

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-21

个人信息简介 姓名:毛睿
邮箱:MR [at] bnu.edu.cn



2018年-至今,北京师范大学 地理科学学部 减灾与应急管理研究院,副教授
2018年-2019年,美国 怀俄明大学 大气科学系,访问
2013年-2018年,北京师范大学 地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室,副教授
2011年- 2013年,北京师范大学 地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室,讲师
2009年-2010年,韩国首尔国立大学 地球与环境科学学院,访问
2009年-2011年,北京师范大学 物理学系,博士后

研究生专业选修课 “MATLAB及其在地学中的应用”
本科生通识选修课 “全球变暖”

1. 国家自然科学基金,“北极涛动对我国沙尘活动影响的年代际转折及机理”,2016年-2019年,70万元,主持
2. 国家重点研发计划项目, “全球变化人口与经济系统风险形成机制及评估研究”,2016年-2020年,100万元,参与
3. 韩国极地研究所项目,“南极涛动与西太平洋气候变化的关联机制”,2014年-2019年,120万元,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,不同源地对青藏高原上空沙尘气溶胶贡献的数值模拟分析,2012年-2014年,27万元,已结题,主持
5. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目,青藏高原上空沙尘气溶胶来源的数值模拟分析,2011年-2011年,10万元,已结题,主持
6. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,大气环流和植被对华北春季沙尘暴频次变率影响的模拟研究,2009年-2011年,3万元,已结题,主持

