

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-21

个人信息简介 姓名:高剑波
邮箱:jbgao.pmb@gmail.com, jbgao.pmb@aliyun.com



2000年,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校电子信息工程(通讯、网络)博士 (师从 Izhak Rubin 教授)
1991年 , 中国科学院力学所流体力学硕士 (师从2012-2013年度国家最高科技奖得主郑哲敏院士)
1988年 , 浙江大学工业自动化学士

2018 年7 月始,北京师范大学地理学部教授
2013 年10 月至今, 广西大学复杂性科学与大数据技术研究所创始所长,校长
2009 年—2015 年11 月, Physical Mathematical & Biological (PMB) 智慧公司创始人、总裁
2010 年一月—2015年十月, 美国莱特州立大学机械材料系教授
2002-2009, 年美国佛罗里达大学电子与计算机工程助理教授
2000-2002, 年美国加州大学洛杉矶分校电子信息工程系助理工程师

基于海量媒体数据的东北亚研究,自然科学基金地学部, 60 万,2017-2020.
基于高频数据的中国股市羊群效应、时空混沌和系统风险的研究,自然科学基金管理学部,28 万,2017-2020.

高剑波等著,计算社会科学 ---- 大数据背后的社会行为足迹 (已交科学出版社出版)。
高剑波著, 一带一路大数据定量分析 ---- 任务、挑战和解决方案(近期会由科学出版社出版)
J. Holden, M. Riley, J.B. Gao and K. Torre, Fractal Analyses: Statistical and Methodological Innovations and Best Practices,e-Book, Frontiers, 2013.
J.B. Gao, Y.H. Cao, W.W. Tung, and J. Hu, Multiscale Analysis of Complex Time Series --- Integration of Chaos and Random Fractal Theory, and Beyond, Wiley, August, 2007.
J.N Blakely, N.J. Corron, S.D. Pethel, M.T. Stahl, J.B. Gao, Non-autonomous Boolean chaos in a driven ring oscillator Chapter 8, P153-168, in New Research Trends in Nonlinear circuits --- Design, chaotic Phenomena and Applications, Editors, I. Kyprianidis, I. Stouboulos and C. Volos, Nova Publishers (2014).
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, and W.W. Tung,A unified theory for the multiscale analysis of complex time series.In Multiscale Signal Analysis and Modeling, Eds. X.P. Shen andA. I. Zayed, Springer, 221-231 (2013).
J.B. Gao, Y.H. Cao, W.W. Tung,Deciphering the Structures of Genomic DNA Sequences Using Recurrence Time Statistics.In Data Mining in Biomedicine(Springer Series in Optimization and Its Applications), 7, 321-337 (2007), Eds.P.M. Pardalos, V.L. Boginski, and A. Vazacopoulos.
N.S.V. Rao, J.B. Gao, and L. Chua,On dynamics of transport protocols in wide-area Internet connections, inComplex Dynamics in Communication Networks,G. Vattay and L. Kocarev, eds., Springer-Verlag, 2005.
M. Wevers,K. L. Nielbo,J.B. Gao,Tracking the Consumption Junction: Temporal Dependencies in Dutch Newspaper Articles and Advertisements.Digital Humanities Quarterly (accepted).
J.B. Gao, P. Fang, L.H. Yuan, Analyses of geographical observations in the HeiheRiver Basin: Perspectives from complexity theory, J. Geogr. Sci. 2019, 29(9): 1441-1461.
B. Liu and J.B. Gao, Understanding the non-Gaussian distribution of revealed comparative advantage index and its alternatives, International Economics, 2019 (in press).
K.L. Nielbo, K.F. Baunvig, B. Liu, J.B. Gao, A curious case of entropic decay: Persistent complexity in textual cultural heritage, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 2018
J.B. Gao, B. Liu, and M.L. Ma, Reducing Risks of Overseas High-Speed Rail InvestmentThrough Big Data Analysis, PRIVATE EQUITY REVIEW, NOV 2018, VOL 4 25-31.
S. Shen, S.J. Ye, C.X. Cheng, C.Q. Song, J.B. Gao, J. Yang, L.X. Ning, K. Su, and T. Zhang, Persistenceand Corresponding Time Scales of Soil Moisture Dynamics During Summer in the Babao River Basin,Northwest China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018, 10.1029/2018JD028414.
Y.F. Hou, F.Y. Liu, J.B. Gao, C.X. Chen and C.Q. Song, Characterizing complexity changes in Chinesestock markets by permutation entropy. Entropy 2017, 19, 514.
J.B. Gao, P. Fang and F.Y. Liu, Empirical scaling law connecting persistence and severity of globalterrorism Physica A 482 (2017) 74-86.
X-Z Li, J-P Zhuang, S-S Li, J.B Gao, and S.C. Chan, Randomness evaluation for an optically injectedchaotic semiconductor laser by attractor reconstruction. Phys Rev E 94, 042214 (2016).
F.Y. Liu, Y. Liu, J.B. Gao, J.F. Zhang, Food safety incidents in Beijing: patterns, causes and wider socialimplications. Palgrave Communications, 2015, DOI: 10.1057/palcomms.2015.29.
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, F.Y Liu, and Y.H. Cao, Multiscale entropy analysis of biological signals: a fundamentalbi-scaling law. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 2015, Volume 9, Article 64.
