项目管理 水资源 经济财务评价
2002年9月-至今 攻读中国水科院工学(水资源专业)博士
1992年获得华北水利水电学院北京研究生部 工学硕士
1994年5月~现在 北京工业大学 副教授、硕士生导师;
1992年5月~1994年5月 北京市水利科学研究所、工程师。
3.首都圈水资源保障研究项目-水资源保障经济条件研究子课题,国家自然基金项目,合同额及到校额:10万元, 已完成;2001-2003
4.北京市节水灌溉中期调整计划和完工报告,北京市水利局,合同额及到校额:11.5万元, 已完成;2003-2004,2006-2007
Personal Details
Place of Birth:
Date of Birth: Dec.,1966
Liyuan Road, Fentai District,
Candidate of Master of Project Management, the Department of Project management,UniversityofAlaska,
(Jan. 09, 2008-now)
Candidate of Doctor of Water Resources, the Department of Water Resources, the China Institution of Hydropower and Water Resources research. (from 2002 to now)
Master of Science (Water Conservation), North China Institute of Water Resources and
Bachelor of Science (Water Conservation), North-East Agricultural
Professional Development
Registered Supervision Engineer
Sep.2001 –Ongoing , Professor,theBeijingPolytechnicUniversity;
May 1994 – Sep.2001, Lecturer/Professor, thePostgraduateSchoolof NorthChinaInstitute of Water Resources and Hydropower;
April 1992 – May 1994, Engineer,
Professional Affiliations
Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society, Chinese Irrigation Area Society
Development Experience
Chinese- mother tongue; English- fluent reading,writing,speaking;
Summary of Relevant Experience
March, 20-30,2009
Consultant, Worked for the World Bank, “Bayannaoer Water Resources Integrated Management “, analysed and reviewed the design of Wuyuan water treatment facility, evaluated the feasibility study of wastewater and supply water facility.
Apr., 1,2007-May,10,2007;
Consultant, worked for ACIL, “Shanxi Agriculture Comprehensive Development” (ADB), analysed the project cost and benefits, analysed the project economic inter rate return and financial inter rate return, for PPTA report.
Jan. 20,200,-March-,20,2006;
Consultant, worked for ADB and BV, “Guiyang Water Resources Integrated management Project”, analysed the project cost and benefits, analysed the project economic inter rate return and financial inter rate return, prepared and finished PPTA report.
Supervision, worked for DFID (the Department for International Development, UK Government), “Water Resources Demand Management Assistance Project—Case III.” , supported the international consultants(Ron Don, Dan o’Hearn and John Taylor) and ensured thatthe actions agreed with the Beipiao WSC and the local Consultants werecompleted insufficient time to maintain the 2006GIS, network modelling and leakage control work program.
Nov.25, 2004- Dec. 10,2004
Consultant, worked for world bank, “Tarim Basin project II ”, analysed the projectcost and benefits, analysed the project economic inter rate return and financial inter rate return, and WUA operation in financial, prepared and finished the projectICR(Implement Completion Report ) and its annex ( the key indicators, costs estimated and finical and economic analysis ) together with task manager.
Oct 16,2004-
Oct 31,2004
Consultant, worked for FAO, “ Cambodia: Flood Emergency Rehabilitation Project”,prepared the project ICR (Implement Completion Report ) together with task manager, specialized in analysis of the project (including irrigation, school, rural road and national road subproject) cost and benefits, and the project economic inter rate return and financial inter rate return.
May 2004-Aug.2004
Jan. 2005-Sep.2005
Consultant, worked for ACIL, “China: Water and Agriculture Management in
Nov. 20,2003-Feb.14, 2004
Consultant, worked for Beijing Bureau of Water Resources, “Water Conservation Project” financed by the World Bank, wrote the project mean term review paper (MTR).
Sep. 20,2003-Oct.04, 2003
Consultant, worked for DIFD, “China, Water Resource Demand Management”, analysed the project benefit and costs; studied integrate water resources management in Shiyang River basins, Gunsu; specialized urban water supply system and water price in Beipiao city, Shenyang.
Sep. 01,2003-
Sep. 07,2003
Consultant, worked for world bank, “China Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Dam Project II”, analysed the project cost, with Xiaolangdi Dam and without it, supply water price of irrigation, domestic and industry changed, electric price of Xiaolangdi power station, used world bank’s Yellow River Economic Model by GAMS to analysis project benefit for ICR.
