

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-21


主要研究领域(Main Research Areas)心智哲学 (Philosophy of Mind)
知觉哲学(Philosophy of Perception)
行动哲学(Philosophy of Action)
亚里士多德伦理学(Aristotle’s Ethics)
讲授课程在线课程: 知觉哲学 (online courses: Philosophy of Perception) 2012-2013
(1):感觉材料说 (The Sense Datum Theory)
(2):朴素实在论 (Naive Realism)
(4):概念论 (Conceptualism)
(5):知觉与定位 (Perception and location)


学术成果2000年以后主要研究成果 (Selected Publications after 2000)
专著 (books)
唐热风 2001. 《心 身 世界》,首都师范大学出版社 (Mind, Body, and World,
CNU Press.)
期刊论文、论文集论文及专著篇章 (Journal Articles and Book Chapters)
唐热风 2016. 意向行动与信念,《哲学动态》(11):94-102(Intentional Action
and Belief, Philosophical Trends 11: 94-102)
唐热风 2015. 心智具身性与行动的心智特征,《哲学研究》(2): 109-117 (The
Embodiment of Mind and the Mental Characters of Action,
Philosophical Research 2: 109-117).
唐热风 2013. 经验、概念与信念—兼答王华平先生,《哲学研究》(8):95-103
话》,金城出版社2014年4月第1版(Experience, Concept and
Belief—Reply to Wang Huaping, Philosophical Research 8: 95-103)
Tang, R. 2011. Knowing That, Knowing How, and Knowing To Do, Frontiers of
Philosophy in China 6 (3): 426-442 [Erratum: Frontiers of Philosophy
in China 2011, 6 (4): 665-665]
Tang, R. 2010. Conceptualism and The New Myth of the Given, Synthese 175 (1):
唐热风 2005. 亚里士多德伦理学中的德性与实践智慧,《哲学研究》(5): 70-79
(Virtue and Practical Wisdom in Aristotle’s Ethics, Philosophical
Research 5: 70-79)
唐热风 2005. 关于概念论的知识论优势,《外国哲学》(18): 149-179
(Conceptualism and Its Epistemological Advantage, Foreign
Philosophy 18: 149-179)
Tang, R. 2004. Chinese Population Policy: Good Choice and Right Choice, In R-Z
Qiu ed. Bioethics: Asian Perspectives—A Quest for Moral Diversity.
Kluwer Academic Publisher
Tang, R. 2002. Mou Zongsan on Intellectiual Intuition. In Contemporary Chinese
Philosophy. Blackwell
唐热风 2001.第一人称权威的本质,《哲学研究》(3): 54-60 (The Nature of First
Person Authority, Philosophical Research 3: 54-60)
唐热风 2001. 自发性与被动性,《自然辩证法通讯》(1): 16-21 (Spontaneity and
Passivity, Journal of Dialectics of Nature 1: 16-21)
唐热风 2000. 个体论与反个体论,《哲学动态》(12): 34-37 (Individualism and
Anti-individualism, Philosophical Trends 12: 34-37).
2000年以后应邀学术报告、讲座及会议论文 (Invited Presentations after 2000)
2017.03.22 On the Object of Auditory Experience. Beijing Forum of Philosophy of
Science, CASS.
2016.12.8 Knowledge & Truth, Workshop on Knowledge, Language, and
Normativity, Beijing Normal University.
2016.10.20 Intentional Action and Belief, Shandong University.
2016.8.10 Knowledge, Belief, and Reason, Workshop on Philosophy of Action:
Oxford-London-Zhejiang University, Hangzhou
2015.12.16 Experience & the Realm of Freedom (commented by Z. Xu, Y. Huang,
W. Yin), Workshop on Mind and Belief, Renmin University
2015.12.4 On the Nature of Sound, Workshop on Analytic Philosophy, Beijing
Normal University
2015.11.25 Modified Naive Realism, Beijing Normal University.
2015.11.15 Pain and Pain Experience, Invited Speaker, International Conference
on Wittgenstein, Sun Yat-sen University.
2015.10.21 Modified Naive Realism, Symposium on Analytic Philosophy and
Idealism, Peking University.
2015.10.17 Knowledge, Belief & Justification, International Conference on
Williamson, Logic and Philosophy, Peking University.
2015.6.20 Nonconceptualism & the Myth of the Given (Commented by H. Wang),
Symposium on Externalism, Chinese Academy of Sciences University.
