
北京建筑大学测绘与城市空间信息学院导师教师信息介绍简介-黄 鹤

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-16

  2000年毕业于武汉测绘科技大学GIS与地图学专业,获工学学士学位;2010年毕业于韩国成均馆大学(SungKyunKwan University),获工学硕士、博士学位。现任测绘与城市空间信息学院院长助理、城市测绘研究所所长;兼任中国卫星导航定位协会理事、中国地理信息产业协会大运河工作委员会委员、北京测绘学会教育委员会委员、大地测量与导航分会委员、北京市侨联归国留学人员联合会第二届委员、北京建筑大学归国留学人员联谊会副主席、京津冀高等学校大学生测绘技能大赛组委会秘书长。









1. 教育经历
2002.03-2004.02,SungKyunKwan Univ.,大地测量专业,硕士
2004.03-2010.02,SungKyunKwan Univ.,大地测量专业,博士
2. 工作经历
2000.07-2002.02,大连市建设信息中心 助理工程师
2010.08-2017.11, 北京建筑大学 测绘与城市空间信息学院 讲师
2017.12- 至 今, 北京建筑大学 测绘与城市空间信息学院 副教授
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 编委
Korean Society of Surveying,Geodesy,Photogrammetry & Cartography编委
Journal of the Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science编委
Journal of Coastal Disaster Prevention(Korea)编委
Journal of the Korean Cadastre 编委

