教育部高等学校物理基础课程教学指导分委员会副主任、中国发明协会高校创造教育分会副理事长。曾被评为“全国留学回国人员先进个人”,入选“北京市科技新星计划”和“北京市属市管高校拔尖创新人才选拔计划”。指导的博士生季凌飞获得2008年 全国优秀博士学位论文提名,指导的硕士生闫胤洲2009年获得王大珩光学奖。
1.国家自然科学基金:“激光辐照对氧化锌薄膜载流子浓度调空技术研究”, 2010--2012;
1.J. Liu, Y. Zhao,Y. J. Jiang, et al,“Identification of zinc and oxygen vacancy states in nonpolar ZnO single crystal using polarized photoluminescence”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 231907(2010).
2.Y. Liu, Q. Wei,Y. J. Jiang, Z. Nie, “Increasing the hydrophobic property of poly (vinylidene fluoride) by KrF”, Appl. Phys. Lett.96, 231109(2010)
3.L. Chang,Y. J. Jiang, L. F. Ji, “Improvement of the electrical andferromagnetic properties in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3thin film irradiated by CO2laser”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 082505(2007).
4.Y. L. Ji,Y. J. Jiang, “Increasing the electrical conductivity of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) by KrF excimer laser irradiation”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 221103(2006)
5.L. F. Ji,Y. J. Jiang, et al,“Enhancement of the dielectric permittivity of Ta2O5ceramics by CO2laser irradiation”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2004, 85(9), 1577-1579.
6.Y. Liu,Y. J. Jiang, “Rapid fabrication of patterned high-performance conductor poly (vinylidene fluoride) surface using a 248nm excimer laser”, Optics Express 18(21), 22046(2010).
7.Y. Zhao,Y. J, Jiang, “Effect of KrF excimer laser irradiation on the properties of ZnO thin films”, J. Appl. Phys. 103(11), 114903(2008).
8.L. Chang,Y. J. Jiang,“Low temperature growth of La0.67Ba0.33MnO3thin films of high quality using pulsed laser deposition assisted by CO2laser irradiation”, J. Phys. D 41, 235004(2008).
9.L. Chang,Y. J. Jiang, “Effect of CO2laser irradiation on the transport properties of La0.67Ba0.33MnO3thin film”, Solid StateCommun.,141(10), 582-586(2007).
10.L. F. Ji,Y. J. Jiang, “Investigations of dielectric enhancement in (Ta2O5)1-x(TiO2)xceramics prepared by laser-sintering technique”, Appl. Phys. A 87 (4), 733-738(2007).
11.Y. Zhao,Y. J, Jiang, Y. Fang, “The influence of substrate temperature on ZnO thin films prepared by PLD technique”, J.
12.L. F. Ji,Y. J. Jiang, Yi Gao, Xinyu Du, “ Laser sintereing effects on the physical properties and structure of 0.94(K0.5Na0.5)NbO3¾0.06LiTaO3lead-free piezoelectric ceramics”,J. Laser Application,21(3), 124-128(2009)
13.L. F. Ji, Y. Z. Yan, Y. Bao andY. J. Jiang,“Crack-free cutting of thick and dense ceramics with CO2laser by single step process”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 46, 785-790(2008)。
14.L. F. Ji,Y. J. Jiang, “Laser sintering of transparent Ta2O5dielectric ceramics”,Materials Letters60(12), 1502 (2006).
15.L. F. Ji,Y. J. Jiang, “Dielectric and microstructure modification of Ta2O5ceramics by laser sintering”, Materials Letters 2006, 60(1), 86-89.
16.Y. Zhao,Y. J, Jiang, Y. Fang, “Quenching and enhancement of fluorescence of fullerence molecules on gold particle”, Chemical Physics 323, 169-172 (2006)(SCI收录)
17.Y. Zhao,Y. J. Jiang, “Investigation of room temperature UV emission of ZnO films with different defect densities induced by laser irradiation”, Spectrochimica Acta A76, 336-340(2010)
18.Y. L. Ji,Y. J. Jiang, J. Liu,“Analysis of Raman and infrared spectra of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) irradiated by KrF excimer laser”,Spectrochimica Acta A70(2), 297-300(2008).
19.Y. Zhao,Y. J, Jiang, Y. Fang, “Spectroscopy property of Ag nanoparticles”, Spectrochimica Acta A65, 1003-1006(2006).
20.Y. Zhao, Y. Fang,Y. J, Jiang, “Fluorescence study of fullerence in organic solvents at room temperature”, Spectrochimica Acta A64, 654-567 (2006)
21.Y. Wang,Y. J. Jiang, “
22.Y. Wang,Y. J. Jiang, “Composition dependence of dielectric properties of (Ta2O5)1-x(TiO2)xpolycrystalline ceramics”, Materials Science & Engineering B99, 221-225(2003).
23.Ruyan Guo,Y. J. Jiang, “Processing and annealing conditions on the dielectric properties of (Ta2O5)0.92(TiO2)0.08Ceramics”,Materials Letters57, 270-274(2002).
24.Y. J. Jiang, Ruyan Guo, A. S. Bhalla, “Single crystal growth and ferroelectric properties ofa<?/span>(Ba1-xSrx)Nb2O6:b(Na1-yKy)NbO3solid solutions family”, J. Appl. Phys. 82, 5140(1998).
25.Y. J. Jiang, R. Guo, A. S. Bhalla, “LHPG grown crystal fibers of MgTiO3-CaTiO3eutectic system”,J. Phys. Chem. Solid.1998, 59(5), 611-614.
26.Y. J. Jiang, R. Guo, A. S. Bhalla, “Growth and properties of CaTiO3single crystal fibers”,J. Electroceramics 1998, 2, 3, 199-203.
27.Y. J. Jiang, L. Z. Zeng, R. P. Wang, Y. Zhu, Y. L. Liu, “Fundamental and second-order Raman spectra of BaTiO
28.Y. J. Jiang, Y. Wang, L. Z. Zeng, Y. L. Liu, “Analysis of Raman spectra of LBO single crystals”, J. Raman Spec. 27, 601-606(1996).
29.Y. Wang,Y. J. Jiang, Y. L.Liu, F. Y. Cai, L. Z. Zeng, “The elastic and piezoelectric properties of lithium triborate single crystals”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 2462(1995).
30.Y. L. Liu,Y. J. Jiang, J. Q. Liu, Q. S. Fa, S. S. Xie, “Fundamental and high-order Raman spectra of C60films”, Phys. Rev. B49, 5058(1994).
39.蒋毅坚,常雷,“镧钙锰氧薄膜的制备方法”,国家发明专利专利号:ZL 53,授权公告日:2008年3月12日。
10.Agilent 4284型LCR计;
11.Agilent 4294型阻抗分析仪;
联系方式:E-mail: yjjiang@bjut.edu.cn,Tel: **