Yang , X.D.Wen , G.R.Qing , and H.J.Zhu,Stochastic resonance in bistable systems subject to signal and quasimonochromaticnoise., Phys.Rev.E51, 3964 (1995).
(59)F.G.Xie and G.Hu, Periodic solution and bifurcation behaviorin a parametrically damped two-well Duffing equaion..Phys.Rev.E51,2773 (1995).
(58)G.Hu, C.Z.Ning , and H.Haken, Inverse problem and singularityof the integration kernal, Phys.Lett.A205, 130 (1995).
(57)G.Hu, L.Pivka, and A.L.Zheleznyak, Synchronization ofa one-dimensional array of Chua's circuits by feedback control andnoise, IEEE Transactions on Cir.and Sys.42, 736 (1995).
(56) Z.L.Qu, G.Hu, G.J.Yang, and G.R.Qin, Phase effect intaming nonautonomous chaos by weak harmonic perturbations, Phys.Rev.Lett.74,1736-1739 (1995).
(55)G.Hu, and Z.L.Qu, Controlling spatiotemporal chaos incoupled map lattice systems, Phys.Rev.Lett.72, 68-71 (1994).
(54)G.Hu, and K.F.He,Controlling chaos in systems describedby partial differential equations, Phys.Rev.Lett.,3794-3797 (1993).
(53) G.Hu, C.Z.Ning, and H.Haken, Stochastic resonance withoutexternal periodic force, Phys.Rev.Lett.71, 807 (1993).
(52)G.Hu, H.Haken, Potential at degenerate Hopf bifurcationpoint , Phys.Rev.A41, R2231 (1990).
(51)G.Hu and H.Haken, Steepest descend approximation of colourednoise problem, Phys.Rev.A41, R7078 (1990).
(50)F.G.Xie, G.Hu, and Z.L.Qu, On-off intermittency in acoupled map lattice system, Phys.Rev.E52, R1268 (1995).
(49)Zhilin Qu, Gang Hu, Spatiotemporally periodic patternsin symmetrically coupled map lattice, Phys.Rev.E50, 163 (1994).
(48)Zhilin Qu, Gang Hu , Benkun Ma, Spatiotemporally periodicstates , periodic windows, and intermittence in coupled map lattices,Phys.Rev.E49, 1099 (1994).
(47)S.P.Yang, Gang Hu, Two-hard-mode bifurcations in two-photonlaser system with injected signal, Phys.Rev.A49, 3966 (1994).
(46)T.Ditzinger, C.Z.Ning, Gang Hu, Resonance like responsesof autonomous nonlinear systems to white noise, Phys.Rev.E50, 3508(1994).
(45)K.F.He, Gang Hu, Eigenbvalue crossing and avoided crossingin forced nonlinear drift wave system, Phys.Lett.A190, 38 (1994).
(44)M.I.Dykman, H.Haken, G.Hu, D.G.Luchinsdy, R.Mannella,P.V.E.Mcclintock, C.Z.Ning , N.D.Stein and N.G.Stocks, Linear responsetheory in stochastic resonance, Phys.Lett.A180, 332 (1993).
(43)G.Hu, H.Haken and C.Z.Ning, Nonlinear response theoryin stochastic resonance, Phys.Rev.E47, 2321 (1993).
(42) Z.L.Qu, G.Hu and B.K.Ma, Controlling chaos via continuousfeedback, Phys.Lett.A178, 265 (1993).
(41)Qu.Z.L, G.Hu, Ma.B.K, Relaxation from an intrisicallyunstable state to the metastable state in a colored-noise-drivesystem , Phy.Rev.E47, 2361 (1993).
(40)Yang.G.J., Huang Z.Q., Hu Gang, Squeezing in driven two-photonsystem, Quantum Optics, No.5, 121 (1993).
(39)G.Hu, and K.F.He, Phase transitions in stochastic systemswith double singularities, Phys.Rev.45A, 5447 (1992).
(38)D.C.Gong, G. Hu, Experimental study of SNR, Phys.Rev.45A,3243 (1992).
(37)G.Hu, D.C.Gong, A periodic signal and stochastic resonance,Phys.Rev.A45, 3250 (1992).
(36)K.F.He, G.Hu, Bifurcations in forced nonlinear driftwave systems, Phys.Lett.A169, 341 (1992).
(35)G.Hu, H.Haken, C.Z.Ning, Stochastic resonance beyondthe adiabatic approximation , Phys.Lett.A172, 21 (1992).
(34) G.Hu, Two-dimensional distribution of systems drivenby colored noise, Phys, Rev.A43, 700 (1991).
