

北京农学院 /2013-10-08

Zhang Ning, female, born in 1967, was awarded a master’s degree in Business Administration by Beijing Technology and Business and bachelor’s degree in Economics by Beijing Normal University. Now she is an associate professor and master tutor at School of Economics and Management of Beijing University of Agriculture. She is also the members of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Chinese Institute of Registered Tax Agents. As a visiting scholar, she went to Europe and the United States of America for her financial research. She is mainly engaged in financial accounting and auditing areas related to the teaching and research work. The main teaching courses she focused on are " Financial Accounting ", " Auditing ", " Financial Management ", " Principle of Accounting "etc. She also edited more than 10 textbooks such as" Financial Accounting ", " Auditing " etc. and 3 academic books such as " Contemporary Rural Financial Theory and Practice ", " Financial Management Strategies of Logistics Enterprise in Beijing " and " Study on Tax Planning Based on the Financial Management of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises " . She published over 20 academic papers as well. Meanwhile, she hosted and participated in several research projects, which  were financed by Beijing Municipal Personnel Bureau for returned overseas students and scholars and by Beijing Municipal Education Commission etc.




张志强 男, 1968年生,内蒙古呼和浩特市人, 中共党员,副教授,硕士生导师。1988年就读于内蒙古农业大学,获得经济学学士学位。1994 年就读于中国农业大学,获得工学硕士学位。1997年至今在北京农学院任教,主要讲授金融学、管理学、房地产经营管理、财务管理等教学课程。2006年入选“北京中青年骨干教师”。编写教材6部,其中主编3部。研究领域主要涉及农村经济与政策、土地流转、农村产业结构方面,主持与参与的研究项目11项,其中主持省部级项目4项,编写著作5部,其中合作编写3部,在公开期刊发表论文50余篇。
1 中国粮食生产波动分析与预警研究    课题组成员 1994年   国家自然科学基金   
2 中国粮食生产波动原因研究          课题主持人 1998年   北京农学院基金项目
3北京郊区农民收入增长制约因素研究   课题主持人 2003年   北京农学院基金项目
4北京郊区农民收入增长变动制约因素与长效机制研究   课题主持人 2004年北京市委组织部优秀人才资助项目
5中国粮食供求价格波动与粮食安全问题研究   课题主持人 2006年   北京教育委员会
6北京农地资源优化配置研究                 课题主持人 2008年   北京教育委员会
7北京农学院工商管理专业优秀教学团队建设   课题第一主持人 2010年 北京农学院教改项目
8北京重点小城镇建设动力机制研究   课题主持人 2011年   北京社会科学基金基地项目
9都市型农业院校工商管理专业人才培养创新模式研究   课题主持人 2011年 北京农学院教改项目
10北京城乡结合部社区管理研究   课题第一主持人 2011年   北京社会科学联合会
                        Zhang Zhiqiang – Biography
Zhang Zhiqiang Male,Born in1968,Hohhot, Inner Mongolia people,Associate Professor,Associate Professor,Master Instructor。1988 studied at the Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Bachelor's degree in economics。Studied at the China Agricultural University in 1994,A master's degree inengineering。Since 1997 to teach at Beijing University of Agriculture,Mainly teaches finance、Management、Real estate management、Financial managementtutorial。appeared in the "2006 Beijing youth backbone teachers"。Textbooks six,Including threeofeditor。The research is mainly related to the rural economy and policy, land transfer, the industrial structure in rural areas,Host and participate inresearch projectseleven,Which presided over the provincial and ministerial level four,Writing bookfive,Which wasco-authoredthree,Published in the publicjournalsfifty。
Major research projects:
One China's grain production fluctuation analysis and early warning Task Force members In1994 National Natural Science Foundation of China
Two Chinese fluctuations of grain production Honored In1998 Beijing Agricultural Fund
