

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-19


J& *I fi $@ ** JA $§J 1i1inw2001@126.com

Q 1

[1]LiLi, Jianjun Wang,Brian O Gallachfiir, Hua Cai &Iran Zhang. Energy-intensive manufacturing sectors in China:policy priorities for achieving climatemitigation and energy conservation targets. Climate Policy, 2019, 19(5):598-610 (SSCI @ 1 N)

[2]Li Li, Gu Yue,Ge X inquan,et al. Exploring the residents’intention to separate MSWin Beijing andunderstanding the reasons: An explanation by extended VBN theory. Sustainable cities and Society, 2018,37: 637-648 ( SCi ]'iiJ›2 )[3]Li Li, J ianjun Wang, Zhongfu Tan, X inquanGe, Jian Zhang,X iaozhe Yun. Policies for eliminating low-efficiency production capacities andimproving energy efficiency of energy-intensive industries in China. Renewableand Sustainable Energy Reviews,2014, 39: 312-326(SCI ,1 )

[4] Li Li,Jianjun Wang. The Effects of Coal Switching and Improvements in ElectricityProduction Efficiency and Consumption on CO2 Mitigation Goalsin China. Sustainability, 2015, 7(7): 9540-9559(SCI @ )

[5]Li Li, Xinquan Ge, Jiang Zhang, Jianjun Wang. Long-term Relationship among the Generation of Municipal Solid Waste, Urbanization, Affluence and Prosperity of Tertiary Industry. Metallurgical and Mining Industry,2015(6): 206-212(EI @@)

[6] & , YUV. H hk 1? N K 8 4 ^A -%‹ Mhz blH & H ) l•) IT STIRPAT l&N I trip

Ih. Y **%,2015, 31(8): 74-79

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