本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-16
丁光辉:北京建筑大学建筑与城市规划学院副教授,建筑学系副系主任,英国诺丁汉大学建筑学博士,香港城市大学博士后。研究兴趣聚焦在当代中国的建筑实践与社会实践的互动关联,具体议题包括建筑批评,建筑期刊,建筑机构(国有设计院),以及中国的援外建筑。文章发表在 Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Architectural Research Quarterly , Habitat International 等国际学术期刊上。著有 Constructing a Place of Critical Architecture in China: Intermediate Criticality in the Journal Time +Architecture (伦敦、纽约,Routledge, 2016,中文版《建筑批评的一朵浪花:实验性建筑》,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2018);与薛求理合著 A History of Design Institutes in China: From Mao to Market (伦敦、纽约,Routledge, 2018).
电子邮件:dingguanghui@bucea.edu.cn; tin_tin0504@hotmail.com
Dr. Guanghui Ding is Associate Professor in Architecture at Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA) in China. He completed his Ph.D. in Architecture from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom in 2013. In 2014-2015 he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on modern Chinese architecture, including many subjects in critical architecture, architectural criticism and periodicals, design institutesand architectural aid. Ding is the author of Constructing a Place of Critical Architecture in China: Intermediate Criticality in the Journal Time + Architecture (London and New York: Routledge, 2016)(https://www.routledge.com/Constructing-a-Place-of-Critical-Architecture-in-China-Intermediate-Criticality/Ding/p/book/9781138573321 ) (Chinese edition, Jianzhu piping de yiduolanghua: shiyanxingjianzhu 《建筑批评的一朵浪花:实验性建筑》Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press, 2018) and co-author of A History of Design Institutes in China: From Mao to Market (London and New York: Routledge, 2018, with Charlie Xue) (https://www.routledge.com/A-History-of-Design-Institutes-in-China-From-Mao-to-Market/Xue-Ding/p/book/9781138562332 ). His articles have been published by Architectural Research Quarterly , Habitat International , Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians and other edited volumes. At BUCEA, Ding teaches courses on architecture and urban design studios and theory and criticism of modern architecture. Based in Beijing, he practices architecture both independently and collaboratively.
Personal webpage:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Guanghui_Ding4
Email:dingguanghui@bucea.edu.cn tin_tin0504@hotmail.com
1)Guanghui Ding, Embodiment and Emancipation: Architecture, Experiment and Politics in Southern China (正在撰写中)
2)Charlie Xue andGuanghui Ding, A History of Design Institutes in China: From Mao to Market (London and New York: Routledge, 2018).
3)Guanghui Ding, Constructing a Place of Critical Architecture in China:Intermediate Criticality in the Journal Time + Architecture(Farnham, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2015/London and New York: Routledge, 2016).
1)Guanghui Ding, “Building a Gated Public Space: The Interplay of Politics and Experimentation in the Guangzhou Opera House”, inCharlie Xue (ed.) Grand Theater Urbanism: Chinese Cities in the Twenty FirstCentury (Singapore: Springer, forthcoming).
2)WenjunZhi and Guanghui Ding, “Cultivating a Critical Culture: The Interplay of Time + Architecture and Contemporary Chinese Architecture”, in Sony Devabhaktuni, Xiaoxuan Lu, NasrineSeraji, (eds.) From Crisis to Crisis: Debates on Why Architecture Criticism Matters Today (Actar Publishers, 2018), pp. 123-137.
3)Charlie Q.L. Xue and Guanghui Ding,“From Mao to Market: The Evolution of China’s State-owned Design Institutes,” in Jianfei Zhu, Chen Wei and Li Hua (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Chinese Architecture (London and New York: Routledge, forthcoming).
1)Guanghui Ding and Charlie Q.L. Xue, “China’s Architectural Aid: Exportinga Transformational Modernism,” Habitat International , 47, 2015, 136-147. (SSCI)
2)Guanghui Ding, “Experimental Architecture in China,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians , vol. 73, no. 1, 2014, 28-37. (AHCI)
3)Guanghui Ding, Jonathan Hale and Steve Parnell, “Constructing a Place for Critical Practice in China: The History and Outlook of the Journal Time + Architecture ,” Architectural Research Quarterly , vol. 17, no. 3/4, 2013, 237-252. (AHCI)
3)参与薛求理教授的国家自然基金课题“香港战后城市建筑研究,1946-1997:探索大中华地区的现代主义建筑路径”,面上项目(2012-2016),No. 51278438.
