

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-18

姓  名 康慧芳
职  称 副教授/博导
学  院 机械与车辆学院
专  业
邮  编 100081
办公电话 -807
邮  箱 kanghf@bit.edu.cn

先后主持了国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金、航天低温推进剂技术国家重点实验室基金等科研项目。发表论文二十多篇,其中多篇论文发表在国际一流学术期刊Applied Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Applied Thermal Engineering, Cryogenics等上,其研究成果受到国际同行的广泛关注和引用。获得发明专利十多项。
1. Huifang Kang*, Teng Wang, Hongfei Zheng. Comparative analysis of regenerative and air-extraction multi-stage humidification-dehumidification desalination system using pinch technology. Desalination 385 (2016) 158–166. (SCI一区)
2. Kang Huifang, Peng Cheng, Zhibin Yu b, Zheng Hongfei. A two-stage traveling-wave thermoacoustic electric generator with loudspeakers as alternators. Applied Energy 137 (2015) 9–17. (SCI一区)
3. Kang Huifang, Luo Weining, Zheng Hongfei. Performance of a 3-stage regenerative desalination system based on humidification-dehumidification process. Applied Thermal Engineering, 90 (2015) 182-192. (SCI二区)
4. Kang Huifang, Yang Yingjun, Chang Zehui, Zheng Hongfei. Performance of a two-stage multi-effect desalination system based on humidification-dehumidification process. Desalination, v 344, p 339-349, 2014. (SCI二区)
5. Huifang Kang*, Fan Jiang, HongfeiZheng, Thermoacoustic travelling-wave cooler driven by a cascade thermoacoustic engine, Applied Thermal Engineering, 59, p223-231, 2013 (SCI二区)
6. Huifang Kang, Qing Li*, Gang Zhou, Heat driven thermoacoustic refrigerator based on traveling-standing wave, Energy Conversion and Management, 51, p2103-2108, 2010(SCI二区)
7. Huifang Kang, Qing Li*, Gang Zhou, Thermoacoustic effect of traveling–standing wave, Cryogenics, 50, p450-458, 2010(SCI)
8. Huifang Kang, Qing Li*, Gang Zhou, Synthetical optimization of hydraulic radius and acoustic field for thermoacoustic cooler, Energy Conversion and Management, 50, p2098-2105, 2009(SCI二区)
9. Huifang Kang, Qing Li*, Zhou Gang, Optimizing hydraulic radius and acoustic field of the thermoacoustic engine, Cryogenics, 49, p112-119, 2009(SCI)
10. Huifang Kang*, Fan Jiang, HongfeiZheng, Study on the relationship between frequency and pressure amplitude of the thermoacoustic engine. 19th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 8-12, 2012. 19th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2012, ICSV 2012, v 4, p2604-2608, 2012(EI )
11. Huifang Kang, Fan Jiang, HongfeiZheng. Integral Solar Powered Thermoacoustic Electricity Generator with Funnel-Shaped Concentrator. 12th International Conference on Sustainable Energy technologies (SET-2013), Hong Kong, 26-29th August, 2013.
12. Huifang Kang, Cheng Peng, HongfeiZheng. Control standing wave ratio in the loop-tube-type thermoacoustic system. 21th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2012, ICSV 2012, Beijing/China, 13-17th July, 2014.
13. Saechan P, Huifang Kang, Mao Xiaoan, Jaworski AJ*, Thermoacoustic refrigerator driven by a combustion-powered thermoacoustic engine Demonstrator of device for rural areas of developing countries, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2013 (WCE 2013), 2097-2102, London, United kingdom, July 3 2013 - July 5 2013 (EI)
14. Abdoulla K, Huifang Kang, Jaworski AJ*, Travelling wave thermoacoustic electricity generator for rural areas using a side-branch alternator arrangement, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2013 (WCE 2013), 1835-1840, London, United kingdom, July 3 2013 - July 5 2013 (EI)
15. Huifang Kang, Qing Li*, Zhongjun Hu, XiujuanXie, Experimental investigation on the onset temperature gradient using the multifunction cascade thermoacoustic device, The 22nd International Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Seoul, Korea, July 21 - 25, 2008
1. 康慧芳,罗炜宁,郑宏飞.热能梯级利用的多级回热加湿除湿海水淡化装置,2015.6.24,中国,实用新型专利:ZL9.X..
2. 康慧芳,郑宏飞. 一种级联热声发动机驱动热声制冷机装置,2011.11.30,中国,发明专利:ZL4.X
3. 康慧芳,郑宏飞. 基于行驻波正交叠加声场的热声发动机驱动热声制冷机,2012.5.23,中国,发明专利:ZL1.8
4. 康慧芳,郑宏飞. 一种基于行驻波正交叠加声场的电驱动热声制冷机,2012.8.1,中国,发明专利:ZL7.5
5. 康慧芳,郑宏飞. 一种基于行驻波正交叠加声场的热声发动机,2013.1.16,中国,发明专利:ZL4.1
6. 李青,康慧芳,胡忠军,周刚. 一种行驻波型声场的热驱动热声制冷机装置,2012.9,中国,发明专利:ZL2.6
7. 康慧芳,江钒,郑宏飞. 一种整体式太阳能驱动热声制冷装置,2011.10.5,中国,实用新型专利:ZL1.5
8. 康慧芳,邢乐乐,一种尾气余热驱动的径向行波热声发动机装置,发明专利号:3.9


担任国际期刊Applied Energy, Energy Conversion and Management等审稿人。

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