

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-16

2020.02~ 北京建筑大学,土木与交通工程学院,副教授
2016.07~2020.02 北京建筑大学,土木与交通工程学院,讲师
2012.07~2016.06 清华大学,土木工程系结构工程专业,工学博士
2009.09~2012.06 合肥工业大学,土木工程系防灾减灾工程及防护工程专业,工学硕士
2004.08~2008.06 东南大学,土木工程系土木工程专业,工学学士
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:面向超高层最大和残余变形协同控制的自复位耗能伸臂桁架设计方法,2019-2021,主持
2. 北京市优秀人才培养资助(青年骨干个人)项目:含自复位耗能型伸臂桁架超高层抗震设计研究,2019-2021,主持
3. 市属高校基本科研业务费项目:基于多尺度模型的RC框架-核心筒高层隔震结构设计方法,2018-2019,主持
(1)Lu Xinzheng(#,*), Xie Linlin, Guan Hong, Huang Yuli. A shear wall element for nonlinear seismic analysis of super-tall buildings using OpenSees. Finite Element in Analysis and Design . 2015, 98: 14-25. (SCI,影响因子2.456,学科前1%高被引论文)
(2)Lu Xinzheng(#*), XieLinlin, YuCheng, Lu Xiao. Development and application of a simplified model for the design of a super-tall mega-braced frame-core tube building. Engineering Structures. 2016, 110: 935-950. (SCI,影响因子3.084)
(3)Xie Linlin(#), Lu Xinzheng(*), Guan Hong, Lu Xiao. Experimental study and numerical model calibration for earthquake-induced collapse of RC frames with emphasis on key columns, joints and overall structure. Journal of Earthquake Engineering . 2015, 19(8): 1230-1344. (SCI,影响因子2.754)
(4)Li Aiqun(#), Yang Cantian, Xie Linlin(*), Zeng Demin, Liu Lide. Research on the rational yield ratio of isolation system and its application to the design of seismically isolated RC frame-core tube tall buildings. Applied Sciences . 2017, 7(11), 1191; doi:10.3390/app7111191. (SCI,影响因子2.1217)
(5)Chong Xun(#), Xie Linlin(*), Ye Xianguo, Jiang Qing, Wang Decai. Experimental study on the seismic performance of superimposed RC shear walls with enhanced horizontal joints. Journal of Earthquake Engineering . 2019, 23(1): 1-17 (SCI,影响因子2.754)
(6)Chong Xun(#), Xie Linlin(*), Ye Xianguo, Jiang Qing, Wang Decai. Experimental investigation on the mechanical behavior of a new superimposed RC exterior basement wall with socket base. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering . 2018. Doi:10.1080/19648189.2018.1471008. (SCI,影响因子1.873)
(7)Yang Cantian(#), Xie Linlin(*), Li Aiqun. Full-scale experimental and numerical investigations on seismic performance of square RC frame columns with hollow sections. Journal of Earthquake Engineering . 2019. Doi: 10.1080/13632469.2019.1689869(SCI,影响因子2.578)
(8)Xie Linlin(#),Chong Xun (*), Zhang Lanfang, Ye Xianguo, Jiang Qing, Wang Decai. Experimental and numerical investigation on the influence of PC window beam on the seismic performance of PC shear wall structures. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering . 2019. 录用. (SCI,影响因子1.873)
(9)Liu Haoyu(#), Xie Linlin(*), Shi Liwen, Hou Miaole, Li Aiqun, Hu Yungang. A method for automatically extracting the parameters of multi-LoD BIM models for typical components in wooden architectural-heritage structures. Advanced Engineering Informatics . 2019, 42, 101002.(SCI,影响因子3.772)
(10)Yang Cantian(#), Xie Linlin(*), Li Aiqun, Jia Junbo, Zeng Demin. Ground motion intensity measures for seismically isolated RC tall buildings. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering . 2019, 125, 105727. (SCI,影响因子2.754)
(11)Jiang Yonghui(#), Li Aiqun, Xie Linlin(*),Hou Miaole, Qi Ying, Liu Haoyu. Development and application of an intelligent modeling method for ancient wooden architecture. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information . 2020, 9, 167.(SCI,影响因子1.840)
(12)Chong Xun(#,*), Xie Linlin, Ye Xianguo, Jiang Qing, Wang Decai. Experimental study and numerical model calibration of full-scale superimposed reinforced concrete walls with I-shaped cross sections. Advances in Structural Engineering . 2016, 19(12): 1902-1916. (SCI,影响因子0.968)
(1)解琳琳(#), 黄羽立, 陆新征(*), 林楷奇, 叶列平. 基于OpenSees的RC框架-核心筒超高层建筑抗震弹塑性分析.工程力学. 2014, 31(1): 64-71. (中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文,近5年高被引论文)
(2)解琳琳(#), 叶献国(*), 种迅, 蒋庆. OpenSees中混凝土框架结构节点模型关键问题的研究与验证. 工程力学. 2014, 31(3): 116-151. (EI)
(3)杨参天(#), 解琳琳(*), 李爱群, 曾德民, 刘立德. 适用于高层隔震结构的地震动强度指标研究. 工程力学. 2018. 35(8): 21-29.
(4)杨参天(#), 解琳琳(*), 李爱群, 陈越. 足尺空腔式RC框架柱抗震性能试验研究. 工程力学. 2019, 36(6): 60-69.
(5)卢嘉茗(#), 解琳琳(*), 李爱群, 曾德民, 杨参天, 刘谦敏. 适用于区域RC框架结构隔震韧性提升的简化模型. 工程力学. 2019. 36(8): 226-234.
(6)解琳琳(#), 燕兆, 李爱群(*), 侯妙乐, 曾德民. 典型宋式斗栱滞回耗能特性及其简化滞回模型研究. 建筑结构学报, 2019, 40(8): 170-180.
(7)尹传印(#), 解琳琳(*), 李爱群, 曾德民, 陈曦, 閤东东, 杨参天. 基于抗规和隔规的RC 框架隔震结构设计对比. 工程力学. 2019, 36(9): 197-204.
(8)卢嘉茗(#), 解琳琳(*), 李爱群, 曾德民, 杨参天, 杜红凯. 建筑隔震金属柔性管道抗震性能试验研究. 工程力学. 2019. 录用
(9)曾德民(#), 刘文科, 解琳琳(*), 李爱群, 杜志超, 陈曦, 耿海刚. 建筑隔震橡胶柔性管道抗震性能试验研究. 工程力学. 2019. 录用
(10)陈曦(#), 苗启松, 杨参天, 閤东东, 刘谦敏, 解琳琳(*). 缺陷可检修型半灌浆套筒连接拉伸性能试验研究. 工程力学. 2020. 录用

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