
北京理工大学物理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Antti Niem

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-18

姓名:Antti Niem
个人简历 ? Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Physics Doctor of Philosophy in Particle Physics, 1983
? Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Technical Physics Licenciate of Technology in Theoretical Physics, 1980 Master of Science in Mathematics, 1979

工作经历 ? Uppsala University, Department of Theoretical Physics (Sweden) Full Professor (Chair) of Theoretical Physics 1992 - Chairman of the Department, 1994 - 1996, 2000 - 2005
? CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) (France) Directeur de Recherche, 2005 - ? Beijing Institute of Technology (China) Qian Ren - 1000 plan - Professor 2012 - (part-time) (past)
? Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin (China) Chang Jiang Professor in Theoretical Physics, 2003 - 2008
? Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Electrical and Communications Engineering Full (tenured) Professor of Computational Dynamical Systems, 2000 - 2000
? The Mittag-Leffler Institute, Royal Academy of Sciences Program Director, 1998 - 1999 ? Helsinki Institute of Physics Program Director in Theoretical Physics, 1998 - 1998 Scientific Advisor, 1997 - 1997, 1999
? Helsinki University of Technology, Institute of Particle Physics Director, 1990 - 1992 ? Helsinki University, Research Institute for Theoretical Physics Group Leader in Particle Physics, 1989 - 1992 ? CERN, Theory Division Scientific Associate, 1988 - 1989, 1991 - 1993
? The Ohio State University, Department of Physics Assistant Professor of Physics, 1986 - 1988
? University of California at Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Visiting Professor, 1986 - 1988 ? University of California at Berkeley, Department of Physics Assistant Specialist, 1986 - 1986
? The Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton Member, 1983 - 1985
? Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Theoretical Physics Research Assistant, 1980 - 1983

学术成就 [1] Embedding Brans-Dicke gravity into electroweak theory arXiv:0709.0586 [hep-ph] Physical Review D77 (2008) 127902 together with M. Chernodub
[2] Baryon number violation and a new electroweak interaction arXiv:0712.1991 [hep-ph] Physical Review D79 (2009) 077901 together with M. Chernodub
[3] Non-abelian Supercurrents and Electroweak Theory arXiv:0804.1544 [hep-th] JHEP 0812:014,2008 together with M. Chernodub and L. Faddeev
[4] On Spacetime Rotation Invariance, Spin-Charge Separation And SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory arXiv:0902.2289 [hep-th] Journal of Physics A42 (2009) 322001 together with S. Slizovskiy
[5] Gauge field theory of chirally folded homopolymers with applications to folded proteins arXiv:0902.2920 [cond-mat.soft] Physical Review E82 (2010) 021910 together with U. Danielsson and M. Lundgren
[6] Topological Solitons and Folded Proteins arXiv:1003.4481 [physics.bio-ph] Physical Review E82 (2010) 011916 together with M. Chernodub and S. Hu
[7] Four Dimensional Yang-Mills Theory, Gauge Invariant Mass And Fluctuating Three Branes arXiv:1005.3994 [hep-th] (Journal of Physics A43 (2010) 425402 together with S. Slizovskiy
[8] Elastic Energy and Phase Structure of a Continuous Spin Ising Chain with Applications to the Protein Folding Problem arXiv:1008.4552v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] Physical Review E 83 (2011) 011126 together with M. Chernodub and M. Lundgren
[9] Discrete Nonlinear Schr?dinger Equation and the Protein Folding Problem arXiv:1009.1078v1 [physics.bio-ph] Physical Review Letters 106 (2011) 078102 together with N. Molkenthin and S. Hu
[10] Towards quantitative classification of folded proteins in terms of elementary functions arXiv:1011.3181v1 [q-bio.BM] Physical Review E83 (2011) 041907 together with S. Hu, A. Krokhotin and X. Peng
[11] On solutions to the "Faddeev-Niemi" equation arXiv:1011.6667 [hep-th] Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (2011) 072302 together with A. Wereszczynski
[12] The Discrete Frenet Frame And Curve Visualization with Applications to Folded Proteins Physical Review E83 (2011) 061908 2
[13] Soliton concepts and protein structure Physical Review E85 (2012) 031906 together with A. Krokhotin and X. Peng
[14] Protein loops, solitons, and side-chain visualization with applications to the left-handed helix region Physical Review E85 (2012) 061909 together with M. Lundgren and F. Sha
[15] Solitons and Collapse in the λ-repressor protein Physical Review E86 (2012) 021923 together with A. Krokhotin and M. Lundgren
[16] Correlation between protein secondary structure, backbone bond angles, and side-chain orientations Physical Review E86 (2012) 021904 together with M. Lundgren
[17] Coexistence of phases in a protein heterodimer Journal of Chemical Physics 137 (2012) 035101 together with A. Krokhotin, A. Liwo and H. Scheraga
[18] Solitons, Loops and Protein Folding, with Protein A as an Example Journal of Chemical Physics (submitted) together with A. Krokhotin, A. Liwo, G, Maisurazde and H. Scheraga

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