

北京农学院 /2013-10-08

2004-present: Tutor of Master student in Clinic Veterinary Science and Basal Veterinary Science of  Beijing University of Agriculture.
2004-present: Cotutor of Master student and Doctor student in Clinic Veterinary Science and Basal Veterinary Science of China Agricultural University.
Research projects
2011-2015 in charge of National Twelve-Five Technological Supported Plan of China (No. 2011BAD34B0102, 3,30,000 RMB)
2008~2010 in charge of National Eleven-Five Technological Supported Plan of China: “R&D of Feed additives of Traditional Chinese Medicine” (No. 2008BADB4B07,7,780,000 RMB);
2008-2010 in charge of National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Effect of heat stress on the structure and function of epithelial mucosa in swine small intestine” (No. 30771566, 350,000 RMB)
2013-2016 in charge of National Natural Science Foundation of China:“EGF/EGFR-MAPKs-microRNAs pathway mediated repair in heat stress-porcine intestinal mucosa” (31272478,800,000 RMB)
2010-2012 in charge of Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Technology Project,: Study on Feed additives of Chinese Medicine for animal transportation stress. (201003060,1,500,000 RMB)
2010-2012 in charge of Academic Innovative Group Programs of Beijing Education Committee, “Academic Innovative Group Programs of Feed additives of Chinese Medicine” (1,500,000 RMB)
Main publications
1.        Jin Yu, Fenghua Liu, Peng Yin, Xiaoyu Zhu, Guiling Cheng, Ning Wang,An Lu, Weili Luan, Nuowei Zhang, Jiefeng Li, Kaijun Guo, Yulong Yin,Huichuan Wang, , Jianqin Xu. Integrating miRNA and mRNA Expression Profiles in Response to Heat Stress-Induced Injury in Rat Small Intestine. Functional & Integrative Genomics. 2011,11:203-213. IF 3.82.
2.        Liu F H, Yin J D, Du M, Yan P S, Xu J Q, Zhu X Y, Yu J. Heat Stress induced Damage to Porcine Small Intestinal Epithelium associated with Down-Regulation of Epithelial Growth Factor (EGF) Signaling. Journal of Animal Science. 2009,6(87):1941-1949 , IF 2.466.
3.        Yu Jin, Yin Peng, Liu Fenghua.. Involvement of ERK1/2 signaling pathway in heat stress-induced damage and expression change of growth factors in rat jejunum and IEC-6 cells. International Journal of Hyperthermia. 2010,10; 26(6): 538–555, Corresponding author. IF 2.713.
4.        Jin Yu, Peng Yin, Fenghua Liu, Xiaoyu Zhu, Guilin Cheng, An Lu, Weili Luan, Jianqin Xu. Effect of heat stress on porcine small intestine: a study of morphological and gene expression. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 119–128. IF 2.196.
5.        An Lu, Huichuan Wang, Xiaolin Hou, Huanrong Li, Guilin Cheng, Ning Wang, Xiaoyu Zhu, Jin Yu, Weili Luan, Fenghua Liu, Jianqin Xu. Microarray analysis of gene expression profiles of rat small intestine in response to heat stress. Journal of Biomolecular Screening. 2011 16(6):655-67 IF 2. 5.
6.        Jiefeng Li, Huanrong Li, Nuowei Zhang, Wuren Ma, Guilin Cheng, Faqiang Liu, Fenghua Liu, Jianqin Xu Effects of Astragalus polysaccharide on peripheral blood lymphocytes in pigs inoculated with Foot-and-mouth disease virus vaccine. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2011 1;49(3):362-8. IF 2.366
7.        K. J. Guo, W. Wang, X. Z. Song, F. H. Liu, J. Q. Xu, I. Zoccarato. Antioxidant function of the active components of some traditional Chinese medicines. Journal of Animal Science. 2011, IF 2.5..
8.        Xiaoxi Liu, Huanrong Li, An Lu, Yougang Zhong, Xiaolin Hou1,Ning Wang, Dan Jia, Junlan Zan, Hong Zhao, Jianqin Xu, &Fenghua Liu Reduction of intestinal mucosal immune function in heat- stressed rats and bacterial translocation. Journal of Hyperthermia. 2012: EPUB, (SCI: IF1.9).
9.        Zhu Xiaoyu; Ming Wang; Yujie Wang; Fenghua Liu; Tongquan Yu; Jianqin Xu; Jin Yu. Taguchi approach for anti-heat stress prescription compatibility in mice spleen lymphocytes in vitro. Archives of Pharmacal Research. 2011, 34(7):1125-33 IF 1.588.
10.    Hong Dong, Yougang Zhong, Fenghua Liu, Kai Yang, Jin Yu, Jianqin Xu. Regulating Effects and Mechanisms of Chinese Medicine Decoction on Growth and Gut Hormone Expression in Heat Stressed Pigs。Livestock Science. 10.1016/j.livsci.2011.08.015. 143 (2012), pp. 77-84 IF 1.41






高建明,女,1960年12月出生,中共党员。 1983年毕业于北京农学院畜牧专业,获农学学士学位,1996年获中国农业科学院动物繁殖专业硕士学位。1983年北京农学院留校任教。 1983—1988年任助教,1988—1997年任讲师,1997—2002年任副教授,2002年至今为北京农学院动物科学技术学院教授,基础兽医学、临床兽医学硕士生导师及养殖领域(专业学位)导师。研究方向:动物繁殖生物技术,主要从事哺乳动物卵巢、配子和胚胎生长发育机理的研究,并首次提出进行中药有效成分对胚胎体外发育的作用研究。社会兼职:中国畜牧兽医学会动物繁殖学分会常务理事,北京畜牧兽医学会理事会理事,《中国农业科学》、《畜牧兽医学报》、《中国畜牧杂志》等期刊审稿专家。曾被评为北京市高等学校优秀青年骨干教师、入选北京市跨世纪优秀人才、北京农学院学科带头人、北京农学院教书育人先进工作者。2011年在教育部、科学技术部、中国科学院、国家自然科学基金委员会联合开展的“10000个科学难题”征集活动中荣获“优秀撰稿人”奖荣誉证书。2010年被《中国农业科学》评为优秀审稿专家。2011年获北京农学院研究生就业工作突出贡献导师。
