
北京理工大学法学院导师教师师资介绍简介-徐昕 教授

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-18










1.Xu Xin, Poetic Justice, Beijing: Law Press, 2011.
2.Xu Xin, Dispute Resolution and Social Harmony, Beijing: Chinese Procuratorial Press, 2007.
3.Xu Xin, On Self-Help Remedy, Beijing: Publish House of Chinese Politics and Law University, 2005.
4.Xu Xin, Civil Procedure and Civil Justice Reform in UK, Beijing: Publish House of Chinese Politics and Law University,2002.
<Justice in the Films><Chinese Judicial System><Civil Judicial Reform in the United Kingdom><Research on Foreign Civil Evidence System><Evidence Law in Western Countries><On the Civil Evidence Law>.
<The Pure Sociology of Justice><Medieval Divine Judgment><Judicial Procedure in the View of Comparative Law><Public Intellectuals><Economic Analysis of Evidence Law><Rules of Civil Procedure in the United Kingdom><The Basic Procedure of the Party and the Future Civil Action>
1.“Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform (2014)”,Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.3 (2015);
2.“Judicial Reform: Top Layer Designing and Implementation Strategies”,Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences),No.6(2014);
3.“Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform (2013)”,Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.2 (2014);
4.“Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform (2012)”,Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.2 (2013);
5.“Judicial Dismantling of Workers’ Collective Action in China”Feng Chen & Xin Xu, The China Journal,No.67,January 2012;
6“Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform(2011)”,Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.2 (2012);
7.“Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform(2010)”,Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.3 (2011);
8.“Violent Defiance against the Law in Executions:1983-2009”,Law and Social Development,No.1(2011);
9.“Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform(2009)”,Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.3 (2010);
10.“A Case Guidance System For the Unification of Justice”, Study and Exploration, No.5(2009);
11.“Prostitute in the Court: Body, Space and the Production of Justice”, Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.4 (2009);
12.“Violence and Mistrust: Research on Medical Violence in Transforming China (2000~2006)”, Law and Social Development,No.1 (2008);
13.“The Private Enforcement of Law: Materials from China”, Issues & Studies 43, no. 2 (June 2007) : 129-173;
14.“On Judicial Duel”, Law and Social Development, No.1 (2007) ;
15.“Why Chinese Peasant Workers Struggle to Death”, Twenty-first Century, (April 2007);
16.“Why Judges Do not Believe in Witnesses”, Peking University Law Journal, No.3 (2006);
17.“Informal Trial in Civil Litigation”, Journal of Comparative Law, No.1 (2005);
18.“Private Enforcement of Law”, CASS Journal of Law No.1 (2004);
19.“Is Law Important”, Sociological Research, No.1 (2004);
20.“What They Choose Self-help Remedy”, China Legal Science, No.6 (2003);
21.“What They Cooperate: Based on an Informal Debt-collection Practice in South China”, Chinese Social Sciences Review, No.2 (2003);
22.“Order without Law”, Open Times, No.6 (2003).

Ⅰ.Basic Information

Prof. Xu Xin is the Professor of Law School of Beijing Institute of Technology and Director of Institute for Advanced Judicial Studies (IAJS). He was was selected as one of the “Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University” in 2011 by the National Department of Education.

Ⅱ.Teaching Course

Judicial System , Civil Procedure Law, Law and Social Science

Ⅲ.Research Direction and Expertise

His main research fields include procedural law and judicial system.

Ⅳ.Academic Part-time title

Member and of the Deputy Secretary-General of the China Case Law Research Association;
Member of Legal sociology Specialized Committee of Chinese Sociology Association;
Member of China Research Society of Civil Procedure Law;
Member of The Law Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits.

Ⅴ.Main Publications and Research Projects

1.Xu Xin, Poetic Justice, Beijing: Law Press, 2011.
2.Xu Xin, Dispute Resolution and Social Harmony, Beijing: Chinese Procuratorial Press, 2007.
3.Xu Xin, On Self-Help Remedy, Beijing: Publish House of Chinese Politics and Law University, 2005.
4.Xu Xin, Civil Procedure and Civil Justice Reform in UK, Beijing: Publish House of Chinese Politics and Law University,2002.
<Justice in the Films><Chinese Judicial System><Civil Judicial Reform in the United Kingdom><Research on Foreign Civil Evidence System><Evidence Law in Western Countries><On the Civil Evidence Law>.
<The Pure Sociology of Justice><Medieval Divine Judgment><Judicial Procedure in the View of Comparative Law><Public Intellectuals><Economic Analysis of Evidence Law><Rules of Civil Procedure in the United Kingdom><The Basic Procedure of the Party and the Future Civil Action>
1.“Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform (2014)”,Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.3 (2015);
2.“Judicial Reform: Top Layer Designing and Implementation Strategies”,Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences),No.6(2014);
3.“Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform (2013)”,Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.2 (2014);
4.“Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform (2012)”,Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.2 (2013);
5.“Judicial Dismantling of Workers’ Collective Action in China”Feng Chen & Xin Xu, The China Journal,No.67,January 2012;
6.“Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform(2011)”,Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.2 (2012);
7.“Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform(2010)”,Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.3 (2011);
8.“Violent Defiance against the Law in Executions:1983-2009”,Law and Social Development,No.1(2011);
9.“Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform(2009)”,Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.3 (2010);
10.“A Case Guidance System For the Unification of Justice”, Study and Exploration, No.5(2009);
11.“Prostitute in the Court: Body, Space and the Production of Justice”, Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.4 (2009);
12.“Violence and Mistrust: Research on Medical Violence in Transforming China (2000~2006)”, Law and Social Development,No.1 (2008);
13.“The Private Enforcement of Law: Materials from China”, Issues & Studies 43, no. 2 (June 2007) : 129-173;
14.“On Judicial Duel”, Law and Social Development, No.1 (2007) ;
15.“Why Chinese Peasant Workers Struggle to Death”, Twenty-first Century, (April 2007);
16.“Why Judges Do not Believe in Witnesses”, Peking University Law Journal, No.3 (2006);
17.“Informal Trial in Civil Litigation”, Journal of Comparative Law, No.1 (2005);
18.“Private Enforcement of Law”, CASS Journal of Law No.1 (2004);
19.“Is Law Important”, Sociological Research, No.1 (2004);
20.“What They Choose Self-help Remedy”, China Legal Science, No.6 (2003);
21.“What They Cooperate: Based on an Informal Debt-collection Practice in South China”, Chinese Social Sciences Review, No.2 (2003);
22.“Order without Law”, Open Times, No.6 (2003).

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