1)Ding Guanghui, “Design Institute as a Hybrid Organization: Between Bureaucracy and Charisma,” International Conference on Architectural Design as Modern Institution , Tongji University Architectural Design Group, Shanghai, China, 17-18October 2018
4)Charlie Q. L. Xue, Guanghui Ding and Yingbo Xiao, “Design InstitutesRun by the Universities: A China Phenomenon”, East Asian Architecture: Values, Inheritance and Dissemination , East Asian Architectural Culture Conference, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, 14-17October 2017
5)Guanghui Ding, “Constructing a Place of Critical Architecture in China: The Role of Shidaijianzhu (Time + Architecture)”, International Workshop on the Analysis of Architectural Journals , The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 16-17 June 2017
6)Charlie Q. L. XUE, Guanghui Ding and Yingbo Xiao, “Design Practice in Universities: A China Phenomenon”, The Design Institute: Building a Transnational History , The University of Hong Kong,10-11 March 2017
Beijing International Urban Design Workshops with the University of Cambridge 2017年8月21-30
Beijing International Urban Design Workshops with the University of Cambridge
Beijing International Urban Design Workshops with the University of Miami
Beijing International Urban Design Workshops with the University of Michigan
Architectural Research Quarterly 和 Journal of Architectural Education 审稿人
DrGuanghui DING
Associate Professor in Architecture
School of Architecture and Urban Planning
Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China
No.1 Zhanlanguan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, China, 100044
Chinese (native speaker); English (reading, spoken and written: fluent)
2015-2018, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Lecturer in Architecture (Assistant Professor)
2014-2015, The Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
2009-2013, The University of Nottingham, UK
PhD in Architecture
2008–2009, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou (SCUT)
Postgraduate Program of Architecture
2003-2008, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou (NCWU)
Bachelor of Engineering in Architecture
Guanghui Ding, Embodiment and Emancipation: Architecture, Experiment and Politics in Southern China (manuscript in progress)
Charlie Xue and Guanghui Ding, A History of Design Institutes in China: From Mao to Market (London and New York:Routledge, 2018).
Guanghui Ding, Constructing a Place of Critical Architecture in China: Intermediate Criticality in the Journal Time + Architecture (London and New York: Routledge, 2016).
Reviewed by the Journal Time + Architecture in 2016
Chinese Edition:Ding Guanghui, Jianzhu piping de yiduolanghua: shiyanxingjainzhu . Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press, 2018
中文版:丁光辉,《建筑批评的一朵浪花:实验性建筑》,北京:中国建筑工业出版社, 2018
Guanghui Ding, “Guangzhou Opera House: Building a Gated Public Space”, inCharlie Xue (ed.) Grand Theater Urbanism: Chinese Cities in the Twenty FirstCentury (Berlin: Springer, forthcoming).
WenjunZhi and Guanghui Ding, “Cultivating a Critical Culture: The Interplay of Time + Architecture and Contemporary Chinese Architecture”, in Sony Devabhaktuni, Xiaoxuan Lu, NasrineSeraji, (eds.) From Crisis to Crisis: Debates on Why Architecture Criticism Matters Today (Actar Publishers, 2018), pp. 123-137.
Charlie Q.L. Xue and Guanghui Ding, “From Mao to Market: The Evolution of China’s State-owned Design Institutes,” in Jianfei Zhu, Chen Wei and Li Hua (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Chinese Architecture (London and New York: Routledge, forthcoming).
Guanghui Ding and Min Jia, “The Space of Awakening: Embodied Experience in Guangzhou’s Archaeological Museums, in Lin Li, Charlie Xue (eds.) Chinese Urbanism in the 21st Century (Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press, 2017), 78-91.
Guanghui Ding and Charlie Q.L. Xue, “Mediating Production, Teaching and Research: The Role of University-run Design Institutesin Chinese Architecture,” Architectural Research Quarterly , (manuscript in review)
Guanghui Ding and Charlie Q.L. Xue, “China’s Architectural Aid: Exporting a Transformational Modernism,” Habitat International , 47, 2015, 136-147. DOI: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.01.019.
Guanghui Ding, “Experimental Architecture in China,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians , vol. 73, no. 1, 2014, 28-37. DOI: 10.1525/jsah.2014.73.1.28.
Guanghui Ding, Jonathan Hale and Steve Parnell, “Constructing a Place for Critical Practice in China: The History and Outlook of the Journal Time + Architecture ,” Architectural Research Quarterly , vol. 17, no. 3/4, 2013, 237-252. DOI: 10.1017/S1359135514000062.
Ding Guanghui, “Reinterpreting Critical Architecture: The Emancipation of Experience,” New Architecture ,forthcoming
Ding Guanghui, Charlie Xue, “Design Institute as a Hybrid Organization: Between Bureaucracy and Charisma,” Time + Architecture ,no. 5, 2018, 6-11.
XueQiuli, Ding Guanghui, Chang Wei, Zhang Lujia, “Construction Aid: Modern Chinese Architecture in Overseas Projects”, Time + Architecture ,no. 5, 2018, 42-49.
Ding Guanghui, “Constructing a Critical Discourse: Time + Architecture and Contemporary Chinese Experimental Architecture”, Time + Architecture , no. 3, 2018, 116-120.
Ding Guanghui, “Cultivating a Critical Culture: Time + Architecture and Architectural Criticism in China”, Time + Architecture , no. 2, 2018, 172-176.
