

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-16

周若华 职位:

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社会兼职 (Academic Employment)

发文时间:2020-05-08 撰稿人:

短时语音声纹识别技术研究 国家重点研发计划 2016-2019
应用于钢琴计算机辅助教学的自动音乐记谱技术研究 国家自然科学基金 2011-2013
广播音频中音乐信号与语音信号的检测与分割 国家自然科学基金 2012-2014
音视频分离检索 中科院-安全部战略合作基金 2015-2016
广播音频数字水印与内容监管关键技术研究 中科院战略科技先导专项 2015-2017
语音关键技术研究 国家242信息安全计划 2015-2017
特定人识别系统研究 国家242信息安全计划 2014-2015

发文时间:2020-05-08 撰稿人:

[1] Music Onset Detection Based on Resonator Time-frequency Image(2008). IEEE Transactions On Audio, Speech And Language Processing, vol. 16, num. 8, 2008, p. 1685-1695 . (SCI,IF=3.531)
[2] A Computationally Efficient Method for Polyphonic Pitch Estimation(2009), EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Volume 2009 , Article ID 729494, 11 pages. (SCI,IF=1.749)
[3] Polyphonic Piano Transcription with a Note-Based Music Language Model(2018), in: Applied Sciences, 8(3),470. (SCI, IF=2.231)
[4 ] A Two-Stage Approach to Note-Level Transcription of a Specific Piano (2017), in: Applied Sciences, 7(9),901. (SCI,IF=2.231)
[5] Window-Dominant Signal Subspace Methods for Multiple Short-Term Speech Source Localization (2017), in: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 25:4(731 - 744). (SCI,IF=3.531)
[6] Phonotactic language recognition using dynamic pronunciation and language branch discriminative information (2015), in: Speech Communication, 75(50 - 61) (SCI,IF=1.661)
[7] Discriminatively learned network for i-vector based speaker recognition(2018), in: IET Electronics Letters, 54:22(1302-1304) . (SCI,IF=1.343)
[8] Speaker-Phonetic I-Vector Modeling for Text-Dependent Speaker Verification with Random Digit Strings (2019), in: IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, .E102-D:2(346-354) . (SCI,IF=0.576)
[9] Robust speaker recognition using a library of cross-domain variation compensation transforms (2016), in: IET Electronics Letters, 52:4(321-323) . (SCI,IF=1.343)
[10] Cross-domain variation compensation for robust speaker verification (2015), in: IET Electronics Letters, 51:21(1706-1707) . (SCI,IF=1.343)
[11] Feature recovery for noise-robust speaker verification (2015), in: IET Electronics Letters, 51:18(1459-1461) . (SCI,IF=1.343)
[12] Voice biometrics using linear Gaussian model(2014), in IET Biometrics ,3:1(9-15), 2014 (SCI, IF=2.092)
[13] A General Bayesian Model for Speaker Verification (2016),in Chinese Journal of Electronics, 25:6,(1045-1051). (SCI, IF=0.945)
[14] PLF Optimization for Target Language Detection (2017),in Chinese Journal of Electronics, 26:1(118-121). (SCI, IF=0.945)
[15] Speaker Recognition Using Sparse Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis(2013),in IEICE TRANS. fundmentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences , E96–A:10(1938-1945) . (SCI, IF=0.368)
[16] Automatic Piano Music Transcription Using Audio-Visual Features(2015),in Chinese Journal of Electronics, 24:3,(596-603). (SCI, IF=0.945)
[17] Modeling prosodic features with probabilistic linear discriminant analysis for speaker verification(2014),in Shengxue Xuebao/Acta Acustica,40:1(28-33). (EI)
[18] Gaussian PLDA for Speaker Verification and Joint Estimation(2014) , in Acta Automatica Sinica, 40(6): 1068-1074. (EI)
[19] Enhanced Voice Activity Detection based on Automatic Segmentation and Event Classification (2014) , in Journal of Computational Information Systems,10:10(4169-4177). (EI)
[20] Language recognition based on SVM 1 vs.1 classification(2013), in Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University,53:6(808:812). (EI)
[21] Fast and precise automatic music/speech segmentation(2013), in Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University, 35:2(878-882). (EI )