J.B. Gao and Y.H. Cao, Characterizing the stability of Okun?law during economic recessions by cross recurrenceplot and rolling regression. Journal of Contemporary Management 2015, Article ID: 1929-0128-2015-03-01-12.
F.L. Fan, J.B. Gao, and S.H. Liang, Crisis-like behavior in China’s stock market and its interpretation.PLoS ONE 10(2): e**. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.** (2015).
Y. Liu, F.Y. Liu, J.F. Zhang, and J.B. Gao, Insights into the nature of food safety issues in Beijingthrough content analysis of an Internet database of food safety incidents in China. Food Control 206 –211 (2015).
H.B. Zhu and J.B. Gao, Fractal behavior in the headway fluctuation simulated by the NaSch model.Physica A 398, 187-193 (2014).
J.B. Gao and J. Hu, Financial crisis, Omori’s law, and negative entropy flow. International Review ofFinancial Analysis 33 79-86 (2014).
J. Hu and J.B. Gao, Multiscale characterization of sea clutter by scale-dependent Lyapunov exponent.Mathematical Problems in Engineering (special issue on Advanced Topics in Dynamics of ComplexSystems) http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/584252 (2013).
2. X.M. Yu, J.K. Ye, J. Hu, X.P. Liao, and J.B. Gao, Fractal behavior in the clarification process of canesugar production Mathematical Problems in Engineering (special issue on Chaos-Fractals Theories andApplications) http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/868313 (2013).
J. Hu, Y. Zheng, and J.B. Gao, Long-range temporal correlations, multifractality, and the causal relationbetween neural inputs and movements. Frontiers in Neurology. October 2013 Volume 4 Article 158.
J.B. Gao and J. Hu, Fast monitoring of epileptic seizures using recurrence time statistics of electroencephalography.Frontiers in Computational NeuroScience October 2013 Volume 7 Article 122.
J.B. Gao, F.Y. Liu, J.F. Zhang, J. Hu, Y.H. Cao, Information entropy as a basic building block of complexitytheory. Entropy 2013, 15(9), 3396-3418; doi:10.3390/e**.
J.B. Gao, Complex systems and emergence: How theory meets reality. Advances in Mechanics. V43,359-389 (2013).
M.Q. Jiang, G. Wilde, J.B. Gao, and L.H. Dai, A universal power law for metallic glasses. ScriptaMaterialia 69 (2013) 760?63.
J.B. Gao, B.M. Gurbaxani, J. Hu, K.J. Heilman, V.A. Emauele, G.F. Lewis, M. Davila, E.R. Unger, J.S.Lin, Multiscale analysis of heart rate variability in nonstationary environments. Frontiers in ComputationalPhysiology and Medicine May 30, 2013, doi: 10.3389/fphys.2013.00119.
M. Bowers, J.B. Gao, and W.W. Tung, Long-Range Correlations in Tree Ring Chronologies of theUSA: Variation Within and Across Species. Geophysical Research Letters 40, 568-572 (2013) DOI:10.1029/2012GL054011.
J.B. Gao, Q. Han, X.L. Lu, L. Yang, J. Hu, Self organized hotspots and social tomography. ComplexSystems 2013, doi: http://eudl.eu/doi/10.4108/trans.cs.1.2.e1.
J.G. Holden, M.A. Riley, J.B. Gao, and K. Torre, Fractal analyses: statistical and methodological innovationsand best practices. Front Physiol. 4: 97 (2013). doi: 10.3389/fphys.2013.00097.
M.A. Riley, N. Kuznetsov, S. Bonnette, S. Wallot, J.B. Gao, A Tutorial Introduction to Adaptive FractalAnalysis. Frontiers in Fractal Physiology 28 September, 2012 doi: 10.3389/fphys.2012.00371.
N. Kuznetsov, S. Bonnette, J.B. Gao, M.A. Riley, Adaptive fractal analysis reveals limits to fractalscaling in center of pressure trajectories, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2012, DOI 10.1007/s10439-012-0646-9.
M.C. Bowers, W.W. Tung, J.B. Gao, On the distributions of seasonal river flows: lognormal or powerlaw?Water Resources Research VOL. 48, W05536, doi:10.1029/2011WR011308, 2012.
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, X. Mao, M. Perc, Culturomics meets random fractal theory: Insights into long-rangecorrelations of social and natural phenomena over the past two centuries. J. Royal Society Interface,2012, doi:10.1098/rsif.2011.0846.
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, W.W. Tung, E. Blasch, Multiscale analysis of physiological data by scale-dependentLyapunov exponent. Frontiers in Fractal Physiology January 2012, doi: 10.3389/fphys.2011.00110..
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, W.W. Tung, Entropy measures for biological signal analysis. Nonlinear Dynamics 68,431-444. DOI 10.1007/s11071-011-0281-2 (2012).
J.B. Gao, J.Hu, X. Mao, and W.W. Tung, Detecting low-dimensional chaos by the “noise titration”technique: possible problems and remedies. Chaos, Solitons, & Fractals 45, 213 - 223 (2012) .
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, X. Mao, M. Zhou, B. Gurbaxani, J.W.-B. Lin, Entropies of negative incomes, Paretodistributedloss, and financial crises. PLoS ONE 6(10): e25053. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**(2011).
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, T. Buckley, K. White, C. Hass, Shannon and Renyi Entropies To Classify Effects of MildTraumatic Brain Injury on Postural Sway. PLoS ONE 6(9): e24446. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**(2011).
