

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-21

个人信息简介 姓名:邬建国



CAP-LTER project;
Phoenix urban growthmodeling;
Modeling urban landscapes(NSF biocomplexityproject);
The Thousand Island Lakeproject(NSFBiodiversity Dimensions Program);
The Inner Mongolia GrasslandRemoval Experiment(IMGRE);
Landscape and regionalsustainability project in China.


1.Y.Gao and J. Wu (eds). 2017. Lectures in Modern Ecology (VIII): Advances inCommunity, Ecosystem and Landscape Ecology. Higher Education Press, Beijing.
2.Barrett, G.W., T.L. Barrett, and J.G. Wu(eds). 2015. History of Landscape Ecology in the United States. Springer, NewYork. ISBN 978-1-4939-2275-8
3.Wu, J.G. S.Q. An, and X. Leng (eds).2013. Lectures in Modern Ecology (VI): Global Climate Change and EcologicalPatterns and Processes. Higher Education Press, Beijing.
4. Wu, J. G. and F.M. Li (eds). 2011.Lectures in Modern Ecology (V): Large-Scale Ecology and Sustainability Science.Higher Education Press, Beijing.
5.Hong, S.K., J. Wu, J.E. Kim, and N.Nakagoshi (eds). 2011. Landscape Ecology in Asian Cultures. Springer,Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
6.Wu, J. and J. Yang (eds). 2009. Lecturesin Modern Ecology (IV): Theory and Applications. Higher Education Press,Beijing.
7.Carriero, M., Y. Song, and J. Wu (eds).2008. Ecology, Planning, and Management of Urban Forests: InternationalPerspectives. Springer, New York. 467 pp.
8.Gu, B., J. Wu, J. Chen, and Y. Wu (eds).2008. Green Careers. Higher Education Press, Beijing. [In Chinese]
9.Wu, J. and R. Hobbs (eds). 2007. KeyTopics in Landscape Ecology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 297 pp.
10.Wu, J., J. Ge, X. Han, Z. Yu, and D.Zhang (eds). 2007. Lectures in Modern Ecology (III): Advances and Key Topics.Higher Education Press, Beijing. 383 pp. [In Chinese]
11.Wu, J. 2007. Landscape Ecology: Pattern,Process, Scale and Hierarchy. 2nd Edition. Higher Education Press, Beijing. 266pp. [In Chinese]
12.Wu, J., B. Jones, H. Li, and O. L. Loucks(Eds). 2006. Scaling and Uncertainty Analysis in Ecology. Springer, Dordrecht,The Netherlands. 351 pp.
13.Wu, J., X. Han, and J. Huang (eds).2002. Lectures in Modern Ecology (II): From Basic Science to EnvironmentalIssues. Science and Technology Press, Beijing. 229 pp. [In Chinese]
14.Wu, J. 2000. Landscape Ecology: Pattern,Process, Scale and Hierarchy. 1st Edition. Higher Education Press,Beijing. [In Chinese; “Award ofOutstanding Books in Science and Technology of China in 2001”]
Translated Books
1.Forman, R.T.T. 2014. Urban Ecology:Science of Cities. Cambridge University Press. [Chinese edition translated byJ. Wu, Z. Liu, G. Huang, L. Huang, Y. Liu, W. Shen, J. Yang, Y. Zhao, W. Zhou,and W. Zhu, 2017, Higher Education Press, Beijing. 579 pp.]
Edited Journal Special Issues 1.Wu, J.G. (Guest Editor). 2017. Definingand assessing landscape and urban sustainability: Linking spatial patterns,ecosystems services, and human wellbeing. Special issue, Sustainability(http://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/Human_Wellbeing)
2.Joan Nassauer and Jianguo Wu (GuestEditors). 2014. Urbanization in China and the world: Transdisciplinary insightsfrom urban ecology, design, and planning. Special issue, Landscape and UrbanPlanning 125.
3.Han, X., K. Owens, X. Wu, J. Wu, J. Huang(Guest Editors). 2009. Grasslands of Inner Mongolia, Special Issue of JournalRangeland Ecology & Management 62(4):305-313.
4.Laura Musacchio and Jianguo Wu (GuestEditors). 2004. Special Issue: Collaborative Research in Large-Scale EcosystemStudies: Emerging Trends in Urban and Regional Ecology. Urban Ecosystems7:175-314.
5.Wu, J. and D. Marceau (Editors). 2002. Special Issue: Modeling ComplexEcological Systems. Ecological Modelling 153:1-196.
6.Wu, J. and Y. Qi (Quest Editors). 2000. Special Issue: The Problem of Scale inSpatial Analysis of Landscapes. Geographic Information Sciences 6(1):1-80.
Journal papers & book chapters
1.Wu, J. 2017. Landscape ecology. In: BrianFath (ed.). Encyclopedia of Ecology, 2nd ed. Elsevier.
2.Wu, J. 2017. Seascape ecology andlandscape ecology: Distinct, related, and synergistic. Pages 487-490 In: SimonJ. Pittman (editor), Seascape Ecology, Wiley-Blackwell.
3.Wu, J. 2017. In memoriam: Orie L. Loucks(1931-2016). Landscape Ecology 32: DOI 10.1007/s10980-016-0478-3.
4.Gan, X., I. C. *Fernandez, J. Guo, M.*Wilson, Y. Zhao, B. *Zhou, and J. Wu. 2017. When to use what: Methods forweighting and aggregating sustainability indicators. Ecological Indicators81:491-502.
5.Hao, R., D. Yu, and J. Wu. 2017.Relationship between paired ecosystem services in the grassland andagro-pastoral transitional zone of China using the constraint line method.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 240:171-181.
