

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-18

教育经历 1993年.9月---- 1997年.6月 北京理工大学 工程力学专业本科学历
1997年.9月---- 2000年.2月 北京理工大学 工程力学专业硕士学历
2000年.9月---- 2003年.6月 北京理工大学 固体力学专业博士学历

工作经历 2003年9月至今 北京理工大学,讲师,副教授。
主要研究领域 1. 弹性波/声波超材料理论与材料设计,波动控制;
2. 高阶连续介质理论及复合材料细观力学;
3. 工程问题的有限元仿真

获奖情况 1. 2013年中国力学学会全国徐芝伦力学优秀教师奖,2013

教学工作 指导研究生3名。主要讲授课程:
1. 本科生《工程力学》;
2. 博士生《固体本构理论》;
近年来主要发表论文 1. Y. Chen, X. N. Liu and G. K. Hu, Micropolar modeling of planar orthotropic rectangular chiral lattices, Comptes Rendus Mécanique, Vol. 342, 273-283, 2014.
2. R. Zhu, X.N. Liu, G.K. Hu, C.T. Sun, G.L. Huang, A chiral elastic metamaterial beam for broadband, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 333,2759–2773, 2014
3. Y. Chen, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, Q. P. Sun and Q. S. Zheng, Micropolar continuum modelling of bi-dimensional tetrachiral lattices, Proc. R. Soc. A., Vol. 470, **,2014.
4. Z. X. Shen, Q. Tian, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, Thermally induced vibrations of flexible beams using Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 29,386-393, 2013.
5. R. Zhu, X. N. Liu, G. L. Huang, H. H. Huang, C. T. Sun, Microstructural design and experimental validation of elastic metamaterial plates with anisotropic mass density, Physical Review B, Vol. 86,144307, 2012.
6. D. Yan, C. Liu, Q. Tian, K. Zhang, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, A new curved gradient deficient shell element of absolute nodal coordinate formulation for modeling thin shell structures, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 74,153-164, 2013.
7. J. Hu, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, Constraint condition on transformation relation for generalized acoustics, Wave Motion, Vol. 50,170–179, 2013.
8. Z. Chang, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, Transformation ray method: Controlling high frequency elastic waves, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 132,2942-2945, 2012.
9. X. N. Liu, G. L. Huang, G. K. Hu, Chiral effect in plane isotropic micropolar elasticity and its application to chiral lattices, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 60,1907-1921, 2012.
10. X. M. Zhou, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, Elastic metamaterials with local resonances: an overview, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, Vol. 2,041001, 2012.
11. A. P. Liu, R. Zhu, X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, G. L. Huang, Multi-displacement microstructure continuum modeling of anisotropic elastic metamaterials, Wave Motion, Vol. 49,411–426, 2012.
12. X. N. Liu, G. K. Hu, G. L. Huang, and C. T. Sun, An elastic metamaterial with simultaneously negative mass density and bulk modulus, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Vol. 98,251907, 2011.
13. X.N. Liu, G.K. Hu, C.T. Sun and G.L. Huang, Wave propagation characterization and design of two-dimensional elastic chiral metacomposite, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 330,2536–2553, 2011.
14. H. Chen, X.N. Liu, G.K. Hu and H.Yuan. Identification of material constants for micropolar composite by homogenization method,Computatinal Material Sciences, Vol. 46,733-737, 2009.
15. Huan Chen, Xiaoning Liu and Gengkai Hu. Overall plasticity of micropolar composites with interface effect. Mechanics of Materials. Vol. 40, 721-728, 2008.
16. Hansong Ma, Xiaoning Liu and Gengkai Hu. Overall elastoplastic property for Micropolar composites with randomly oriented ellipsoidal inclusions. Computational Materials Science. Vol.37, 582-592, 2006.
17. Q. Guo, X. Liu and G. Hu. Micromechanical modeling of local field distribution for planar composite under plastic deformation. Acta Mechanica. Vol.187, 139-149, 2006.
18. Liu X N, Hu G K., A continuum micromechanical theory of overall plasticity for particulate composites including particle size effect, Int. J. of Plasticity, Vol.21, 777-799, 2005.
19. Hu G K, Liu X N, Lu T J., A variational method for non-linear micropolar composites. Mechanics of Materials, Vol.37, 407-425, 2005.
20. Liu X N, Hu G K., Inclusion Problem of Microstretch Continuum. Int. J. Engng. Sci., Vol.42, 849-860, 2004.
21. 胡更开,刘晓宁,荀飞,非均匀微极介质的有效性质分析, 力学进展, Vol. 34, 195-214, 2004.

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