1. 在研项目


1. 期刊论文
[1]黄鹤, 薛艺舟, 罗德安. 一种改进的最小独立闭合环搜索算法,测绘科学, pp.??-??, 2020年第8期.
[2]黄鹤, 张新宇, 仇凯悦. PDR算法对地磁室内定位精度的提升研究, 测绘通报, 2019年 第12期,pp. 18-21, 2019.
[3]黄鹤, 白少博, 衣鹏军, 许佳宾. 基于三维激光点云的钢架螺栓球体节点要素提取研究[J]. 测绘科学技术,2019, 7(4):195-203. DOI: 10.12677/gst.2019.74026
[4]KaiYue Qiu, He Huang, Wei Li, and DeAn Luo. MagPP: Combining Particle Filters and Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Algorithm with Geomagnetism for Indoor Positioning Using Smartphone, Sensors and Materials,2019, Vol. 31, No.10, pp.3303–3318.(SCI,IF= 0.519)
[5]Lizhong Qu, He Huang, Mingyi Du and Tri Dev Acharya. Performance Assessment for Combined GPS and BDS Real-time Precise Point Positioning in the Coastal Region of Bohai Gulf, China, Journal of Coastal Research. 2019, SI. No.91, pp. 271-275.(SCI,IF=0.804)
[6]He Huang, Kaiyue Qiu, Myeong-Hun Jeong, Seung Bae Jeon and Woo Pyeong Lee. Detecting Anomalous Vessel Dynamics with Functional Data Analysis, Journal of Coastal Research. 2019, Vol.91, SI. No.91, pp. 406-410.(SCI,IF=0.804)
[7]Tri Dev Acharya, Anoj Subedi, He Huang, and Dong Ha Lee. Application of Water Indices in Surface Water Change Detection Using Landsat Imagery in Nepal, Sensors and Materials. 2019, Vol.31, No.5, pp.1429-1447.(SCI,IF= 0.482)
[8]He Huang, Weng Fuzhou,Hu Bo. Three-dimensional Map Construction of Indoor Environment Based on RGB-D SLAM Scheme, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography.2019,Vol.37,No.2,pp.45-53.(SCOPUS)
[9]黄鹤,仇凯悦,李维,罗德安. 基于粒子滤波联合算法的地磁室内定位[J],西南交通大学学报,2019,54(3):604-610.(EI)
[10]Dongwei Qiu, Tong Wang, Qing Ye, He Huang, Laiyang Wang, Mingxu Duan, and Dean Luo. A Deformation Prediction Approach for Supertall Building Using Sensor Monitoring System,Journal of Sensors, Vol 2019,Article ID 9283584,12 pages.(通讯作者,2019.04, SCI,IF=2.057)
[11]夏亮,黄鹤. 基于点特征的单目视觉里程计实现[J]. 北京测绘, 2019,33(3):304-309.
[12]胡博,危双丰,严强,王京濮,黄鹤. 推车SLAM室内实景三维测图及应用[J],测绘通报,第1期,pp.39-43,2019.
[13]黄鹤,李若鹏,王柳. 消费级无人机倾斜摄影航线规划及地面站实现[J], 南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版),11(1):61-67, 2019.
[14]黄鹤,陈志锋,衣朋军. ADAS导航地图中多源数据高程异常修正算法研究[J],测绘通报,第12期,pp.52-58,2018.
[15]衣朋军, 黄鹤, 白少博. 基于点云的机场网架球节点坐标获取与精度验证[J],测绘通报, 2018(S1):149-153.
[16]He Huang,Dong Ha Lee,Kun Chang,Wei Li and Tri Dev Acharya. Development of Mobile Platform for Indoor Positioning Reference Map using Geomagnetic Field Data, Computers and Electrical Engineering,Vol.68(2018):557-569.(SCI,IF=1.747)2018.05
[17]Dongwei Qiu, Laiyang Wang, Dean Luo, He Huang, Qing Ye & Yunlong Zhang. Landslide monitoring analysis of single-frequency BDS/GPS combined positioning with constraints on deformation characteristics, Survey Review, DOI: 10.1080/00396265.2018.1467075, 2018.(SCI,IF=1.163)2018.04
[18]Xianglei Liu, Yi Tang, Zhao Lu, He Huang, Xiaohua Tong, JingMa. ESMD-based stability analysis in the progressive collapse of a building model: A case study of a reinforced concrete frame-shear wall model, Measurement, Vol.120(2018):34-42.(SCI,IF=2.218)
[19]李维,黄鹤,罗德安. 改进粒子滤波器的室内地磁匹配精度研究[J],测绘科学,2018年7月,第43卷 第7期:109-114+120.
[20]黄鹤. 城市实景三维模型建设的主力军-无人机倾斜摄影测量[J],城乡建设,2018年第六期,62-65.
[21]He Huang, Wei Li, DeAn Luo, DongWei Qiu, Yang Gao. An Improved Particle Filter Algorithm for Geomagnetic Indoor Positioning, Journal of Sensors, 2018(24),pp.1-9. Article ID 5989678, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/5989678.(2018.03, SCI,IF=2.057)
[22]黄鹤,佟国锋,夏亮,李勇,岳晓阳,姜斌. SLAM技术及其在测绘领域中的应用[J],测绘通报,2018(3): 18-24.
[23]杨瀚,许佳宾,黄鹤,邱冬炜,王莹.无人船测绘系统对大宁水库的水下地形测绘,北京测绘, 2017(S2):51-54.
[24]杨翰,黄鹤,王东波. 未来城乡专栏:测绘前沿,城乡建设,总第529期,2017(22):31-33.
[27]夏亮,黄鹤,王东波,等. 基于安卓平台的数字识别程序设计,内蒙古科技与经济, 2017(10):104-105.
[28]翁福洲, 黄鹤.快速点云定向数学模型实际精度分析,北京测绘, 2017(4):87-90.
[29]许佳宾, 黄鹤.三维激光扫描技术在高危边坡监测中的应用,北京测绘, 2017(4):76-79.
[31]王柳,黄鹤,李若鹏,赵冬旭. 消费级无人机倾斜影像采集关键技术研究,测绘通报,S1, pp.41-45,2017.