6.Huang, L., J. Wu, and L. Yan. 2017.Sustainability assessment of urban scenario planning cases in Shanghai. In: Y.Gao and J. Wu (eds), Lectures in Modern Ecology (VIII): Advances in Community,Ecosystem and Landscape Ecology. Higher Education Press, Beijing. (in press).
7.Liu, Y., J. Wu, and D. Yu. 2017.Characterizing spatiotemporal patterns of air pollution in China: A multiscalelandscape approach. Ecological Indicators 76:344-356.
8.Liu, Z., P. Verburg, J. Wu and C. He.2017. Understanding land system changethrough scenario-based simulations: A case study from the drylands in northernChina. Environmental Management, DOI 10.1007/s00267-016-0802-3.
9.Liu, Z., C. He, and J. Wu. 2017. Habitatloss and fragmentation during urbanization. In: Y. Gao and J. Wu (eds),Lectures in Modern Ecology (VIII): Advances in Community, Ecosystem andLandscape Ecology. Higher Education Press, Beijing. (in press)
10.Qiao, JM, DY Yu, and JG, Wu. 2017. Howdo climatic and management factors affect agricultural ecosystem services? Acase study in the agro-pastoral transitional zone of northern China. Science ofthe Total Environment (accepted)
11.Sun, Z., Z. Liu, C. He, and J. Wu. 2017.Impacts of urban expansion on ecosystem services in the drylands of northernChina: A case study in the Hohhot-Baotou-Ordos urban agglomeration region.Journal of Natural Resources, doi: 10.11849/zrzyxb.**
12.Wilson, MC, XY Li, YJ Ma, AT Smith, andJG Wu. 2017. A Review of the Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts ofChina’s South–North Water Transfer Project: A Sustainability Perspective.Sustainability 9, 1489; doi:10.3390/su**
13.Wilson, M. and J. Wu. 2017. The problemsof weak sustainability and associated indicators. International Journal ofSustainable Development and World Ecology 24: 44-51.
14.Zeng, X. J., Z. F. Liu, C. Y. He, Q. Ma,and J. G. Wu. 2017. Detecting surface coal mining areas from remote sensingimagery: an approach based on object-oriented decision trees. Journal ofApplied Remote Sensing 11: doi: 10.1117/1111.JRS.1111.015025.
15.Zhang, D., Q. Huang, C. He, and J. Wu.2017. Impacts of urban expansion on ecosystem services in theBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, China. Resources, Conservation &Recycling 125:115-130.
16.Zhang Q. and J. Wu. 2017. Researchadvances in the relationship between functional diversity and ecosystemfunction. In: Y. Gao and J. Wu (eds), Lectures in Modern Ecology (VIII):Advances in Community, Ecosystem and Landscape Ecology. Higher Education Press,Beijing. (in press)
17. Zhao, Y. and J. Wu. 2017. Grasslandecosystem services: A research review. In: Y. Gao and J. Wu (eds), Lectures inModern Ecology (VIII): Advances in Community, Ecosystem and Landscape Ecology.Higher Education Press, Beijing. (in press)
18.Cao, Q., D. Yu, M. Georgescu, and J. Wu.2016. Impacts of urbanization on summerclimate in China: An assessment with coupled land-atmospheric modeling. Journalof Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 121, doi: 10.1002/2016JD025210.
19.Chen, D., Q. Pan, S. Hu, J. Huang, Q.Wang, X. Han, S. Naeem, J. Elser, J. Wu, Y. Bai. 2016. Effects of plantfunctional group loss on soil biota and soil carbon sequestration: A plantremoval experiment in the Mongolian grassland. Journal of Ecology104(3):734-743.
20.Fernandez, I., and J. G. Wu. 2016.Assessing environmental inequalities in the city of Santiago (Chile) with ahierarchical multiscale approach. Applied Geography 74:160-169.
21.Forman, R.T.T. and J. G. Wu. 2016. Whereto put the next billion people. Nature 537:608-611. [Nature website] [NatureVideo] [Downloaded Video at LESL]
22.Forman, R.T.T. and J. Wu. 2016. Whereare the best places for the next billion people? Think globally, planregionally. Pages 453-473 in: Davide Geneletti (ed.), Handbook on Biodiversityand Ecosystem Services in Impact Assessment. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
23.Hao, R., D. Yu, J. Wu, Q. Guo, and Y.Liu. 2016. Constraint lines and applications in ecology: A review. ChineseJournal of Plant Ecology (in press)
24.Huang, G., Y. Jiang, Z. Liu, M. Nie, Y.Liu, J. Li, Y. Bao, Y. Wang, and J. Wu. 2016. Advances in human well-beingresearch: A sustainability science perspective. Acta Ecologica Sinica36(23):7519-7527.
25.Huang, L., L. Yan, and J. Wu. 2016.Assessing urban sustainability of Chinese megacities: 35 years after theeconomic reform and open-door policy. Landscape and Urban Planning 145:57-70[Selected as Editor’s Choice by Landscape and Urban Planning]
26.Liu, Z., C. He, and J. Wu. 2016. Generalspatiotemporal patterns of urbanization: An examination of 16 world cities.Sustainability 8, 41; doi:10.3390/su**
27.Liu, Z., C. He, and J. Wu. 2016. Therelationship between habitat loss and fragmentation during urbanization: Anempirical evaluation from sixteen world cities. PLoS ONE 11(4): e**.
28.Ma, Q., J. Wu, and C. He. 2016. Ahierarchical analysis of the relationship between urban impervious surfaces andland surface temperatures: spatial scale dependence, temporal variations, andbioclimatic modulation. Landscape Ecology 31:1139-1153.
29.Ma, Q., C. He, and J. Wu. 2016. Behindthe rapid expansion of urban impervious surfaces in China: Major influencingfactors revealed by a hierarchical multiscale analysis. Land Use Policy59:434-445.
