

北京农学院 /2013-10-08

   http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2009.01.023 (Equally contributed to the paper as the first authors)

11 Fan-Zhen Meng1, Li-Ping Hu1, Shao-Hui Wang1, Xiao-lei Sui, Li wei, Yu-xia Wei, Jian-lei Sun, Zhen-xian Zhang. Effects of exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) on cucumber seedling leaf ,carbohydrate metabolism under low temperature. Plant growth regulation, 2008, 56(3):233-244   DIO 10.1007/s10725-008-9303-6 (Equally contributed to the paper as the first authors)

12 Wang Shaohui, Kong Yun, Zhang Jie,Yao Yuncong. Influence of low light on photosynthssis rate and carbohydrates in peach leaves. Acta Horticulturea, 2008,772, 283-286

13 Shaohui Wang, R Yang, J Zhao. J Li. Comparison of the blossom data and nutrition quality of some radish cultuvars. Acta Horticulturea, 2008, 769, 97-102 

14 Shao-hui Wang, Yun Kong, Rui Yang,Ji-hong Cheng and Jin-fang Zhao,Li-shan Si. Studies and Selection of Four Tomato Cultivars on the Resistance to Race 3 Meloidogyne incognita Nematodes. Acta Hort. 821, ISHS 2009,95-98  ISBN 978-90-66052-69-7  2009.03

15 Rui Yang, Jihong Cheng, Chen Zhang, Shao-hui Wang. Selection of tomato cultivars with resistance to root knot nematodes. ICEE,2011,9:7807-7810

16 Transport Tracer in Phloem between Scion and Stock of Graft Tomato. ICEE, 2011, 9:8920-8722

17 Shao-hui Wang, Yun Kong, Rui Yang,Ji-hong Cheng and Jin-fang Zhao,Li-shan Si. Studies and Selection of Four Tomato Cultivars on the Resistance to Race 3 Meloidogyne incognita Nematodes. Acta Hort. 821, ISHS 2009,95-98

18 S Wang, R Yang, J Cheng, J Zhao.Effect of rootstocks on the tolerance to high temperature of eggplants under solar greenhouse during summer season. Acta Horticultural. 2007,761,357-362

 19 Shaohui Wang, Shuangxi Fan, Yun Kong, Qingjun Chen.Effect of light quality on the growth and photosynthethetic characteristics of cucumber Cucumis sativus L. under solar greenhouse. Acta Horticulturea, 2007,731, 243-250

20 Shaohui Wang, Fuman Zhang. Effect of different water treatments on photosynthesis characteristics and leaf ultrastructure of cucumber growing in solar greenhouse.  Acta Horticultural. 2004,633,398-401

21 WANG Shao-hui, ZHANG Fu-man. Effect of water treatments on ABA and polyamine content of cucumber growing in solar greenhouse.  Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2004, 24(12): 2848-2852

22 Shaohui Wang, RuiYang, Jinfang Zhao, Diqin Chen, Lilin Xu. Evaluation and analysis the quality of radish. China vegetable,2006, (4):22-23(in Chinese)

23 Shaohui Wang, Fuman Zhang .Effect of Water Deficiency on Growth and Metabolization of Some Matter of Cucumber in Solar Greenhouse. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2004,31(6):743-746(in Chinese)

24 WANG Shao_Hui ZHANG Fu_Man. Effect of Different Water Treatments on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Cucumber Plants Growing in Solar Greenhouse. Chinese Bulletin of Botany,2002,19(6):727-733 (in Chinese)

25 Fan Shuangxi; Wang Shaohui. Endurance to high temperature stress of grafted tomato. Transactions of The Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2005(s):60-63 (in Chinese)

26 Guan Meizhi;; Fan Shuangxi; Wang Shaohui; Qin Yong; Gao Jie. Effect of Various Root Stocks on the Growth and of Grafted Tomato in Different Period under Solar Hreenhouse. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2005(9):324-326(in Chinese)

Book Chapters

1 Wang Yu, Wang Shaohui.Sightseeing vegetable for pot cultivation,China forest press,2002.

2 WangShaohui, Zhao Jinfang. How to progress vegetables production in suburb besides big city. Jindun Press, 2006

3 Zhenxian Zhang, Xizhen AI, Shaohui Wang, Xiaolei Sui..How to grow ginger, China agriculture press,2006

4 Zhenxian Zhang, Shaohui Wang,. How to grow Chinese cabbage. China agriculture university press,2007

Research Interestings

Small RNAs induced by root knot nematodes

Small RNAs and JA

Root stocks for horticulture



万平,博士后,教授,硕导,北京农学院小豆研究团队带头人。2000年,在南京农业大学获农学博士学位。2000-2002,中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所博士后。 2011年,在日本National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences进行合作研究。2009年,到英国Harper Adams University College做访问学者。研究方向:小豆及其近缘物种分子遗传与育种。主要从事食用豆类分子遗传与育种、基因定位和克隆及功能分析、转基因、豆科比较基因组学、种质资源创新与利用研究。长期从事植物分子遗传学与育种的科研和教学工作,在植物育种、基因定位、基因克隆与功能分析、比较基因组学研究方面积累了丰富的经验。参加过多项国家高科技攀登计划“863”、“973”、重大研究项目,主持完成科研项目4项。在研项目5项,主持国家自然科学基金1项和北京市教委在研项目3项,参与国家转基因专项研究。主持育成小豆新品种京农21号,京农22号,多次出席国际学术会议。
已在《Plant Molecular Biology》、《Euphytic》、《Agricultural Science & Technology》、《Legume Genomics and Genetics》、African Journal of Biotechnology、《中国农业科学》、《作物学报》、《遗传学报》、《植物学报》、《分子植物育种》等国内外核心刊物上发表论文40多篇,其中SCI论文4篇。副主编全国农林高等院校“十一五”规划教材《应用文写作》、参编国家“十一五”规划教材《农学概论》、参编国家“十二五”规划教材《农业生物技术》和《细胞遗传学》,副主编高等学校教材《蛋白质工程简明教》,出版农业科技著作1部。
