

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-26

刘德忠,男, 1948.4, 教授,工学博士



1.切削磨料及腐蚀加工原理高希正,刘德忠, 费仁元 译(kazmalaik 著),机械工业出版社1985.12

2.切削磨削加工学高希正,刘德忠 译(臼井英治 著),机械工业出版社 1982.12

3.理论切削学 高希正,刘德忠 译(小野浩二 著),国防科技出版社 1985.2

4.装配自动化刘德忠,费仁元,S.Hesse. 机械工业出版社2003.6

5.制造工程组织学刘德忠,费仁元,吴国蔚. 科学出版社2005.6

科研:完成国家自然科学基金项目2项,北京市教委发展基金项目1项, 北京市彩虹工程1项。

1. 智能微执行器系统的研制, 国家自然科学基金

2. 微超声振动切剖机器人系统研制及微切剖实验研究, 国家自然科学基金

3. 基于LAPIK并联机器人的复杂刀具空间曲面成型技术, 北京市教委发展基金

4. 高压脉动式全自动灭菌器控制系统研制, 北京市彩虹工程



1. 形状记忆合金驱动的微型机械手,实用新型, ZL03261475.6

2. 一种并-并联式微操作并联机器人机械结构,实用新型, ZL03266087.1

3. 基于并联机构的混合机构五自由度专用刃磨机工作头, 发明, ZL 03146646.X



嵌入式系统是继IT网络技术之后,又一个新的技术发展方向。嵌入式系统一般指非PC系统,有计算机功能但又不称之为计算机的设备或器材。它是以应用为中心,集应用软件与硬件于一体, 软硬件可裁剪的,适应于应用系统对功能、可靠性、成本、体积、功耗等综合性严格要求的专用计算机系统。是具有软件代码小、高度自动化、响应速度快以及面向企业应用的等突出特点,特别适合于要求实时和多任务的体系。




First direction of research: PLC and embedded system developing

After IT network techniques, embedded system is a new direction of technology developing. Although it has function like computer, embedded system is a not PC system. It is an application blending software and hardware which can be cut to adapt to the special-purpose computer system that has strict requirement for the function, reliability, cost, size and power dissipation. It also has many remarkable characteristics such as little code, high automation, rapid response and industry application oriented.

Embedded system in industry is one that apply to industry control world. Because of worse environment in industry control world, it has a strict demand on this embedded system. It has a high requirement in hardware choice, circuit board design (mechanical property、 electromagnetic anti-interference systems、 board stability and so on) as well as integrity in software design.

This product can be used in industrial control、 traffic management、 information wiring、 intelligentize management system、 POS network and business affairs、 environment watch etc.

 PLC is widely used in industrial control and produce system watch. we design the PLC auto control technology and based on PLC and PC product line"s two step control technology and plant control technology.




1、智能微执行器系统的研制(编号 69885001)

2、微超声振动切剖机器人系统研制及 微切剖实验研究(编号60275031)

Second direction of research: Bio-micromanipulator technology

Bio-micromanipulator system integrates the robot technology, CN technology and micro vision technology to realize micron accuracy and harmony control in multi-degree-of-freedom. It is a advanced tool to reach cellular and subcellular operation.

Micro ultrasonic vibration cutting system developed in our lab can be used to pierce into cell membrane or open the window in cell membrane to take out unbroken nucleus. This system improves the success ratio in bioengineering operation.

Based on Beijing key Laboratory of Advanced Manufacture Technology, our lab accepts two programs of National Natural Science Foundation of China:

1: development of intelligent micro-performer system

2: developing of micro ultrasonic vibration cutting system and micro cutting experiments




Third direction of research: manufacturing engineering organization.

Digital manufacture in production organization is attached more and more importance by enterprises. The production organization in digital factory mainly includes: The theoretical study of digital factory, process planning, production line planning and shop layout planning. With the development of science and technology, new factory continua to be built, new product alternate quickly. When build a new factory, according to the require of enterprise we plan theoretical layout of workshop, then simulate three - dimensional picture of factory 、materials circulation in factory and corresponding operating procedures by digital software, evaluate rationalization of factory design. Before produce a new product, we must work out the best program of process and layout by digital manufacture software to shorten production cycle and save the cost of manufacture.