Laboratory of Electronic Packaging Research
College of Materials Science and Engineering
Tel/Fax: 86-
B.S., Beijing University of Technology (BJUT), 1994
M.S., Beijing University of Technology (BJUT), 1997
Ph.D., Michigan State University (MSU), 2001
Research Biography
Advanced interconnection materials in electronic packaging; alloying and composite approach in lead-free solder development; reliability characterization of solder joint; thermoelectric materials, etc.
Selected Publications
Ruihong Zhang, Guangchen Xu, Xitao Wang,Fu Guo, Andre Lee, and K.N. Subramanian, “Electromigration in Sn-Bi Modified with Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane”, Journal of Electronic Materials, 39(12), 2513(2010).
Fu Guo, Guangchen Xu, Hongwen He, Mengke Zhao, Jia Sun, and C. Henry Wang, "Effect of Electromigration and Isothermal Aging on the Formation of Metal Whiskers and Hillocks in Eutectic SnBi Solder Joints and Reaction Films", Journal of Electronic Materials, 38(12), 2647(2009).
Ruihong Zhang,Ran Zhao,Fu Guo,Xia, and Zhidong Xia, “Interfacial reaction between the electroless nickel immersion gold substrate and Sn-based solders”, Microelectronics Reliability, 49(3), 303(2009).
Fu Guo, Guangchen Xu, and Hongwen He, "Electromigration behaviors in Sb particle-reinforced composite eutectic SnAgCu solder joints", Journal of Materials Science, 44(20), 5595(2009).
Fu Guo, Guangchen Xu, Jia Sun, Zhidong Xia, Yongping Lei, Yaowu Shi, and Xiaoyan Li, "Resistance changes in eutectic SnBi solder joints during electromigration," Journal of Electronic Materials, 38(12), 2756(2009).
Fu Guo,Mengke Zhao, Zhidong Xia,Yongping Lei,Xiaoyan Li, andYaowu Shi, “Lead-free solders with rare earth additions”, JOM, 61(6), 39(2009).
Fu Guo, “Composite lead-free electronic solders”, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, volume 18, Numbers 1-3, ISSN 0957-4522 March 2007, pp.129
F. Guo, J.G. Lee, and K.N. Subramanian, “Electrical conductivity changes in bulk Sn, and eutectic Sn-Ag in bulk and in joints, from aging and thermal shock”, Journal of Materials Research, 20 (2), 364 (2005).
K.F. Hsu, S. Loo,F. Guo, W. Chen, J. S. Dyck, C. Uher, T. Hogan, E. K. Polychroniadis, M.G. Kanatzidis, “Cubic AgPbmSbTe2+m: Bulk Thermoelectric Materials with High Figure of Merit”,Science, 303, 818 (2004).
J.R. Salvador, D. Bilc, S.D. Mahanti, T. Hogan,F. Guo, and M.G. Kanatzidis, “Yb8Ge3Sb5, a metallic mixed-valent Zintl phase containing the polymeric 1(infinity)[Ge3(4-)] anions”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126 (14), 4474 (2004).
C.H. Kim, S.S. Kim,F. Guo, T. P. Hogan, T.J. Pinnavaia, “Polymer Intercalation in Mesostructured Carbon”,Advanced Materials, 16 (8), 736 (2004).
J.R. Salvador,F. Guo, T. Hogan, and M.G. Kanatzidis, “Zero Thermal Expansion in YbGaGe due to an Electronic Valence Transition”,Nature, 425, 704 (2003).
View My Projects
郭福男,1994年本科毕业、1997年硕士毕业于北京工业大学金属材料科学与工程学系(现材料科学与工程学院)。从1997年起赴美国留学,于2001年11月在美国密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)获得材料科学与工程专业的博士学位。2001年12月开始在美国密歇根州立大学电子与计算机工程系电子材料实验室进行博士后研究工作。
Fu Guo, professor of College of Materials Science and Engineering at Beijing University of Technology, got his Ph.D degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Michigan State University in 2001. He is currently the deputy dean of College of Materials Science and Engineering and the president of the Young Teachers Committee of Beijing University of Technology. His main research areas include the reliability study of electronic packaging materials and structures, materials joining, electronic composite materials, and thermoelectric materials for cooling and power generation applications. He has more than 80 publications in archival scientific journals, including Science, Nature, Advanced Materials, Journal of American Chemical Society, etc. He has published the first monograph on Lead-free Soldering Technology and Application in China, and the globally invited paper on Composite Electronic Solders in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. He is currently the P.I. for several state and municipal level research projects. He has won Outstanding Academic Achievement award from Michigan State University in 2001, Best Commended Paper award from Soldering and Surface Mount Technology in 2002, New Century Excellent Talent from Ministry of Education in 2004, May 4th Youth Medal from Beijing Municipality in 2006, Fok Ying-tung Young Teachers award in 2006, etc. He now serves as the vice secretary of China Materials Society Youth Committee, chair of the Manufacturing Technology Committee of Beijing Electronic Society, and the secretary of Electronic Packaging and Interconnect Materials Committee of TMS. He is also the head professor for several undergraduate and graduate courses. The course Fundamentals of Materials Science won the Beijing Municipal Program of Web-Delivery for Elaborate Courses in 2008.