本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-16
(1)英文学术专著:A Novel Micro-generation System Using Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) Panel,ISBN 978-7-5121-3246-7,北京交通大学出版社,2017。
(2)中文学术专著:热管式太阳能PV/T系统性能研究与优化,ISBN 978-7-111-56749-3,机械工业出版社,2017。
(3)(2020) Hongbing Chen, Siqi Li, Yutong Gong, Pingjun Nie, Xiangjie Chen, Congcong Wang, Experimental study on characteristics of a Nano-enhanced phase change material slurry for low temperature solar energy collection, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2020 (SCI, Accepted)
(4)(2019) Wei He, Cairui Yu, Jichun Yang, Bendong Yu, Hongbing Chen. Experimental study on the performance of a novel RC-PCM-wall, Energy and Buildings, Volume 199, 15 September 2019, Pages 297-310. (SCI)
(5)(2019) Bendong Yu, Jichun Yang, Wei He, Minghui Qin, Hongbing Chen. The performance analysis of a novel hybrid solar gradient utilization photocatalytic-thermal-catalytic-Trombe wall system. Energy, Volume 174, 1 May 2019, Pages 420-435. (SCI)
(6)(2019) Hongbing Chen*, Yutong Gong, Ping Wei, Pingjun Nie, Yaxuan Xiong, Congcong Wang, Experimental study on the performance of a phase change slurry-based heat pipe solar photovoltaic/thermal cogeneration system, International Journal of Photoenergy, Volume 2019, Article ID 9579357, 10 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/9579357 (SCI)
(7)(2018) Bendong Yu, Qingyang Jiang, Wei He, Shanshan Liu, Hongbing Chen. The performance analysis of a novel TC-Trombe wall system in heating seasons. Applied Energy, Volume 215, 1 April 2018, Pages 699-716. (SCI)
(8)(2018) Song Lv, Wei He, Qingyang Jiang, Zhongting Hu, Hongbing Chen, Minghou Liu. Study of different heat exchange technologies influence on the performance of thermoelectric generators Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 156, 15 January 2018, Pages 167-177. (SCI)
(9)(2018) Hongbing Chen*, Haoyu Niu, Lei Zhang, Yaxuan Xiong, Huixing Zhai, Jinzhe Nie, Performance testing of a heat pipe PV/T heat pump system under different working modes, International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, Volume 13, Issue 2, 1 June 2018, Pages 177–183. (SCI)
(10)(2018) Bendong Yu, Jingxin Hou, Wei He, Shanshan Liu, Zhongting Hu, Jie Ji, Hongbing Chen, Gang Xu, Study on a high-performance photocatalytic-Trombe wall system for space heating and air purification, Applied Energy 226 (2018) 365–380. (SCI)
(11)(2018) Xiong Yaxuan, An Shuo, Xu Peng*, Ding Yulong, Li Chuan, Zhang Qunli, Chen Hongbing*, A novel expander-depending natural gas pressure regulation configuration: Performance analysis, Applied Energy 220 (2018) 21–35. (SCI)
(12)(2017) Song Lv, Wei He, Dengyun Hu, Jian Zhu, Guiqiang Li, Hongbing Chen, Minghou Liu. Study on a high-performance solar thermoelectric system for combined heat and power. Energy Conversion and Management. Volume 143, 1 July 2017, Pages 459-469. (SCI)
(13)(2017) Zhongting Hu, Wei He, Dengyun Hu, Song Lv, Jie Ji, Hongbing Chen, Jinwei Ma. Design, construction and performance testing of a PV blind-integrated Trombe wall module. Applied Energy, Volume 203, 1 October 2017, Pages 643-656. (SCI)
(14)(2017) Bendong Yu, Wei He, Niansi Li, Liping Wang, Hongbing Chen, Jie Ji,Gang Xu. Experimental and numerical performance analysis of a TC-Trombe wall. Applied Energy, Volume 206, 15 November 2017, Pages 70-82. (SCI)
(15)(2017) Bendong Yu, Wei He, Niansi Li, Fan Zhou, Hongbing Chen, Gang Xu. Experiments and kinetics of solar PCO for indoor air purification in PCO/TW system. Building and Environment, Volume 115, April 2017, Pages 130-146. (SCI)
(16)(2017) Hongbing Chen, Lei Zhang, Pengfei Jie, Yaxuan Xiong, Peng Xu, Huixing Zhai, Performance study of heat-pipe solar photovoltaic/thermal heat pump system, Applied Energy, 2017(190): 960-980. (SCI)
(17)(2017) Zhiyin Duan, Xudong Zhao, Changhong Zhan, Xuelin Dong, Hongbing Chen, Energy saving potential of a counter-flow regenerative evaporative cooler for various climates of China: Experiment-based evaluation, Energy and Buildings 148 (2017) 199–210. (SCI)
