本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-18
沈萌博士,北京理工大学管理与经济学院管理工程系助理教授、特别副研究员。曾任新加坡国立大学设计与环境学院博士后研究员,美国马里兰大学土木与环境工程系研究助理及助教。博士毕业于天津大学公共管理专业,并获国家留学基金委资助赴美国马里兰大学进行公派联合培养博士。研究方向包括居民节能行为、建筑能源效率、能耗预测建模、节能政策研究、环境心理学分析等。已发表论文十余篇,其中发表在SSCI/SCI期刊 Energy Policy 上的论文被顶级期刊 Nature Energy 作为重点研究(Research Highlights)进行了报道( Nature Energy ,1(12),2016.12)。多次在具有行业影响力的国际学术会议上做报告并获得同行认可。担任 Energy and Buildings , Waste Management , Journal of Cleaner Production 等SCI/SSCI国际期刊论文评阅人。
1. 基于行为及心理学特征的能源政策研究
2. 建筑能源效率与能耗预测建模
3. 建筑节能与居民行为实验研究
[1] Meng Shen, Robert Young, Qingbin Cui. The Normative Feedback Approach for Energy Conservation Behavior in the Military Community. Energy Policy . 2016, 98, 19-32. (SSCI/SCI,并被 Nature Energy 作为重点研究进行了报道)
[2] Meng Shen, Qingbin Cui, Liping Fu. Personality Traits and Energy Conservation. Energy Policy , 2015, 85: 322-334. (SSCI/SCI)
[3] Liping Fu, Meng Shen, Hai Yanyu, Man Xu. Random Disturbance Reasoning Model of Decision-making System and its Anti-interference Capability. International Journal of Industrial Engineering , 2015, 22(5). (SCIE/EI)
[4] Lin Xu, Maoliang Ling, Yujie Lu, Meng Shen. External influences on forming residents’ waste separation behaviour: Evidence from households in Hangzhou, China. Habitat International , 2017, 63, 21-33. (SSCI)
[5] Lin Xu, Maoliang Ling, Yujie Lu, Meng Shen. Understanding Household Waste Separation Behaviour: Testing the Roles of Moral, Past Experience, and Perceived Policy Effectiveness within the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Sustainability , 2017, 9(4), 625. (SSCI/SCI)
[6] Meng Shen, Yujie Lu, Kai Yi Tan. Big Five Personality Traits, Demographics and Energy Conservation Behaviour: A Preliminary Study of Their Associations in Singapore. Energy Procedia , 2018. (EI)
[7] Meng Shen, Huiyao Sun, Yujie Lu. Household electricity consumption prediction under multiple behavioural intervention strategies using support vector regression. Energy Procedia , 2017, 142:2734-2739. (EI)
[8] Meng Shen, Qingbin Cui. Behavior Driven Energy Efficiency: A Customized Feedback Approach. Energy Procedia , 2015, 78, 2112-2117. (EI)
[9] Zemin Ji, Meng Shen*. Research on Path of the Construction of Ecological City under Polycentric Governance-Taking Tianjin Eco-city as an Example. Proceeding of 2013 4th International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation. Springer, 2013: 438-445. (EI)
[10] Xiaochun Liu, Meng Shen*. The Legal Research on Intellectual Property Rights in Global Supply Chain Integration. The 18th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. IEEE PRESS, 2011: 1570-1572. (EI)
[11] Xiaochun Liu, Meng Shen*. Analysis on the Enterprise Legal Relationship with Supply Chain Management Mode and Its System Establishment. The 17th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. IEEE PRESS, 2010: 1263-1266. (EI)
[12] 傅利平,沈萌. 完善生态环境保护体制机制. 人民日报理论版. 2014.6.23
1. The 9th International Conference on Applied Energy ICAE 2017, Cardiff, U.K., 2017.7.21-24 (Oral Presentation on the topic of “Household electricity consumption prediction under multiple behavioural intervention strategies using support vector regression”)
2. The 10th International Conference on Applied Energy ICAE 2018, Hong Kong, China, 2018.8.21-24 (Poster Presentation on the topic of “Big Five Personality Traits, Demographics and Energy Conservation Behaviour: A Preliminary Study of Their Associations in Singapore”)
3. The 6th International Building Physics Conference IBPC 2015, Turin, Italy, 2015.6.11-14 (Oral Presentation on the topic of “Behavior Driven Energy Efficiency: A Customized Feedback Approach”)
4. 2014 Behavior, Energy & Climate Change Conference (BECC), Washington DC, USA, 2014.12.7-10 (Poster Presentation on the topic of “Opinion Dynamics Model for Normative Feedback: An Effective Way to Achieve Sustainable Household Energy Savings”)
5. The 8th Annual Trans-Atlantic INFRADAY Conference on Electricity Markets and Planning, Washington DC, USA, 2014.11.6-7 (Oral Presentation on the topic of “Personality Factors for Behavior Driven Energy Efficiency”)
6. The 44th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey. 2014.10.14 (Oral Presentation on the topic of “Random Disturbance Reasoning Model of Decision-making System and its Anti-interference Capability”)
7. 2013 4th International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation, Taiwan, China. 2013.7.18 (Oral Presentation on the topic of “Research on Path of the Construction of Ecological City under Polycentric Governance-Taking Tianjin Eco-city as an Example”)
8. The 18th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Changchun, China. 2011.9.3-5 (Oral Presentation on the topic of “The Legal Research on Intellectual Property Rights in Global Supply Chain Integration”)
9. The 17th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Xiamen, China. 2010.10.30-11.1 (Oral Presentation on the topic of “Analysis on the Enterprise Legal Relationship with Supply Chain Management Mode and Its System Establishment”)
1. Smart Solutions Promoting Behavior Driven Energy Efficiency: A Personality-based Energy Management System. Green Building Innovation Cluster Grant, National Research Foundation (NRF) of Singapore , 2016-2018
2. Life Cycle Operational Management and Efficiency for Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV). Ministry of National Development- Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city Administrative Committee, Green Building-related Research and Development Programme , 2015-2017
3. Improving residential energy efficiency for sustainable communities: An integrated model of normative feedback, emotion, informational support, and concertive control. National Science Foundation UMD Advance Program , 2013-2014
4. 绿色校园建设及管理关键技术开发与示范,科技部科技支撑计划,2012-2015
5. 基于鲁棒性原理的医疗决策系统品质与效率研究,国家自然科学基金,2012-2014
6. 天津市社会管理科学化指标体系构建若干问题研究,天津市教委社会科学重大项目,2011-2013
7. 以促进私募股权基金发展为视角的有限合伙制度的地方立法问题研究,天津市社科基金项目,2010
1. 傅利平、何兰萍主编. 公共管理研究方法[M]. 天津大学出版社,2015.6,ISBN:83.
2. 刘晓纯主编. 工业生产经营法教程[M]. 天津大学出版社,2011.7,ISBN:98.
1. 国家留学基金委联合培养博士研究生奖学金,国家留学基金委,2013.5
2. 天津市王克昌奖学金(文化科技创新奖),天津市教育委员会,2011.12
3. 天津大学2017年校级优秀博士学位论文,天津大学,2017.6
4. 博士研究生国家奖学金,国家教育部,2015.11
5. 天津大学博士研究生优博基金,天津大学,2013.5
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