Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars | Speaker: | 孙源 博士,南京师范大学 | Inviter: | | Title: | Coherence as Uncertainty | Time & Venue: | 2021.04.29 10:30-11:30 腾讯会议号:653 750 500 | Abstract: | Coherence of a quantum state is usually quantified by distancelike quantities, among which a particularly convenient and intuitive quantifier of coherence is based on the Hilbert-Schmidt distance between the quantum state and its dephased counterpart. This quantifier has a simple structure and many nice properties. Here we reveal its information-theoretic significance by showing that it coincides with uncertainty, as quantified by the variance of the state in the incoherent basis. The key point here is to regard the state as an observable, and to regard the incoherent basis as an ensemble of states rather than as measurement operators. Our result provides a natural decomposition of coherence into components along the incoherent basis. Furthermore, in terms of the Tsallis 2-entropy, which is also a measure of uncertainty, we provide two alternative interpretations of coherence: as increase of uncertainty caused by decoherence and as the conditional Tsallis 2-entropy in the context of purification. An intrinsic relation between the maximal coherence and the Brukner-Zeilinger invariant information is also established. These identifications of coherence with increase of uncertainty lead us to interpret coherence as a manifestation of quantum uncertainty, which may have implications for both quantum foundations and applications. | | | |