30.Ma, Y., X. Li, M. Wilson, X. Wu, A.Smith, and J. Wu. 2016. Water loss by evaporation from China’s South-Northwater transfer project. Ecological Engineering 95:206-215.
31.Pan, Q., D. Tian, S. Naeem, K.Auerswald, J. Elser, Y. Bai, J. Huang, Q. Wang, H. Wang, J. Wu, and X. Han.2016. Effects of functional diversity loss on ecosystem functions areinfluenced by compensation. Ecology 97:2293-2302.
32.Pope, R., J. Wu, and C. Boone. 2016.Spatial patterns of air pollutants and social groups: A distributiveenvironmental justice study in the Phoenix Metropolitan Region of USA.Environmental Management, DOI: 10.1007/s00267-016-0741-z
33.Sun, Z., Z. Liu, C. He, and J. Wu. 2016.Multi-scale analysis of ecosystem service trade-offs in urbanizing drylands ofChina: A case study in Hohhot-Baotou-Ordos-Yulin region. Acta Ecologica Sinica36(15):4881-4891.
34.Wang, T., L. Feng, P. Mou, J. Wu, J.Smith, W. Xiao, H. Yang, H. Dou, X. Zhao, Y. Cheng, B. Zhou, H. Wu, L. Zhang,Y. Tian, Q. Guo, X. Kou, X. Han, D. Miquelle, C. Oliver, R. Xu, and J. Ge.2016. Amur tigers and leopards returning to China: direct evidence and alandscape conservation plan. Landscape Ecology 31:491-503.
35.Wilson, M., X. Chen, R. Corlett, R.Didham, P. Ding, R. Holt, M. Holyoak, G. Hu, A. Hughes, L. Jiang, W. Laurance,J. Liu, S. Pimm, S. Robinson, S. Russo, X. Si, D. Wilcove, J. Wu, and M. Yu.2016. Habitat fragmentation andbiodiversity conservation: Key findings and future challenges. LandscapeEcology 31:219-227.
36.Wilson, M. and J. Wu. 2016. The problemsof weak sustainability and associated indicators. International Journal ofSustainable Development and World Ecology 23: doi:10.1080/**.2015.**
37.Xu, G. and J. Wu. 2016.Social-ecological transformations of Inner Mongolia: a sustainabilityperspective. Ecological Processes 5:23 DOI 10.1186/s13717-016-0067-z
38.Zeng, L., B. Wang, L. Fan, and J. Wu.2016. Analyzing sustainability of Chinese mining cities using an associationrule mining approach. Resources Policy 49:394-404.
39. Wu, J., S. Naeem, J. Elser, Y. Bai, J.Huang, L. Kang, Q. Pan, Q. Wang, S. Hao, and X. Han. 2015. Testing biodiversity-ecosystem functioningrelationship in the world’s largest grassland: Overview of the IMGRE project.Landscape Ecology 30:1723-1736.[Special issue: Landscape patterns and ecosystem processes in theMongolian Plateau]
40.Wu, J., Q. Zhang, A. Li, and C.Z. Liang.2015. Historical landscape dynamics ofInner Mongolia: Patterns, drivers, and impacts. Landscape Ecology30:1579-1598. [Special issue: Landscapepatterns and ecosystem processes in the Mongolian Plateau]
41.Wu, J. 2015. History and evolution ofthe Journal, Landscape Ecology. Pages 55-73 In: G. W. Barrett, T. L. Barrett,and J. Wu (eds). History of Landscape Ecology in the United States. Springer,New York.
42.Wu, J. and T. Wu. 2015. Response to theUnited Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG #7): “Ensure access toaffordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”. The UN Chronicle52(4):17-18. (Invited contribution)
43.Ackley, J. W., M. J. Angilletta, D.DeNardo, B. Sullivan, and J. Wu. 2015. Urban heat island mitigation strategiesand lizard thermal ecology: Landscaping can quadruple potential activity timein an arid city. Urban Ecosystems 18:1447–1459.10.1007/s11252-015-0460-x.
44.Ackley, J., J. Wu, M. Angilletta, S.Myint, and B. Sullivan. 2015. Rich lizards: How affluence and land coverinfluence the diversity and abundance of desert reptiles persisting in an urbanlandscape. Biological Conservation 182:87-92.
45.Barrett, G.W., T. L. Barrett, Wu, J.2015. Thirty years of the United States Regional Association of theInternational Association for Landscape Ecology (USIALE): The evolution of itsorganization and science. Pages 1-11 In: G. W. Barrett, T. L. Barrett, and J.Wu (eds). History of Landscape Ecology in the United States. Springer, NewYork.
46.Barrett, G.W., T. L. Barrett, Wu, J.2015. A future for US-IALE. Pages 177-189 In: G. W. Barrett, T. L. Barrett, andJ. Wu (eds). History of Landscape Ecology in the United States. Springer, NewYork.
47.Briske, D., M. Zhao, G. Han, C. Xiu, D.R. Kemp, W. Willms, K. Havstad, L. Kang, Z. Wang, J. Wu, X. Han, and Y. Bai.2015. Strategies to alleviate poverty and grassland degradation in InnerMongolia: Intensification vs production efficiency of livestock systems. Journalof Environmental Management 152:177-182.
48.Bürgi, M., J. Silbernagel, J. Wu, and F.Kienast. 2014. Linking ecosystem services with landscape history. LandscapeEcology 30:11-20.
49.Cao, Q., D. Yu, M. Georgescu, Z. Han,and J. Wu. 2015. Impacts of land use and land cover on regional climate: A casestudy in the agro-pastoral transitional zone of China. Environmental ResearchLetters 10:124025 (doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/12/124025).
50.Fang, J., Y. Bai, and J. Wu. 2015.Towards a better understanding of landscape patterns and ecosystem processes ofthe Mongolian Plateau. Landscape Ecology 30:1573-1578.
