

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-06

査天山 1965年6月生,甘肃省,汉族
Tel: (010) **
Email: tianshanzha@bjfu.edu.cn

学士: 1982,9—1986,6 甘肃农业大学林学系,林业
硕士: 1986,7—1989,6 西北林学院,林木遗传与育种
博士: 1999,9—2003,8 芬兰约恩苏大学林学院(University of Joensuu),树木生态与管理

1989, 7—1999, 8 甘肃省林业科学技术推广总站,甘肃省林业科学研究所, 树木繁殖、植物生 态,工程师、高级工程师
2003, 9—2005, 4 芬兰约恩苏大学(University of Joensuu)林学院,森林生态与管理、植物生理 生态、气候变化与生态响应,博士后
2005, 5—2008, 4 加拿大环境总署(Environment Canada)科学技术部,植物生理生态、气候变化与生态系统过程响应、生态恢复机理与策略,研究员
2008, 5—2010, 8 加拿大环境总署(Environment Canada) 科技部,气候变化与生态系统过程响应、生态恢复机理与策略,研究科学家
2010, 8—现在 北京林业大学,荒漠生态系统功能与过程、生态恢复机理与策略,教授
· 生态系统碳固持和生产力对气候趋势、变异和极端天气的响应敏感性研究:荒漠植被和北方森林的比较(EXTREME)(项目来源:芬兰科学院268471和中国国家基金委),2013-2016,芬兰方:53.6752万欧元, 中方:98万元。
· 典型沙生灌木光化学效率对环境波动的生理可塑性(国家基金**,2013-2016,主持)
· 北京林业大学高层次人才引进起动基金(北京林业大学2010-2013,主持)。
· Ecological Data Management for Canadian Carbon Program and Fluxnet Canada Research Network (CFCAS,2008- ,Manager,主持)
· Drought Effect on Canadian Prairie Grassland and Forest Ecosystems (CFCAS through Drought Research Initiative,2008-2009, 主持)
· Canadian Carbon Program (funding by NSERC,2008-2010, 参加)
· Boreal Ecosystem Research and Monitoring Sites (supported by Environment Canada, 2005-2008, 参加)
· Carbon Sequestration in Post-harvested Jack Pine Chronosequence (Funding by NSERC,2005-2007, 主持)
· Fluxnet Canada Research Network (funding by NSERC,CFCAS and BIOCAP Canada, 2002-2007, 参加)
· Responses of ecosystem processes in coniferous forests to climate change: a comparative study of coniferous forests in the boreal region and in the subalpine zone of western China (芬兰技术局项目,2003-2005,Project no. 200013,参加)
· Dynamics and Modelling of the Functioning and Structure of Forest Ecosystem, Sustainability of the Forest Production and Climate Change (芬兰科学院项目,Project no. 64308,2000-2005,参加)
· 乡土花卉品种资源的选择与繁殖(甘肃省林业厅项目,1996—1999,主持)
· 板栗优良品种的示范推广与低产野生板栗的改造(甘肃省农委项目,1991—1994,主持)
· 杨树速生丰产林营造技术课题专题:不同品种几个重要生理指标的比较研究(甘肃省科委项目,1990—1991,参加)
· 干旱泾流技术研究课题专题:几种耐旱植物抗寒生理的研究 (林业部项目1992—1993, 主持)

· 在国际学术期刊《Global Change Biology》(IF:6.862,排名:3/163 国际环境科学杂志,5/124国际生态学杂志)、《New Phytologist》(IF:6.645,排名:6/155 国际植物科学杂志)、《Annals of Botany》(IP,4.03,排名:22/155 国际植物科学杂志)、《Tree Physiology》(IP:2.876,排名:3/39 国际林业科学杂志)、<<Agricultural and Forest Meteorology>>(IP:3.34)等国际著名SCI学术期刊上发票论文30余篇,
· 设计的树木根茎呼吸测定系统得到专家认可, 应用与结果在国际著名杂志上发表(芬兰),
· 定量芬兰北方樟子松(Scots pine)生态系统碳源及组分贡献(芬兰),
· 定量加拿大北方杰可松(Jack pine)采伐后更新与演替中碳源和碳汇(加拿大),
· 加拿大北方草原与森林生态系统的水分平衡与干旱反应机理(加拿大),
· 板栗优良品种示范推广与低产野生板栗改造项目,1995年获甘肃省林 业厅科技进步一等奖 和 1996年甘肃省星火奖二等奖(中国).