(18)(2017) Zhongting Hu, Wei He, Jie Ji, Dengyun Hu, Song Lv, Hongbing Chen, Zhihe Shen,Comparative study on the annual performance of three types of building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) Trombe wall system,Applied Energy, Volume 194, 15 May 2017, Pages 81-93. (SCI)
(19)(2016) Peng Xu, Xiaoli Ma, Thierno M.O. Diallo, Xudong Zhao, Kevin Fancey, Deying Li, Hongbing Chen, Numerical investigation of the energy performance of a guideless irregular heat and mass exchanger with corrugated heat transfer surface for dew point cooling, Energy, 109 (2016):803-817. (SCI)
(20) (2016) Guiqiang Li, Gan Zhang, Wei He, Jie Ji, Song Lv, Xiao Chen, Hongbing Chen. Performance analysis on a solar concentrating thermoelectric generator using the micro-channel heat pipe array. Energy Conversion and Management, 112 (2016):191–198. (SCI)
(21) (2016) Bendong Yu, Niansi Li, Wei He, Jie Ji, Shengyao Zhang, Hongbing Chen. Multifunctional solar wall for dehumidification, heating and removal of formaldehyde: Part 1. System description, preparation and performance of SiO2/TiO2 adsorbent. Building and Environment, 100 (2016): 203-214. (SCI)
(22) (2016) He Wei,Hong Xiaoqiang,Luo Bingqing,Chen Hongbing,Ji Jie. CFD and comparative study on the dual-function solar collectors with and without tile-shaped covers in water heating mode, Renewable Energy, v 86, p 1205-1214, February 01, 2016. (SCI)
(23) (2016) Lv, Song; He, Wei; Wang, Liping; Li, Guiqiang; Ji, Jie; Chen Hongbing; Zhang, Gan, Design, fabrication and feasibility analysis of a thermo-electric wearable helmet, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Volume 109, Part A, 25 October 2016, Pages 138-146. (SCI)
(24) (2016) Xiong, Yaxuan; Shi, Jianfeng; Wu, Yuting; Ma, Chongfang; Chen, Hongbing, Preparation and investigation on density and surface tension of quaternary bromides for concentrating solar power, SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, 2016 Volume 157, December 2016, Pages 709-715. (SCI)
(25) (2015) Hongbing Chen*, Xilin Chen, Sai Chu, Lei Zhang, Yaxuan Xiong, Numerical and experimental study on energy performance of photovoltaic-heat pipe solar collector in Northern China, International Journal of Photoenergy, Vol.2015, Article ID 321829, 1-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/321829 (SCI)
(26) (2015) Wei He, Fengshou Liu, Jie Ji, Shengyao Zhang and Hongbing Chen. Safety Analysis of Solar Module under Partial Shading, International Journal of Photoenergy, Vol. 2015, Article ID 907282, 8 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/907282 (SCI)
(27) (2014) Hongbing Chen*, Hanwan Ding, Songyu Liu, Xilin Chen, Wei Wu, Qi Wang, Experimental study on heat and moisture transfer in soil during soil heat charging for solar-soil source heat pump compound system, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014(70):1018-1024. (SCI)
(28) (2011) Hongbing Chen*, Saffa B Riffat, Yu Fu. Experimental study on a hybrid photovoltaic/heat pump system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011(31): 4132-4138. (SCI)
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职称:副教授 博士/硕士导师:硕士研究生导师 办公室电话: 010-68322535 电子邮箱:yanghui@bucea.edu.cn 所在系所(部门):环境与能源工程学院,建筑热能系 主要研究方向 室内人工热湿环境和空气质量、建筑火灾烟气控制技术、通风空调制冷 ...北京建筑大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-16北京建筑大学环境与能源工程学院导师教师信息介绍简介-聂金哲
聂金哲,北京建筑大学副教授、硕士生导师;北京市第十三批海外高层次人才。讲授本科生课程《工程热力学》、《热工基础(英文教学)》,研究生课程《现代供热技术及应用》、《建筑热过程》。 主要研究方向: 绿色建筑评价标准及设计方法,室内空气净化理论及方法,新型暖通空调设备,自动控制在暖通空 ...北京建筑大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-16北京建筑大学环境与能源工程学院导师教师信息介绍简介-李锐
? 姓名 李锐职称: 教授博士/硕士导师: 硕士导师办公室电话: 68322535电子邮箱: lirui@bucea.edu.cn 所在系所(部门): 建筑热能工程系主要研究方向: 1 通风空调制冷技术与设备 2 供热与热能利用 校内外学术及行政兼职: 环境与能源工程学院建筑热能工程系主任教育经历 ...北京建筑大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-16北京建筑大学环境与能源工程学院导师教师信息介绍简介-张金萍
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邵宗义男1961年出生国籍 中国民族 籍贯 天津 技术职称:副教授 所在学科:工程硕士 指导专业:建筑与土木工程 导师类别:硕导 所在学科:土木工程 指导专业:供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程 导师类别:硕导 工作单位:北京建筑大学 所在单位(部门):环境与能源工程学院 所聘学院:环境与能源 ...北京建筑大学 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-16