51.Huang, L., J. Wu, and L. Yan. 2015.Defining and measuring urban sustainability: A review of indicators. LandscapeEcology 30:1175-1193.
52.Huang, L., J. Wu, and L. Yan. 2015. Thevision of a city: Definition of sustainable city and its performanceindicators. Huazhong Architecture 11:40-46.
53.Mao, Q., G. Huang, and J. Wu. 2015.Urban ecosystem services: A review. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 26(4):1023-1033.
54.Tian, G. and J. Wu. 2015. Comparingurbanization patterns in Guangzhou of China and Phoenix of the USA: Theinfluences of roads and rivers. Ecological Indicators 52:23-30.
55.Yuan, F., J. Wu, A. Li, H. Rowe, Y. Bai,J. Huang, and X. Han. 2015. Spatial patterns of soil nutrients, plantdiversity, and aboveground biomass in the Inner Mongolia grassland: Before andafter a biodiversity removal experiment. Landscape Ecology 30:1737-1750. [Special issue: Landscape patterns andecosystem processes in the Mongolian Plateau]
56.Zhang, D., C. He, J. Wu, and Q. Huang.2015. Assessing the major resource and environmental constraints forsustainable development in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, based on theframework of landscape sustainability science. Advances in Earth Science30(10):1151-1161.
57. Wu, J. 2014. Urban ecology andsustainability: The state-of-the-science and future directions. Landscape andUrban Planning 125:209-221.
58.Wu, J., W. Xiang, and J. Zhao. 2014.Urban ecology in China: Historical developments and future directions.Landscape and Urban Planning 125:222–233.
59.Wu, J.G., X.C. Guo, J. Yang, G.X. Qian,J.M. Niu, C.Z. Liang, Q. Zhang, and A. Li. 2014. What is sustainabilityscience? Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 25(1):1-11.
60.Wu, J., C. He, Q. Zhang, D. Yu, G.Huang, and Q. Huang. 2014. Integrativemodeling and strategic planning for regional sustainability under climatechange. Advances in Earth Sciences 29:1315-1324.
61.Liu, Z., C. He, Y. Zhou, and J. Wu.2014. How much of the world’s land has been urbanized, really? A hierarchicalframework for avoiding confusion. Landscape Ecology 29:763-771.
62.Ma, Q., C. He, J. Wu, Z. Liu, Q. Zhang,and Z. Sun. 2014. Quantifying spatiotemporal patterns of urban impervious surfacesin China: An improved assessment using nighttime light data. Landscape andUrban Planning 130:36-49.
63.Mao, Q., G. Huang, A. Buyantuyev, J. Wu,S. Luo, and K. Ma. Spatial heterogeneity of urban soils: The case of theBeijing metropolitan region, China. Ecological Processes 3:23(doi:10.1186/s13717-014-0023-8).
64.Nassauer, J.I., J.G. Wu, and W.-N.Xiang. 2014. Actionable urban ecology inChina and the world: Integrating ecology and planning for sustainable cities.Landscape and Urban Planning 125:207-208.
65.Neil, K., J. Wu, C. Bang, and S. Faeth.2014. Urbanization affects plant flowering phenology and pollinator community:Effects of water availability and land cover. Ecological Processes 3:17;doi:10.1186/s13717-014-0017-6
66.Pope, R. and J. Wu. 2014. Characterizingair pollution patterns on multiple time scales in urban areas: A landscapeecological approach. Urban Ecosystems 17:855-874.
67.Pope, R. and J. Wu. 2014. Amulti-objective assessment of an air quality monitoring network using environmental,economic, and social indicators and GIS-based models. Journal of the Air andWaste Management Association 64:721-737.
68.Tian, Y., J. Wu, T. Wang, and J. Ge.2014. Climate change and landscape fragmentation jeopardize the populationviability of the Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica). Landscape Ecology29:621-637.
69.Zhang, J., J. Niu, A. Buyantuyev, and J.Wu. 2014. A multilevel analysis of the impact of land use policy on land-coverchange and local land use decisions. Journal of Arid Environments 108:19-28.
70.Zhang, Q., J. Wu, A. Buyantuyev, J. Niu,Y. Ding, S. Kang, and W. J. Ma. 2014. Plant species diversity is correlatedwith climatic factors differently at the community and the functional grouplevels: a case study of desert steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. PlantBiosystems, DOI: 10.1080/**.2014.974713
71.Zhou, T., W. Ren, S. Peng, L. Liang, S.Ren, and J. Wu. 2014. A riverscape transect approach to studying and restoringriver systems: A case study from southern China. Ecological Engineering65:147-158.
72.Wu, J. 2013. Landscape sustainabilityscience: Ecosystem services and human well-being in changing landscapes.Landscape Ecology 28:999-1023.
73.Wu, J. 2013. Key concepts and researchtopics in landscape ecology revisited: 30 years after the Allerton Parkworkshop. Landscape Ecology 28:1-11.
74.Wu, J. 2013. Hierarchy theory: Anoverview. Pages 281-302 in: R. Rozzi, S.T.A. Pickett, C. Palmer, J.J. Armesto,and J.B. Callicott, (eds). LinkingEcology and Ethics for a Changing World: Values, Philosophy, and Action.Springer, New York
75.Wu, J., C. He, G. Huang, and D. Yu.2013. Urban landscape ecology: Past, present, and future. Pages 37-53 in: BojieFu and Bruce Jones (eds). LandscapeEcology for Sustainable Environment and Culture. Springer.
76.Wu, J. 2013. Patch dynamics. In:Encyclopedia Britannica Online(http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/**/patch-dynamics)
77.Wu, J. and T. Wu. 2013. Ecologicalresilience as a foundation for urban design and sustainability. In: StewardT.A. Pickett, Mary L. Cadenasso, Brian P. McGrath, and Kristina Hill (eds),Resilience in Urban Ecology and Design: Linking Theory and Practice forSustainable Cities. Springer.
