

北京农学院 /2013-10-08

Mainly engaged in landscape ecology research, and research direction for the landscape pattern and land use change, namely: the social and natural drive mechanism of land use change and its environmental effect, etc. Hosted and joined the subjects are as follows:
Presided over the subjects:
1.         National Natural Science Foundation of China General Program: “The regulation mechanism research of landscape pattern and process principle used in Beijing suburbs agricultural nonpoint source pollution” (Number: 40871232; Execution time: 2009, 1-2011, 12);
2.         National Natural Science Foundation of China for Youth Scholar Program: “The application of the outskirts of sustainable land use based on the landscape ecological and thermal infrared remote sensing” (Number: 40501029; Execution time: 2006, 1-2008, 12);
3.         National Study Foundation and the Dutch Government Scholarship Exchange Program: “The research of land use space-time evolution and sustainable management mode in Daxing district of Beijing” (2008, 10-2009, 10);
4.         The Beijing Municipal Education Commission Key Laboratory for Agricultural Application and New Technique Open Subject of Beijing University of Agriculture: “Pinggu big peach recommended fertilization expert system research and development” (2007, 1-2008, 12);
5.         Beijing talents training Program: “The research of ecological tourism resources quantitative in Beijing shallow mountain -A case study in Changping” (2006, 1-2007, 12);
6.         Beijing University of Agriculture Introduce Talents Program: “The study on evaluation index system of green space ecological benefit in Beijing” (2005, 1-2008, 12).
Participate in the subjects:
1.         Sino-Dutch Cooperation Project: “The research of sustainable use of regional land resources in different levels scale based on crop model and 3S technology” (Number: SAIL-SPP 299.399; Execution time: 2000, 1-2004, 12);
2.         National Natural Science Foundation of China General Program: “The study on sustainable operation method in Tianshan forest ecological system” (Number: 39660066; Execution time: 1997, 1-1999, 12);
3.         National Natural Science Foundation of China General Program: “The study on ecological function in Tianshan spruce coarse woodiness residues” (Number: 39960063; Execution time: 2000, 1-2002, 12);

National Natural Science Foundation of China General Program: “The research of the crop growth simulation and early warning by inversion crop canopy temperature based on remote sensing” (Number: 30270776; Execution time: 2003, 1-2005, 12).


赵和文,男,1967年出生,副教授,硕士。曾任北京农学院园林学院党总支书记,现任北京农学院党委组织部部长。目前主持教委课题《北京及其周边地区乡土攀援植物引种驯化与栽培应用研究》, 作为骨干人员参加国家星火计划项目《大型观赏树木(果树)特大容器栽植园》的研究等项目,参编国家“十一五”规划教材《园林苗圃学》,主编及参编教材多部,获得国家实用新型专利三项,发表论文多篇。目前在教学上主讲《园林苗圃学》、《森林培育学》等课程,科研上主要从事园林植物栽培与应用的研究。


Personal Information
Personal Information
Name: Zhao Hewen
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1967
Position: Associate Professor
Education: Master degree
 Working Experience
Former: as Party branch secretary of Landscape Architecture School in Beijing     University of Agriculture
Present: as minister of the Organization Department of the Party Committee of Beijing University of Agriculture,Teaching "Nursery Gardening", "Silviculture"
and so on
Research direction
  Cultivation and application of garden plants
Recentely Publications
With the decades' studies and practice, Professor Zhao concluded his thoughts and ideas in the books and articles. He has participated in the editor of 11th Five-Year National Programmed Textbooks-"Nursery Gardening", edited and participated in several textbooks, published many articles and there are three technics that gaining the practical new type patents of the nation.
Research projects
At present, Professor Zhao hosts board of education subject--study of native climbing plants' introduction and domestication as well as cultivation and application of Beijing and its surrounding areas; he also as the a backbone personnel to the national Spark Program projects--study of super-large container planting garden of large ornamental trees (fruit trees).


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