
北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孙 萌

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-21

孙 萌 职称:讲师

Email:sunmeng@bnu.edu.cn 电话 :

个人简介 2010年10月加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学博士

研究领域 国际贸易和环境经济学

研究成果 Meng Sun, "The effect of border controls on waste imports: Evidence from China's Green Fence campaign",China Economic Review, 2019
Meng Sun and Qichun He, " Central Transfer and Fiscal Capacity in China: Evidence from the Tax-Sharing System",Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 2018
Qichun He and Meng Sun, "Does Fiscal Decentralization Increase the Investment Rate?",Annals of Economics and Finance, 2018
Meng Sun, "Do Firms in Polluting Industries Outsource Pollution Abatement Services More? Panel Data Evidence from U.S. Industries ",International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2017
Qichun He and Meng Sun, " Central Planning Legacies: the Lingering Effects of the Great Leap Forward in China",Bulletin of Economic Research, 2016
Meng Sun and Qichun He, "Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Human Capital Accumulation? The Role of Gradua Financial Liberalization",Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 2014
Qichun He and Meng Sun, "Does Fiscal Decentralization Promote the Inflow of FDI in China?", Economic Modelling, 2014

研究课题 “对外贸易、金融改革和经济增长:来自中国的证据”,教育部第46批留学回国启动基金,2013年
“自愿减排的社会规范、政府监管和环境质量:兼对当前食品安全问题的思考”,北京师范大学青年社科基金, 2011年
“我国财政分权对吸引外商直接投资的作用研究”, 北京师范大学自主科研基金, 2014年


教授课程 国际贸易(本科生)

相关话题/工商管理学院 经济