个人简历 1985年2月出生,2006年7月毕业于山东大学物理系物理学专业,2011年7月在中国科学院高能物理研究所理论室获理学博士学位。
工作经历 2011年-2016年先后在清华大学物理系、南洋理工大学材料科学与工程学院、普林斯顿大学化学系、马德里自治大学凝聚态物理系从事博士后研究工作。
科研方向 主要研究兴趣为量子多体系统动力学,电声耦合,強光与物质相互作用,拓扑量子态,量子输运,极弱信号探测等。
在Physical Review A/B, Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters/C等学术期刊发表学术论文20篇。
1. Ning Wu, On the exact solvability of the anisotropic central spin model: An operator approach , Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 501C, 308 (2018).
2. Ning Wu, Determinant representations of spin-operator matrix elements in the XX spin chain and their applications , Phys. Rev. B 97, 014301 (2018).
3. Wei Jia, Fang-Qi Hu, Ning Wu, and Qing Zhao, Effect of electron spin-spin interaction on level crossings and spin flips in a spin-triplet system , Phys. Rev. A 96, 062507 (2017).
4. Kohei Kawabata, Ryohei Kobayashi, Ning Wu, and Hosho Katsura, Exact zero modes in twisted Kitaev chains , Phys. Rev. B 95, 195140 (2017).
5. Liang-Yan Hsu, Ning Wu, and Herschel Rabitz, Conductance and activation energy for electron transport in series and parallel intramolecular circuits , Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 32087 (2016).
6. Ning Wu, Johannes Feist, and Francisco J. Garcia-Vidal, When polarons meet polaritons: Exciton-vibration interactions in organic molecules strongly coupled to confined light fields , Phys. Rev. B 94, 195409 (2016).
7. Hamza Jirari and Ning Wu, Optimal state transfer of a single dissipative two-level system , Eur. Phys. J. B 89, 100 (2016).
8. Ning Wu, Nina Fr?hling, Xi Xing, Johannes Hackmann, Arun Nanduri, Frithjof B. Anders, and Herschel Rabitz, Decoherence of a single spin coupled to an interacting spin bath , Phys. Rev. B 93, 035430 (2016).
9. Ning Wu, Arun Nanduri, and Herschel Rabitz, Optimal suppression of defect generation during a passage across a quantum critical point , Phys. Rev. B 91, 041115(R) (2015).
10. Ning Wu, Arun Nanduri, and Herschel Rabitz, Rabi oscillations, decoherence, and disentanglement in a qubit–spin-bath system , Phys. Rev. A 89, 062105 (2014).
11. Liang-Yan Hsu, Ning Wu, and Herschel Rabitz, Gate Control of the Conduction Mechanism Transition from Tunneling to Thermally Activated Hopping , J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 5 1831 (2014).
12. Ning Wu and Yang Zhao, Dynamics of a two-level system under the simultaneous influence of a spin bath and a boson bath , J. Chem. Phys. 139, 054118 (2013).
13. Ningning Hao, Guocai Liu, Ning Wu, Jiangping Hu, and Yupeng Wang, Chiral f-wave topological superfluid in triangular optical lattices , Phys. Rev. A 87, 053609 (2013).
14. Chengbo Guan, Ning Wu, and Yang Zhao, Optimization of exciton currents in photosynthetic systems , J. Chem. Phys. 138, 115102 (2013).
15. Ning Wu, Liwei Duan, Xin Li, and Yang Zhao, Dynamics of the sub-Ohmic spin-boson model: a time-dependent variational study , J. Chem. Phys. 138, 084111 (2013).
16. Ning Wu, Topological phases of the two-leg Kitaev ladder , Phys. Lett. A 376, 3530 (2012).
17. Ning Wu, Ke-Wei Sun, Zhe Chang, and Yang Zhao, Resonant energy transfer assisted by off-diagonal coupling , J. Chem. Phys. 136, 124513 (2012).
18. Guangcan Yang, Ning Wu, Tuo Chen, Kewei Sun, and Yang Zhao, Theoretical Examination of Long-Range Energy Propagation in Nano-Engineered Light-Harvesting Antenna Arrays , J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 3747 (2012).
19. Tong Chen, Ning Wu, and Yue Yu, Spin path integral and quantum mechanics in the rotating frame of reference , Chinese Physics C 35, 139 (2011).
20. Zhe Chang and Ning Wu, Dynamics of entanglement in the transverse Ising model , Phys. Rev. A 81, 022312 (2010).
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-18
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个人简历工作职责 ...北京理工大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-04-18