78.Wu, J. 2013. Landscape ecology. Pages179-200 in R. Leemans (ed.), Ecological Systems: Selected Entries from theEncyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, Springer, New York.
79.Zhang, C., J. Wu, N. Grimm, M. McHale,and A. Buyantuyev. 2013. A hierarchical patch mosaic ecosystem model for urbanlandscapes: Model development and evaluation. Ecological Modelling 250:81-100.
80.Li, C., J.X. Li, and J.G. Wu. 2013.Quantifying the speed, growth modes, and landscape pattern changes ofurbanization: A hierarchical patch dynamics approach. Landscape Ecology28:1875-1888.
81. Li, J.X., C. Li, F.G. Zhu, C.H. Song,and J.G. Wu. 2013. Spatiotemporal pattern of urbanization in Shanghai, Chinabetween 1989 and 2005. Landscape Ecology 28:1545-1565.
82.Yang, L. J. Wu, and P. Shen. 2013. Rolesof Science in Institutional Changes: The Case of Desertification Control inChina. Environmental Science & Policy 27:32-54
83.Qian, G., Y. Zhang, J. Wu, and Y.H. Pan.2013. Revenue sharing in dairy industry supply chain – A case study of Hohhot,China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 12(12):2300-2309.
84.Mao, Q., K. Ma, J. Wu, R. Tang, S. Luo,Y. Zhang, and L. Bao. 2013. Aerobiologia 29:217-231.
85.Mao, Q., K. Ma, J. Wu, R. Tang, Y.Zhang, S. Luo, L. Bao, and X. Cai. 2013. An overview of advances in research ondistributional pattern of urban biodiversity. Acta Ecologica Sinica33(4):1051-1064.
86.Luo, S.H., Mao, Q.Z., K.M. Ma, and J.G.Wu. 2013. Distribution characteristics of carbon and nitrogen in urban topsoils of Beijing. Acta Ecologica Sinica DOI: 10.5846/stxb2.
87.Cha, N., J. Wu, and R. Yu. 2013.Analysis of trends in research on sustainable development in China. ActaEcologica Sinica 33:2637-2644.
88.Li, Q., X.J. Kou, L.M. Feng, and J.G.Wu. The application of camera traps in animal ecology. Chinese Journal ofApplied Ecology 24:947-955.
89.Liu, T., G. Han, M. Zhao, Z. Wang, Z.Li, K. Havstad, J. Wu. 2013. Adaptive management of grazing lands. In: Chen,J., S. Wan, G. Henebry, J. Qi, G. Gutman, G. Sun, and M. Kappas (eds), DrylandEast Asia: Land Dynamics amid Social and Climate Change. Walter de GruyterPublisher.
90.Yang, Q., J. Wu, J. Li, Y. Yu, F. Peng,and C. Sun. 2013. Landscape dynamics of medium- and small-sized cities ineastern and western China: A comparative study of pattern. Acta EcologicaSinica 33:275-285.
91.Ma, W.J., Q. Zhang, J.M. Niu, S. Kang,P.T. Liu, X. He, Y. Yang, Y.N. Zhang, and J.G. Wu. 2013. Relationship ofecosystem primary productivity to species diversity and functional groupdiversity: Evidence from Stipa breviflora grassland in Inner Mongolia. ChineseJournal of Plant Ecology 37:620-630.
92.Zhou, T., S.L. Peng, and J.G. Wu. 2013.The concept of sustainable restoration ecology and its application in SouthChina. In: W.H. Li (ed), Contemporary Ecology in China.
93. Wu, J.G. 2012. Landscape ecology. Pages 392-396 in: A.Hastings and L. Gross (eds), Encyclopedia of Theoretical Ecology. University ofCalifornia Press
94. Wu, J.G. 2012. A landscape approach forsustainability science. Pages 59-78 in: M.P. Weinstein and R.E. Turner (eds),Sustainability Science: The Emerging Paradigm and the Urban Environment.Springer.
95. Wu, J.G. 2012. Landscape ecology. In: R.A. Meyers (ed),Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. Springer.
96.Wu, J. and T. Wu. 2012. Sustainabilityindicators and indices. Pages 65-86 In: Christian N. Madu and C. Kuei (eds),Handbook of Sustainable Management. Imperial College Press, London
97.Dirks, L., G. Dirks, and J. Wu. 2012.Evolving perspectives on biofuels in the United States. Frontiers in Energy6(4): 379–393.
98.Litteral, J. and J. Wu. 2012. Urbanlandscape matrix affects avian diversity in remnant vegetation reserves:Evidence from the Phoenix metropolitan region, USA. Urban Ecosystems15:939–959.
99.Bai, Y., J. Wu, C. Clark, Q. Pan, L.Zhang, S. Chen, Q. Wang, and X. Han. 2012. Grazing alters ecosystem functioningand C:N:P stoichiometry of grasslands along a regional precipitation gradient.Journal of Applied Ecology 49: 1204–1215.
100.Li, A., J. Wu, and J. Huang. 2012.Distinguishing human-induced changes from climate-driven variations invegetation pattern of drylands with the RESTREND method. Landscape Ecology27:969-982.
101.Yu, M.J., Hu, G., K.J. Feeley, J.G. Wu,and P. Ding. 2012. Richness and composition of plants and birds on land-bridgeislands: effects of island attributes and differential responses of speciesgroups. Journal of Biogeography 39:1124–113.
102.Ackley, J. and J. Wu. 2012. Wateringgrass in the desert: Can a phoenix change its color? CITYGREEN 5:130-137.
103.Zhou, T., J. Wu, and S. Peng. 2012.Assessing the effects of landscape pattern on river water quality at multiplescales: A case study of the Dongjiang River watershed, China. EcologicalIndicators 23:166-175.