Jan. 2002-Aug. 2002
Jan. 2003-May. 2003
Main partner, worked for China Institution of Hydropower and Water Resource, “The Big Beijing Water Resource Guaranteed Systems”, financed by Chinese Fund of Natures Sciences, analysed the big Beijing macro-economic status, water resources for agriculture, industry, ecology and pollution in effective economic, studied water price limit for irrigation, water resources demand game between downstream and upstream, and water-saving models, etc.;
Oct. 2002-Nov.2002 July, 2003-Aug.2003
Consultant, worked for world bank, “China, Xiaolangdi Resettlement Project”, analysed the farmers’ income restoration level, all project benefit and cost, farmer institution, specialized irrigation water price inHou river irrigation area, for ICR(Implementation Completion Reporting), by using world bank household model ”Farmod”
Sep.2001 –Ongoing
Professor, worked forBeijingPolytechnicUniversity, teaching Economics of Water Resources Planning for postgraduate students, and guided two postgraduate students for master degree paper; teaching Project Management, Hydrology, Water Resources and Microeconomics for undergraduate students; guiding some booklet for undergraduate students. .
June, 10, 2001-Aug., 20, 2001
Consultant, worked for China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), the guideline of Water-saving Planning for Transforming Water from South to North, analysed the water pollution control plan for the area of water transforming, worked on water-saving irrigation planning and the agricultural water-saving cost estimates, analysed the project benefits, wrote the agricultural water-saving cost estimates and analysed the project benefits reports, suggested for MWR (Ministry of Water Resources) to support Water User Associations in the project area.
May 2001 – Ongoing
Candidate of Doctor of Water Resources, studied on water resources distribution mechanism, my guider is Wanghao, who is the leader of the department of water resources of IWHR.
Mar.10, 2001-Mar.20, 2001
Consultant, worked for FAO,”China Xiaoliangdi Multipurpose Project I”, (Task manager: Daniel gunaratum) analysed the economic benefit of the project for (ICR), adjusted the World Bank ”Yellow River Economic model” by using GAMS model results.
May 2000-Mar. 2001
Consultant, worked for world bank, “China Agenda for Water Sector Strategy for North China”, researched the price policy for agriculture products and surveyed the prices for farm in north-china, researched irrigation, industry and domestic water prices and water price policies by economic and institutional method, specialized in supply water flexibility and demand water flexibility and user pay will and capacity, analysed water price and management of the south transport water to north , studied water price management and policy in the three basins( Yellow River Basin, Hai River Basin and Huai River Basin) ,studied water-saving irrigation water price and irrigation water fee management by PIM ( ParticipationIrrigation Management), studied farmer capacity ability and pay will for water-saving irrigation.
June, 1999-
Apr. 2000,
Consultant, worked for Ministry of Water Resources, “Water Conservation Project" financed by the World Bank, analysed economic and financial benefits and the index in economic and financial by Farmod, estimates the project costs by Costab, wrote the project implement plan (PIP) in financial and economic analysis.
May 1994 – Sep.2001,
Professor/lecturer, worked in the Postgraduate School of North China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower (PSNCIW), studied on appraising water asset method in order that water management units would go to the market and reform their management pattern; “Appraisal Water Asset Method Research” is supported by MWR fund (Y100, 000); taughtMicroeconomics and Macroeconomics, Engineering Economics, Waste Treatment for the postgraduate students; wrote these courses outline and guidance book; published an article:” Economic Evaluation of Enterprise Advertisement”.
April 1992 – May 1994
Engineer, worked in Beijing Water Resources Institution, studied on on-farm rainwater in agriculture water supply and worked on the experiment for aphysical model that rainwater were collectedinto drainage system and used as groundwater; studied on Soil water movement regular: studied in spreading water, salt and temperature in soil with numerical model; studied on Atmospheric, surface, soil and ground water interaction study; designed sprinkler irrigation project in Pings country; trained water-saving irrigation technology for farmers; wrote some booklet of irrigation technology for farmers.
Training Experience
Trained Mswindows95, Msword6.0 and Msexcel5.0 by Microsoft companyChinatrain centre, awarded the certificate by MS company;
trained Project98;
Wrote GAMS ,Costab and Farmod programs;applied C langue to write programs
1.“ChinaAgenda for Water Sector Strategy forNorth China”( in English), P41-46,P74-124;
2.the project ICR (Implement Completion Report ) “Cambodia: Flood Emergency Rehabilitation Project”,(Annex1-3) (in English);
3.“The Big
“I, Lizhi, declare that:
The information provided in this CV is accurate and hereby authorise the Commonwealth to make whatsoever inquiries it may consider reasonable and necessary to undertake in the course of the Tender assessment in relation to the information I have provided in this CV or any other matter which may relate to my suitability for the position for which I have been nominated.
Tel:86-,**(h), **(m); E-mail: zli1220@126.com