

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-21

曹思未 职称:讲师

Email:scao@bnu.edu.cn 电话 :**

个人简介 Dr. Siwei Cao joined BNU business school in 2016. He holds his Ph.D degree in Agricultural and Resource Economics at University of California, Berkeley. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics at Peking University. His research interests are economics of innovation, development and industrial organization.

研究领域 Economics of Innovation, Development and Political Economy

研究成果 叶静怡,林佳,张鹏飞,曹思未 (equal contribution). 中国国有企业的独特作用:基于知识溢出的视角【J】经济研究2019,第六期
S, Cao, Z, Lei and Junbyoung Oh. 2018 (equal contribution). “How Do Firms Utilize the Deferred Patent Examination System? Evidence from Korea.” European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 22 Issue: 2, pp. 234-256

研究课题 [1] S.Cao , Z. Lei and B. Wright. “Early-Onset Inventions: Private Anticipation and Social Realization.”
[2] S. Cao , Z Lei and Y. Meng. “Building Energy Benchmarking Law, Market Awareness about Energy Efficiency,and Rental Rate of Commercial Buildings.”
[3] S. Cao , Z. Lei and M. Hao. “Grabbing hand vs. Grease of Wheel: Anti-corruption campaign and Innovation in
[4] S. Cao , J. Han, Y, Yang and J, Ye. “Unobserved Factors, Inputs and University Technology Transfer:
[5] S.Cao , S. Cai, Y, Ye and Y. Yang. "Comparison of Innovation Output and Innovation Characteristics Between State-Owned Enterprises and Non-State Owned Enterprises: Evidence from Guangzhou Innovation Survey and Wind Database 2016."
[6] S.Cao and Y. Yang. “US Science and Technology Innovation To Do List: Lessons and Implications to Chinese Innovation System."

学生情况 2016-2017学年,4人:

教授课程 Intermediate Macroeconomics (Undergraduate)
Econometrics (Undergraduate)
Economietrics (Graduate)

相关话题/工商管理学院 经济