104.Yang, L. and J. Wu. 2012. Knowledge-driveninstitutional change: an empirical study on combating desertification innorthern China. Journal of Environmental Management 110:254-266.
105.Hu, G., J. Wu, K. Feeley, G. Xu, and M.Yu. 2012. The effects of landscape variables on the species-area relationshipduring late-stage habitat fragmentation. PLoS ONE 7(8): e43894.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**.
106. Wang, Z., J. Wu, M. Madden, and D.Mao. 2012. China's wetlands:conservation plans and policy impacts. AMBIO 41:782–786.
107.Li, S., P. Verburg, S. Lv, J. Wu, andX. Li. 2012. Spatial analysis of thedriving factors of grassland degradation under conditions of climate change andintensive land use in Inner Mongolia, China. Regional Environmental Change12:461-474.
108.Buyantuyev, A., P. Xu, J. Wu, S. Piao,and D. Wang. 2012. A space-for-time (SFT) substitution approach to studyinghistorical phenological changes in urban environment. PLoS ONE 7(12): e51260.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.**.
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245.Wu,J. and Y. Qi. 2000. Dealing with scalein landscape analysis: An overview. Geographic Information Sciences6(1):1-5. [PDF]
246. Wu, J., D. E. Jelinski, M. Luck and P.T. Tueller. 2000. Multiscaleanalysis of landscape heterogeneity: Scale variance and pattern metrics.Geographic Information Sciences 6(1):6-19. [PDF]
247. Wu, J., Y. Liu and D. E. Jelinski. 2000. Effects of Leaf AreaProfiles and Canopy Stratification on Simulated EnergyFluxes: The Problem ofVertical Spatial Scale. Ecological Modelling 134:283-297. [PDF]
248.Zipperer, W. C., J. Wu, R. V. Pouyat,and S. T. A. Pickett.2000. The application of ecologicalprinciplesto urban and urbanizing landscapes. Ecological Applications:685-688. [PDF]
249. Collins, J.P., A.P. Kinzig, N.B. Grimm,W.F. Fagan, D. Hope, J. Wu,and E.T. Borer. 2000. A new urban ecology. American Scientist 88:416-425.
250. Jenerette, G. D.and J. Wu. 2000. On the definitions of scale.Bulletin of Ecological Societyof America 81(1):104-105. [PDF]
251.Wu, J. 2000. Landscape ecology: Concepts and theory. Chinese Journalof Ecology 19(1):42-52. [In Chinese with an English abstract]
252.Wu,J. 2000. What is metapopulation, really? Acta PhytoecologicaSinica 24(1):123-126. [In Chinese with an English abstract]
253. Wu, J. 2000. Landscape ecology.Pages 308-330 In: Li Bo(ed), Ecology. Higher Education Press, Beijing. [In Chinese with an English abstract]
254.Ren, H., J. Wu, S.-L. Peng, and L.-Z. Zhao. 2000. Concept of ecosystemmanagement and its essential elements. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology11(3):455-458. [In Chinese with an English abstract]
255. Ren, H., J. Wu and S.-L. Peng. 2000. Evaluation and Monitoring ofecosystem health. Tropical Geography 20(4):310-316.
256.Wu, J. 1999. Hierarchy and scaling: Extrapolating information alonga scaling ladder. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 25(4): 367-380. [PDF]
257. Reynolds,J. and J. Wu. 1999.Do landscape structural and functional units exist? pp. 273-296 In:Tenhunen, J. D. and P. Kabat, eds. Integrating Hydrology,Ecosystem Dynamics,and Biogeochemistry in Complex Landscapes.John Wiley.
258. Pickett, S.T. A., J. Wu and M. L. Cadenasso. 1999.Patch dynamics and the ecology of disturbed ground. Pages 707-722 In: L.R. Walker (ed.), Ecosystems of the World: Ecosystems of Disturbed Ground.Elsevier Science Publishers.
259. Aber, J. D., I. C. Burke, B. Acock, H.K. M. Bugmann, P. Kabat, J.-C.Menaut, I. R. Noble, J. F. Reynolds, W.L. Steffen, and J. Wu. 1999.Hydrological andbiogeochemicalprocesses in complex landscapes: What isthe role of temporaland spatialecosystem dynamics? Pages 335-355 In: Tenhunen,J. D. and P. Kabat, eds. Integrating Hydrology, Ecosystem Dynamics, andBiogeochemistry in ComplexLandscapes. John Wiley, Chichester.
260.Jiang, M., J. Wuand Y. Jin. 1998.Landscape ecology and its application in conservation biology. Journal of WuhanBotanical Research 16(3):273-279.
261. Chang, X. and J.Wu. 1998.Spatial analysis of pattern of sandy landscapes in Kerqin, InnerMongolia. Acta Ecologica Sinica 18(3):225-232.
262.Wu, J. and S. A. Levin. 1997. A patch-based spatial modelingapproach: conceptual framework and simulation scheme. Ecological Modelling101:325-346. [PDF]
263. Wu, J., W. Gao and P.T. Tueller. 1997. Effects of changing spatialscale on the results of statistical analysiswith landscape data: A case study.Geographic Information Sciences 3:30-41.[PDF]
264. Wickham, J. D., J. Wu and D. F. Bradford. 1997.A conceptual framework for selecting and analyzing stressordata to studyspecies richness at large spatial scales.EnvironmentalManagement 21(2): 247-257. [PDF]
265. Chang, X. and J.Wu. 1997.Species diversity dynamics during desertification on the Kerqin Sandy Land.Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 8(2):151-156.