[22] 应用于短时语音语种识别的时长扩展方法(2018), 清华大学学报(自然科学版) 58(3): 254-259。(EI)
[23] 应用于语种识别的加权音素对数似然比特征(2017), 清华大学学报(自然科学版)57(10): 1038-1041。(EI)
[24] 一个快速自动音乐记谱方法, 声学学报, 第35卷, 第2期, 2010, p.282-287(EI)
[25] Semi-supervised local Fisher discriminant analysis for speaker verification(2014), in Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 6(6): 1-11. (EI)
[26] Language recognition system using language branch discriminative information(2014), in Proceeding of Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. ICASSP 2014(5327-5331). (EI )
[27] Characterization Vector Extraction Using Neural Network for Speaker Recognition, in Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC 2016 ), 1(355-358). (EI )
[28] Robust multiple speech source localization based on phase difference regression, in Proceedings of International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (2017). ( EI )
[29] Language-pair scoring method based on SVM for language recognition(2013),in Proceeding of Applied Mechanics and Materials, 333(737-741). (EI )
[30] Automatic Transcription of Piano Music Using Audio-Vision Fusion(2013), in Proceeding of Applied Mechanics and Materials, the 2nd International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation, 333 :335 ( 742-748). (EI )
[31] Multipitch Onset Detection Via Temporal Segmentation And Segmental Analysis(2014) , in Proceeding of International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 2(1637:1644). (EI)
[32] Direction-of-Arrival Estimation of Multiple Speakers Using a Planar Array (2014), in Proceeding of INTERSPEECH 2014, pages 2223-2227 (EI)
[33] A Real-Time Polyphonic Music Transcription System, Proceedings of the Fourth Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX), p.1-4, Philadelphia, USA, September 14-18, 2008. ( EI )
[34] A New Time-frequency Representations for Music Signal Analysis, International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and its Applications, February, 2007. ( EI)
[35] Polyphonic Music Analysis by Signal Processing and Support Vector Machines, 20-22 September 2005, Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Digital Audio Effects, 2005. ( 第一作者, EI)
[36] A multi-timbre chord/harmony analyzer based on signal processing and neural networks, 20-22 September 2005, 2004 IEEE 6th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, p 219-222, 2004.(EI)
[38] Vowel based neural networks for speaker verification (2014), in Proceeding of 2014 International Academic Conference on The Information Science and Communication Engineering (ISCE2014), pages 89-97. (ISTP)
[39] A new feature for speech\music discrimination, in Proceeding of 2014 International Academic Conference on The Information Science and Communication Engineering (ISCE2014), Hunan, China, 2014, pages 133-137. (ISTP)
[40] Short-term Specific Audio Detection(2015), in Proceedings of International Symposium of Computer Application an Information Technology.
[41] Music Onset Detection Combining Energy-based and Pitch-Based Approaches, First Place Award, Third Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX), Vienna, Austria, 26 September 2007.
[42] 基于SVM一对一分类的语种识别方法(2013) , 全国人机语音通讯学术会议, 2013: 808-812.
[43] 基于PLDA的多信道多语音说话人确认研究(2014) , 网络新媒体技术, 3(1): 13-19.
[44] 基于SVM一对多得分规整的语种识别方法(2015),网络新媒体技术,2015:6(27-30).
[45] 基于语支鉴别性的音素相关语种识别方法(2014), 网络新媒体技术. 2014:4(40-43).
[46] 基于非负矩阵分解的钢琴多音符估计(2014) , 网络新媒体技术, 3(5): 23-27.
[1] Ruohua Zhou* and Joshua D. Reiss, Chapter 12: Music Onset Detection, In Machine Audition: Principles, Algorithms and Systems. Book Published by IGI Global. ISBN-13, 94, July, 2010.

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