[34]黄鹤,刘春成,李晶,罗德安.室内空间用户行为的智能手机识别,测绘科学,第6期, pp.213-218, 2017.
[35]王东波, 黄鹤, 丁克良,等. EyesMap3D图像建模技术在建筑物测绘中的应用,内蒙古科技与经济, 2017(6):66-68.
[37]Gui Ye Bao, He Huang, Yong Nian Gao, and Dong Bo Wang. Study on Driving Mechanisms of Land Use Change in the Coastal Area of Jiangsu, China, Journal of Coastal Research,SI79,pp.104-108,2017.(SCI,IF=0.804)
[38]黄鹤,王柳,姜斌,罗德安.3D SLAM激光影像背包测绘机器人精度验证,测绘通报,第十二期,pp.68-73,2016.
[41]姜浩,黄鹤,赵焰,杨军星. 高精度智能导航数据评价系统的设计与实现,测绘通报,第七期,pp.98-102,2016.
[42]王东波,黄鹤. 地表沉降变形监测技术研究与系统设计实现,北京测绘,第六期,pp.41-44,2016.
[43]Chang, Kun, Huang, He, Jing, Changfeng, Deng, Nanshan, The Study of Particle Filter Localization Algorithm Based on Magnetic Field Data, Journal of the Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science, 24(2), June 2016,pp.107-112,2016.
[46]He Huang,Yafei Hu,Yi Feng,Meng Zhang,DongSeob Song, Image Fusion and Evaluation by using Mapping Satellite-1 Data, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography,31(6-2),pp.593-599,2013.
[47]Jinsang Hwang,Hongsik Yun,Taejun Jeong,Yongcheol Suh,He Huang,Frequent Unscheduled Updates of the National Base Map Using the Land-Based Mobile Mapping System, Remote Sensing,5(5),pp.2513-2533,2013.(SCI,IF=2.623)
[48]黄鹤,冯毅,张萌,李明涛. 天绘一号卫星影像的融合及评价研究,测绘通报,第一期,pp.6-9,2013.
[49]Qiu,D.W.,Huang H.,Song,D.S., Deformation Monitoring and Prediction Technique of Existing Subway Tunnel: A Case Study of Guangzhou Subway in China,Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography,30(6-2),pp.517-523. 2012.
[53]Huang. H., D.S. Song, H.S. Yun, D.H. Lee and J.M.Cho,Water Level Change Caused from Three George Dam Construction in Yangtze River Basin, Journal of Coastal Research,SI64(2),pp.1672-1675,2011.(SCI,IF=0.766)
[55]Lee, D. H., Yun, H. S. and Huang, H.,Development of Precise Geoid Model for the Establishment of Consistent Height system in Geoga Grand Bridge Construction Area, China Ocean Engineering,23(4),pp.679-694,2009.(SCI,IF=0.430)
[56]Huang,H., Yun, H. S., Lee, D. H. and Jeong, T. J. Analysis of Water Storage Variation in Yangtze River Basin and Three Gorges Dam Area using GRACE Monthly Gravity Field Model, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography,27(3),pp.375-384,2009.
[57]Huang,H., Yun, H. S. and Lee, D. H., Analysis Distribution and Feature of Lunar Gravity Field Using SGM90d Model, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography,27(2),pp.129-138,2009.
[58]Huang,H., Yun, H. S. and Lee, D. H.,Research for Gravity Measurements Using CG-5 Autograv System and Network Adjustment, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography,27(1),pp.69-78,2009.
[59]Huang,H., Yun, H.S., Lee, D.H. and Jeong, T.J.,Accuracy Analysis of Ultra-high degree Earth Gravitational Model EGM2008 in South Korea, Journal of The Korean Society of Civil Engineers,29(1D),pp.161-166,2009.
[60]Huang, H., Yun, H. S. and Lee, D. H., Research for Time Variation of C20 Using GRACE and SLR Measurements, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography,26(5),pp.513-518,2008.
[61]Huang, H., Yun, H. S. and Lee, D. H., Determination and Analysis Sea Surface Topography for Unification Vertical Datum in East-Asia Area, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography,26(3),pp.207-217,2008.
[62]尹宏植,黄鹤,李东河. 结合GPS/水准和正高改正确定GPS常年观测站正高,测绘通报,2008年,第三期,pp.25-27,2008.
[63]Lee, D. H., Yun, H. S., Wee, G. J. and Huang, H.,Development of Precise Geoid Model in Jeju Island, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, 26(1),pp.51-61,2008.
[64]Yun, H. S., Hwang, J. S., Huang, H. and Song, D. S., Determination of Practical Orthometric Height for Permanent GPS Station, Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography,25(4), pp.299-307,2007/8/31.