J.B. Gao, J. Hu,W.W. Tung, Facilitating joint chaos and fractal analysis of biosignals through nonlinearadaptive filtering. PLoS ONE 6(9): e24331. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.** (2011).
J.B. Gao, J.Hu, W.W. Tung, and Y. Zheng, Multiscale analysis of economic time series by scaledependentLyapunov exponent. Quantitative Finance DOI:10.1080/**.2011.580774 (2013).
J.B. Gao, J.Hu, andW.W. Tung, Complexity measures of brain wave dynamics, Cognitive Neurodynamics5, 171-182 (2011).
W.W. Tung, J.B. Gao, J. Hu, L. Yang, Recovering chaotic signals in heavy noise environments. Phys.Rev. E 83, 046210 (2011).
M.Q. Jiang, Z. Ling, J.X. Meng, J.B. Gao, L.H. Dai, Nanoscale periodic corrugation to dimple transitiondue to “beat” in a bulk metallic glass Scripta Materialia 62 (8), 572 - 575.
M.Q. Jiang, J.X. Meng, J.B. Gao, X.L. Wang, T. Rouxel, V. Keryvin, Z. Ling, L.H. Dai, Fractal infracture of bulk metallic glass, Intermetallics 18, 2468-2471 (2010).
J.B. Gao, H. Sult an, J. Hu, and W.W. Tung, Denoising nonlinear time series by adaptive filtering andwavelet shrinkage: a comparison. IEEE Signal Processing Letters 17, 237-240 (2010).
J. Hu, J.B. Gao, W.W. Tung, and Y.H. Cao, Multiscale analysis of heart rate variability: a comparisonof different complexity measures. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 38, 854-864 (2010).
J.B. Gao, W.W. Tung, and J. Hu, Quantifying dynamical predictability: the pseudo-ensemble approach(in honor of Professor Andrew Majda’s 60th birthday) Chinese Annals. Math. Series B 30, 569-588(2009).
J. Hu, J.B. Gao, and W.W. Tung, Characterizing heart rate variability by scale-dependent Lyapunovexponent, Chaos (special issue on Controversial Topics in Nonlinear Science: Is the Normal Heart RateChaotic?; it is one of the most downloaded papers in that issue) 19, 028506 (2009).
J. Hu, J.B. Gao, and X.S. Wang, Multifractal analysis of sunspot time series: the effects of the 11-yearcycle and Fourier truncation, J. Statistical Mech. 2009/02/P02066.
J. Hu,W.W. Tung, and J.B. Gao, A new way to model non-stationary sea clutter, IEEE Signal ProcessingLetters 16, 129-132 (2009).
W.W. Tung, J. Hu, J.B. Gao, and V.J. Billock, Diffusion, Intermittency, and Noise-sustained MetastableChaos in the Lorenz Equations: Effects of noise on multistability. Int. J. Bifurcations & Chaos (themeissue Multistability in Dynamical Systems) 18, 1749-1758 (2008).
J. Hu, J.M. Lee, J.B. Gao, K.D. White, and B. Crosson, Assessing a signal model and identifying brainactivity from fMRI data by a detrending-based fractal analysis. Brain Structure and Function, 212,417-426 (2008).
J.M. Lee, J. Hu, J.B. Gao, B. Crosson, K.K. Peck, C.E. Wierenga, K.M. McGregor, Q. Zhao, andK.D. White, Discriminating brain activity from task-related artifacts in functional MRI: Fractal scalinganalysis simulation and application. NeuroImage, 40, 197-212 (2008).
J. Hu, J.B. Gao, Y.H. Cao, E. Bottinger, and W.J. Zhang, Exploiting noise in array CGH data to improvedetection of DNA copy number change. Nucleic Acids Research 35, e35 (2007).
J. Hu, J.B. Gao, and J.C. Principe, Analysis of biomedical signals by the Lempel-Ziv complexity: theeffect of finite data size. IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering 53 2606-2609, (2006).
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, W.W. Tung, Y.H. Cao, Distinguishing chaos from noise by scale-dependent Lyapunovexponent. Phys. Rev. E 74, 066204 (2006).
J. Hu, J.B. Gao, F.L. Posner, Y. Zheng, andW.W. Tung, Target detection within sea clutter: a comparativestudy by fractal scaling analyses. Fractals 14, 187-204 (2006).
X.S. Wang, J. Hu and J.B. Gao, Nonlinear dynamics of regenerative cutting processes - comparison oftwo models. Chaos, Solitons, & Fractals 29, ** (2006).
J.B. Gao, V.A. Billock, I. Merk, W.W. Tung, K.D. White, J.G. Harris, V.P. Roychowdhury, Inertia andmemory in ambiguous visual perception, Cognitive Processing 7, 105-112 (2006).
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, W.W. Tung, Y.H. Cao, N. Sarshar, V. P. Roychowdhury, Assessment of long rangecorrelation in time series: How to avoid pitfalls. Phys. Rev. E 73, 016117 (2006).
J. Hu, W.W. Tung, and J.B. Gao, Detection of low observable targets within sea clutter by structurefunction based multifractal analysis. IEEE Trans. Antennas & Propagation 54, 135-143 (2006).
J. Hu, W.W. Tung, J.B. Gao, Y.H. Cao, Reliability of the 0-1 test for chaos, Phys. Rev. E 72, 056207(2005).
J.B. Gao, Y.H. Cao, Y. Qi, and J. Hu, Building innovative representations of DNA sequences to facilitategene finding, IEEE Intelligent Systems Nov/Dec, 34-39 (2005) (special issue on Data Mining forBioinformatics).