为《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》、《Global Change Biology》、《New Phytologist》《New Phytologist》《New Phytologist》、《Agricultural and Forest Meteorology》、《Annals of Botany》、《Tree Physiology》、《Journal of Geophysical Research》等SCI学术期刊特邀审稿人。

1. Tianshan Zha*, Chunyi Li, Seppo Kellomäki, Heli Peltola, Kai-Yun Wang, Yuqing Zhang,2013,Controls of evapotranspiration and CO2 fluxes from Scots pine by surface conductance and abiotic factors,DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.** (IF4.092)
2. Tianshan Zha, Alan Barr, Pierre Bernier, John A. Trofymow, Brian Amiro, Jagtar Bhatti, Andy Black, Hank Margolis, Harry McCaughey, Zisheng Xing, Ken Van Rees, Carole Coursolle. 2013. Gross and aboveground net primary production at Canadian forest carbon flux sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2013.02.004 (IF 3.34)
3. Ben Wang, Tianshan Zha*, Xin Jia, Bin Wu, Yuqing Zhang, ShuGao Qin. 2013. Soil moisture modifies the response of soil respiration to temperature in a desert shrub ecosystem. Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 9213–9242, 2013 www.biogeosciences-discuss.net/10/9213/2013/ doi:10.5194/bgd-10-9213-2013
4. Xin Jia, Tianshan Zha*, Bin Wu, Yuqing Zhang, Wenjing Chen, Xiaoping Wang, Haiqun Yu, Guimei He. 2013.Temperature response of soil respiration in a Chinese pine plantation: hysteresis and seasonal vs. diel Q10. PLoS ONE. Accepted (通讯作者IF 4.092)
5. Wenjing Chen, Xin Jia, Tianshan Zha*, Bin Wu, Yuqing Zhang, Chunyi Li, Xiaoping Wang,Guimei He, Haiqun Yu, Guopeng Chen. 2013. Soil respiration in a mixed urban forest in China in relation to soil temperature and water content. European Journal of Soil Biology 54 (2013) 63-68. (通讯作者IF 1.578)
6. Cao J, Wang X, Tian Y, Wen Z, Zha TS*. 2012. Pattern of carbon allocation across three different stages of stand development of Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) forest. Ecological Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11284-012-0965-1. (通讯作者IF 1.563)
7. Pang Z,Yu X, Zha TS, Jia G, et al. 2012. Environmental relationships with the interannual and seasonal variation of soil respiration in a cedar (Platycladus orientalis) plantation in northern China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42: 934-942. (作者,IF 1.7)
8. Zisheng Xing, Lien Chow, Art Cook, Glenn Benoy, Herb Rees, Bill Ernst, Fanrui Meng, Sheng Li, Tianshan Zha, Clair Murphy, Suzanne Batchelor, L. Mark Hewitt. 2012. Pesticide Application and Detection in Variable Agricultural Intensity Watersheds and Their River Systems in the Maritime Region of Canada. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol, DOI 10.1007/s00244-012-9789-9.(IF 1.927)
9. Zisheng Xing, Lien Chow, Herb Rees, Fanrui Meng, Sheng Li, Bill Ernst, Glenn Benoy, Tianshan Zha, L. Mark Hewitt. 2012. Influences of Sampling Methodologies on Pesticide-Residue Detection in Stream Water. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol, DOI 10.1007/s00244-012-9789-9.(IF 1.927)
10. Yu XX, Zha TS*, Pang Z, Wu B, Wang XP, Chen GP, Li CP, Cao JX, Jia GD, Li XZ, Wu HL. 2011. Response of Soil Respiration to Soil Temperature and Moisture in a 50-Year-Old Oriental Arborvitae Plantation in China. PLoS ONE 6: e28397. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.**.(通讯作者IF 4.092)