266.Jelinski,D. E. and J. Wu. 1996. The modifiable areal unit problem andimplications for landscape ecology. Landscape Ecology 11(3):129-140. [PDF]
267. Qi, Y. and J. Wu. 1996. Effectsof changing scale on the results oflandscape patterna nalysis using spatial autocorrelation indices. Landscape Ecology 11(1):39-50. [PDF]
268.Wu, J. 1996. An overview of paradigm shift in ecology.Acta Ecologica Sinica 16(5):449-460.
269.Chang, X. and J.Wu. 1996. Fractal modelsand their ecological applications.Chinese Journal of Ecology 15(3):35-42.
270.Wu, J.1995. Modeling dynamics of patchylandscapes: linking metapopulation theory, landscape ecology and conservationbiology. Pages 97-116 In: R. Wang, J.Zhao, Z. Ouyang, and T. Niu (eds), Wealth, Health and Faith – SustainabilityStudy in China. China Environmental Science Press, Beijing.
271.Wu, J. and O. L. Loucks. 1995. From balance-of-nature tohierarchical patch dynamics: A paradigm shift in ecology. Quarterly Review ofBiology 70:439-466. [PDF]
272. Wu, J. and W. Gao.1995. Spatial patterns of speciesrichness: A hierarchical perspective. Chinese Biodiversity (English Edition) 3:12-21.
273.Wu, J. and J. L. Vankat. 1995. Island biogeography: theory andapplications. In:W. A. Nierenberg (ed), Encyclopedia of Environmental Biology.Vol. 2.pp.371-379, Academic Press, San Diego. (Executive Advisors: E. O.Wilson,P. H. Raven& I. Karube).[PDF]
274. Stockwell, J. D., T. V. Burkey, B. Cazelles,F. Menard, F. A.Ascioti, P. Himschoot, and J.Wu.1995. Detectingperiodicity inquantitative versus semi-quantitative time series. Pages99-115 In: T. Powelland J. Steele (eds), Ecological Time Series. Chapman& Hall, New York.
275.Wu, J. and D. E.Jelinski. 1995. Pattern and scale in ecology: Themodifiable areal unit problem. In: Li Bo (ed), Lectures in Modern Ecology.pp.1-9, SciencePress, Beijing. [In Chinese with an English abstract]
276.Wu, J. and S. A. Levin. 1994. A spatial patch dynamic modelingapproach to patternand process in an annual grassland. Ecological Monographs64(4):447-464. [PDF]
277.Wu, J. 1994. The role of theory and models in ecology: Anoverview. Chinese Journal of Ecology13(3):76-79.
278. Wu, J., J.L. Vankat and Y. Barlas. 1993. Effects of patch connectivityand arrangement on animal metapopulation dynamics: a simulation study.Ecological Modelling65:221-254. [PDF]
279. Deutschman, D., G. A. Bradshaw, W. M.Childress, K. Daly, D.Grunbaum, M. Pascual, N. Schumaker and J. Wu. 1993.Mechanisms of patch formation.Pages 184-209 In: S.A. Levin, T.M. Powell,J.H. Steele (eds.). Patch Dynamics.Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
280. Garcia-Moliner, G., D. M. Mason, C. H.Greene, A. Lobo, B. Li, J. Wuand G. A. Bradshaw. 1993. Descriptionandanalysis of spatial patterns. Pages 70-89 In: S.A. Levin, T.M. Powell,J.H.Steele (eds.). Patch Dynamics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
281. Wu, J. 1993. A simulationstudy of energy exchangeprocesses and micrometeorology in an ecosystem. CAASS Journal 3:44-60. [In Chinese with an Englishabstract]
282. Wu, J. and O. L.Loucks.1992. Xilingele grassland. Pages 67-84 In: The US NationalResearchCouncil (ed),Grasslands and Grassland Sciences in Northern China.National AcademyPress,Washington, D.C.
283. Loucks, O. L. and J. Wu.1992. The Northeast. Pages 55-66 In: The US National Research Council(ed), Grasslandsand Grassland Sciences in Northern China. National AcademyPress, Washington,D.C.
284. Wu, J. 1992. Detecting spatial patterns: the net-functioninterpolation. Coenoses 7(3):137-143.
285. Wu, J. 1992. Balance of natureand environmentalprotection: a paradigm shift.Proceedings of the4th International Conference of Asia Experts. pp. 1-20, Portland State University,Portland, OR, May 7-8, 1992.
286. Wu, J. 1992. Mathematical modelling and natureconservation. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 3:286-288.
287. Wu, J., B. Li and Y. Wu.1992. Patchiness and patch dynamics: I. Concepts and mechanisms. Chinese Journal of Ecology 11(4):41-45.
288. Li, B., Y. Wu. and J. Wu.1992. Patchiness and patch dynamics: II. Description andanalysis. Chinese Journal of Ecology 11(5):28-37.
289. Wu, Y., J. Wu and B. Li.1992. Patchiness and patch dynamics: III. Ecological and evolutionaryconsequences. Chinese Journal of Ecology 11(6): 34-41.
290. Wu, J. and O. L.Loucks.1992. The balance-of-nature and modern ecological theory:A shiftinecologicalthinking. Pages 16-29 In: SinoEco (ed), Advances inModernEcology.Science andTechnology Press, Beijing. [In Chinese with an Englishabstract]
291. Wu, J. 1992. Nature conservationand conservation biology: Concepts and models. Pages 174-186 In: SinoEco(ed), Advances in Modern Ecology. Science and Technology Press, Beijing. [In Chinese with an English abstract]
292. Wu, J., J. L. Vankat and W. Gao. 1992. Ecological succession: An overview of theories and models.Pages 49-64 In: SinoEco (ed), Advances in Modern Ecology. Science and TechnologyPress, Beijing. [In Chinese with an English abstract]
293. Wu, J. andJ. L. Vankat. 1991. A System Dynamics model of island biogeography. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 53:911-940. [PDF]
294. Wu, J. andJ. L. Vankat. 1991. An area-based model of species richness dynamics of forest islands. Ecological Modelling 58:249-271. [PDF]
295. Vankat, J. L., J. Wu and S. Fore. 1991. Old growth by design: applying the concepts of landscape ecology.Pages 153-170 In: D. Henderson and L. D. Hedrick (eds), Restorationof Old Growth Forests in the Interior Highlands of Arkansas and Oklahoma.Ouachita National Forest and Winrock International Institute for AgriculturalDevelopment, Winrock.