Y. Zheng, J.B. Gao, J.C. Sanchez, J.C. Principe, and M.S. Okun, Multiplicative multifractal modelingand discrimination of human neuronal activity. Phys. Lett. A 344, 253-264 (2005).
J.B. Gao, N.S.V. Rao, J. Hu, and A. Jing, Quasi-periodic route to chaos in the dynamics of Internettransport protocols. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 198702 (2005).
J. Han, J.B. Gao, Y. Qi, P. Jonker, and J.A.S. Fortes, Towards hardware-redundant fault-tolerant logicfor nanoelectronics. IEEE Design & Test of Computers (special issue) 22, 328-339 (2005).
J.B. Gao, W.W. Tung, Y.H. Cao, J. Hu, and Y. Qi, Power-law sensitivity to initial conditions in a timeseries with applications to epileptic seizure detection. Physica A 353, 613-624 (2005).
J.B. Gao, Y. Qi, and J.A.B. Fortes, Bifurcations and Fundamental Error Bounds for Fault-TolerantComputations. IEEE Tran. Nanotech 4, 395-402 (2005).
Y.H. Cao, W.W. Tung, J.B. Gao, and Y. Qi, Recurrence time statistics: Versatile tools for genomic DNAsequence analysis. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 3, 677-696 (2005).
Y. Qi, J.B. Gao, and J.A.B. Fortes, “Markov Chain and probabilistic computation: A General Frameworkfor Fault-Tolerant System Architectures for Nanoelectronics”, IEEE Tran. Nanotech 4, 194-205 (2005).
Yinhe Cao, Wen-wen Tung, J.B. Gao, V.A. Protopopescu, and L.M. Hively, Detecting dynamicalchanges in time series using the permutation entropy. Phys. Rev. E 70, 046217 (2004) (selected forthe November 1, 2004 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research: http://www.vjbio.org).
J.B. Gao and N.S.V. Rao, “Complicated Dynamics of Internet Transport Protocols”, IEEE Commun. Lett9, 4-6 (2005).
Jianbo Gao, Yan Qi, Yinhe Cao, and Wen-wen Tung, “Protein coding sequence identification by simultaneouslycharacterizing the periodic and random features of DNA sequences”, Special issue, Journal ofbiomedicine and biotechnology 2005, issue 2, 139-146 (2005).
W.W. Tung, Y. Qi, J.B. Gao, Y.H. Cao, and L. Billings, Direct characterization of chaotic and stochasticdynamics in a population model with strong periodicity. Chaos, Solitons, & Fractals 24 645-652 (2005).
Y.H. Zhou, J.B. Gao, K.D. White, I. Merk, and K. Yao, Perceptual Dominance Time Distributions inMultistable Visual Perception. Biological Cybernetics 90, 256-263 (2004).
J.B. Gao, Analysis of Amplitude and Frequency Variations of Essential and Parkinsonian Tremors. Medicaland Biological Engineering and Computing 52, 345-349 (2004).
W.W. Tung, M.W. Moncrief, and J.B. Gao, A systemic view of the multiscale tropical deep convectivevariability over the tropical western-Pacific warm pool. J. Climate 17, 2736-2751 (2004).
Jing Hu, J.B. Gao, and K.D. White, Estimating measurement noise in a time series by exploiting nonstationarity.Chaos, Solitons, & Fractals 22, 807-819 (2004).
J.B. Gao, Yinhe Cao, Lingyun Gu, J.G. Harris, and J.C. Principe, Detection of Weak Transitions inSignal Dynamics Using Recurrence Time Statistics, Phys. Lett. A, 317, 64-72 (2003).
J.B. Gao, Yinhe Cao, and Jae-Min Lee, Principal Component Analysis of 1=f_ Noise, Phys. Lett. A,314, 392-400 (2003).
J.B. Gao and I. Rubin, “Analysis of Random Access Protocol under Long-Range-Dependent Traffic”,IEEE Tran. on Vehicular Tech., V52, No.3, 693-700 (2003).
J.B. Gao,Wen-wen Tung, and Nageswara Rao, Noise Induced Hopf Bifurcation-like Sequence to Chaosin the Lorenz Equations, Phys. Rev. Lett., 89, 254101 (2002).
J.B. Gao and W.W. Tung, “Pathological tremors as diffusional processes”, Biological Cybernetics, 86,263-270 (2002).
J.B. Gao and I. Rubin, Multiplicative multifractal modeling of Long-Range-Dependent network traffic,Int. J. Comm. Systems, 14, 783-201 (2001).
J.B. Gao and I. Rubin, “Multiplicative Multifractal Modeling of Long-Range-Dependent (LRD ) Trafficin Computer Communications Networks”, Nonlinear Analysis, 47, 5765-5774 (2001).
J.B. Gao and I. Rubin, Multifractal modeling of counting processes of Long-Range-Dependent networkTraffic, Computer Communications, 24, 1400-1410 (2001).
J.B. Gao, “Detecting nonstationarity and state transitions in a time series”, Phys. Rev. E, 63, 066202-1-8(2001).
J.B. Gao and I. Rubin, “Analysis of Random Access Protocol under Bursty Traffic”, Lect Notes ComputSci, 2216 71-84 (2001).