2015.4.26 Experience and the Ream of Freedom, Centre for Analytic Philosophy,
Beijing Normal University.
2015.3.19 Experience, Belief, and the Realm of Freedom, Nihon University
2015.3.17 Knowledge, Belief, and Justification, Kyoto University
2014.9.25 Comments on Wang Huaping “Perceptual Epistemology”, Renmin
2014. 9.20 Experience, Belief, & the Realm of Freedom (Commented by Tetsuyo
Kono), Sino-Japanese Philosophy Forum, Beijing
2013.10.13 Wittgenstein on Pain & Its Location, International Conference on
Wittgenstein & Contemporary Philosophy, Beijing Normal University
2013.10.10 Appearance & Judgement, Synposium on McDowell and Sellars,
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
2013.5.9 Knowledge, Belief, & Justification,Shandong University
2013.4.6 Justification without Inference (Commented by W. C. Fang),
Symposium on Fundamental Thinking in Philosophy, Wuhan University.
2012.6.9 Experience and Intentionality (Commented by Y. Kui, J. Turner),
Meiguo Metaphysical Mayhem, Peking University.
2012.4.11 Experience & Belief,Peking University
2012.3 Experience & Belief,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
2011.11.16 Wittgenstein on Noticing an Aspect. Symposium on Wittgenstein &
Philosophy of Mind, Renmin University.
2010.12.19 Experience, World, and Belief, Workshop on Perception & Action,
Remnin University
2010.10.15 Experience, Belief, & Justification (Commented by L. Zhong),
Renmin University
2010.9.28 Moral Action and Moral Knowledge in Aristotle’s Ethics, International
Symposium on Human Action & Human Knowledge, Peking University
2010.4.13 Experience & Concept as Mutually Constitutive (Commented by P. Tian),
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
2010.4 Knowledge and Justification,Sun Yat-sen University.
2010.4 Doxasticism Defended,Zhejiang University
2008.7.22 Experience as Belief, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
2007-07 The Embodiment of Morality in Aristotle’s Ethics. Workshop on the Embodiment of Mind. Hull University, UK.
2005-05 Conceptualism and the New Myth of the Given. Symposium on Analytic
Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, and Logic, Peking University
2004.5 Conceptualism and its epistemological advantage, Beijing Forum of
Philosophy of Science
2003.12 Nonconceptualism and the Myth of the Given, Annual Symposium of
Analytic Philosophy, Peking University.
2002.10.13 PLA and the Conceptual Character of Inner Experience, International
Symposium on Wittgenstein and the 20th Century Philosophy, PKU.
2002.9.24 Popper on Knowledge, Karl Popper Centenary Conference, Beijing.
2001.12 PLA and the conceptual character of inner experience. Hull University.
2001.12 PLA and the Conceptual Character of Inner Experience. Graduate
Conference, University of London.
近期独立承担科研基金项目 ( Recent Research fund)
(Experience, Belief, and Knowledge, National Fund for Social Sciences)


教育背景(Education)北京大学心理系理学士 (BSc in Psychology, Peking University)
中国社会科学院研究生院哲学系哲学硕士 (MPhil in Philosophy, CASS)
英国伦敦大学学院哲学博士 (PhD in Philosophy, UCL)
Prof. TANG Refeng joined the School of Philosophy at BNU in 2017. Before this she was a Professorial Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.



学位 : 博士 职称 : 教授 邮箱:
联系地址 :


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