1.Shi, P., et al. (2019), Factors contribution to oxygen concentration in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,Chinese Science Bulletin,64(7), 715-724.
2.Zhang, X.-X., et al. (2019), Parameterization schemes on dust deposition in northwest China: Model validation and implications for the global dust cycle,Atmospheric Environment,209, 1-13.
3.Zhang, Z., D. Gong, R. Mao, L. Qiao, S.-J. Kim, and S. Liu (2019), Possible Influence of the Antarctic Oscillation on Haze Pollution in North China,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,124(3), 1307-1321.
4.Mao, R., Z. Hu, C. Zhao, et al. (2019), The source contributions to the dust over the Tibetan Plateau: A modelling analysis,Atmospheric Environment,214, 116859.
1.Shi, F., et al. (2018), Weakening Relationship Between Vegetation Growth Over the Tibetan Plateau and Large-Scale Climate Variability,Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences,123(4), 1247-1259.
2.Zhang, J., D.-Y. Gong, R. Mao, J. Yang, Z. Zhang, and Y. Qian (2018), Anomalous holiday precipitation over southern China,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,18(22), 16775-16791.
3.Zhang, Z., X. Xu, L. Qiao, D. Gong, S.-J. Kim, Y. Wang, and R. Mao (2018), Numerical simulations of the effects of regional topography on haze pollution in Beijing,Scientific Reports,8.
1.Gong, D.-Y., D. Guo, Y. Gao, J. Yang, R. Mao, J. Qu, M. Gao, S. Li, and S.-J. Kim (2017), Boreal winter Arctic Oscillation as an indicator of summer SST anomalies over the western tropical Indian Ocean,Climate Dynamics,48(7-8), 2471-2488.
2.Ma, Y., R. Mao, S.-H. Feng, D.-Y. Gong, and S.-J. Kim (2017), Does the recent warming hiatus exist over Northern Asia for winter wind chill temperature?,International Journal of Climatology,37(7), 3138-3144.
3.Qu, J., D. Gong, R. Mao, J. Yang, and S. Li (2017), Possible influence of Arctic oscillation on precipitation along the East Asian rain belt during boreal spring,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,130(1-2), 487-495.
4.Zhang, Z., D. Gong, R. Mao, S.-J. Kim, J. Xu, X. Zhao, and Z. Ma (2017), Cause and predictability for the severe haze pollution in downtown Beijing in November-December 2015,Science of the Total Environment,592, 627-638.
1.Gong, D.-Y., D. Guo, R. Mao, J. Yang, Y. Gao, and S.-J. Kim (2016), Interannual modulation of East African early short rains by the winter Arctic Oscillation,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,121(16), 9441-9457.
2.Yue, Y., M. Li, A. x. Zhu, X. Ye, R. Mao, J. Wan, and J. Dong (2016), Land Degradation Monitoring in the Ordos Plateau of China Using an Expert Knowledge and BP-ANN-Based Approach,Sustainability,8(11).
1.He, H., J. Yang, D. Gong, R. Mao, Y. Wang, and M. Gao (2015), Decadal changes in tropical cyclone activity over the western North Pacific in the late 1990s,Climate Dynamics,45(11-12), 3317-3329.
2.Hu, Y., X.-Z. Zhang, R. Mao, D.-Y. Gong, H.-b. Liu, and J. Yang (2015), Modeled responses of summer climate to realistic land use/cover changes from the 1980s to the 2000s over eastern China,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,120(1), 167-179.
3.Lee, Y. G., et al. (2015), The effects of ENSO under negative AO phase on spring dust activity over northern China: an observational investigation,International Journal of Climatology,35(6), 935-947.
4.Mao, R., D.-Y. Gong, T. Zhao, W. Wang, and J. Yang (2015), Trends in the Frequency of High Relative Humidity over China: 1979-2012,Journal of Climate,28(24), 9816-9837.
5.Zhang, X., Q. Tang, J. Zheng, Q. Ge, and R. Mao (2015), Suppression of spring rain by surface greening over North China Plain,International Journal of Climatology,35(10), 2752-2758.
1.Gong, D., W. Wang, Y. Qian, W. Bai, Y. Guo, and R. Mao (2014a), Observed holiday aerosol reduction and temperature cooling over East Asia,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,119(11), 6306-6324.
2.Gong, D., Y. Gao, D. Guo, R. Mao, J. Yang, M. Hu, and M. Gao (2014b), Interannual linkage between Arctic/North Atlantic Oscillation and tropical Indian Ocean precipitation during boreal winter,Climate Dynamics,42(3-4), 1007-1027.
4.Yang, J., Q. Bao, D. Ji, D. Gong, R. Mao, Z. Zhang, and K. Seong-Joong (2014), Simulation and Causes of Eastern Antarctica Surface Cooling Related to Ozone Depletion during Austral Summer in FGOALS-s2,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,31(5), 1147-1156.
5.Zhang, Z., D. Gong, S. Kim, R. Mao, and J. Yang (2014), Is the Antarctic oscillation trend during the recent decades unusual?,Antarctic Science,26(4), 445-451.