2. 会议论文
[1]Bo Hu, He Huang. Visual Odometry Implementation and Accuracy Evaluation Based on RTAB-MAP, International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2019(IMETI 2019), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 15-19, 2019.
[2]Yizhou Xue, He Huang, Dean Luo. An Improved Quick Camera Calibration Method for Image Measurement System, International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2019(IMETI 2019), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 15-19, 2019.
[3]Ran Pang, He Huang, Tri Dev Acharya. Spatiotemporal Changes of Riverbed and Surrounding Environment in Beijing Section of Yongding River during the Past Half Century, International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2019(IMETI 2019), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 15-19, 2019.
[4]Xinyu Zhang, He Huang. Combining Oblique Photography with Terrestrial LiDAR for 3D Model Reconstruction of Buildings, International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2019(IMETI 2019), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 15-19, 2019.
[5]Ying Cui, He Huang. Filtering of DIM Point Cloud -Algorithms and Applications, International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2019(IMETI 2019), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 15-19, 2019.
[6]Kaiyue Qiu, He Huang, Wei Li. Calculation of indoor moving track based on smartphone sensor, The 21th International Symposium of Geospatial Information Science and Urban Planning (GISUP 2019), February 22-24, 2019, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp.101-104.
[7]Bo Hu, He Huang. Indoor real 3D mapping by trolley simultaneous localization and mapping and its accuracy verification, The 21th International Symposium of Geospatial Information Science and Urban Planning (GISUP 2019), February 22-24, 2019, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp.31-36.
[8]Pengjun Yi, He Huang. Coordinate Acquisition and Accuracy Verification of Airport Grid Bolt Ball Based on Point Cloud, The 21th International Symposium of Geospatial Information Science and Urban Planning (GISUP 2019), February 22-24, 2019, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp.93-98.
[9]Xingnan Pan, He Huang, Zhifeng Chen. ADAS Navigation Map Elevation Anomaly Mathematical Correction Model, The 21th International Symposium of Geospatial Information Science and Urban Planning (GISUP 2019), February 22-24, 2019, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp.69-72.
[10]Ruopeng Li, He Huang. Oblique Photography Route Planning and Ground Station Implementation Based on Consumer Drones. The 21th International Symposium of Geospatial Information Science and Urban Planning (GISUP 2019), February 22-24, 2019, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp.55-58.
[11]Shaobo Bai, He Huang, Fuzhou Weng. Design and implementation of 3D visualization system for forest in nature reserve, The 21th International Symposium of Geospatial Information Science and Urban Planning (GISUP 2019), February 22-24,2019, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp.105-108.
[12] 黄鹤,翁福洲,夏亮,李若鹏. 南水北调东线工程不动产数据管控系统的设计与实现,中国水利学会2018学术年会论文集,2018.
[13] He Huang, Kaiyue Qiu, Wei Li, Dean Luo. PDR combined with magnetic fingerprint algorithm for indoor positioning, 5th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, 15-30 November, 2018. https://doi.org/10.3390/ecsa-5-05726
[14] Tri Dev Acharya, Anoj Subedi, He Huang and Dong Ha Lee. Classification of Surface Water Using Machine Learning Methods from Landsat Data in Nepal, 5th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, 15-30 November, 2018. https://doi.org/10.3390/ ecsa-5-05833
[15] Kaiyue Qiu,He Huang,Wei Li,Dean Luo. Indoor Geomagnetic Positioning based on a Joint Algorithm of Particle Filter and Dynamic Time Warp, IEEE Ubiquitous Positioning Indoor Navigation and Location Based Service, Wuhan, March 22-23,2018.
[16] He Huang, ZhiFeng Chen, PengJun Yi. Study on Multi-source Data Height Anomaly Correction Algorithm in ADAS Navigation Map, 2018 Joint International Symposium of GISUP-KOGSIS, Elysian Gangchon, Chuncheon city, 22-24 February 2018.
[17] He Huang, Wei Li, DeAn Luo. Research on Indoor Positioning Based on Geomagnetic Sequence Similarity Matching Pattern. 2018 Joint International Symposium of GISUP-KOGSIS, Elysian Gangchon, Chuncheon city, 22-24 February 2018.
[18] FuZhou Weng, He Huang. Design and Implementation of Data Management System for the East Route of South to North Water Transfer Project, 2018 Joint International Symposium of GISUP-KOGSIS, Elysian Gangchon, Chuncheon city, 22-24 February 2018.
[19] RuoPeng Li, He Huang. Small area mapping based on low-cost UAV, 2018 Joint International Symposium of GISUP-KOGSIS,Elysian Gangchon,Chuncheon city, 22-24 February 2018.
[20] DongBo Wang, He HUANG, JiaBin XU, Design and Implementation of Evaluation System for High Accuracy and Intelligent Navigation Data, The 19th International Symposium of Geospatial Information Science and Urban Planning, 16-18 Feb 2017, Nagasaki, Japan.
[21] JiaBin XU, He HUANG, DongBo Wang, Comprehensive Monitoring For Beijing Tongzhou Dipamkara Stupa,The 19th International Symposium of Geospatial Information Science and Urban Planning, 16-18 Feb 2017, Nagasaki, Japan.
[22] DongHa Lee, YoonMo Sung, HyungSoo Kim, SeongChan Kang, He Huang*, Development of a precise hybrid geoid model in korea, International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems 2016, 19-23 Sept. 2016,Thessaloniki, Greece,2016.