Ding Guanghui, “A Forgotten Project: The Planning and Design of the Beijing No. 2 Medical School”, ArchiCreation , no. 3, 2017, 261-264.
Wang Guoguang and Ding Guanghui, “Between the Peace and the Crazy: A Parallel Reading of Two Extensions of Historic Architecture,” New Architecture , no. 2, 2011, 6-10.
Ding Guanghui, “Open and Complex Narratives: Brief Analysis on the Works of Coop Himmelb(I)au,” Huazhong Architecture , vol. 25, no. 11, 2007, 11-14.
Ding Guanghui, “The Interaction of the Opening Space of Experiencing Consumption and the Circumstance of Cities,” Shanxi Architecture , vol. 33, no. 31, 2007, 56-58.
Ding Guanghui, “An Enriched History: A Review on Contextualizing Modernity: Hong Kong Architecture, 1946-2011 ,” Time + Architecture , no. 1, 2015, 158.
Ding Guanghui, “Design Institute as a Hybrid Organization: Between Bureaucracy and Charisma,” International Conference on Architectural Design as Modern Institution , Tongji University Architectural Design Group, Shanghai, China, 17-18October 2018
Guanghui Ding, Reinterpreting Critical Architecture: The Emancipation of Experience, 2018 New Architecture Forum: Revisiting the Keywords of Architectural Theory, Wuhan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 15-16 June 2018
Guanghui Ding, “Design Institutes in China: Value and Challenges”, China Architecture and Design Group, Beijing, 10 January 2018
Charlie Q. L. XUE, Guanghui Ding and Yingbo Xiao, “Design InstitutesRun by the Universities: A China Phenomenon”, East Asian Architecture: Values, Inheritance and Dissemination , International Conference on East Asian Architectural Culture Conference, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, 14-17October 2017
Guanghui Ding, “Constructing a Place of Critical Architecture in China: The Role of Shidaijianzhu (Time + Architecture)”, International Workshop on the Analysis of Architectural Journals , The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 16-17 June 2017
Charlie Q. L. XUE, Guanghui Ding and Yingbo Xiao, “Design Practice in Universities: A China Phenomenon”, The Design Institute: Building a Transnational History , The University of Hong Kong,10-11 March 2017
6-17 August 2018
Beijing International Urban Design Workshops at Cambridge, UK
21-30 August 2017
Beijing International Urban Design Workshops at Cambridge, UK
13-17 March 2017
Beijing International Urban Design Workshops with the University of Miami, Beijing
15-26 August 2016
Beijing International Urban Design Workshops with the University of Michigan, Beijing
2015-, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
Design Studio for Year 1,2,3,4
Architectural Criticism Coursefor Postgraduates
2014-2015, City University of Hong Kong,
Design Studio Critic
Design Communication Skills
2012-2013, The University of Nottingham,
Year 3 Architectural Humanities Course:
Advanced Interpretation – Architectural Theory and Criticism
2018, Principal Investigator, Research Grant, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, RMB 40,000
2016-2017, Principal Investigator, Research Grant, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, RMB 30,000
2012, Travel Grant, The University of Nottingham
2009-2012, PhD Research Scholarship, The China Scholarship Council
2009-2011, PhD Research Scholarship, The University of Nottingham
2008, First Prize Scholarship, South China University of Technology
2008, National Endeavor Fellowship
2006, Government Scholarship, Henan Province
2003-2007, Two first-prizes, four second-prizes, two third-prizes of University Scholarship
March 2018, Zhengzhou Smart Island, Zhichuangtiandi office building, 70m tall, 35,000 square-meter, Nationally Invited Competition, Second Prize
October 2016 - March 2018, NanyangSanchuan Company Headquarters Extension, Henan Province, 3 stories, 6,500 square-meters, Built
June 2017- August 2017, Conceptual Planning of Hengshan New Town, Hunan Province (with Min Jia), Nationally Invited Competition, First Prize
September 2016, Conceptual Design of Zunyi Art Museum, Guizhou Province, Nationally Invited Competition
December 2015 - October 2016, Architectural Design for private gallery, club and houses, Hebei Province (Construction Suspended), 6000 square-meter
January - April 2008, URBANUS Architecture & Design, Shenzhen, Intern
September – December 2007, Aube Architecture Design Co. Ltd, Shenzhen, Intern
June – July 2006, MYD Architects, Guangzhou, Intern
2009, Selected by the Chinese government to pursue a doctorate in an overseas institution, SCUT
2008, Recommended exclusively by the department for admission of postgraduate program without national examinations, NCWU
2017, Excellent Instructor for the National Undergraduate Design Competition, the Architecture Society of China (BUCEA students: Liu Xiao, Li Qiwei, Wu Chongke and Huang Xinyan)
2016, Excellent Instructor for the Beijing Universities Construction Festival
Reviewer for Architectural Research Quarterly and Journal of Architectural Education
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