1.Guo, Y., D. Gong, W. Wang, R. Mao, and M. Hu (2013), The Statistical Relationship Between Summer Cloud Cover and Daily Temperature in Eastern China,Scientia Geographica Sinica,33(1), 104-109.[In Chinese]
2.Hu, M., D. Gong, and R. Mao (2013), Possible influence of February-April Arctic Oscillation on the ITCZ activity of Western-central Pacific, Journal of Tropical Meteorology,29(1), 55-65.
3.Mao, R., C.-H. Ho, S. Feng, D.-Y. Gong, and Y. Shao (2013a), The influence of vegetation variation on Northeast Asian dust activity,Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences,49(1), 87-94.
4.Mao, R., D. Gong, Y. Shao, G. Wu, and J. Bao (2013b), Numerical analysis for contribution of the Tibetan Plateau to dust aerosols in the atmosphere over the East Asia,Science China-Earth Sciences,56(2), 301-310.
5.Mao, R., D.-Y. Gong, J. Yang, Z.-Y. Zhang, S.-J. Kim, and H.-Z. He (2013c), Is there a linkage between the tropical cyclone activity in the southern Indian Ocean and the Antarctic Oscillation?,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,118(15), 8519-8535.
6.Wu, G., C. Zhang, B. Xu, R. Mao, D. Joswiak, N. Wang, and T. Yao (2013), Atmospheric dust from a shallow ice core from Tanggula: implications for drought in the central Tibetan Plateau over the past 155 years,Quaternary Science Reviews,59, 57-66.
1.Guo, Y., D. Gong, W. Wang, Z. Zhang, and R. Mao (2012), Spatiotemporal Variation of PM_(10) Concentration and Its Relationship with Autumn Daily Temperature over Central and Eastern China,Acta Geographica Sinica,67(9), 1155-1164.[In Chinese]
2.Yang, J., D. Gong, W. Wang, M. Hu, and R. Mao (2012), Extreme drought event of 2009/2010 over southwestern China,Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics,115(3-4), 173-184.
1.Mao, R., D.-Y. Gong, J. Yang, and J.-D. Bao (2011a), Linkage between the Arctic Oscillation and winter extreme precipitation over central-southern China,Climate Research,50(2-3), 187-201.
2.Mao, R., D. Gong, J. Bao, and Y. Fan (2011b), Possible influence of Arctic Oscillation on dust storm frequency in North China,Journal of Geographical Sciences,21(2), 207-218.
3.Mao, R., C.-H. Ho, Y. Shao, D.-Y. Gong, and J. Kim (2011c), Influence of Arctic Oscillation on dust activity over northeast Asia,Atmospheric Environment,45(2), 326-337.
1.Mao, R., D. Gong, and Q. Fang (2008a), Possible Impacts of Vegetation Cover on Local Meteorological Factors in Growing Season,Climatic and Environmental Research,13(6), 738-750.[In Chinese]
2. Mao, R., D. Gong, and D. Chen (2008b), The evident linkage of springtime NDVI over Eurasia with East Asian atmospheric circulation in summer,Acta Meteorologica Sinica,66(4), 592-598.[In Chinese]
1.Gong, D.-Y., R. Mao, P.-J. Shi, and Y.-D. Fan (2007), Correlation between east Asian dust storm frequency and PNA,Geophysical Research Letters,34(14).
2.Mao, R., D. Gong, and Q. Fang (2007), Influences of the East Asian Jet Stream on Winter Climate in China,Journal of Applied Meteorolgical Science,18(2), 137-146.[In Chinese]
3. Fang, Q., D. Gong, and R. Mao (2007), Changes of Daily Precipitation of China in Wintertime During the Last 46 Years,Scientia Geographica Sinica,27(5), 711-717.[In Chinese]
4.Rui, M. A. O., and G. Daoyi (2007), Correlation Analysis of Interannual Variability between Spring Dust Storm frequency and Atmospheric Circulation Factors,Plateau Meteorology,26(5), 1023-1030.[In Chinese]
5. Mao, R., D. Gong, and Q. Fang (2007), Comparison Analysis of Environmental Changes Between Sahel and Agro-pastoral Zone in Northern China,Progress in geography,26(4), 51-63.[In Chinese]
1.Gong, D., R. Mao, and Y. Fan (2006), East Asian dust storm and weather disturbance: Possible links to the Arctic Oscillation,International Journal of Climatology,26(10), 1379-1396.
2.Wang, J., R. Mao, J. Zhou, and L. Li (2006), Estimation of Domestic Water Consumption and Its Regional Disparity in Northern China Based on Household Survey,Journal of Natural Resources,21(2), 231-237.[In Chinese]
1.Mao, R., D. Gong, and Y. Fan (2005), Influences of Synoptic Variability on Spring Sand Storm Frequency in North China,Acta Geographica Sinica,60(1), 12-20.[In Chinese]
1.Zhou, S., J. Wang, and R. Mao (2004), Dynamic spatial and temporal analysis of population, grain yield and precipitation in northern area of China over forty years,Journal of Beijing Normal University,40(4), 540-547. [In Chinese]

1. 北京市青年教师基本功大赛论文比赛三等奖(2017年)
2. 北京师范大学第二届最受研究生欢迎的十佳教师 (2015年)
3. 北京师范大学十佳优秀辅导员(2015年)
4. 北京师范大学优秀辅导员(2015年)

宗 奇,2018级硕士生,从事全球沙尘数值模拟与分析
胡 扬,2015年硕士毕业,中国气象局武汉暴雨研究所(与龚道溢教授共同指导)
马 颖,2017年硕士毕业,上海财经大学

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