[23] Changfeng Jing, Yongzhi Xu, Mingyi Du, He Huang, Yulong Bai,A Real-time Building Model Generation Approach Supported With Shadow,The 18th International Symposium of Geospatial Information Science and Urban Planning,18-19 Feb 2016,ChunCheon,Korea, 2016.
[24] 邓南山,黄鹤,于广涛,李晶. 基于Kinect的室内空间三维场景建模精度分析,第九届京港澳测绘地理信息技术交流会,2015/11/6-2015/11/7,北京,2015.
[25] Huang, H.,Shi,RuoMing and Yan,GuangJian, Water Storage Changes Over Great Lake from Satellite Gravimetry and Tidal Data, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium(IGARSS2012) , 22-27 July 2012,Munich,Germany,2012.
[26] Huang,H.,Yun,H.S. and Lee,D.H., Capian Sea Water Mass Variations and Water Circulation Cycle from Satellite Data, the 32nd Asian conference on remote sensing : sensing for Green Asia, 3-7 October 2011, Taipei,Taiwan,2011.
[27] Kim, Y. H., Yun, H. S., Lee, D. H. and Huang, H., Computation of Complete Bouguer Anomalies in East Sea, 2010 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Surveying,Geodesy,Photogrammetry & Cartography,2010/4/22-2010/4/23,Gumi,Korea,2010.
[28] Huang,H., Yun, H S., Jeong, T.J. and Bae, H.R., Accuracy Analysis of Latest Satellite Gravity Field Model using Unified Control Point Survey Results, 2009 Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 2009/10/21-2009/10/23,Hoengseong,Korea,2009.
[29] Jeong, T. J., Yun, H. S. Lee, D. H., Huang,H. and Bae, H. R.,Determination of New Vertical Datum in South Korea Using Tide Gauge Data and EGM2008, 2009 Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 2009/10/21-2009/10/23, Hoengseong,Korea,2009.
[30] Huang,H., Yun, H.S., Lee, D.H. and Jeong, T.J., Gravity Measurements for Unified Control Points on South Korea, IAG2009,August 31-September 4 2009,Buenos Aires,Argentina,2009.
[31] Huang,H., Yun,H.S., Cho, J.M. and Lee, D.H., Analysis of Effect of the Three Gorges Dam Construction on Water storage change in Yangtze River basin using GRACE monthly gravity field model, IAG2009,August 31-September 4 2009,Buenos Aires,Argentina,2009.
[32] Cho,J.M., Yun, H.S., Lee, M. R., Huang,H. and Hwang, J.S., Crustal Deformation Analysis from Permanent GPS Stations in the Korean Peninsula,2002-2004,IAG2009,August 31-September 4 2009,Buenos Aires,Argentina,2009.
[33] Jeong,T.J., Yun, H.S., Lee, D.H., Huang,H. and Jang, E.S.,Determination of Vertical Displacement in Korea Height System Using GNSS-Levelling and Tide Data, IAG2009, August 31-September 4 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina,2009.
[34] Yun, H. S., Jeong, T. J. Lee, D. H. and Huang, H., A Study on the Displacement of Vertical Datum using Tidal Data and precise Gravimetric Geoid Model, 2008 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Surveying,Geodesy,Photogrammetry & Cartography, 2008/4/24-2008/4/25,Jeonju,Korea,2008.
[35] Jeong, T. J., Yun, H. S., Lee, D. H. and Huang, H., A Study on the Accuracy Analysis for Network RTK, 2007 Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers,2007/10/11-2007/10/12, Daegu,Korea,2007.
[36] Jeong, T. J., Yun, H. S. and Huang, H., Preliminary Study of Vertical Datum Determination in Korea, 2007 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Surveying,Geodesy,Photogrammetry & Cartography,2007/4/19-2007/4/20,Jeju,Korea,2007.
[37] Lee, D. H., Yun, H. S., Huang, H. and Kim, J., Development of GPS Data Quality Control Program, Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics(APSG 2006) Workshop, 2006/10/16-2006/10/18, Jeju, Korea, 2006.
[38] Yun, H. S., Hwang, J. S., Huang, H., Song, D. S. and Lee, D. H., Determination of Orthometric Height of GPS Permanent Station ARP Using Direct Levelling and GPS/Levelling Method, Asia-Pacific Space Geodynamics(APSG 2006) Workshop, 2006/10/16-2006/10/18, Jeju, Korea, 2006.
[39] Song, D. S., Jung, W. C., Huang, H. and Yun, H. S., Space-Time Variation Sensing of GPS PWV During the Progress of a Typhoon EWINIAR, 2006 Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers,2006/10/12-2006/10/13,Kwangju, Korea,2006.
[40] Yun, H. S., Hwang, J. S.,Huang, H.andJeong, T. J., Calculation of Orthometric Height of GPS Permanent Station by Direct/Indirect Levelling and Gravimetry, 2006 Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers,2006/10/12-2006/10/13,Kwangju, Korea,2006.
[41] Yun, H. S., Lee, D. H., Huang, H. and Hwang, J. S., Development of New Geoid Model around the Korean Peninsula: KGEOID05, International Workshop on Height Systems, Geoid and Gravity of the Asia-Pacific,2006/6/6-2016/6/8, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia,2006.
[42] Huang, H., Yun, H. S., Cho, J. M. and Jeong, T. J.,A Study on Change of River basin using Old Map and Aerial Photo, 2005 Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers,2005/10/20-2005/10/21,Jeju, Korea,2005.
[43] Yun, H. S., Lee, D. H. and Huang, H., Delivery Transportation System Analysis using Geographical Information System, 2005 Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers,2005/10/20-2005/10/21,Jeju, Korea,2005.
[44] Yun, H. S., Lee, D. H., Cho, J. M. and Huang, H., Ocean Tide Loading Effect Prediction using GPS in Coastal Area of Korea Peninsula, 2004 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Surveying,Geodesy,Photogrammetry & Cartography, 2004/11/3,Suwon, Korea, 2004.
[45] Song, D.S., Huang, H. and Yun, H.S., Determinaiton of Korean Weighted Mean Temperature for Calculation of Tropospheric Zenith Hydrostatic Delay, 2004 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Surveying,Geodesy,Photogrammetry & Cartography, 2004/11/3,Suwon, Korea,2004.
[46] Huang, H., Lee, D.H. and Yun, H.S., The Influence of Geomagnetic Storms on GPS Positioning,2004 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry & Cartography, 2014/4/23-2014/4/24, Daejeon, Korea, 2004.