J.B. Gao and H.Q. Cai, On the structures and quantification of recurrence plots. Phys. Lett. A, 270,75-87 (2000).
J.B. Gao and I. Rubin, “Superposition of multiplicative multifractal traffic processes”, Electronics Lett.,36: 761-762 (2000).
J.B. Gao and I. Rubin, “Multifractal analysis and modeling of VBR video traffic”, Electronics Lett., 36:278-279 (2000).
J.B. Gao and I. Rubin, “Statistical Properties of Multiplicative Multifractal Processes in Modeling TelecommunicationsTraffic Streams”, Electronics Lett., 36, 101 (2000).
K. Hwang, J.B. Gao, J.M. Liu, “Noise-induced chaos in an optically injected semiconductor laser”, Phys.Rev. E, 61: 5162-5170 (2000).
J.B. Gao, C.C. Chen, S.K. Hwang, and J.M. Liu (invited paper), “Noise-Induced Chaos”, Int. J. Mod.Phys. B, 13, 3283 (1999).
J.B. Gao, Recurrence time statistics for chaotic systems and their applications, Phys. Rev. Lett., 83,3178 (1999).
J.B. Gao, S.K. Hwang, and J.M. Liu, When can noise induce chaos?, Phys. Rev. Lett., 82, 1132 (1999).
J.B. Gao, S.K. Hwang, and J.M. Liu, “Effects of intrinsic spontaneous- emission noise on the nonlineardynamics of an optically injected semiconductor laser”, Phys. Rev. A, 59, 1582 (1999).
S. Legg, J. McWilliams and J.B. Gao, Localization of deep ocean convection by a mesoscale eddy, J.Phys. Oceanography, 28, 944 (1998).
J.B. Gao, Recognizing randomness in a time series, Physica D, 106, 49 (1997).
J.B. Gao and Z.M. Zheng, Direct dynamical test for deterministic chaos and optimal embedding of achaotic time series, Phys. Rev. E, 49, 3807 (1994).
J.B. Gao and Z.M. Zheng, Direct dynamical test for deterministic chaos, Europhys. Lett., 25, 485(1994).
J.B. Gao and Z.M. Zheng, Local exponential divergence plot and optimal embedding of a chaotic timeseries, Phys. Lett. A, 181, 153 (1993).
Z.B. Lin, X. Er, J.B. Gao, A study on the chaotic motion in the low Reynolds number wake behind acylinder. Science in China (Series A) 23, 277 (1993).
Q. Li, Z.W. Zhang, Q. Huang, Y. Wu and J.B. Gao, Identification of epileptic discharge based on statistical analysis and fractal analysis, BESC October 28-30, 2019 , Beijing, China.
Q.Y. Hu, B. Liu, M. Thomsen, J.B. Gao and K. Nielbo, Title: Dynamic evolution of sentiments in Never Let Me Go: insights from quantitative analysis and implications.BESC October 28-30, 2019 , Beijing, China (Best Paper award).
Kaiyun Dai, Menglan Ma and Jianbo Gao, Sentiment dynamics of The Chronicles of Narnia and theirranking, SBP-BRiMS 2018, Washington DC (accepted).
M.L. Ma, P. Fang, J.B Gao and C.Q. Song, Does ideology affect the tone of international news coverage?The 4th International Conference on Behavioral, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Computing (BESC2017) Cracow - POLAND, 16-18 October, 2017 (Best Paper award).
Y.F. Hou, J.B. Gao, F.Y. Liu, F.L. Fan, C.Q. Song, Identifying Herding effect in Chinese stock marketby High-frequency data. BESC 2017, Cracow - POLAND, 16-18 October, 2017 (Best Paper award).
C.N. Zhou, F.Y. Liu and J.B. Gao, Bayesian Poisson Tensor Factorization for feature selection fromGDELT. BESC 2017, Cracow - POLAND, 16-18 October, 2017.
A. Kustubayeva, H. Zheng, J.B. Gao, J. Eliassen, and E. Nelson, Brain Complexity Changes duringStress Task in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder, 72nd Annual Scientific Convention and Meetingof the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry, San Diego, CA, MAY, 18-20, 2017, BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY,Supplement: Pages:S195-S195, Meeting Abstract: 479.
J.B. Gao, M.L. Jockers, J. Laudun, T. Tangherlini, A multiscale theory for the dynamical evolution ofsentiment in novels. International Conference on Behavioral, Economic and Socio-Cultural Computing(BESC’2016). November 11-13, 2016, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.
S. Bi, J.B. Gao, Y.D. Wang and Yinhe Cao, A contrast of the degree of activity among the three majorpowers: insights from media reports. The 2nd International Conference on Behavioral, Economic andSocio-Cultural Computing (BESC’2015). October 30 - November 1, 2015, Nanjing, China.
W.S. Wang, J. Wang,J.B. Gao, Dynamical evolution of an Internet social network: a case study on anevent of protecting plane trees in Nanjing, China. BESC’2015.
X.Z. Li, S.S. Li, J.P. Zhuang, J.B. Gao, S.C. Chan, Feedback Delay Identification by Time-DependentExponent Evaluation for a Chaotic Semiconductor Laser?Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference(FiO/LS), San Jose, California, USA , October 18 - 22, 2015.
J.B. Gao, K. Leetaru, J. Hu, C. Cioffi-Revilla, P. Schrodt, Massive media event data analysis to assessworld-wide political conflict and instability. The 2013 International Conference on Social Computing,Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, & Prediction (SBP 2013), April 2-5, 2013, Washington, D.C.
