

北京农学院 /2013-10-08

            B.S. 1999-2003. Horticulture, College of Landscape and Horticulture,Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu, China. Thesis title: Analysis of Mineral elements in jujube branches during sprout stage.



My research interests are mainly in the area of Organic Cultivation of Tree Fruit; Tree Fruit Germplasm Resource;Fruit quality; Leaf  and fruit color of ornamental plant .



Li Xiao-Peng, Li Xin-Gang, Wu Gao-Lin, Wei Xue-Hong and Sun Lei. “Yak and Tibet sheep grazing ingestion restrain seed germination of two Saussurea species in Tibetan meadow” , African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(40), pp. 6670-6674, 4 October, 2010



Zhang Jie, Yao Yuncong*, John G. Streeter and David C. Ferree. Activities of Some Enzymes associated with Oxygen Metablolism、Lipid Peroxidation and Cell Permeability in dehydrated M.micromalus Seedling. African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 9(17), pp. 2521-2526, 26 April, 2010.(IF 0.545)

Zhang Jie, Kong Yun, Wang Shaohui and Yao Yuncong*. Influence of Soil Drought Stress on the Photosynthesis, Carbohydrates and the N,P Absorb in Different Section Leaves at Stem of Fugi/M.9EMLA Young Apple seedlings . African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 9(33), pp. 5320-5325, 16 August, 2010.(IF 0.545)

Song Beizhou, Zhang Jie, Hu Jinghui, Wu Hongying, Kong Yun and Yao Yuncong*. Temporal dynamics of the arthropod community in pear orchards intercropped with aromatic plants. Pest Manag Sci 2011; 67: 1107–1114.(IF 2.313)

Ji Tian, Hongxiang Shen, Jie Zhang, Tingting Song, Yuncong  Yao* . Characteristics of chalcone synthase promoters from different leaf-color malus crabapple cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae, 129 (2011) :449–458.(IF 1.129)

Jin Kaina, Zhang Jie, Liu Junli, Geng Hui, Shen Hongxiang and Yao Yuncong*. Establishment of high effective regeneration and propagation system for ornamental crabapple (Malus spp.). African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 10(34), pp. 6447-6455, 11 July, 2011         




Horticultural Plant Culture,Plant breeding in horticulture  ,Plant Cell and Tissue Culture, Organic Agriculture,  Authentication on Safety of Agricultural Products      ……



Chair  of  Key Laboratory of Beijing Municipality of Stress Physiology and Molecular Biology for Tree Fruit ,2008-2009





Conferences, 2005-present


International Workshop on Biology of Fruit Quality,Hangzhou city, China,2011.10


Seminar for construction and regulation of fruit quality, Hangzhou city, China,2008.12





First name: Liandi    Family name: Zhou    Sex: Male

Birth Date: July 7, 1963     Marital status: Married

Degree: PH.D ( Pomology Science)        

Academic title: Professor


Address: Institute of Integrated Development of Agriculture, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences Haidian, Beijing,China

Postcode: 100097

Telephone: +86-010-5153587        Mobile: +86-13801309716

E-mail: liandizhou@126.com  


09/2006 – 07/2003

Doctor           Department of Pomology Sciences, China Agriculture University, Beijing , P.R. China

09/1998 – 07/2001

Master           Department of Agricultural Economic Management, China Renmin University , Beijing, P.R. China

Bachelor         Department of Forestry Science, Shenyang Agriculture University, Shenyang,

09/1998 – 07/2001

P.R. China.


More than 25 years of experience and strong skills in fruits resources utilization and agricultural resources management, particularly in the areas of mountainous-regional resources utilization. In recent years, directed researching National(Ministry of S&T) Projects and Municipal(Beijing S&T Commission) Projects more than 50, taking agricultural engineering consulting projects more than 100, Popularization of agro-technologies in Beijing suburbs more than 100, Got 12 rewards of Municipal S&T, Got 3 municipal advanced individual's title, Published dissertation more than 80(the first author and correspondence author more than 30), Published  5 monographs, Obtained 5 patent of invention, approved 19 fruits varieties.


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    中国农业科学院 免费考研网 2013-10-07
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    中国农业科学院 免费考研网 2013-10-07
  • 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所研究生导师简介-马双武
    马双武,汉族,中共党员,学士,副研究员,1987年毕业于华中农业大学园艺系,一直从事西瓜甜瓜种质资源的研究工作,2001年至今承担国家西瓜甜瓜中期库工作。主持国家科技基础性工作西瓜甜瓜种质资源的搜集、整理与保存(2001~2003),农业部种质 ...
    中国农业科学院 免费考研网 2013-10-07
  • 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所研究生导师简介-刘文革
    刘文革,男,1966年生。博士,研究员,博士研究生导师,国家西甜瓜产业技术体系多倍体育种岗位科学家,全国无籽西瓜科研与生产协作组组长,中国农业科学院三级岗位杰出人才,《中国瓜菜》《长江蔬菜》等期刊编委,国际瓜类遗传学会会员。美国得克萨斯A&M大学高级访问学者,加拿大圭尔夫大学高级英语班学员。中国农业 ...
    中国农业科学院 免费考研网 2013-10-07
  • 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所研究生导师简介-徐永阳
    徐永阳,1966年6月生,中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所西甜瓜研究发展中心副主任,研究员,中国农业科学院三级杰出人才,全国甜瓜育种协作组组长,《中国瓜菜》和《果农之友》杂志编委,河南省优秀专家,河南省农作物品种审定委员会瓜菜专业组成员。长期从事甜瓜西瓜的遗传育种研究,育出的甜瓜、西瓜品种有8个通过国家 ...
    中国农业科学院 免费考研网 2013-10-07
  • 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所研究生导师简介-古勤生
    古勤生,研究员,1965年生,2001年毕业于中国农大植物病理获博士学位,意大利科学院访问学者。中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所果树瓜类生物技术研究中心主任,中国农业科学院三级岗位杰出人才(生物技术)。现任《果树学报》、《中国西瓜甜瓜》和《果农之友》编委、河南省植物病理学会常务理事,河南省植物病理学会经 ...
    中国农业科学院 免费考研网 2013-10-07
  • 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所研究生导师简介-李秀根
    李秀根,汉族,西北农林科技大学毕业,农学学士,研究员,中国园艺学会梨分会副理事长,河南省政府优秀专家,一直从事果树资源与品种选育研究。从事的主要研究工作有:19811992年承担本所《梨品种选育研究》;19861989年承担国家自然科学基金项目《梨属植物的起 ...
    中国农业科学院 免费考研网 2013-10-07