11. J. M. Hanesiak, R. E. Stewart, B. R. Bonsal, P. Harder, R. Lawford, R. Aider, B. D. Amiro, E. Atallah, A. G. Barr, T. A. Black, P. Bullock, J. C. Brimelow, R. Brown, H. Carmichael, C. Derksen, L. B. Flanagan, P. Gachon, H. Greene, J. Gyakum, W. Henson, E. H. Hogg, B. Kochtubajda, H. Leighton, C. Lin, Y. Luo, J. H. McCaughey, A. Meinert, A. Shabbar, K. Snelgrove, K. Szeto, A. Trishchenko, G. van der Kamp, S. Wang, L. Wen, E. Wheaton, C. Wielki, Y. Yang, S. Yirdaw & Zha TS. 2011. Characterization and Summary of the 1999–2005 Canadian Prairie Drought. Atmosphere-Ocean. DOI:10.1080/**.2011.626757. (作者, IF 1.304)
12. Tianshan Zha, Alan G Barr, Garth V D Kamp, T Andy Black, J Harry McCaughey, Lawrence B Flanagan. 2010. Interannual variation of evapotranspiration from forest and grassland ecosystems in western Canada in relation to drought. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150, 1476–1484(影响因子:3.668)
13. Mkhabela, M.S., Amiro, B.D., Barr, A.G., Black, T.A., Hawthorne, I., Kidston, J., McCaughey, J.H., Orchansky, A.L., Nesic, Z., Sass, A., Shashkov, A., Zha, T.S. 2009. Comparison of carbon dynamics and water use efficiency following fire and harvesting in Canadian boreal forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149: 782-794. (影响因子:3.668)
14. Tianshan Zha, Alan G Barr, T Andy Black, J Harry McCaughey, J Bhatti, I Hawthorne, Praveena Krishnan, J Kidston, N Saigusa, A Shashkov, Z Nesic. 2009. Carbon Sequestration in Boreal Jack Pine Stands Following Harvesting. Global Change Biology, 15, 1475-1487. (影响因子:6.862)
15. Xing Z, Bourque C.P.A, Meng F.R, Cox R.M., Swift D.E, Zha T.S. and Chow L. 2008. A process-based model designed for filling of large datagaps in tower-based measurements of net ecosystem productivity. Ecological Modelling,213,165–179. (影响因子:2.176)
16. Laura E. Chasmer, Harry McCaughey, Alan Barr, Andrew Black, Alexander Ahashkov, Aaul Treitz, Tianshan Zha. 2008. Light Use Efficiency (LUE) Across a Jack Pine Chronosequence during Dry and Wet Years. Tree Physiology, 28, 1395-1406. (影响因子:2.876)
17. Z Xing, Charles P.-A. Bourquea,Fan-Rui Menga,Roger M.Coxc, D. Edwin Swiftc, and, Tianshan Zha Lien Chowe. 2008. Modification of an ecosystem model for filling medium-sized gaps in tower-based estimates of net ecosystem productivity. Ecological Modeling, 2 1 3, 86–97. (影响因子:2.326)
18. Zha, T.S., Niinistö, S, Xing, Z., Wang, K.-Y, Kellomaki, S., Barr, A.G. 2007. Total and component carbon fluxes of a Scots pine ecosystem from chamber measurements and eddy covariance. Annals of Botany 99: 345-353. (影响因子:4.03)
19. Z.S. Xing, C.P.A. Bourquea, F Meng, TS Zha, R.M. Cox, D.E. Swift. 2007. Edwin Swiftc A simple net ecosystem productivity model for gap filling of tower-based fluxes: An extension of Landsberg’s equation with modifications to the light interception term. Ecological Modelling, 206, 250-262. (影响因子:2.326)
20. Grant, R.F., Barr A.G., Black, T.A., Iwashita, H., Kidston, J., McCaughey, J.H., Morgenstern, K., Murayama, S., Nesic, Z., Saigusa, N., Shashkov, A., and Zha, T.S. 2007. Net ecosystem productivity of boreal jack pine stands regenerating from clearcutting under current and future climates. Global Change Biology 13:1-18. (影响因子:6.862)
21. Zha, T.S., Kellomäki, S., Wang, K.Y. and Ryyppö, A. 2005. Respiratory responses of Scots pine stems to five years of exposure to elevated CO2 concentration and temperature. Tree Physiology 25: 49-56. (影响因子:2.876)