[2]智能汽车电子地图数据模型与交换格式(第1部分:高速公路,T/ITS 0063—2016)(主要起草人),中国智能交通产业联盟标准(2016)
[5]大地测量学基础(参编,马玉晓 主编),西南交通大学出版社(2018.11)

[1]黄鹤,于广涛,李晶,邓楠山,常坤.地磁室内定位基准图数据采集的方法与装置,ZL 2015 1 010621.2,2018/04/06(证书号 第2871114号)
[2]黄鹤,陈志锋,衣鹏军,李若鹏,潘兴楠,罗德安,邱冬炜,仇凯悦,白少博. 一种高精度导航地图高程数据处理方法及装置,ZL 2018 1 1246635.4,2019/11/22(证书号 第3604410号)

[2]改革课程教学与实践体系, 培养行业特色的导航定位创新型应用人才,2017年全国煤炭行业教育教学成果二等奖(GC2017166,序2),中国煤炭教育协会,2017.12(获奖者:王坚、黄鹤、邱冬炜、周命端、丁克良、周乐皆、罗德安、刘旭春、韩厚增、屈利忠)

2. 科技成果奖
[1]GNSS RTK/INS高精度定位关键技术及应用研究,2018年卫星导航定位科学技术奖科技进步一等奖,中国卫星导航定位协会,2018(序6)



2016级:陈志峰、翁福州、夏亮、李维* ?

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