296. Wu, J. 1991. Dissipative structure, hierarchy theory and ecosystems. Chinese Journal of AppliedEcology 2:181-186.
297. Wu, J. 1990. Modelling the energy exchange processes between plant communities and environment. Ecological Modelling 51:233-250.
298. Wu, J., Y. Barlas and J.L. Vankat. 1990. Modelling patchy ecological systems using the System Dynamics approach. Pages 1355-1369 In: D.F. Andersen, G.P. Richardson and J.D. Sterman (eds), System Dynamics 1990, Vol. III. The System Dynamics Society, MIT,Cambridge.
299.Wu, J. 1990. Nature conservation theory and the MacArthur-Wilson model. Acta Ecologica Sinica 10(2):187-191.
300. Wu, J. and Y. Barlas. 1989. Simulating the dynamics of natural populations using the System Dynamics approach. Pages 6-11 In: S. Spencer and G. Richardson, (eds), SystemDynamics. Society for Computer Simulation International. Western Multiconference, SCS , San Diego.
301. Wu, J. 1989. The theory of island biogeography: models and applications. Chinese Journal of Ecology 8(6):34-39.
Book Reviews
1.Wu, J. 2011. Rangeland Degradation and Recovery in China’s Pastoral Lands. Restoration Ecology 19:681-682.
2.Wu, J. 2006. A guide for spatial analysis in ecology (book review). BioScience 56:938-939.
3.Wu, J. 2005. Effects of land-use change on ecosystems (book review). Ecology 86(12):3420–3421.
4.Wu, J. 2005. A new paradigm for a transdisciplinary science of desertification. Diversity and Distributions 11:362-363.
5.Wu,J. 2001. A top-down approach to landscape ecology (Book Review). Ecology 82(2):604-606.
6.Wu,J. 2001. Urban Ecology (Book Review). Ecological Engineering 16:581-582. [ PDF]
7.Wu,J. 1998. Scaling-Up: From Cell to Landscape (Book Review). Ecological Engineering 10(4): 369-371. [ PDF]
8.Wu, J. 1995. Modelling dynamic systems using STELLA II (Book Review). Ecological Modelling82(2):208-210.
9.Wu, J. 1995.Biodiversity and Landscapes: A Paradox of Humanity (BookReview), Journalof Environmental Quality 24(3):554-556.

Reports and Other Publications
1.Wu, J. 2016. Landscape sustainability science: Why, what, and how in a nutshell. LifeScienceToday (http://blogs.springer.com/lst/landscape-sustainability-science-why-what-and-how-in-a-nutshell/).
2.Wu, J. 2010. Sustainability paradigm: transdisciplinary integration, university design, and sustainable practice. In: Proceedings of the Second SUCCESS Symposium on Sustainability Science, Sino-US Center for Conservation, Energy, and Sustainability Science, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot.
3.2010. Sustainability for Arizona — The Issue of Our Age (Chinese Translation), Sino-US Center for Conservation, Energy, and Sustainability Science, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot.
4.2010. Proceedings of the Second SUCCESS Symposium on Sustainability Science, Sino-US Center for Conservation, Energy, and Sustainability Science, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot.
5.2008. Proceedings of the First SUCCESS Symposium on Sustainability Science, Sino-US Center for Conservation, Energy, and Sustainability Science, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot.
6.Wu, J. 2008. Changing perspectives in ecology and biodiversity conservation: Achieving landscape and regional sustainability. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Planted Forests in Southeast Asia, Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia, January 15-18, 2007.
7.Musacchio, L. and J. Wu. 2004. Cities of resilience: integrating ecology into urban design, planning, policy, and management. Landscape Journal 23(1):80-82.
8.Musacchio, L. and J. Wu. 2003. Pattern, Process, Scale, and Hierarchy: Advancing Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Creating Sustainable Urban Landscapes and Communities. Arizona State University, Tempe, 54pp.
9.The Heinz Center for Science, Economics and the Environment. 2004. The State of the Nation’s Ecosystems: Measuring the Lands, Waters, and Living Resources of the United States. The H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (Panelist of the Urban/Suburban Work Group)
10.Wu, J. and O. L. Loucks. 1998. Hierarchical patch dynamics as a framework for scaling. Proc. of the Workshop on Scaling and Modelling in Forestry: Applications in Remote Sensing & GIS, University of Montreal, Montreal, March 19-21, 1998. pp. 64-71.
11.Wu, J. and J. F. Reynolds. 1998. Developing models across multiple scales based on hierarchy theory. Proc. of the Modelling Complex Systems Conference, New Orleans, July 12-17, 1998. pp.189-215.
12.Wickham, J. D., J. Wu, and D. F. Bradford. 1995. Stressor Data Sets for Studying Species Diversity at Large Spatial Scales. US EPA 600/R-95/018. Office of Research and Development, U.S. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
13.Wu, J. 1993. Modeling the landscape as a dynamic mosaic of patches: some computational aspects. Cornell Theory Center Technical Report Series, CTC93TR140, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 20pp.
14.Wu, J. 1993. A method for studying spatial patterns: the net-function interpolation. Cornell Theory Center Technical Report Series, CTC93TR116, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 20pp.
15.Wu, J. 1990. Emerging ecological paradigms and sustainable agriculture. Proc. 2nd Ann. Conf. CAASS, pp. 74-76, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, July 27-28, 1990.

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