22. Wang, K.-Y., Kellomäki, S., Zha, T.S., Peltola, H. 2005. Annual and seasonal variation of sap flow and conductance of pine trees grown in elevated carbon dioxide and temperature. Journal of Experimental Botany 56:155-165. (影响因子:5.364)
23. Zha, T.S., Kellomäki S., Wang, K.-Y. and Rouvinen, I.. 2004. Carbon sequestration and ecosystem respiration over 4 years in a Scots pine forest. Global Change Biology 10:1492-1503. (影响因子:6.862)
24. Zha, T.S., Kellomäki, S., Wang, K.Y. and Ryyppö, A. 2004. Seasonal and annual stem respiration of Scots pine trees under boreal conditions. Annals of Botany 94: 889-896. (影响因子:4.03)
25. Wang, K.-Y., Kellomäki, S and Zha, T.S. and Peltola, H. 2004. Component carbon fluxes and their contribution to ecosystem carbon exchange in pine forest: an assessment based on eddy covariance measurement and an integrated model. Tree Physiology 24: 19-34. (影响因子:2.876)
26. Wang, K.-Y., Kellomäki, S and Zha, T.S. and Peltola, H. 2004. Seasonal variation in energy and water fluxes in a pine forest: an analysis based on eddy covariance and an integrated model. Ecological Modelling 179: 259-279. (影响因子:2.326)
27. Zha, T.S., Kellomäki, S and Wang, K.Y. 2003. Seasonal variations in respiration of 1-year-old shoots of Scots pines exposed to elevated carbon dioxide and temperature for 4 years. Annals of Botany 92: 89-96. (影响因子:4.03)
28. Wang, K.-Y., Kellomäki, S., LI C.Y. and Zha, T.S. 2003. Light and water-use efficiencies of Pine shoots exposed to elevated carbon dioxide and temperature. Annals of Botany 92:53-64. (影响因子:4.03)
29. Wang, K.-Y., Kellomäki, S and Zha, T.S. 2003. Modification in photosynthetic pigments and chlorophyll fluorescence in 20-year-old pine trees after a five-year exposure to carbon dioxide and temperature elevation. Photosynthetica 41: 167-175. (IF 1.0)
30. Zha, T.S., Wang, K.Y., Ryyppö, A., and Kellomäki, S. 2002. Impact of needle age on the response of respiration in Scots pine to long-term elevation of carbon dioxide concentration and temperature. Tree Physiology 22: 1241-1248. (影响因子:2.876)
31. Zha, T.S., Wang, K.Y., Ryyppö, A., and Kellomäki, S. 2002. Needle dark respiration in relation to within-crown position in Scots pine trees grown in long-term elevation of CO2 concentration and temperature. New Phytologist 156: 33-42. (影响因子:6.745)
32. Wang, K.Y., Zha, T.S. and Kellomäki, S. 2002. Measuring and simulating crown respiration of Scots pine with increased temperature and carbon dioxide enrichment. Annals of Botany 90: 325-335. (影响因子:4.03)
33. Zha, T.S., Ryyppö, A., Wang,K.Y. and Kellomäki, S. 2001. Effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration and temperature on needle growth, respiration and carbohydrate status in field-grown Scots pines during the needle expansion period. Tree Physiology 21:1279-1287. (影响因子:2.876)

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  • 北京林业大学水土保持学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王彬
    王彬老师简历一、基本信息姓名王彬出生年月1983年3月职务/职称副教授最终学历博士所属学科水土保持与荒漠化防治研究领域水土保持;土壤侵蚀过程机理与模型预报联系地址北京市海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学联系电话E-mailwangbin1836@bjfu.edu.cn二、学习经历时间培养机构专业(方向)学历/学位2002.09-2006.07西北农林科技大学水土保持与荒漠化防治学士2006.09-2 ...
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