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, Financial crisis, Omori’s law, and negative entropy flow, SBP 2013, April 2-5, 2013,Washington, D.C.
J.B. Gao, Q. Chen, E. Blasch, Image denoising in the presence of non-Gaussian, power-law noise. IEEENAECON, Dayton, OH, USA, 25-27, July, 2012.
J.B. Gao, E. Blasch, Quantitative culturomics using random fractal theory. IEEE NAECON, Dayton,OH, USA, 25-27, July, 2012.
J.B. Gao, W.W. Tung, E. Blasch, Multiscale analysis to facilitate joint chaos and fractal analysis ofbiosignals. IEEE NAECON, Dayton, OH, USA, 25-27, July, 2012.
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, E. Blasch, Defending against Internet worms using phase space and recurrence timemethods from chaos theory. IEEE NAECON, Dayton, OH, USA, 25-27, July, 2012.
E. Blasch, J.B. Gao, W.W. Tung, Chaos-based Image Assessment for THz Imagery. ISSPA, Montreal(Quebec), Canada, 3-5, July, 2012.
J.B. Gao, Y.Zheng, J. Hu, Long-range temporal correlations, multifractality, and the causal relationbetween neural inputs and movements, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Dynamic Systems and ControlConference (DSCC’11), Arlington, VA, USA, Oct 31 - Nov 2, 2011.
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, W.W. Tung, Facilitating joint chaos and fractal analysis of biosignals through nonlinearadaptive filtering, DSCC’11, Arlington, VA, USA, Oct 31 - Nov 2, 2011.
J.B. Gao, J. Hu,W.W. Tung, Multiscale Analysis of Biological Signals, DSCC’11, Arlington, VA, USA,Oct 31 - Nov 2, 2011.
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, Fast monitoring of epileptic seizures based on recurrence time analysis of EEGs, DSCC’11, Arlington, VA, USA, Oct 31 - Nov 2, 2011.
YC Wang, J Gao, WW Tung, On the multiscale dynamics of tropical rainfall. 14th Conference onMesoscale Processes
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, W.W. Tung, Nonlinear adaptive detrending, denoising, and decomposition of complexmultiscale signals. 16th US National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM),June 27 - July 2, 2010, Pennsylvania State University in University Park, PA.
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, W.W. Tung, Multiscale Analysis of Biological Signals. 16th USNCTAM.
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, T. Buckley, K. White, C. Hass, Classifying the Effects of Mild Traumatic Brain Injuryon Postural Sway by Scale-Dependent Lyapunov Exponent. 16th USNCTAM.
J.B. Gao, Long-Range Temporal Correlations, Multifractality, and the Causal Relation Between NeuralInputs and Movements. 16th USNCTAM.
J.B. Gao, H.B. Dong, F. Schauer, J. Hoke, Understanding the nonlinear dynamics of cycle-to-cyclecombustion variability, DCASS (Dayton-Cincinnati AIAA), March 6, 2010.
J.B. Gao, H.B. Dong, Z. Gaston, Exploiting dragonfly and damselfly’s complex flight trajectory forquad-winged MAVs. DCASS (Dayton-Cincinnati AIAA), March 6, 2010.
J. Hu, W.W. Tung, J.B. Gao, E. Blasch, G.S. Chen, Multiscale modeling of sea clutter to facilitatedetection of low observable targets within sea clutter, SPIE Defense & Security Symposium, April 13-17, 2009, Orlando, FL.
J.B. Gao, J.Hu, X.S.Wang,W.W. Tung, J.C. Principe, J.C. Sackellares, Real-time monitoring of epilepticseizures through recurrence time analysis of EEGs. The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformaticsand Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE2008), May 16-18, Shanghai, China.
J.Hu, J.B. Gao, W.W. Tung, X.S. Wang, Y.H. Hu, Y.H. Cao, Distinguishing healthy subjects from patientswith congestive heart failure using scale-dependent Lyapunov exponent. The 2nd InternationalConference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (ICBBE2008), May 16-18, Shanghai, China.
W.W. Tung, J.Hu, J.B. Gao, R. S. Lynch, and G.S. Chen, On modeling sea clutter by noisy chaoticdynamics, SPIE Defense & Security Symposium, March 16-20, 2008, Orlando, FL.
J.Hu, W.W. Tung, J.B. Gao, R. S. Lynch, and G.S. Chen, On modeling sea clutter by diffusive models,SPIE Defense & Security Symposium, March 16-20, 2008, Orlando, FL.
J. Hu, J.B. Gao, R. S. Lynch, and G.S. Chen, Multiscale modeling approach for detecting low observabletargets within sea clutter. Proc. of IEEE Aerospace Conference March 2008, Big Sky, Montana.
J. Hu, J.B. Gao, and N.S.V. Rao, Defending against Internet worms using a phase space method fromchaos theory. SPIE Defense & Security Symposium, April 9-13, 2007, Orlando, FL, USA.
J. Hu, J.B. Gao, Y.H. Cao, and W.J. Zhang, Detection of gene copy number change in array CGH data.IEEE/NLM LSSA06, July 13-14, 2006, Bethesda, MD, USA.
J. Hu, J.B. Gao, and Y.H. Cao, Multiscale analysis of heart rate variability. IEEE/NLM LSSA06, July13-14, 2006, Bethesda, MD, USA.