(33)G.Hu, Double-expansion approach of Fokker-Planck equations,Phys.Rev.A44, 2450 (1991).
(32)G.Hu and Z.H.Lu, Probability distribution in colorednoise system in weak noise and long correlation time limit, Phys.Rev.A44,8027 (1991).
(31)G.Hu et al , A comparision of analog observationwith adiabatic theory of stochastic resonance, Phys.Rev.A44, 6414(1991).
(30)D.C.Gong , G.R.Qing , G.Hu and X..D.Weng, Experimentalstudy of stochastic resonance , Phys.Lett.A159, 147 (1991).
(29)G.Hu et al, The influnce of detunings on the nonclassicaloptical problem, Phys.Lett.A159, 47 (1991).
(28)G.Hu, G.Nicolis, C.Nicolis, Stochastic resonance andperiodically forced Fokker-Planck equation, Phys.Rev.A42, 2030 (1990).
(27)C.Nicolis, G.Nicolis, G.Hu, Numerical result of forcedFokker-Planck equation and its mixing property, Phys.Lett.A151,139 (1990)..
(26)G.Hu, B.L.Hao, Potential and Planar dynamic systems,Phys.Rev.B42, 3335 (1990).
(25)J.Yu, G.Hu and B.K.Ma, Gelation in Multi-Cluster Coagulation,Phys.Rev.B41, 9424 (1990).
(24)G.Hu, C.Z.Ning, H.Haken, Codimension-two bifurcationand Sub-and-Supper-Hopf bifurcation of optical bistable systems,attractors of bistable systems, Phys.Rev.A41, 2702 (1990).
(23)G.Hu, C.Z.Ning, H.Haken, Multiple attractors of bistableoptical systems, Phys.Rev.A41, 3975 (1990).
(22)G.Hu, A Solvable model of Fokker-Planck equation withoutdetailed balance, Phys.Rev.A39, 1289 (1989).
(21)G.Hu, Time-dependent Solution of Multidimensional Fokker-Planckequations in the weak noise limit, J.Phys.A21, 365 (1989).
(20)G.Hu, and H.Haken, Slaving principle in quench problem,Z.Physik, B76, 537 (1989).
(19)G.Hu, H.Haken, Polynomial expansion of the potentialof Fokker-Planck equation, Phys.Rev.A40, 5966 (1989).
(18)T.Tel, R.Graham, G.Hu, Potential at high order singularpoints, Phys.Rev.A40, 4056 (1989).
(17)J.Yu and G.Hu, Screened Eden model , Phys.Rev.B39, 4659(1989).
(16)J.Yu , G.Hu and B.K.Ma, Generalized Smoluchovski equation,Phys.Rev.B39, 4572 (1989).
(15)J.Yu and G.Hu, Smoluchovski equation of multi-clusterinteraction systems, Phys.Rec.B40, 661 (1989).
(14)G.J.Yang , G.Hu, Unstable regions of single-mode opticalbistability, Phys.Rev.A39, 2514 (1989).
(13)G.Hu, and G.J.Yang , Codimension-three bifurcation pointin a laser system with an injected signal, Phys.Rev.A40, 834 (1989).
(12)G.Hu and H.Haken, Multimode instability in optical bistablesystem, Phys.Rev.A40, 1899 (1989).
(11)G.Hu, The power series expansion of the potential ofFPE without detailed- balance, Phys.Rev.A38, 3693 (1988).
(10)J.Yu and G.Hu, The Exact Solution of the invariant densityfor piecewise linear approximation to cubic maps, J.Phys.21A, 2717(1988).
(9)G.Hu, G.J.Yang, Instability in injected laser and opticalbistable systems, Phys.Rev.A39, 1979 (1988).
(8)G.Hu, Stationary Solution of Master Equations in the Large-system-sizelimit , Phys.Rev.36A, 5782 (1987).
(7)G.Hu, Unified solution of the FPE with a Bistable Potential,Phys.Lett.A116, 361 (1986).
(6)G.Hu, The Systemp-Size Expansion of the Potential of MasterEquation, Physica, 136A (1986) 607.
(5)G.Hu, A Comparision of FPE.and ME.in the ThermodynamicLimit .Z.Physik.B48.247, (1986).
(4)G.Hu, Lyapunov Function and Stationary Probability Distribution,Z.Physik.B85 103 (1986).
(3)G.Hu, and Q.Zheng, The Initial Value Problem of Fokker-PlanckEquations with a Bistable Potential, Phys.Lett.110A (1985) 68.
(2)G.Hu, The Initial Value problem of birth-death Equations,Phys.Lett.110A (1985)253.
(1)G.Hu, Master Equation without Detailed Balance , Physica,132A (1985)586.