

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-21

Wei Yuan
Institute of Mathematics Work Phone: (86-10) 6255-3362
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science E-mail: wyuan@math.ac.cn
No.55 Zhongguancun East Road, Beijing, China (100190)
2003-2009 Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
1999-2003 B.S. in Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China.
2014.2-present Institute of Mathematics AMSS, Associate professor.
2009-2014.2 Institute of Mathematics AMSS, Assistant Professor.
Fields of Research Interest
Operator algebras and related topics
Published research articles
10. W. Wu and W. Yuan, A remark on central sequence algebras of the tensor product of II1 factors, Proc.Amer. Math. Soc., Vol 142, No. 8, 2829-2835, 2014.
9. W. Wu and W. Yuan, On generators of abelian Kadison-Singer algebras in matrix algebras, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol 440, 197-205, 2014.
8. A. Dong, W. Wu and W. Yuan, On small subspace lattices in Hilbert space, Journal of the Australian Math Society, Vol 96, Issue 01, 44-60, 2014.
7. A. Dong, W. Yuan, C. Hou and G. Chen, Representations and operations on reflexive subspace lattices, Scientia Sinica Mathematica, 42(4), 321-328, 2012.
6. C. Hou and W. Yuan, Minimal generating reflexive lattices of projections in finite von Neumann algebras, Math. Ann., Vol 353, Issue 2, 499-517, 2012.
5. L. Wang and W. Yuan, A new class of Kadison-Singer algebras, Expo. Math., 29, 126-132, 2011.
4. W.Wu andW. Yuan, The crossed product von Neumann algebras associated with SL2(R), Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 14(4), 1501-1515, 2010.
3. L. Ge andW. Yuan, Kadison-Singer Algebras, II: General Case, Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.U.S.A., Vol 107,no.11,4840-4844, 2010.
2. L. Ge and W. Yuan, Kadison-Singer Algebras, Hyperfinite Case, Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.,Vol.107, no.5, 1838-1843, 2010.
1. W. Wu and W. Yuan, A Note on the Crossed Product of von Neumann Algebras, Acta Mathematica Sinica Chinese Series, 51(4) 803-808, 2008.

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