J. Hu, J.M. Lee, J.B. Gao, K.D. White, and B. Crosson, Identification of brain activity from fMRI data:comparison of three fractal scaling analyses. IEEE/NLM LSSA06, July 13-14, 2006, Bethesda, MD,USA.
J.M. Lee, Q. Zhao, J.B. Gao, and K.D. White, ”fMRI quality assurance using phase space reconstructionof SmartPhantom simulation of BOLD contrast”, International Society for Magnetic Resonance inMedicine (ISMRM) 14th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition, 6-12 May, 2006, Seattle, Washington, USA.
J. Hu and J.B. Gao, ”Modeling sea clutter as a nonstationary and nonextensive random process”, IEEE2006 International Radar Conference, April 24-27, 2006, Verona, NY USA.
J. Han, E. Taylor, J. Gao and J.A.B. Fortes, Reliability Modeling of Nanoelectronic Circuits, Proc.IEEE-NANO 2005, IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, July, 2005, Nagoya, Japan.
J. Han, E. Taylor, J. Gao and J.A.B. Fortes, Faults, Error Bounds and Reliability of NanoelectronicCircuits, Proc. IEEE ASAP 2005, IEEE 16th International Conference on Application-specific Systems,Architectures and Processors, July 23-25, 2005, Samos, Greece.
X.S. Wang, J. Hu and J.B. Gao, Nonlinear Dynamics of Regenerative Cutting Processes – Comparisonof Two Models. Int. Conf. on Control & Auto., June 27-28, 2005, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 667-672.
J.B. Gao, Y.H. Cao, and J. Hu, “Recurrence Time Distribution, Renyi Entropy, and Pattern Discovery”,Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS’05), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,March 16-18, 2005.
J.B. Gao, J. Hu, Y.H. Cao, Y. Qi, andWen-wen Tung, “Large scale signal and information processing bysimultaneous characterization of randomness and structures”, Conference on Information Sciences andSystems (CISS’05), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 16-18, 2005.
J.M. Lee, J. Hu, J.B. Gao, K.D. White, B. Crosson, C. Wierenga, K. McGregor, and K.K. Peck, “Identificationof brain activity by fractal scaling analysis of functional MRI Data”, ICASSP’05, March 18-23,2005, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
J. Hu, J.B. Gao, K. Yao and U.S. Kim, “Detection of low observable targets within sea clutter by structurefunction based multifractal analysis”, ICASSP’05, March 18-23, 2005, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Y. Zheng, J.B. Gao, K. Yao, “Multiplicative Multifractal Modeling of Sea Clutter for Object Detection”,IEEE 2005 International Radar Conference, May 9-12, 2005, Arlington, Virginia, USA.
J. Hu, J.B. Gao, and K. Yao, “Power-Law Sensitivity to Initial Conditions in Sea Clutter” IEEE 2005International Radar Conference, May 9-12, 2005, Arlington, Virginia, USA.
J.B. Gao, Y. Qi, Y.H. Cao, and W.W. Tung, “Novel unsupervised methods for identifying protein codingsequence from genomic DNA sequences” Conference on Systems Analysis, Data Mining and Optimizationin Biomedicine, February 2-4, 2005, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA.
K. Yao and J.B. Gao, “Two Statistical Methods for Modeling Wireless Fading and Radar Sea ClutterPhenomena”, to be presented at Conference of Mathematics in Signal Processing VI, the Institute ofMathematics and its applications (IMA), 14 - 16 December 2004, UK.
W Tung, MW Moncrieff, J Gao, A systemic analysis of multiscale convective variability in the tropics.26th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 2004.
H Liu, KE Hild, JB Gao, D Erdogmus, JC Prhncipe, JC Sackellares, Evaluation of a BSS algorithm forartifacts rejection in epileptic seizure detection Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conferenceof the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS 2004), San Francisco, CA, September1-5, 2004.
H. Liu, J. B. Gao, K. E. Hild, J.C. Principe, J. C. Sackellares, “Epileptic Seizure Detection from ECoGUsing Recurrence time Statistics”, Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEEEngineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS 2004), San Francisco, CA, September 1-5, 2004.
Y.H. Cao, W.-w. Tung, and J.B. Gao, “Recurrence time statistics: Versatile tools for genomic DNAsequence analysis”, The Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference (CSB2004), Stanford, CA,August 16-19, 2004.
Yan Qi, Jianbo Gao, Yinhe Cao, andWen-wen Tung, Deriving a novel codon index by combining period-3 and fractal features of DNA sequences, The Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference (CSB2004),Stanford, CA, August 16-19, 2004.
Jianbo Gao, Jesse Bridgewater, and Vwani P. Roychowdhury Synchronized Oscillations and Chaos inCoupled Genetic Repressilators, The Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference (CSB2004),Stanford, CA, August 16-19, 2004.
J.B. Gao, Y.H. Cao, and W.-w. Tung, “Multifractal and recurrence time based methods for DNA sequenceanalysis”, Conference on Data Mining in Biomedicine, February 16-18, 2004, University ofFlorida, Gainesville, FL.
J.B. Gao and Y.H. Cao, “Novel nonlinear methods for genomic DNA sequence analysis”, poster in SixthAnnual Winter Workshop: Data Mining, Statistical Learning, and Bioinformatics, January 8-10, 2004,University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
WW Tung, JB Gao, Multifractal features of deep convection over the tropical western pacific. EGSAGU-EUG Joint Assembly 1, 710, 2003.
