

北京农学院 /2013-10-08

Personal information:
Name: Zhang Kezhong              Sex: Male
Year of Birth: 1968                      Degree: Doctor
Job Title: Professor
Position: The Subdecanal of Landscape and Plant Department being in charge of scientific research and postgraduate education
In 1990, he graduated from Hua Zhong Agricultural University , majoring in the ornamental horticulture  and obtaining bachelor's degree of agriculture;
In 1996, he graduated from Beijing Forestry University, majoring in  landscape plantand obtaining master’s degree of agriculture;
In 2003, he graduated from Beijing Forestry University , majoring in Ornamental Plants and Horticulture and obtaining doctor’s degree of agriculture;
In 2003, he was chosen into Nova of Beijing science and technology;
In 2005, he was chosen into Beijing youth backbone teachers.
In the past, he conducted and attended several scientific research projects, including the National “Fifteen” tackle hard-nut problems in science and technology project, the Nova of Beijing science and technology project, Beijing Municipal Education Commission project and Beijing science and technology innovation platform project .At now, he is conducting the projects of the natural science foundation of Beijing and Beijing agricultural commission project.
The project germplasm propagation, genetic relationship and cross breeding> was identified by Beijing Council for Science and Technology and gained the third prize of The Sixth China Flowers Expo. As the first participant, he finished the projects of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission of and the Beijing Science Foundation of < The search of the radiation inducing lily’s male sterile> were up to the standard of Beijing Council for Science and Technology and obtained the Bronze Award of the fifth China Flowers Expo and the third prize of the fifth China Flowers Expo ,respectively .Besides ,he also joined the project of germplasm resource and fine varieties breeding and cultivation techniques system>.The project gained the prize of the fourth China Flowers Expo .He published papers more than 30,and he ,as the first author , published one book ,as the second author, published two books ,and he participated in editing one book. He also published one popularization of science book and participated in editing one popularization of science book , respectively.
In teaching respect, he is in charge of the undergraduate’s teaching including and and the master’s teaching including and .In scientific research respect, he undertakes the study of flower breeding, flower culturing and flower fine varieties breeding and the flowers include lily, flamingo and chrysanthemum. He obtained some attainments in the search of lily’s source, breeding and fine varieties breeding.







Name: DUANBi-hua (DUANBihua, Ph.D) 
Citizen: P.R.China.
Date of Birth:Dec. 14, 1968
Address:    College of Plant Science and Technology
Beijing University of Agriculture
7 Beinong Road, Huilongguan,
Email:dbhbac@sohu.com;   dbhbac@bac.edu.cn
2002-2005  Ph D , College of Forestry,
Beijing Forestry University, China


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