K.D. White, J.B. Gao, and Y.H. Zhou, “Fractal statistics of perceptual switching time series”, VisionScience and Society Conference 2003, May 9-14, Sarasota, FL, USA (abstract appeared in J. Vision).
A. Hegde, D. Erdogmus, Y. Rao, J. Principe, J.B. Gao, “SOM-based similarity index measure: Quantifyinginteractions between multivariate structures,” 2003 IEEE Intl. Work. on Neural Networks for Signal Processing,
September 17-19, 2003, Toulouse, France.
L.Y. Gu, J.B.Gao, and J. Harris, “Speech Endpoint detection in noisy environments using a Poincarerecurrence metric”, ICASSP 2003, Hong Kang, April.
J.B. Gao and W.W. Tung, The nature of essential and Parkinsonian tremors, The 7th Experimental ChaosConference, San Diego, USA, August 25-29, 2002.
J.B. Gao, S.K. Hwang, H.F. Chen, Z. Kang, K. Yao, and J.M. Liu, “Can sea clutter and indoor radiopropagation be modeled as strange attractors?” The 7th Experimental Chaos Conference, San Diego,USA, August 25-29, 2002.
J.B. Gao and I. Rubin, “Performance of Random Multiple Access Scheme Under Long-Range-DependentTraffic”, ICC’2002, New York, April, 2002.
J.B. Gao and k. Yao, “Multifractal features of sea clutter”, IEEE Radar Conference 2002, Long Beach,CA, April, 2002.
J.B. Gao and I. Rubin, “Analysis of Random Access Protocol under Bursty Traffic”, IFIP/IEEE InternationalConference on Management of Multimedia Networks and Services 2001, Chicago IL, Oct., 2001.
J.B. Gao, V. P. Roychowdhury, R. Ritke, and I. Rubin, “IP Packet Level vBNS Traffic Analysis andModeling”, SPECTS’01, Orlando, Florida, July, 2001.
J.B. Gao and R. Ritke, “Long-Range-Dependence Properties and Multifractal Modeling of vBNS traffic”,Applied Telecommunications Symposium (ATS’01), Seattle, Washington, April, 2001.
J.B. Gao and I. Rubin, “Multiplicative Multifractal Modeling of Long-Range-Dependent (LRD) Trafficin Computer Communications Networks”. World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, July, 2000, Catonia,Sicily, Italy.
J.B. Gao and I. Rubin, “Superposition of Multiplicative Multifractal Traffic Streams”. ICC2000, June,2000, New Orleans, Louisiana.
J.B. Gao and I. Rubin, “Multifractal modeling of counting processes of Long-Range Dependent networktraffic”. Proceedings SCS Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference, San Diego, CA, 1999.
J.B. Gao and I. Rubin, “Multiplicative Multifractal Modeling of Long-Range-Dependent Traffic”. ProceedingsICC’99, Vancouver, Canada, June, 1999.
J.B. Gao, Modes interactions in wakes behind a cylinder. Int. Conf. on Fluid Mech. and Theo. Phys. InHonor of Prof. Pei-Yuan Chou’s 90th Anniversary, Beijing, China, June, 1992.
J.B. Gao, Characterizing the chaotic motion in wakes behind a cylinder. Second Int. Conf. on FluidMech., Beijing, China, July, 1993.
G.W. He and J.B. Gao, A coupled map lattice model for open flow. Second Int. Conf. on Fluid Mech.,Beijing, China, July, 1993.
J.B. Gao, On the chaotic features of normal electrocardiosignal. Second Far east Int. Conf. on Medicineand Bioengineering, Beijing, China, August, 1993.

“Dynamic evolution of sentiments in Never Let Me Go: insights from quantitative analysis and implications” 获BESC2019 最佳论文奖(通讯作者)
1993, 中科院科学家奖.
Marquis Who's who, 2002
Winner of Grand Challenge in Teraheartz (THz) image processing, IEEE NAECON 2012 (with E. Blasch) (this is a novel application of my SDLE for multiscale image processing)。
“Does ideology affect the tone of international news coverage?”获The 4th International Conference on Behavioral, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Computing (BESC2017) ,Cracow - POLAND, 16-18 October, 2017最佳论文奖(通讯作者)
“Identifying Herding effect in Chinese stock market by High-frequency data”获BESC2017 最佳论文奖(通讯作者)


担任国际会议“3rd International Conference on Behavioral, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Computing (BESC2016)”, Durham, NC, USA, 11-13 November, 2016, Digital Humanities’ track 的主席 (http://besc-conf.org/2016/organizing\_committee.html)
担任国际会议“克服文化分析黑盒方法的局限性”大会主席,广西大学,2017 年3 月21-23 (http://bigdata.gxu.edu.cn/conference/)
担任“ 4th International Conference on Behavioral, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Computing (BESC2017) 大会主席, Cracow, Poland(http://besc-conf.org/2017/)
为40 几个国际一流期刊审稿;并为几个国家的政府评审项目申请书
Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, 2006 - 2008
Associate Editor, Signal Processing 2007 – 2008
2017年至今,是丹麦政府通过Aarhus University 资助的International Network Program 的主要成员(http://interactingminds.au.dk/news/enkelt/artikel/calculus-of-culture-network-receives-grant-from-the-danish-council-for-independent-research/)


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